
Author Topic: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E  (Read 1147 times)


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The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« on: July 25, 2014, 10:35:01 PM »
Event 13: American Gladiators
Edward (FF4) III vs. II Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes)
Event 14: Win the Big Game
Goto (Mana Khemia 2) I vs. IIII Vegeta (DBZ)
Event 15: Chariot Racing
Blue Mage vs. III Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Event 16: Jogurt Herding
Bowser I vs. IIIII Buffy Summers (Buffy:tVS)
Team Event 2: Tug of War
{Bayonetta (Bayonetta), Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory), Magica DeSpell (DuckTales), Baloo (Tail Spin)} I vs. II {Hello Kitty, Mog (FF6), Pevara Tazanohvi (Wheel of Time), Captain Gordon (Disgaia)}

Round 1-E

Event 17: Surviving Dwarf Fortress

The day started off so well.  The plains were clear, there was rumours of a delegation from the elves, the miners reporting a nice shiny new vein of adamantium being found in the deep tunnels.  The governor had some new project that was keeping the smiths and engineers busy and promising a new era of peace, and even word that one of the pillars of the community had this snazzy new project.  Honestly, despite that fact that it's a series of tunnels, it's still a pretty nice spot to be stuck on business.  But...  but...  this isn't any regular fortress.  This is Dwarf Fortress.

One entrance is now besieged by an angry Elven Army because you chopped down too many trees.  The only other exit is blocked by a swarm of indifferent Elephants (who are oddly MORE dangerous than the army), the legions of Hell have shown up in the deep mines.  The pillar of the community?  Wanted a unicorn pelt for his great vision despite them being non-existant.  So now he's gone insane and has started killing anything that moves with a pickaxe.  And the great projects have been crafting trapped hallways pretty much everywhere, in addition to tons of lava tunnels.  Of course, those Lava tunnels can be kinda useful, since they're rigged to flood all three of the invasion zones, either independantly or all together.  The problem is, it took a lot of tries to get the switches set up properly, and no one took down the failed switches that'll also flood the tunnels themselves.  And just forget about labling, documentation is for sissy races like humans or elves.  So it's near impossible to tell which of the hundreds of switches are useful, and which are hidious death bait.  And in all of this, we've got our two contestants, stuck in the middle of the mines on business with the goal of either being the first one to successfully escape.  Or the last one to die.

Now, who are our lucky contestants.

Randy Marsh is a professional asshole.  He's also a young boy.  His primary advantage is that his height means that he'll have an easier time fitting into the dwarf tunnels, and may even be mistaken for one himself.  Aside from that, I'm unsure what other survival skills he'll really be bringing into this.  So his main edge will be a whole load of spite which makes it even more likely that this will end in death.  On the other side, we have Excellen Browning, who's known for two things.  Her quick wit will serve her well in this competition, but her custom mech, the Weisritter, clocking in at 20M tall, will definitely not fit into the tunnels and therefore is not going to come into play here.  However, she does have some martial skills, so if anyone has a shot at escaping, she does.

Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Sometimes, no matter how good the heros are, there's simply no hope.  The odds of success are starting at slim, and only getting worse.  Of course, your typical hero doesn't let that phase them in the slightest.  Point out that something's impossible, and they'll go out and do it anyways.  This event is about doing that.  Breaking the Unbreakable.  Fighting the Unfightable.  Seeing the Unseeable.  and Doing the Undoable.

Our first contestant is the Solarian Secret Agent, Citan Uzuki.  He doesn't have super Contact powers, but he does seem to be able to get the job done, regardless of whatever else seems to be going on.  And always seems to be in the right place at the right time.  However, in this one, he's up against one of the Three Goddesses that govern fate in addition to harvesting souls.  Yes, Hrist Valkyrie takes to the field.  And with her god power and possibly channelling the power of the Seraphic Gate, she'll see what she can do to win this sucker.

Event 19: Drag Contest
This match is pretty simple.  Do your best to dress up and act like an attractive member of the opposite sex.  Possibly with a little bit of camp tossed in.  Of course, our contestants may not be the best. 

We start with not one contestant, but many acting as one.  Which is ok, because even in this event, some of them WILL die.  Yes, I am talking about the Redshirts who will be doing their best to do Star Fleet proud by dressing in drag.  Against this, we've got a New York detective.  Specifically, Detective Lenny Briscoe from Law and Order is going undercover in a fabulous dress.  But can he best the Red Dressed legion?

Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
You start off with a perfectly innocent secret society and even if they start off with the best of intentions, sooner or later they're gonna get into some deep dark shit and try and do something that all upstanding people would probably prefer they didn't do.  Maybe they're want to set up freedom suppressing helicarriers.  Maybe they want to use the Dead Sea Scrolls as a guide to turn the world into orange Tang.  Or maybe they just want to ensure that that really convenient parking spot you really want to use is always full.  ALWAYS.  The problem is, sooner or later somebody stumbles onto the plan and then ruins it.

So, our first illuminati foiler today is everyone's favourite dispenser of death (or camera angles) from above, Lakitu.  Given his recent forays into the mass media, and his new hit channel MKTV, he's certainly got the nose to find a cult and the means to spread word of their nefarious activities.  And as anyone who has played an old school Mario Bros. knows, this guy is one of the more annoying enemies to deal with, evasively skimming the top of the screen while bombarding you with an endless supply of spiky enemies that you can't jump on.  He is some serious competition, but then, so is his opponent.  Erim isn't your traditional illuminati opponent.  In fact, as a Sinistral, she's arguably a member of a illuminati like group.  Of course, her primary (only?) character trait is working to ensure there's a bunch of heros well placed and well trained to stop her Sinistral bretheren, so she may be better at this than your average hero.  And of course, just for fun, there will be an Orange Tang option.  Because that amuses me.

Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Bridge is, at heart, a very simple game.  It's a trick taking game where two teams of partners aim to get points by completing contracts formed by properly bidding.  There's a ton of trick taking games out there.  So what makes Bridge special?  The bidding system.  Given you have to pass information about your hand only by how you bid, there's a lot of skill that goes into that aspect of it, and a skilled pair of bidders will, eventually, win out over unskilled opponents, however lucky they may be.

Our first team is, well, both perfectly suited for this, and perfectly unsuited.  Cidolfas Orlandu is a noble, which suggests he may well know card games.  but even beyond that, he's shown to us as a skilled leader who's capable of thinking fast, and capable of both giving and receiving subtle cues (or as subtle as anyone can be in that FFT translation).  All of which suggests he'd probably be quite good at Bridge.  His partner...  well, the best we can say about Kamina is that he's used to working with a partner.  Also, great at bluffing.  Aside from that, he's got the subtlety of a drill to the face, and tends towards gross optimism and trying to go as far over the top as possible.  Hopefully, no one will mention that bids like 8 No Trump are impossible, since that may cause problems all of it's own.  What they're up against?  The Disney All-Stars, namely, Wreck-It Ralph and Winnie the Pooh.  Anyone expecting Ralph to be a pushover here is gonna be in for a surprise.  Sure, he's not the brightest bulb around, but he's not dumb either and he's got a lot of common sense.  And while his partner is a bear of very little brain, Winnie the Pooh is great a working with a friendly partner.  And let's face it, the two of them are probably gonna come out of this as friends.  Just, will this be enough to best the sharp Orlandu, and the bold Kamina?

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Somethig's gone wrong.  Now it's time for two cops who don't usually work together, and who probably have clashing personalities to try and set aside their differences in order to solve the crime and save the day before the big bad gets away.

First up, we've got one of the strongest Mistborn out there, which should put an end to any fight she's in.  Vin Venture may not be police trained, but she has a sharp mind, and does have some experience in trying to keep public order in rough times, which could serve her well here.  Her partner is that faux-right wing bastion, Stephen Colbert.  His over the top antics will make him the zany one, but will he be any help in the actual investigation?  Against this we have the team of Kirby and Sokka.  Kirby has a whole raft of abilities with just one catch.  He has to eat whatever it is he wants to copy.  But, he's a decent fighter, and he's able to go pretty much anywhere.  Sokka, on the other hand, is a skilled combatant, but is pretty much just a regular guy.  However, his whole schtick is that as a regular guy in a world full of super powered folk, he remains not only relevant but useful because he is intelligent, observant, and creative.  Heck, he's even done this before and has an outfit for the occasion (it's a really silly outfit, but he has it!).

Quick Vote Form

Event 17: Surviving Dwarf Fortress
Randy Marsh (South Park) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)

Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profiles)

Event 19: Drag Contest
Red Shirts (Star Trek) vs. Det. Lennie Briscoe (Law and Order)

Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Erim (Lufias) vs. Orange Tang

Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Winnie the Pooh (Disney)/Wreck-It Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Vin Venture (Mistborn)/Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Kirby (Nintendo)/Sokka (Avatar: Last Airbender)

Random Consonant

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2014, 11:46:09 PM »
Event 17: Surviving Dwarf Fortress
Randy Marsh (South Park) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)
Oh jeez what.  Given that this involves a bunch of crazy my gut says that she'd have better luck trying to make the best out this situation.  On the other hand Randy (assuming you didn't actually mean Stan based on the description) seems... not really competent at this (or at much of anything from what I recall).

Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profiles)
Maybe there's something in VP2 that may tilt my opinion of this but *shrug*

Event 19: Drag Contest
Red Shirts (Star Trek) vs. Det. Lennie Briscoe (Law and Order)
Yeah you're not really gonna convince me that Briscoe's going to make for a convincing female.

Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Erim (Lufias) vs. Orange Tang
It feels right.

Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Winnie the Pooh (Disney)/Wreck-It Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Vin Venture (Mistborn)/Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Kirby (Nintendo)/Sokka (Avatar: Last Airbender)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 03:00:11 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2014, 12:09:45 AM »
Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profiles)

VP1 actually sorta discusses this, with the whole ramblings about how Odin was half god / half elf so he could do things that neither race could do alone, and Lenneth gets similar superpowers by soul jumping into Lezard's homonculus, and proceeds to do the impossible.  So...  which of these two is more likely to set up some implausible impossibility-granting powers?  Citan I can see turning himself into a colony of nanomachines or using the Anima Relics / Deus in some Krelian-esque way to achieve the impossible more easily than Hrist convincing Lezard to give her superpowers too.  I think CK was rambling about Kadamony being some kind of Infinite Impossibility Drive, which while I'm skeptical of, seems on-point here regardless.

Event 19: Drag Contest
Red Shirts (Star Trek) vs. Det. Lennie Briscoe (Law and Order)
Hey, it's campy, not necessarily realistic.  Nobody has sex or relationships or holds hands or is gay or does anything naughty in the holodeck in the asexual realm of Star Trek**; the Red Shirts would be utterly confused by the request and wonder what the point is.  Lenny's quite at home playing crazed pockmarked ex-Catholic granny in a red dress.

** Before someone corrects me, sure, Voyager & Enterprise apparently had lots of cheesecake, but it wasn't in-setting cheesecake; what, this is just my low-cut space outfit, perfectly professional.  My point is more that briefly romancing aliens is fine for Kirk and the like, but inter-crew relationships are both rare and 17th century court romance deals, nothing shocking like drag.

Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Erim (Lufias) vs. Orange Tang
Lakitu is EXTREMELY good at the "evasion" part what with his own personal cloud, and his network of surveillance cameras seem pretty good at discovering the truth.  Erim is part of the Illuminati and will quietly betray them but not take credit for it and thus lose.

Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Winnie the Pooh (Disney)/Wreck-It Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)
Assuming Kamina isn't so crazy as to bid 7NT every single game, yes.  I'll be honest: Winnie & Ralph don't strike me as having the smarts/experience to even compete remotely with a halfway competent team (Fix-It Felix is the one going to parties with card-playing types), so really the only goal is to convince Kamina not to go totally #YOLO unless he wants to get Shellburst Stabbed.

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Vin Venture (Mistborn)/Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Kirby (Nintendo)/Sokka (Avatar: Last Airbender)
Um.  If Vin just immediately throws Colbert in prison, she'll probably win, but that might be perverting the spirit, as that's hardly solving the case as buddy cops.  Flip side Colbert will be actively a hinderance as far as solving the case as a buddy.  The other side isn't doing great either - Kirby devouring people seems like it might get him in front of an Internal Review Board, although Sokka will indeed dress up in his silly outfit and be acceptable.  Leaning Vin/Colbert but open to arguments.
Also, relevant:
EDIT: Sure I'm down for Sokka hype.  He's got the buddy part down pat for sure while Vin might get mopey.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 07:06:29 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2014, 06:41:33 PM »
Event 17: Surviving Dwarf Fortress
Randy Marsh (South Park) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG) - Not sure if she can escape, but I'm quite certain she'll live longer.

Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profiles) - Hrist managed to be both a serious character and credible threat in VP2 after that absurdly bad VP1 showing. Seems close enough to "doing the impossible" to me.

Event 19: Drag Contest
Red Shirts (Star Trek) vs. Det. Lennie Briscoe (Law and Order) - Pass

Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Erim (Lufias) vs. Orange Tang - Lakitu wins if you want the serious answer. but you gave me a comedy option of the Illuminati being stonewalled by orange tang.

Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Winnie the Pooh (Disney)/Wreck-It Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph) - I actually don't imagine Orlandu is a big card game player, just doesn't seem his style. Olan, maybe. But not Cid himself. Meanwhile, the idea of Winnie the Pooh being a card shark makes me laugh, so that gets the vote. And Ralph is going to be less of a hinderance as a partner than Kamina will.

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Vin Venture (Mistborn)/Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Kirby (Nintendo)/Sokka (Avatar: Last Airbender) - Sokka and Vin will both ensure that their respective teams manage to solve the case. Sokka and Kirby do a better job of being buddies, and the running gag of Sokka having to smack Kirby with something to get him to spit out whatever he just ate never gets old.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2014, 08:05:24 PM »
Event 17: Surviving Dwarf Fortress
Randy Marsh (South Park) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)- Randy antivote, he is incompetent.

Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profiles)- Citan already did the impossible, he somehow got me through Xenogears.

Event 19: Drag Contest
Red Shirts (Star Trek) vs. Det. Lennie Briscoe (Law and Order)- Lennie is real bad at this.

Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Erim (Lufias) vs. Orange Tang- An actual Goddess strikes me has having far more resources to deal with this than the other two.

Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Winnie the Pooh (Disney)/Wreck-It Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)- Successful card playing is just tactics, which is something Cid has in spades. Other team strikes me as real bad at this too.

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Vin Venture (Mistborn)/Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Kirby (Nintendo)/Sokka (Avatar: Last Airbender)- Vin strikes me as the only competent person here.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2014, 09:39:27 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 17: Surviving Dwarf Fortress
Randy Marsh (South Park) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)- Assuming this is in fact Randy and not Stan as the description implies.  Stan does have a great talent for not being killed by things that by all rights should do so, and Excellen does not have supernatural luck.  But Randy is actively incompetent so Excellen outlives him easily enough.

Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profiles)


Event 19: Drag Contest
Red Shirts (Star Trek) vs. Det. Lennie Briscoe (Law and Order)

Clearly Snowfire has forgotten his TNG and its frequent visits to Risa, the Federation Sex Planet.  Assuming this are original style redshirts, well they aren't the most overtly sexual (Kirk has a lock down on that) but we're talkin' Lennie Briscoe dammit.

Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Erim (Lufias) vs. Orange Tang


Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Winnie the Pooh (Disney)/Wreck-It Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)

Kamina and Winnie the Pooh are equal levels of complete liability.  I don't think Ralph is gonna be too hot at something like this, while Cid can probably learn the game a bit better on the fly.

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Vin Venture (Mistborn)/Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Kirby (Nintendo)/Sokka (Avatar: Last Airbender)

Yeaaaaaah.  Colbert is the ultimate albatross at this event.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2014, 08:45:49 AM »
Event 17: Surviving Dwarf Fortress
Randy Marsh (South Park) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)
Eh, sure.

Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profiles)
Both seem rather good at this.  Just another day in the life of a secret agent.

Event 19: Drag Contest
Red Shirts (Star Trek) vs. Det. Lennie Briscoe (Law and Order)
  Not familiar enough with Red Shirts to claim they are genderless and lose on technicality.  I'm using an interp of the competitor passing as a member of the opposite sex of their own race.  Bowser, Mog, or Kirby, for instance, would try to pose as a member of their own species, not a humanoid.

Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Erim (Lufias) vs. Orange Tang
Lakitu would be my serious answer.  It's so much more fun to discover what happens should Orange Tang win and I'm going with the fun vote here.

Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Winnie the Pooh (Disney)/Wreck-It Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)
  If judging looked at how well the partners got along, Team Disney has a fair chance of pulling an upset.  As they're being judged mostly on playing ability though...  There's some intellectual sounding commentary on bridge being a game of memory and judgement but Pooh is too easily distracted by the honey jar in the room.

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Vin Venture (Mistborn)/Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Kirby (Nintendo)/Sokka (Avatar: Last Airbender)
  I've heard law enforcement personel tend to be conservative on average.  Something like this might be up Colbert's alley.  So Vin and Colbert will solve a case first but fail to do it as a team so it doesn't count.  HA.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 11:12:45 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2014, 09:12:50 AM »
Alright folks, update is on Wednesday.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2014, 04:00:24 AM »
Clearly Snowfire has forgotten his TNG and its frequent visits to Risa, the Federation Sex Planet.  Assuming this are original style redshirts, well they aren't the most overtly sexual (Kirk has a lock down on that) but we're talkin' Lennie Briscoe dammit.

Lennie Briscoe damnit was portrayed by a bona-fida Broadway Star:
Y'all are severely underestimating the detective's drag prowess here.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2014, 04:56:31 AM »
Event 17: Surviving Dwarf Fortress
Randy Marsh (South Park) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)

Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profiles)

Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Erim (Lufias) vs. Orange Tang Does Reincarnating count as evading the Illuminati?

Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Winnie the Pooh (Disney)/Wreck-It Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Vin Venture (Mistborn)/Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Kirby (Nintendo)/Sokka (Avatar: Last Airbender) I don't think Colbert is quite as much of a hindrance as others are suggesting, since part of his character is being an investigative journalist. He's also quite good at flustering people in interviews and getting them to say what he wants which seems like it could also be handy in interrogations.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2014, 04:14:02 PM »
Event 17: Surviving Dwarf Fortress
Randy Marsh (South Park) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG):


Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profiles)

Hrist is pretty bad at thinking outside the box, whereas Citan has always read the script.

Event 19: Drag Contest
Red Shirts (Star Trek) vs. Det. Lennie Briscoe (Law and Order)


Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Erim (Lufias) vs. Orange Tang

Lakitu is really got at both evading and truth-discovering with his camera, so yeah. Not really feeling the joke option here.

Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Winnie the Pooh (Disney)/Wreck-It Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)

Cid should be pretty competent at this at least.

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Vin Venture (Mistborn)/Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Kirby (Nintendo)/Sokka (Avatar: Last Airbender)

dude's argument works for me.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-E
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2014, 04:43:33 PM »
Event 17: Surviving Dwarf Fortress
Randy Marsh (South Park) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)

Event 18: Doing the Impossible
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profiles)

Event 19: Drag Contest
Red Shirts (Star Trek) vs. Det. Lennie Briscoe (Law and Order)

Event 20: Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Erim (Lufias) vs. Orange Tang

Pairs Event 5: Bridge
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Winnie the Pooh (Disney)/Wreck-It Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)

Pairs Event 6: Solve the Big Case as Buddy Cops
Vin Venture (Mistborn)/Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Kirby (Nintendo)/Sokka (Avatar: Last Airbender)
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