
Author Topic: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G  (Read 1111 times)


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The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:55:05 AM »
Given that Shinji was able to open the way back for everyone, it's no surprise that the winning option was Individuality.  Never mind that fact that a Galaxy hopping orange Giga Bowser would've been a pretty sweet, and oddly fitting, end to the Rando Tourney.

That said, a return to normality means also a return to the events!  So I give to you, Round 1-G!

Event 21: Treasure Hunting
In this world, there are two truths.  There are people who have treasure and want to keep it.  And there are people who have no treasures, and want to claim the treasures of others.  The first kind of person tends to stick their treasures in all sorts of places in the hopes that it will either never be found, or that if found, will prove to be too much trouble for anyone to grab.  The second kind of person is the kind that will do well at our competition today, as the one that can find and claim the most hidden treasure will win.

Our first competitor is everyone's favourite Quik-E-Mart vendor, Apu.  He has had to face many challenges over his life, and has actually gone on a few adventures.  So going out and looking for treasure won't be the strangest thing he's ever done.  On the other hand, his competitor has both a huge advantage, and a potentially crippling disadvantage.  You see, this competitor is from an RPG world, where treasure is routinely lying around where it can be reached with a modicum of difficulty.  In fact, in the world of pokemon, it's often left near patches of tall grass in otherwise unassuming pokeballs.  Of course, the disadvantage being faced here is that this hunter isn't really a person, or arguably sentient.  Who's that Pokemon?  It's Arcanine!  Yup, this fire dog may be Officer Jenny's best friend, but can he hunt treasure as well as he hunts crooks?  Only this event will tell!

Event 22: Cheating
Despite what the behavioural experts will tell you, we here at the Rando Tourney believe everyone can play fair and make use of the best policy; honesty.  But, like all things, fair play and honesty has a time and a place.  And that time and place is not here, and not now.  That's right, it's time for the cheating contest.  This event will involve a gauntlet of challenges, all of which can be done properly, but all of which can also be done faster than that if the contestant cheats.  There will also be two sets of judges.  The first set of judges will consist of reasonably observant judges who think the challenges are the challenge and who don't know about the second set of judges.  Their job is to make sure everyone follows the rules.  The second set of judges are some of the most observant people we can find who know what the real challenge is, and they'll be ranking the competitors not only on how fast they get through the gauntlet, but also on how skillfully they cheat, and how well they manage to not get caught by the fake judges.

Our first competitor is no stranger to the shadier side of the law, and is well versed in doing whatever she has to to get what she wants.  Dahlia Hawthorne may be best at using patsies to do her job for her, but she's shown that she has a crafty and devious mind, and the willingness to use it.  Against her is the humble Koopa Troopa, the standard soldier in Bowser's forces.  He hasn't shown much in the way of deceit before, but perhaps it's just been well hidden, as a deceitful nature ought to be.

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Ah, the courtroom, a place of procedures and protocols.  Where boring and staid people make their arguments in a sedate and order...  wait...  no?  You mean this isn't a regular courtroom, but a Pheonix Wright courtroom?  Where insane witnesses and surprise evidence of dubious acquisition are the order of the day?  And almost anything goes?  As always, we're going to have two cases, complete with a really guilty looking, but innocent, defendant, and a twisty path to the truth.  And both contestants will take their turn as prosecuter, and as the defense attourney.  If someone can win both cases, then they win, if they both take one, then the one to have the fewest penalties wins.

Our first lawyer to be is Marisa Kirisame, who I admittedly know almost nothing about.  The little I do know suggests she has a commanding personality, and she probably has a mystical weapon of some sort, so she's gonna fit right in in this zany world.  Which is good because her opponent's Objections are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!  Fresh from Civ 1 and 5, Ghandi takes to the bench!  And while his real life counterpart was actually a lawyer, that may not hold for his over the top fictional national leader self.

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
The Object: A cup or chalice, two thousand years old, give or take a few decades.  Properties: Purported to have held the blood of Christ on the Cross, after that, if it fits with the general subset of holy powers, this thing's been rumoured to do it.  Location: Unknown.  But we've got two contenders who're ready to fix that.

First up, we've got the sort of hero that would be right at home in the more creative tellings of the Round Table.  Coming from the future of Fire Emblem: Awakening, we have Sumia's daughter, Cynthia searching high and low for the Sa'an Grail.  And what she lacks in knowledge and street smarts, she'll be making up for with sheer energy, determination, and pre-battle one liners.  Going up against her is a hero who is, in a lot of ways, her polar opposite.  Lightning Farron is cynical, insightful, and professional.  Oh, and a wanted criminal.  But just like Cynthia, she's more than capable of taking care of herself, and will bring a certain amount of dedication to the task.

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
There are few things more graceful that a body flitting through water.  One of them is several bodies moving together in water, working as one.  That is the core of synchronized swimming, where four competitors have to work together to first make a routine of grace and beauty, fit to make the soul weep.  And then to use their week of training time to actually pull it off. 

The first team has it's strengths, and some weaknesses.  Starting with their strengths, they've got two athletes with their ace being the star player of the Zanarkand Abes himself, Tidus.  While the only thing gracefulness probably earns Tidus is more scorn from Jecht, you have to admit, the guy is fast, probably has done a lot of formation drills as a pro-Blitzer, and let's face it, swimming is one of his primary skills.  As well, he does have a certain level of showmanship and charisma.  Backing him up is his fellow entertainer/athlete Hulk Hogan, who may not specialise in swimming, but who should be good at this anyways.  The problem comes with their other two teammates, noted Super Genius Wile E. Coyote, whose plans always fail in the most interesting of ways, and Luna Lovegood, who means well, but whose ideas are a little off the wall.  And let's just hope she doesn't distract Tidus from planning with her wild conspiracy theories about things like Zanarkand existing.  All we can say is that at least it'll be hard to justify using anything from Acme Corp. for this event.

Against this we have, an, ummm...  interesting team.  Queen Serenity, as Queen of the Negaverse, is of course a natural leader, graceful in all she does, and a pretty ok planner.  Of course, she's paired with a guy called Professor Chaos and Slimer, who is the very antithesis of graceful.  That said, she's also paired up with Terry MacGuinness, who as Batman Beyond, has probably trained to be the best at everything in the future; perhaps second only to Bruce Wayne.  And let's be honest, while Slimer does cause problems, they're ones that can be managed by a good team, whereas Wile E. Coyote just seems to make problems at an existential level simply by existing.

Quick Vote Form

Event 21: Treasure Hunting
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)

Event 22: Cheating
Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations) vs. Koopa Troopa (SMW)

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
Cynthia (FE:Awakening) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
{Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius), Hulk Hogan (Wrestling), Tidus (FFX), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)} vs. {Professor Chaos (South Park), Terry MacGuinness (Batman Beyond), Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon), Slimer (Ghostbusters Cartoon)}


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2014, 06:27:33 AM »
Event 21: Treasure Hunting
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)
Apu is weirdly competent at this kinda stuff.  Would take the likes of Meowth / Persian to have a shot.

Event 22: Cheating
Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations) vs. Koopa Troopa (SMW)
Koopas are actually pretty good at this event.  Aside from obvious Super Mario Kart hax, if you kick a shell to an off-screen koopa, they'll mysteriously jump over it or something even when it's totally impossible for them to dodge the shot.  However, Dahlia cheats *death itself*.  That's pretty impressive.

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)
Normally I'm not a fan of letting any random event degenerate into a fight, but this one seems guaranteed to happen by Phoenix Wright courtroom rules which are okay with all sorts of attacks, except the attacks here are unusually destructive.  Marisa might even survive the nuclear explosion by use of her own bomb invincibility frames, and all Civ leaders are 6,000 year old immortal invincible vampires, but there's definitely nothing left of the courtroom in either trial.  Tempted to tiebreak for Marisa because Ghandi likely "fires first" which can be interpreted as a forfeit, except there won't be many witnesses left...  and one of the classic Civ techs which has remained unchanged for a long time is "Code of Laws" so Gandhi can probably use that for some kind of over-the-top Mandred-esque loophole that allows nuclear attacks in court.

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
Cynthia (FE:Awakening) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)
Cynthia is WOEFULLY INCOMPETENT (seriously, even if Chrom isn't her dad, how could she possibly think that bandit was Chrom?), even if awesome.   Cynthia has a shot if she has the right boyfriend - Laurent, Male Morgan, or Brady would be helpful here - but she might be dating someone useless like Yarne or Owain, and this kinda ally summoning is shaky anyway.  Lightning is quite competent but will do the exact wrong thing with the grail - throw it into the abyss, give it to Satan, something.  Luckily for Lightning, I suppose the contest is just to FIND the grail, her bad decisions will only haunt her after she's won the match.

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
{Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius), Hulk Hogan (Wrestling), Tidus (FFX), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)} vs. {Professor Chaos (South Park), Terry MacGuinness (Batman Beyond), Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon), Slimer (Ghostbusters Cartoon)}

Normally I'd consider Wile E. Coyote an instant loss, but I think Luna Lovegood might be one of the *extremely rare* individuals able to counter Wile's cursed fate with her own.  She also has awful luck as a stated trait and will go into the event knowing something terrible will happen, as usual, but she'll be prepared for it and have HP-verse wizard hax - turn Wile into a dolphin or something, or transmute the crashing pool-wave of stinging jellyfish into merely stinky jelly.  The other team doesn't seem to have any particular stars except for maybe neo-Batman, while Tidus is one of the best possible entrants on Team A.  So yeah, Luna to the rescue, even if she's an awful swimmer herself, handling Wile problems means she earns her keep in spades.

Random Consonant

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2014, 06:00:26 PM »
Event 21: Treasure Hunting
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)
Sure why not.

Event 22: Cheating
Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations) vs. Koopa Troopa (SMW)
Yeah Dahlia seems like she has a lock on this match from what I know of her.

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)
Can't launch nukes if the nukes get stolen, but I doubt Marisa takes this anyways, since Ghandi seems the likelier of the two to either win both cases or accrue fewer penalties, regardless of how amusing OBJECTION! Spark would be.

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
Cynthia (FE:Awakening) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)
So many ways this could go wrong for Cynthia, so little time.

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
{Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius), Hulk Hogan (Wrestling), Tidus (FFX), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)} vs. {Professor Chaos (South Park), Terry MacGuinness (Batman Beyond), Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon), Slimer (Ghostbusters Cartoon)}
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 07:43:17 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2014, 06:14:43 PM »
Given that Shinji was able to open the way back for everyone, it's no surprise that the winning option was Individuality.  Never mind that fact that a Galaxy hopping orange Giga Bowser would've been a pretty sweet, and oddly fitting, end to the Rando Tourney.

That said, a return to normality means also a return to the events!  So I give to you, Round 1-G!

Event 21: Treasure Hunting
In this world, there are two truths.  There are people who have treasure and want to keep it.  And there are people who have no treasures, and want to claim the treasures of others.  The first kind of person tends to stick their treasures in all sorts of places in the hopes that it will either never be found, or that if found, will prove to be too much trouble for anyone to grab.  The second kind of person is the kind that will do well at our competition today, as the one that can find and claim the most hidden treasure will win.

Our first competitor is everyone's favourite Quik-E-Mart vendor, Apu.  He has had to face many challenges over his life, and has actually gone on a few adventures.  So going out and looking for treasure won't be the strangest thing he's ever done.  On the other hand, his competitor has both a huge advantage, and a potentially crippling disadvantage.  You see, this competitor is from an RPG world, where treasure is routinely lying around where it can be reached with a modicum of difficulty.  In fact, in the world of pokemon, it's often left near patches of tall grass in otherwise unassuming pokeballs.  Of course, the disadvantage being faced here is that this hunter isn't really a person, or arguably sentient.  Who's that Pokemon?  It's Arcanine!  Yup, this fire dog may be Officer Jenny's best friend, but can he hunt treasure as well as he hunts crooks?  Only this event will tell!

Event 22: Cheating
Despite what the behavioural experts will tell you, we here at the Rando Tourney believe everyone can play fair and make use of the best policy; honesty.  But, like all things, fair play and honesty has a time and a place.  And that time and place is not here, and not now.  That's right, it's time for the cheating contest.  This event will involve a gauntlet of challenges, all of which can be done properly, but all of which can also be done faster than that if the contestant cheats.  There will also be two sets of judges.  The first set of judges will consist of reasonably observant judges who think the challenges are the challenge and who don't know about the second set of judges.  Their job is to make sure everyone follows the rules.  The second set of judges are some of the most observant people we can find who know what the real challenge is, and they'll be ranking the competitors not only on how fast they get through the gauntlet, but also on how skillfully they cheat, and how well they manage to not get caught by the fake judges.

Our first competitor is no stranger to the shadier side of the law, and is well versed in doing whatever she has to to get what she wants.  Dahlia Hawthorne may be best at using patsies to do her job for her, but she's shown that she has a crafty and devious mind, and the willingness to use it.  Against her is the humble Koopa Troopa, the standard soldier in Bowser's forces.  He hasn't shown much in the way of deceit before, but perhaps it's just been well hidden, as a deceitful nature ought to be.

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Ah, the courtroom, a place of procedures and protocols.  Where boring and staid people make their arguments in a sedate and order...  wait...  no?  You mean this isn't a regular courtroom, but a Pheonix Wright courtroom?  Where insane witnesses and surprise evidence of dubious acquisition are the order of the day?  And almost anything goes?  As always, we're going to have two cases, complete with a really guilty looking, but innocent, defendant, and a twisty path to the truth.  And both contestants will take their turn as prosecuter, and as the defense attourney.  If someone can win both cases, then they win, if they both take one, then the one to have the fewest penalties wins.

Our first lawyer to be is Marisa Kirisame, who I admittedly know almost nothing about.  The little I do know suggests she has a commanding personality, and she probably has a mystical weapon of some sort, so she's gonna fit right in in this zany world.  Which is good because her opponent's Objections are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!  Fresh from Civ 1 and 5, Ghandi takes to the bench!  And while his real life counterpart was actually a lawyer, that may not hold for his over the top fictional national leader self.

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
The Object: A cup or chalice, two thousand years old, give or take a few decades.  Properties: Purported to have held the blood of Christ on the Cross, after that, if it fits with the general subset of holy powers, this thing's been rumoured to do it.  Location: Unknown.  But we've got two contenders who're ready to fix that.

First up, we've got the sort of hero that would be right at home in the more creative tellings of the Round Table.  Coming from the future of Fire Emblem: Awakening, we have Sumia's daughter, Cynthia searching high and low for the Sa'an Grail.  And what she lacks in knowledge and street smarts, she'll be making up for with sheer energy, determination, and pre-battle one liners.  Going up against her is a hero who is, in a lot of ways, her polar opposite.  Lightning Farron is cynical, insightful, and professional.  Oh, and a wanted criminal.  But just like Cynthia, she's more than capable of taking care of herself, and will bring a certain amount of dedication to the task.

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
There are few things more graceful that a body flitting through water.  One of them is several bodies moving together in water, working as one.  That is the core of synchronized swimming, where four competitors have to work together to first make a routine of grace and beauty, fit to make the soul weep.  And then to use their week of training time to actually pull it off. 

The first team has it's strengths, and some weaknesses.  Starting with their strengths, they've got two athletes with their ace being the star player of the Zanarkand Abes himself, Tidus.  While the only thing gracefulness probably earns Tidus is more scorn from Jecht, you have to admit, the guy is fast, probably has done a lot of formation drills as a pro-Blitzer, and let's face it, swimming is one of his primary skills.  As well, he does have a certain level of showmanship and charisma.  Backing him up is his fellow entertainer/athlete Hulk Hogan, who may not specialise in swimming, but who should be good at this anyways.  The problem comes with their other two teammates, noted Super Genius Wile E. Coyote, whose plans always fail in the most interesting of ways, and Luna Lovegood, who means well, but whose ideas are a little off the wall.  And let's just hope she doesn't distract Tidus from planning with her wild conspiracy theories about things like Zanarkand existing.  All we can say is that at least it'll be hard to justify using anything from Acme Corp. for this event.

Against this we have, an, ummm...  interesting team.  Queen Serenity, as Queen of the Negaverse, is of course a natural leader, graceful in all she does, and a pretty ok planner.  Of course, she's paired with a guy called Professor Chaos and Slimer, who is the very antithesis of graceful.  That said, she's also paired up with Terry MacGuinness, who as Batman Beyond, has probably trained to be the best at everything in the future; perhaps second only to Bruce Wayne.  And let's be honest, while Slimer does cause problems, they're ones that can be managed by a good team, whereas Wile E. Coyote just seems to make problems at an existential level simply by existing.

Quick Vote Form

Event 21: Treasure Hunting
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)

Event 22: Cheating
Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations) vs. Koopa Troopa (SMW)

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) - Marisa Stole The Precious Launch Codes

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
Cynthia (FE:Awakening) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
{Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius), Hulk Hogan (Wrestling), Tidus (FFX), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)} vs. {Professor Chaos (South Park), Terry MacGuinness (Batman Beyond), Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon), Slimer (Ghostbusters Cartoon)}

Wile E Coyote and Luna Lovegood are both very good at a lot of different things, and bad at matching what other people do. The other side seems slightly more capable of synchronizing.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2014, 07:48:45 PM »

Event 21: Treasure Hunting
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)- Arcanine isn't one of the pokemon that feel demonstrably good at this, so Apu because pokemon tend to be boring in this format >.>

Event 22: Cheating
Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations) vs. Koopa Troopa (SMW)

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)- No vote.

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
Cynthia (FE:Awakening) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)- Man, by the time of LR I'm pretty sure any random thing Lightning bled on would, in fact, count as the Holy Grail.

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
{Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius), Hulk Hogan (Wrestling), Tidus (FFX), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)} vs. {Professor Chaos (South Park), Terry MacGuinness (Batman Beyond), Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon), Slimer (Ghostbusters Cartoon)}- The value of one person being really good at the event is somewhat limited by the event here, but at the same time NOBODY on the other team is a noted swimmer.  Poor Terry, punked by Tidus.  Sad.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2014, 10:23:02 PM »
Event 21: Treasure Hunting
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Arcanine (Pokemon) - Given that Arcanine is a dog, chances are he'd consider a dead squirrel to be treasure.

Event 22: Cheating
Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations) vs. Koopa Troopa (SMW) - abstain.

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) - I honestly see Marisa as more of the mindset to be able to get to the bottom of whatever craziness awaits in a given PW trial than Gandhi.  Also Master Spark is faster than nuclear launches.

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
Cynthia (FE:Awakening) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII) - I'm only assuming FFXIII Lightning here, not the sequels, and Lightning still wins from my perspective.  She probably wouldn't be as enthusiastic about the task, but chances are that she'd be more adept at it--so many ways Cynthia could and would bungle the whole thing in hilarious manner.

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
{Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius), Hulk Hogan (Wrestling), Tidus (FFX), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)} vs. {Professor Chaos (South Park), Terry MacGuinness (Batman Beyond), Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon), Slimer (Ghostbusters Cartoon)} --Their worst is less bad than the other team's worst, in short.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2014, 03:41:34 AM »
Event 21: Treasure Hunting
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Arcanine (Pokemon): Apu is generally shown to be very resourceful and skilled by the standards of Springfield residents, and has gone on crazy independent quests before. I don't think he's a natural at this event, but I think it's enough to beat Arcanine, who has Dig via TM but not much else to recommend it here. Though honestly, see CK.

Event 22: Cheating
Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations) vs. Koopa Troopa (SMW): Dahlia cheats the legal system to escape justice, and yeah goes on to cheat death itself. Some hype for Koopa Troopa jumping over shells offscreen in SMB1 or spamming green shells like mad in SMK isn't really going to compare with that.

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series): Is actually a lawyer, and while I'm not sure how much that is worth in Ace Attorney courts, I figure it means something. He's smart and knows how to make arguments. Marisa doesn't really sound great at this; AA defence attorneys are actually reasonably down-to-earth, even if their witnesses and opponents aren't, necessarily.

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
Cynthia (FE:Awakening) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII): Cynthia would love doing this, Lightning would hate it. But... Cynthia is kind of incompetent at anything that doesn't involve flying on a pony and sticking a spear into things, while FF13-3 is kind of "Lightning does shit she thinks is a dumb waste of time: The Game" so yeah I'd see that translating well here.

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
{Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius), Hulk Hogan (Wrestling), Tidus (FFX), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)} vs. {Professor Chaos (South Park), Terry MacGuinness (Batman Beyond), Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon), Slimer (Ghostbusters Cartoon)}: Tidus is not only a professional swimmer, he knows how to put on a show. Hulk Hogan is an athletic man and a showman. Basically this team has two people who I would consider top-tier at this. Professor Chaos is surely more of an anchor than Wile E. is, as far as budding supervillains go, and Luna is a good student so could probably learn how to do this half-competently.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2014, 04:38:24 AM »

Quick Vote Form

Event 21: Treasure Hunting
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
Cynthia (FE:Awakening) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
{Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius), Hulk Hogan (Wrestling), Tidus (FFX), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)} vs. {Professor Chaos (South Park), Terry MacGuinness (Batman Beyond), Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon), Slimer (Ghostbusters Cartoon)}- People are voting against Tidus in a fucking swimming competition?! On top of that, Hogan in his prime was a pretty good athlete. This seems like a slaughter, even with Wile E's VSMian luck.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2014, 02:57:26 AM »
Event 21: Treasure Hunting
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Arcanine (Pokemon) - Arcanine fetches a bigger stick or something. Apu will manage to scare up some "treasure" that at least has collector's value.

Event 22: Cheating
Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations) vs. Koopa Troopa (SMW)

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) - Marisa will get dinged for presenting the right evidence too soon.

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
Cynthia (FE:Awakening) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII) - Sure. Lightning is good at getting the job done.

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
{Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius), Hulk Hogan (Wrestling), Tidus (FFX), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)} vs. {Professor Chaos (South Park), Terry MacGuinness (Batman Beyond), Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon), Slimer (Ghostbusters Cartoon)} - Yeah, Tidus and the Hulkster are both great at this(Tidus far more so, but Hogan has that charisma and showmanship to back up the athletics), Luna will at least try to play along...or will manage to do something out of synch but be adorable while doing it and get votes anyway. Wile E. manages to screw up, but much like Luna his screwing up will manage to be entertaining.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2014, 09:37:48 PM »
Event 21: Treasure Hunting
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)

Event 22: Cheating
Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations) vs. Koopa Troopa (SMW)

Event 23: Lawyering (Phoenix Wright Style)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)
  I think this is the one event this round that isn't a one sided blowout.    Real life Ghandi is far better at keeping a cool head but he's ineligible for the tourney anyways and i doubt his fictitious incarnation has quite the same level of ability that would secure a victory.  Then there is the judge.  In the Phoenix Wright universe, the judge is far from an incorruptible paladin of justice.  So tiebreak for the courtroom judge being inclined to favor the one who's cute and female (though one could easily argue the judge would play favorites the other way.  Or that Marisa is more likely to piss off the judge and squander any initial advantage she has)

Event 24: Finding the Holy Grail
Cynthia (FE:Awakening) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)

Team Event 3: Synchronized Swimming
{Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius), Hulk Hogan (Wrestling), Tidus (FFX), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)} vs. {Professor Chaos (South Park), Terry MacGuinness (Batman Beyond), Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon), Slimer (Ghostbusters Cartoon)}
  Kneejerk Slimer being an active liability.  Chaos may or may not be but graceful doesn't describe anyone from the South Park universe.  On the other side, Hulk Hogan has showmanship and athletic ability with Tidus being by far the best fit for the event.  To make it an even bigger blowout, I'll suggest that Serenity and Terry get distracted by Tidus' resemblence to Meg Ryan.
  Once again, Wile E. coasts to a victory based on very strong teammates in a rando tourney


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-G
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2014, 01:05:54 AM »
Ok folks, update is tomorrow!