
Author Topic: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H  (Read 1186 times)


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The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:00:31 AM »
Round 1-H

Event 25: Debate
It's a classic image.  Two people on a stage before a crowd, trying to get people to see things their way.  This is a formal debate, with time for points, rebuttals, and counter-points to be made.  Complete with some questions from experts and from the crowd.  Naturally, there is also a topic.  In this case, the topic will be the role of Ancestral Legendary Weapons in a Changing Society.

Leading the case for the practical usage of ancient weapons in modern society we've got our debater in a half shell: Donatello.  Having been raised to use ancient fighting styles and weapons against even modern weaponry, he'll have the prime view point on why these weapons are necessary in this changing society.  As well, he'll be backing up his points with a wealth of knowledge and a keen intellect that few in this competition can match.  But arguing for modernization and the benefit of new technologies over ancient legacies is the Flame Alchemist himself, Roy Mustang.  He's seen the benefits that modern technology can bring to the table, both in terms of guns and tanks as well as the modern studies in the art of Alchemy.  And while he doesn't have the keen intellect of Donatello, he's no slouch at the brain game, and he brings to the table his own Charisma, as someone who managed to win to his side, with conviction, reason, and rhetoric, a loyal group of followers and allies in his attempt to overthrow a military dictatorship and topple an ancient conspiracy. 

Truly, these are both very skilled opponents, and this is going to be a debate for the ages.

Event 26: Staying Calm in the Face of Antagonism
Sometimes you really want to be able to deal with some annoyance or another, but you just can't.  Maybe doing so would tip your hand too early.  Maybe you need the help of their friends.  Or perhaps the source of the antagonism is also the only guy in town willing to employ you.  Regardless, restraint and temperance is a skill worth cultivating.  And in this case, it's the name of the game.  We're going to be locking each of our competitors in a small room with a marathon of the most annoying people we can find.  The first one to crack and lose their cool loses the match.

First up is a competitor I don't actually know that much about aside from the fact that he's a teen, and he can turn into all kinds of animals.  So Beast Boy could be super awesome at this.  Besides, he can't let himself lose since he needs to uphold that DC pride against Marvel's big boy, the amazing Spider Man.  Of course, that could be hard, since one of his traits in a fight is to try and annoy the other side into loosing their cool, and the guy has to put up with a collossal amount of shit in his day to day life.  Not the least of which is J. Jonah Jameson.  So, kudos to Beast Boy if he can win this, but it's gonna be a tough fight for him.

Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
This is a pretty simple event.  Operate the petting zoo, making sure the animals stay alive, nothing happens to the patrons, and money is made at the end of the day.  Should be easy, right?

Well, with our first competitor, more than just the sheep will be getting fleeced as Erutus Profiteur is not a fan of other people having money if he can help it.  But, while there will be all sorts of crooked practices, his own petting zoo will be a profitable affair.  His only problem will be if he gets too greedy and decides to ensure there is only one petting zoo to visit because that will provoke his opponent.  Rita Repulsa has many flaws when it comes to running a petting zoo.  The least of which that she'll probably try and use it to take over Angel Falls and get put out of business by the Power Rangers partway through the day.  The one thing she will not have a problem with is dealing with people who try and shut her down by turning her animals into giant combat monstronsities.  Of course, this is not a combat event, so whoever starts the animal combat first (or gets tagged with the blame for it) loses.

Event 28: Write a Novel
Like running a petting zoo, this is a simple task.  Our competitors have three months to write a novel, and then the better novel wins.  Aggregate of critical applause and copies sold.

This will also be a short writeup, because our first competitor is an energetic nationalist demagogue with a passion for hockey.  Yup, Don Cherry is up to bat, and he's shown that he can pull out that popular appeal, having done so for decades with his Coaches Corner.  And his opponent is a God Damned Aggron.  Anything he gets out might have some novelty value, but he's up against a known quantity.

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
If you want to run a con, everyone knows that the best ones need at least two people.  The best ones are also the ones where no one even suspects there's a con going on.  In this case, our two teams are going to be running their own cons.  And they're going to be rated on two things.  First, how gutsy is their con.  Basically, the more they get from their con, the better their score is going to be.  And secondly, if they can pull it off.  A failed con is worth squat no matter how ambitious or clever it was. 

Our first team has a pair of formidable contenders.  Julius Caesar conquored Gaul and almost became emperor of Rome.  Sadly, both of these guys are somewhat at a disadvantage here as they're both straight shooters and tackle things from the front.  In fact, Caesar's big problem is that he either didn't see, or didn't properly prepare for, the assassination attempt that got him.  That said, if these guys can get a good con going, they both are going to be good at convincing folks they're on the level. 

On the other hand, we have a pair of contenders who are less likely to get along, but who both have experience in cons.  Specifically, Constable Odo who, as law enforcement on a border station, has to be able to think crookedly enough to keep up with Ferengi hucksters.  And Jaime Lannister, who also tends towards the straight and narrow, but has to have the requisite skills for a con if he doesn't want to lose his head.  After all, we can ask the Starks how people who don't have these skills fare in Westeros.  The only question is if law enforcement and a man known as The Kingslayer can work together well enough to make a good team.

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
Tandem Chess is an interesting variation on chess.  You set up two boards, with one member of a team playing white, and their teammate playing black on the other board.  And, whenever a player captures a piece, it's gifted to their ally on the other board. 

EDIT: Apparently play goes until just one checkmate.  Who knew?  Snowfire, that's who.  Thanks for the correction.  And for this match, first to mate wins.

The first team will be Worker 8 and Aya Brea teaming up together.  Worker 8 may be a bit of a problem here because while he is a machine, he's not so much a higher cognitive function machine.  Or, to put it another way, he's fine in a fight, but might not be the best at an abstract fight like Chess is.  Aya Brea on the other hand, is reasonably smart and should know the rules.

Now, who are they facing.  One is a player in the Game of Thrones, the other is adept at the Game of Houses.  But no matter how you name the Great Game, we have two men who walk amongst the nobility.  First up is Oberyn Martel of Westeros, who probably doesn't have the patience of a true master, but is cunning and smart, both good resources to have in playing chess.  Partnered with him is the Dragon Reborn, who is quite intelligent, has some skill with the sorts of tactics the game calls for.  And even if Rand never learned the game, Lews Therin probably did, and Rand can just pull on those memories.

Those are the teams, now for who is facing who.  On board 1, Worker 8 is white against Oberyn's black army.  While Aya Brea takes black against the slightly ironic white army of the Dragon Reborn.

Quick Vote Form

Event 25: Debate
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) v Donatello (TMNT)

Event 26: Staying Calm in the Face of Antagonism
Beast Boy (Teen Titans) v Spider-Man (Spider Man)

Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
Erutus Profiteur (BD) v Rita Repulsa (MMPR)

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
{Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} v. {Constable Odo (Star Trek: DS9)/Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)}

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)}
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 07:23:29 AM by Excal »


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2014, 07:34:37 AM »
Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
Erutus Profiteur (BD) v Rita Repulsa (MMPR)
It's easier to get sales when all the other zoos have mysterious animal escapes.

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
{Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)} v. {Constable Odo (Star Trek: DS9)/Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)}
This isn't Jaime Lanister's thing at all.  Mr. Rogers, however, has an instant PBS kids con going and the charisma + gentleness to be the "good cop", while Julius Caesar is possibly one of the best nuts-and-bolts organizers out there.  Running an army, making sure that the kids don't riot and there's food, same thing really.

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)}
Robots > humans at chess, by a lot, Mustadio slots in a chess program and goes to town.  Sure, W8 is an idiot at normal human interaction, but you ever try chatting with DeepBlue?  W8 is miles ahead of the game already if he's got some general intelligence.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2014, 07:39:04 AM »
Event 25: Debate
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) v Donatello (TMNT) - Roy's charisma and leadership are way more important for winning the crowd than any sort of actual intellectual argument.

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry - um

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)} - I do not think W8's limbs allow him to play chess well, and he doesn't seem all that intelligently programmed either.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2014, 07:53:02 AM »
Event 25: Debate
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) v Donatello (TMNT)

Event 26: Staying Calm in the Face of Antagonism
Beast Boy (Teen Titans) v Spider-Man (Spider Man)

Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
Erutus Profiteur (BD) v Rita Repulsa (MMPR)
Going with the guy who seems to know about buisness here.

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry
Agg.  Ron.  Ron ron aggron agg.  Better than Twilight, clearly.

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
{Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} v. {Constable Odo (Star Trek: DS9)/Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)}

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)}
Yeah hyping W8 at this seems kind of laughable offhand.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2014, 08:35:12 AM »
Event 25: Debate
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) v Donatello (TMNT): If it's a formal debate, charisma/leadership don't mean much. I don't remember TMNT that well but Donnatello as the smart is there pretty clearly

Event 26: Staying Calm in the Face of Antagonism
Beast Boy (Teen Titans) v Spider-Man (Spider Man): Dunno.

Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
Erutus Profiteur (BD) v Rita Repulsa (MMPR): Snowfire's logic works for me.

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry: Has actually written books.

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
{Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} v. {Constable Odo (Star Trek: DS9)/Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)}: Yeah wow, between Caesar's organisational skills and Rogers' people skills, this team is actually shockingly good at this. *reads up* Oh, it means con as in scheme, not convention. Eh, still.

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)}: Yeah the only reason W8 wouldn't be good at this is "he's from a setting without chess" but um if that's the criteria Aya is the only one with a chance. Assuming all competitors are allowed to actually learn the game, W8 crushes.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2014, 03:41:52 PM »

Quick Vote Form

Event 26: Staying Calm in the Face of Antagonism
Beast Boy (Teen Titans) v Spider-Man (Spider Man)

Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
Erutus Profiteur (BD) v Rita Repulsa (MMPR)

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
{Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} v. {Constable Odo (Star Trek: DS9)/Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)}- Odo's skills make him godlike here. He's a freaking shapeshifter law enforcement officer who keeps up with Quark, he is a master at this.

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)}-Worker is extremely logical, but his skills are all more geared towards military action. Rand strikes me as much more competent than Aya due to Lews Therin's memories (Rand is by his own admission not that brilliant at tactics, he has minions do that for him) which is enough for me.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2014, 07:21:11 PM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 25: Debate
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) v Donatello (TMNT) - DUnno Roy.

Event 26: Staying Calm in the Face of Antagonism
Beast Boy (Teen Titans) v Spider-Man (Spider Man) - Beast Boy is a complete clown, so much like Spidey he is the one that does the annoying rather than being the one who gets annoyed. Want to say he'll manage to counter-troll the annoyers longer with shapeshifting antics, which counts as remaining calm enough for me. And frankly, if they have to be totally stoic and can't quip/goof off/etc in response to the annoyance, Spidey bombs just as fast as Beast Boy does.

Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
Erutus Profiteur (BD) v Rita Repulsa (MMPR) - They'll both run a crooked game, Profiteur has the $$$ to get the law on his side. Mysterious animal escapes? Try having the local animal protection agency shutting Rita down for illegal animal growth treatments. She gets pissed and has giant goats go on a rampage, Profiteur collects an easy win.

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
{Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} v. {Constable Odo (Star Trek: DS9)/Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)} - Odo is actually a hell of a pro at this kind of thing, but I dunno Jaime so not gonna vote.

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)} - Dunno Oberyn, though for what it's worth I view Worker as more of a Golem than a robot. Not sure how Mustadio just "slots in a chess program" when Worker isn't computer based at all. He's powered by a magic stone. Worker can clearly follow simple commands well enough(Dance!) but I doubt "play chess" is one of them.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2014, 10:18:56 AM »
Event 25: Debate
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) v Donatello (TMNT)
As amusing as it is to hype Meeple Fantasy Roy, the judges are unimpressed.  Ha ha, punked by a Ninja Turtle.

Event 26: Staying Calm in the Face of Antagonism
Beast Boy (Teen Titans) v Spider-Man (Spider Man)

Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
Erutus Profiteur (BD) v Rita Repulsa (MMPR)
Rather one-sided here

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry
Is not a Pokemon  This is also overly one-sided.

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
{Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} v. {Constable Odo (Star Trek: DS9)/Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)}
  So I'm not the only one who interpreted con as convention.  EDIT: and it is in the spirit of the Rando Tourney to vote on alternative interpretations.  Between Rogers' people skills and Caesar's organizational skills, they have this.

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)}
  Hyping Worker 8 considering Ramza its master and emulating him.  And Ramza must be some super tactician to make it through FFT without a loss on his side (snicker).  Which isn't enough to cleanly decide things though puts things fairly close.  Choosing to abstain as Rand becomes super good with this argument as well.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 03:31:23 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2014, 08:15:31 AM »
This has been up for five days now.  Update will be either tomorrow or possibly the day after.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2014, 09:08:39 AM »
Event 25: Debate
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) v Donatello (TMNT)- I'm assuming there's like formal judges and everything, so Roy loses out ot the more studious and eloquent Donatello.  if it's a more popular version, well, TINY MINI SKIRTS and all.

Event 26: Staying Calm in the Face of Antagonism
Beast Boy (Teen Titans) v Spider-Man (Spider Man)- From the parenthesis I'm guessing this is more the show version, and the cartoon Beast Boy is a prankster and joker, but also tends to be very emotionally invested in his fights (because he's like 14 or something, not an experienced superhero), while Spidey is much more "crack wise to keep head in battle".  Basically superficially similar characters that are actually at opposite sides of the spectrum, and Spidey's at the one that's good for this match.

Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
Erutus Profiteur (BD) v Rita Repulsa (MMPR)- Rita would have the awesomest Zoo... for about five minutes before all the monsters grew and killed everyone.

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry- Uh sure

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
{Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} v. {Constable Odo (Star Trek: DS9)/Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)}- Odo's about the only one in the event that's got any experience, and between Caesar and Jaime I get the impression that the latter is more on the charm and conniving.  Also Mr. Rogers would categorically refuse to participate in the event.

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)}- I assume.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 09:10:28 AM by Cmdr_King »
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2014, 10:09:37 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 25: Debate
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) v Donatello (TMNT)

Event 26: Staying Calm in the Face of Antagonism
Beast Boy (Teen Titans) v Spider-Man (Spider Man)

Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
Erutus Profiteur (BD) v Rita Repulsa (MMPR)

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry - Loves the sound of his own voice above all things

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
{Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)} v. {Constable Odo (Star Trek: DS9)/Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)}

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)}
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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2014, 10:16:28 AM »
For what it's worth I do think Caesar would be excellent at this; he's not just some common general but a man who had the political savvy to essentially be elected dictator-for-life in a Roman Republic which was both politically cut-throat and naturally averse to dictators, and was wildly popular at the time of his assassination. Suffice to say he's both very charming and very clever and I see little reason he isn't excellent here. He's far superior at this to Jaime, who really is muscle with no political savvy, at least as far as I read in the series. I guess he could be a decently charming face to Odo's con, but eh he's not really that impressive even at that (he isn't one of the knights that people loved, like Loras).

re Mr. Rogers will I tend to assume that nobody refuses to participate in these events as a matter of course (e.g. he could be convinced that no harm will be done by this con once the event is over and that if he wins millions will be donated to charity, whatever) and thus tend to think an endearing children's entertainer would be a good face for Caesar's schemes.

I don't know Odo that well, but he'd have to be absolutely perfect at this to offset Jaime not really impressing me here and Caesar being really good.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 1-H
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2014, 11:14:16 AM »
I've decided I may as well start voting on these things.  It does mean that tie-breaks are now firmly in the hands of the most convenient RNG device I have on hand.

Quick Vote Form

Event 25: Debate
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) v Donatello (TMNT)
Charisma has it's place, even in a formal debate.  Which should be enough to tip things in Roy's favour since he's one of the best speakers in his series.  Not just pure charisma, but with some pretty solid reasoning to back it all up.  And his series has some pretty good competition in that regard.  So, Roy over Donny in a tight match.

Event 26: Staying Calm in the Face of Antagonism
Beast Boy (Teen Titans) v Spider-Man (Spider Man)
No vote.  I don't know Beast Boy well enough to vote on this.

Event 27: Running a Petting Zoo
Erutus Profiteur (BD) v Rita Repulsa (MMPR)
Rita will win the fight, but Profiteur makes more money even before you include all the cash he'll rake in from the gambling on when the fight will start and who will win.

Event 28: Write a Novel
Aggron (Pokemon) v Don Cherry
Mastery of a language would be enough even if the guy hasn't already written some.

Pairs Event 7: Running a Con
{Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} v. {Constable Odo (Star Trek: DS9)/Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)}
Man, I was all set to vote for the other guys, but then this other consideration of running a convention came out.  And I love that randomly moving the goalposts so much that I'm gonna vote for that interp.  And when it comes to running a convention, Mr. Rogers and Julius Caesar make for some kind of twisted dream team.

Pairs Event 8: Tandem Chess
{Worker 8 (FFT)/Aya Brea Parasyte Eve)} v. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)}
I've always seen Worker 8 as less computer, more magical construct, which means the Golum interpretation is what I'm going with.  Which means you can't just swap in and out programming and he instead is what he is.  And what he is isn't going to win this match, leaving Aya outmatched.