Author Topic: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-A  (Read 1059 times)


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The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-A
« on: September 25, 2014, 08:39:33 AM »

Event 29: Dog Grooming
Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco) IIIII vs. Ruby (Lunar: Eternal Blue)

Event 30: Mecha Piloting
Big Joe (Xenogears) vs. IIIII II Samus

Event 31: Hide and Seek
Judge Doom (Who Framed Rodger Rabbit) vs. IIIII I Stocke (Radiant Historia)

Event 32: The Metal Gear Challenge
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) I vs. III Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh: Abridged)

Airship Combat
{Zhuge Liang (Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Dynasty Warriors)/Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)/Fox Mulder (X-Files)/Gary Oak (Pokemon)} I v. IIIII I {Morte (Planescape Torment)/He-Man (Prince Adam)/Mirror B (Pokemon)/Bacchus D-79 (Star Ocean: The Last Hope)}

Round 2-A

Event 33: Raising an Army
Depending on when and where you are, raising an army isn't always the easiest of tasks.  Regardless, in this competition, both of our contestants have to raise the best, and biggest, army that they're capable of.  At the end, the better army will be determined by having them fight.  And since this is raising an army, and not leading an army, the contestants won't be leading, instead it'll depend on their managing to recruit suitable leadership along with the rest of the army.

The Rock comes into this with, perhaps not the best grasp of how to raise an actual army, but with loads of charisma and, as his last challenge shows, a decent chunk of cash.  This means he should be able to get a fairly loyal force, with no guarantees of how good they'll be.  Meanwhile his opponent, Seto Kaiba, not only seems to always be dealing with shady stuff, but he can clearly outspend The Rock since his defining trait is "I have Money".  His troops may not be excessively loyal, but he does have experience hiring guards, so how hard can an army be?

Event 34: Frightening Small Children
Kids, as we all know, are supposed to be easily frightened.  In fact, it is the job of monsters to scare kids silly.  In this contest, we pit two of our contestants to see which of them can better scare a group of small children in the amount of time they're given.

The interesting thing this time is that both contestants are pretty close to being the same damned person this week.  And neither of them are all that good at scaring children.  First up, we have the leader of the Gurren Brigade, Kamina the man.  Who...  doesn't scare a single child he comes across.  While he seems like he could try if he felt he needed to, he defaults way too easily to being heroic and inspiring and it's hard to tell if, after scaring the children, he might not just have the urge to unfrighten them.  Of course, against this is Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth.  Who is about as manly and heroic as Kamina.  And can compare demon stories to counter Kamina's Beastmen stories.  Though...  they're not very scary demons... 

Event 35: Conversing Only with Song/Movie Titles
This is the classic test of both cultural awareness and quick thinking.  Using only the title of works of art, so songs, movies, plays, books, games, you name it, you have to try and keep up a semi-sensible conversation.  This means weird tangents are fine, but complete non-sequitirs are not.  Also not allowed is saying something that is not a title, or taking more than five minutes to come up with a reply.

Toph may not be an improvisational haiku battlemaster, but she's pretty good at trading quips with the guy who is.  Really, she's coming into this with a pretty decent cultural knowlege and a super quick wit.  Her one biggest flaw is that books are mostly going to be an unknown to her, which means a whole catagory of potential titles she'll be hard pressed to use.  Against this we have Finn from Adventure Time.  I'm going to admit to not knowing much about him, but being a heroic type, I'm going to assume he's also quick witted, though I don't know what his cultural knowlege and skill in wordplay will be,

Event 36: Killing Everyone
Look, the title says it all.  The goal here is to kill everyone, no exceptions.  Whoever can do it the fastest wins.  And if neither can do it, whoever gets the higher kill count wins.

We're off to a good start with Buffy, better known as the Slayer.  Sure, she mostly just goes after vampires, but the fact that she's so good at downing superhuman threats with pieces of wood means that vanilla humans shouldn't be a huge threat.  Really, her biggest problem is that she might just refuse to do it, in which case, her score might be capped at those she will go after.  Or just, y'know, to vamps.  That said, she was going to have a hard time pulling it off anyways, since she's up against Mordin Solus, a guy who has on his resume, among other things, worked on the newest version of the genophage.  For those who don't know, this is essentially a genocide plague, that can be seeded on a planet from orbit.  So...  yeah.  That's just if he wants to be slow and sophisticated about it.  Killing Everyone is easily within his grasp.

Event 37: Hotness Contest
So I hear there's some kind of tournament going on where people vote on who they think is the hottest.  Welp, in honour of that thing, we're randomly replacing the traditional RandoTourney Beauty Pageant with our own Hotness Contest.  Vote for whoever you think is more attractive!

And, in honour of the Nama's we've got ourselves a complete sausagefest going on here, but what a sausagefest as we've got a pair of immortals up for your viewing pleasure.  First up is the eternally young Spike, who also has that vampire thing going on.  Meanwhile, against him we've got Mr. Nuke 'Em Til They Glow himself, Mohandas Ghandi, fresh from his eight thousand year reign over India and it's assorted conquored territories.

Event 38: Detonating an Asteroid in Space
This just in.  NASA reports that there is a bigass meteor heading towards Earth.  If it lands, all life as we know it will be doomed to extinction.  While we do have a cadre of trained professional astronauts, we're not going to be using them in favour of these two random guys.  And, just because using untrained labour isn't crazy enough, we're gonna make them compete too.  Each saviour will be loaned a spaceship if they can't get one of their own, as well as enough explosives and a rig to set them up with.  Again...  if they don't have their own way to deal with a giant space rock.  If it matters, anyone who can cast the spell Meteor can use it, but it's pretty much the opposite of helpful in this match since it'll just make this sucker drop faster.

Our first contestant is a man without memory.  Ringabel takes to the skies in order to save the Earth, but he does come complete with instinctive knowledge of how to fly.  Granted, it's mostly airships, but he is well trained and he might well be able to translate it to spacecraft.  After that, all he has to do is finish the job.  Given how popular both heros and astronauts are with the ladies, he's sure to motivated to finish this job.  His opponent is, well, actually an astronaut with a rating in space combat.  Yup, Gai Daigouji has both the skills and the training to knock this one out of the park with ease... if he does it by the book.  Odds are, he's not gonna want to do that, and is instead going to grab an Aesti Valis and fire up the Distortion Field in order to hit the meteor with a Gekigan Flare. 

Event 39: WWF Wrestling
Everyone knows that WWF Wrestling isn't proper wrestling, it's more like a soap opera for guys.  That said, in this competition, it's expected that the contestants will follow everything but the script.  Which means that folding chairs are godly weapons, and egging on the crowd and getting them to cheer for you actually does make you stronger until you finally pin down your opponent.  Or, they manage to run away from you and stay outside the ring long enough for the ref to officially declare them a wuss and a loser.  Either or. 

First up is someone who should know how to work a crowd what with his bardic training.  Which is good because Edward certainly can't fight.  Sadly, his trademark Hide skill won't be of much use here because it'll lead to him both pissing off the crowd and getting declared with a loss.  But, if he can get the crowd behind him, he's got a chance.  Especially since the universe seems keen on giving him those chances.  After all, last time he was up against a child, and now he's up against a woman.  Now that I'm done with the pro-Edward side of this, I can now point out that his opponent is less woman, and more goddess.  Specifically, Palutena who is prooobably going to be a fan favourite.  And now that she's enthusiastically joined Smash, we know that she's going to be good at brawling, grabs, and she'll come with a fan chant ready to go.  In addition, she'll be used to grabbing weirder weapons than folding chairs.  And just to add insult to injury, her Eye of Palutena means that poor Edward won't even be able to hide.

Event 40: Dealing with a Used Car Salesman
Sooner or later, everyone will have to get a new ride.  And let's face it, most people won't be able to afford a new one, because who has that kind of scratch?  (Well...  our two contestants in this case, but since they got this event, now they get to join in the fun)  This means facing the friendly faced con-men and hucksters we know as used car salesmen.  The folks out to sell you cars of questionable quality for the highest tag and most useless add-ons they can manage.  In this case, the winner will be awarded to the contestant who manages to get the highest quality ride for the cheapest price.

Our first contestant probably doesn't know a whole lot about cars, but he is shown to be clear headed, able to argue effectively, and able to read people.  TG Cid is here to show why reading people is better than specific know how, especially since before we had used car salesmen, we had horse traders who filled a fairly similar role.  Or, in this case, Chocobo Traders.  Against this, we have a competitor who doesn't deal much with cars himself, but does have a lot of experience fishing them out of lakes, rivers, lava, and the emptiness of space.  Lakitu should know his cars, though his people knowledge may be lacking.  But, this does mean it'll be harder to sell him a lemon, and he won't need much in the way of coverage since he's his own towing company.

Quick Vote Form

Event 33: Raising an Army
The Rock (Wrestling) vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh: Abridged)

Event 34: Frightening Small Children
Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Captain Gordon (Disgaia)

Event 35: Conversing Only with Song/Movie Titles
Toph Bei Fong (Avatar:tLA) vs. Finn the Human (Adventure Time)

Event 36: Killing Everyone
Buffy Summers (Buffy:tVS) vs. Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)

Event 37: Beauty Pageant
Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) vs. Spike (Buffy:tVS)

Event 38: Detonating an Asteroid in Space
Ringabel (Bravely Default) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco)

Event 39: WWF Wrestling
Edward (FF4) vs. Palutena (KI:U)

Event 40: Dealing with a Used Car Salesman
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Lakitu (SMW)


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-A
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2014, 09:01:12 AM »
Event 33: Raising an Army
The Rock (Wrestling) vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh: Abridged)
Kaiba's goons exist to be effortlessly dispatched, I'm assuming.  The Rock probably has a lot of fans in the US military who shoot real weapons rather than attempt to engage in card games.  And if that's too reality-based, well, !fictional!Rock is also an international bounty hunter who probably knows lots of mercenaries skilled at doing 80s action movie esque things, like invading Kaiba-corp, firing machine guns off randomly, then dispatching the guards with martial arts.  ( )  Seems a win either way.

Event 35: Conversing Only with Song/Movie Titles
Toph Bei Fong (Avatar:tLA) vs. Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
This is another goddamn slaughter.  Toph is witty but her blindness does not help here, while this kind of strange wordplay quest is something Finn gets lots of practice in and probably does all the time.

Event 36: Killing Everyone
Buffy Summers (Buffy:tVS) vs. Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)
Buffy isn't even bad at this, but she ran up against literally the best person in the entire tourney at this, better even than Gandhi below.

Event 37: Beauty Pageant
Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) vs. Spike (Buffy:tVS)
Gandhi would win a very literal "hotness" tournament (vampires are not known for being warm to the touch, India is pretty hot) but yeah no.

Event 39: WWF Wrestling
Edward (FF4) vs. Palutena (KI:U)
Not sure why Excal is dissing Hide.  The one WWE show I watched (long story) in fact included some lepruchaun-themed wrestler hiding, luring his opponent out of the ring to search for him, then sneaking back into the ring.  His opponent was so furiously tossing chairs and looking under the ring he didn't notice he was getting timed out and not the lepruchaun and lost.  This is a thing that happened.  That said no Palutena, so no vote, her translation to wrestling would be pretty important here.

Event 40: Dealing with a Used Car Salesman
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Lakitu (SMW)
Orlandu is a person used to simply *commanding* people as a general, and also has tons of money as an important noble.  I doubt he's used to haggling or needing to haggle, so he'd have to rely on a reputation for justice to 'scare' the salesman into not ripping him off so badly he comes back to get him arrested.  Lakitu...  is also not great at this, he has cloud transport, but I have to assume his career fishing karts & motorbikes out of lakes and bottomless abysses at least gives him some solid automotive expertise, by osmosis if nothing else.  He'll certainly recognize the signs that a used car was in fact fished out of a lava pool rather than only driven by a grandma turtle on Sundays.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-A
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2014, 09:32:05 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 33: Raising an Army
The Rock (Wrestling) vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh: Abridged)- THE ARMY OF THE DEAD IS HIS TO COMMAND

Event 34: Frightening Small Children
Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Captain Gordon (Disgaia)- Kamina is both loud AND naked.  Much scarier.

Event 35: Conversing Only with Song/Movie Titles
Toph Bei Fong (Avatar:tLA) vs. Finn the Human (Adventure Time)- General smartassery is something Toph would stomp Finn in, but... basically talking in song quotes is something I could see an actual episode of Adventure Time doing.

Event 36: Killing Everyone
Buffy Summers (Buffy:tVS) vs. Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)- No vote.  I feel like I'd need to actually play ME2 to know if Mordin would be willing to do some more genocide.

Event 37: Beauty Pageant
Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) vs. Spike (Buffy:tVS)

Event 38: Detonating an Asteroid in Space
Ringabel (Bravely Default) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco)- Ringabel is pretty damn competent when he so chooses.  I uh... can't imagine Gai doing anything except throwing Gekigan Flares at the meteor until he runs out of energy, and Aesties aren't potent enough for that to work I don't think.

Event 39: WWF Wrestling
Edward (FF4) vs. Palutena (KI:U)- Cue Benny Hill music?  Cue Benny Hill music.

Event 40: Dealing with a Used Car Salesman
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Lakitu (SMW)- Yeah, I'm feeling Cid as more of a battlefield commander than a savvy ruler, and his understanding of nation-craft is an extension of his knowledge of running an army.  So getting good deals and spotting cheats and swindlers aren't really his thing.  Meanwhile Lakitus are pretty violence prone, that usually gets you okay deals.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-A
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2014, 06:34:36 PM »
Event 33: Raising an Army
The Rock (Wrestling) vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh: Abridged)
Yeah uh.

Event 34: Frightening Small Children
Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Captain Gordon (Disgaia)
Small children are more likely to want Captain Gordon's autograph.

Event 35: Conversing Only with Song/Movie Titles
Toph Bei Fong (Avatar:tLA) vs. Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Yeah from what I've watched of Adventure Time this is basically an episode of that in the making.

Event 36: Killing Everyone
Buffy Summers (Buffy:tVS) vs. Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)
Literally has experience in engineering plagues.

Event 37: Beauty Pageant
Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) vs. Spike (Buffy:tVS)

Event 38: Detonating an Asteroid in Space
Ringabel (Bravely Default) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco)

Event 39: WWF Wrestling
Edward (FF4) vs. Palutena (KI:U)
Ah.. ha... ha.. no.

Event 40: Dealing with a Used Car Salesman
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Lakitu (SMW)
Yeah uh.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-A
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2014, 04:28:31 AM »
Event 33: Raising an Army
The Rock (Wrestling) vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh: Abridged)

Event 34: Frightening Small Children
Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Captain Gordon (Disgaia)
Loud and naked is more likely to unintentionally scare someone than merely loud.  Also, doubt Kamina has his own comic book and Saturday morning cartoon.

Event 35: Conversing Only with Song/Movie Titles
Toph Bei Fong (Avatar:tLA) vs. Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Can totally see an episode of Adventure Time in this style.  Yar, I got nothing.

Event 36: Killing Everyone
Buffy Summers (Buffy:tVS) vs. Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)

Event 37: Beauty Pageant
Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) vs. Spike (Buffy:tVS)
Spike may not be Alucard tier but still takes better care of his appearance than the warlord who stays up all night playing strategy games.

Event 38: Detonating an Asteroid in Space
Ringabel (Bravely Default) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco)

Event 39: WWF Wrestling
Edward (FF4) vs. Palutena (KI:U)
Palutena's body double (with no goddess powers whatsoever) pins Edward in a straight match.

Event 40: Dealing with a Used Car Salesman
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Lakitu (SMW)
"Honest Ed's Car Emporium overrun by Spinies.  Proprietor's whereabouts are unknown." makes for an entertaining postscript.  Still, it makes more sense to shop for used cars with a team if one can help it.  Cid's going to bring in Mustadio, Worker 8, and a Mediator.  Mustadio has the mechanical knowledge.  Worker 8 monitors the car salesperson's biorhythms.  The Mediator is around to Persuade the dealer to show them the real goods and then Negotiate a fair price.  And though turning someone into a chicken would be highly entertaining, team Orlandu can take this without needing to Threaten or Insult the sales rep into arriving at an agreeable Solution.
  Well if Cid gets to bring in help, so does Lakitu.  Sure, I can see Lakitu being able to identify which vehicles are in running condition at the very least.  Team Koopa wrangles a Koopa Klan discount to not have to pay up much in the way of funds.  Close enough that I'll cast a vote for Cid for flavor.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 09:08:48 AM by DragonKnight Zero »

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-A
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2014, 06:03:13 AM »
Event 33: Raising an Army
The Rock (Wrestling) vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh: Abridged): Kaiba has the money, but The Rock has the charisma. And, I presume given his illustrous career, a lot of money.

Event 34: Frightening Small Children
Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Captain Gordon (Disgaia): Abstain, though I'll note Gordon would be horrible at this.

Event 35: Conversing Only with Song/Movie Titles
Toph Bei Fong (Avatar:tLA) vs. Finn the Human (Adventure Time): What who.

Event 36: Killing Everyone
Buffy Summers (Buffy:tVS) vs. Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2): Genophage isn't far from this.

Event 37: Beauty Pageant
Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) vs. Spike (Buffy:tVS): See Snowfire's breakdown.

Event 38: Detonating an Asteroid in Space
Ringabel (Bravely Default) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco): Literally pilots a space-travelling weapon. I don't see how this one is even close...

Event 39: WWF Wrestling
Edward (FF4) vs. Palutena (KI:U): Hahaha.

Event 40: Dealing with a Used Car Salesman
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Lakitu (SMW): Lakitu has been dealing extensively with cars since 1992. I'm going to assume he's learned which ones are more prone to needing more repairs, breaking down when travelling through rough terrain, and spontaneously losing control and driving into lava. Cid's from a setting with nothing remotely equivalent.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-A
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2014, 08:07:34 AM »
Event 33: Raising an Army
The Rock (Wrestling) vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh: Abridged): Kaiba has the money, but The Rock has the charisma. And, I presume given his illustrous career, a lot of money.

Event 34: Frightening Small Children
Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Captain Gordon (Disgaia): Abstain, though I'll note Gordon would be horrible at this.

Event 35: Conversing Only with Song/Movie Titles
Toph Bei Fong (Avatar:tLA) vs. Finn the Human (Adventure Time): What who.

Event 36: Killing Everyone
Buffy Summers (Buffy:tVS) vs. Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2): Genophage isn't far from this.

Event 37: Beauty Pageant
Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) vs. Spike (Buffy:tVS): See Snowfire's breakdown.

Event 38: Detonating an Asteroid in Space
Ringabel (Bravely Default) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco): Literally pilots a space-travelling weapon. I don't see how this one is even close...

Event 39: WWF Wrestling
Edward (FF4) vs. Palutena (KI:U): Hahaha.

Event 40: Dealing with a Used Car Salesman
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Lakitu (SMW): Lakitu has been dealing extensively with cars since 1992. I'm going to assume he's learned which ones are more prone to needing more repairs, breaking down when travelling through rough terrain, and spontaneously losing control and driving into lava. Cid's from a setting with nothing remotely equivalent.

This. Right down to the matches I can't vote on! (No GL or Adventure Time).
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-A
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2014, 04:15:28 PM »
Event 33: Raising an Army
The Rock (Wrestling) vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh: Abridged): Kaiba has the money, but The Rock has the charisma. And, I presume given his illustrous career, a lot of money.

Event 34: Frightening Small Children
Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Captain Gordon (Disgaia): Abstain, though I'll note Gordon would be horrible at this.

Event 35: Conversing Only with Song/Movie Titles
Toph Bei Fong (Avatar:tLA) vs. Finn the Human (Adventure Time): What who.

Event 36: Killing Everyone
Buffy Summers (Buffy:tVS) vs. Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2): Genophage isn't far from this.

Event 37: Beauty Pageant
Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) vs. Spike (Buffy:tVS): See Snowfire's breakdown.

Event 38: Detonating an Asteroid in Space
Ringabel (Bravely Default) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco): Literally pilots a space-travelling weapon. I don't see how this one is even close...

Event 39: WWF Wrestling
Edward (FF4) vs. Palutena (KI:U): Hahaha.

Event 40: Dealing with a Used Car Salesman
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Lakitu (SMW): Lakitu has been dealing extensively with cars since 1992. I'm going to assume he's learned which ones are more prone to needing more repairs, breaking down when travelling through rough terrain, and spontaneously losing control and driving into lava. Cid's from a setting with nothing remotely equivalent.

This. Right down to the matches I can't vote on! (No GL or Adventure Time).
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-A
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2014, 07:16:19 AM »
Event 33: Raising an Army
The Rock (Wrestling) vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh: Abridged)

Event 34: Frightening Small Children
Kamina (Gurren Lagenn) vs. Captain Gordon (Disgaia)
These are both terrible, Captain Gordon wins the dubious destinction of being more terrible.

Event 35: Conversing Only with Song/Movie Titles
Toph Bei Fong (Avatar:tLA) vs. Finn the Human (Adventure Time)

Event 36: Killing Everyone
Buffy Summers (Buffy:tVS) vs. Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)
Yeah...  it's hard to argue with "Has kinda done this" as a match decider.

Event 37: Beauty Pageant
Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) vs. Spike (Buffy:tVS)
Civ Ghandi is not a beautiful man.

Event 38: Detonating an Asteroid in Space
Ringabel (Bravely Default) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco)
I was originally thinking that Gai was gonna lose this in style.  But, space rocks aren't that cohesive, so a Distortion Field should cut through one just fine.  At which point, blowing the thing up with just enough time so his dramatic escape is backlit by the blast is really something he'd do.  No idea if he'll live through that dramatic escape, but nothing says you have to live, just blow up the rock best.

Event 39: WWF Wrestling
Edward (FF4) vs. Palutena (KI:U)

Event 40: Dealing with a Used Car Salesman
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Lakitu (SMW)
While Cid may not know much about cars, he's used to politicians.  I figure he can read people well enough to take this one.

Also, update in a day or two!