
Author Topic: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B  (Read 861 times)


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The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B
« on: November 06, 2014, 09:00:39 PM »
And we're back!  Now with less trick team battles!

Round 3 -B

Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Rumours persist of secret forces that rules the world from the shadows.  Some claim it's the Stonemasons.  Others say it's the Gnomes of Zurich.  Or perhaps you prefer the Church of the Sub-Genius.  However, the truth is far stranger than what you might have heard.  For the true masters of the world are the secret Pony Cabal.  These Equestrians rule with a iron hoof, and all who pose a threat to their power are quietly removed or publically discredited.  This is a contest to see who can best advance the sinister agendas of their Pony Overlords.

Who does Stephen Colbert truly work for?  Is he secretly a member of the Pony Cabal, spoofing our traditional politics as he advances their sinister agenda?  Or is he spoofing the Pony Cabal, advancing their agenda while playing at something even deeper?  Regardless, so long as he isn't disappeared for Unequestrian Conduct, he seems like he will do well.  Against this we have a pilot of the elite ATX team, Excellen Browning.  While being on the outs with her own government may seem to be a bad position to advance the agenda of her Pony Overlords, it does mean she's deeply embedded in a community made up of the most powerful known robot pilots.  And jesters are well known for being able to influence thoughts without being seen as the origin of those ideas.

Event 64: Iron Chef
Here in the Kitchen Arena, we have two noted chefs, here to compete in the famed Iron Chef competition, where they will need to make three dishes using the special match ingredient.  In this case, all of the dishes must employ and highlight the humble Anchovy.

Our first contestant is known for having nothing ever go right.  But so long as he avoids the ACME kitchen tools, Wile E. Coyote might have a chance?  I mean, it's not like his poor cooking skills have ever lost him his shot at the Roadrunner before.  Against him we have someone who we know can at least cook somewhat edible food, since she supposedly cooked stuff for guys before and they liked it.  Just so long as she can keep the poison out of the food at least.  After all, judges keeling over mid judgement is kinda grounds for disqualification however good your food might be.

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle

This is a pretty simple affair, two teams of two walk in, and only one walks out.  As before, the teams can do whatever they want however they can.

The first team may as well be one person.  I mean, Lakitu is no slouch as any Mario fan can tell you.  He's kinda hard to reach, and will happily launch spinies at you all day until you manage to reach him and take him out.  But, when you consider both the competition he's facing (they're both great at dealing with him) and who his partner is, he's kinda a nothing here.  Who is he partnered with?  Why, no less than one of the most competant Forsaken out there, Graendael.  She comes complete with a Golden Age's worth of knowledge of weaves of mass destruction, superb defensive weaves, nothing less than Balefire itself, and a variety of stealth and mobility weaves.  These come into play because hit and run is her second favourite tactic since she hates being in a place where her enemies can actually strike at her.  But her favourite tactic plays to her strongest weaves, Compulsion.  Her specialty is the ability to take over people's minds and turn them into her puppets.  And if she can't be stopped from doing that, then she'll take an easy win.

Against this we have a literal Goddess in Palutena, whose powers will easily smash Lakitu, but she'll probably be more concerned with trying to deal with Graendael herself.  Which leaves Spider-Man to deal with Lakitu which should be easy for the web slinger, and then the two of them will need to gang up.  The problem here being, keeping one of both of them from being subborned via Compulsion.  But, Palutena's a goddess, and Spidey's got his spider sense, right?

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
Life's a happy song when you live in a world where musical numbers can happen at any time for any reason.  And in this event, we've got two teams of four where they've got to fit a musical number into their lives.  Points are awarded for how good the song and dance is, for how well it fits into life as they know it, and of course, for if it can combine entertainment with plot advancement.  Whichever team can do it best, wins.

The first team has an odd combo, we've got Mirror B, where dancing is a way of life, and he comes complete with backup Ludicolo dancers.  As well, they have a trained thespian in the talented Mordin Solus, who knows, at the very least, intergalactic Gilbert and Sullivan.  It may not be a way of life to him, but he's got the chops.  Of course, their back end will be a bit trickier. Millenia is fairly charismatic, so who knows how well she'll perform.  But in the role of team lodestone, you have Queen Zeal, who is just kinda crazy.  If the team can find a way to work that in, they could do quite well.  But that might be a big if.

Especially since they've got A-List opposition here, as once again we've got the guy who lives in a Disney flick.  Gaston is known for breaking into some pretty good song and dance routines at the drop of a hat.  And while he may be from a completely different sort of Disney world, Scrooge McDuck at the very least can dance.  Though, I don't know how often song and dance routines happen in Duckburg.  And Anna has now been conclusively proven not to be a dancer, or a bard.  But she probably also isn't actively bad at this, and she's from a world where the power of dance is respected.  There is, of course, one problem, and it's the complete opposite of the other team's problem.  See, their last competitor may not be a dancer, but he is a professional entertainer.  And, he managed to convince no lesser force than a US Congression Budget Committee to part with millions of dollars with nothing more than some gentle words and a song.  Mr. Rodgers has singing chops.  The problem is, he's also, personality wise, the Anti-Gaston.  If this goes well, then we're going to have a musical dual where this clash is highlighted and their opposing natures complement each other.  If this goes badly, then we're going to have a catastrophy of clashing musical styles that's all dischord and no harmony.

Quick Vote Form

Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)

Event 64: Iron Chef
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations)

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle
{Lakitu (SMW)/Graendael (Wheel of Time)} vs. {Palutena (KI:U)/Spider-Man (Spider Man)}

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
{Mirror B (Pokemon)/Queen Zeal (CT)/Millenia (Grandia 2)/Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)} vs. {Scrooge McDuck (Disney)/Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Anna (FE Series)/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)}


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2014, 09:14:46 PM »
Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG) - No contest here.

Event 64: Iron Chef
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations) - Wile E. Coyote makes a small explosion and fails to cook anything edible. However, Dahlia poisons all the judges, tries to pin it on Wile E. Coyote, and then Phoenix Wright comes along to defend Wile E. Coyote (he's done crazier things) and manages to prove Dahlia as guilty, and she is thus disqualified.

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle
{Lakitu (SMW)/Graendael (Wheel of Time)} vs. {Palutena (KI:U)/Spider-Man (Spider Man)} - Really tough fight, but I legitimately believe that at least one of Palutena/Spidey could keep Graendael occupied enough to not let her mind control anyone, though the moment she gets one it's 99% done. Luckily, while Spidey doesn't advocate killing your foes, Palutena seems to have absolutely no qualms with murder of the evil. >_>

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
{Mirror B (Pokemon)/Queen Zeal (CT)/Millenia (Grandia 2)/Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)} vs. {Scrooge McDuck (Disney)/Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Anna (FE Series)/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)} - Scrooge, Mr. Rogers and Gaston all perform amazingly here, and as long as Anna was promised pay, she'd be able to do well too. On the other hand, Mordin gives a VERY good run for the money, but his team drags him down. Millenia crushes souls, not notes, and Queen Zeal and Mirror B are not exactly inspiring in somehow being secretly amazing singers. Sorry Mordin, but your team is crap, and drags you down BIGTIME.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2014, 09:35:09 PM »
Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)
Yeah this isn't particularly close.

Event 64: Iron Chef
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations)

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle
{Lakitu (SMW)/Graendael (Wheel of Time)} vs. {Palutena (KI:U)/Spider-Man (Spider Man)}

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
{Mirror B (Pokemon)/Queen Zeal (CT)/Millenia (Grandia 2)/Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)} vs. {Scrooge McDuck (Disney)/Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Anna (FE Series)/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)}
Another event involving Gaston and music.  Not even Mordin's knowledge of Gilbert and Sullivan can save the opposing team.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2014, 10:56:58 PM »
Gaston & Colbert keep getting event draws where they're godlike, I see.

Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)
He's already infiltrated Canada's maple syrup mines, what other reason could there be.

Event 64: Iron Chef
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations)
Depends a lot on the judges.  If they're all promptly charmed by Dahlia, she wins.  If one of them offers some light criticism or seems to be skeptical...   yeah, since Dahlia's talents are things like "convince people to commit suicide" and "poison Godot's coffee" I really can't see her not murdering them, she is kind of an insane killer.  And...  damn it, Magetastic is right.  Wile E. Coyote is like a combination of Larry Butz & Orla.  Phoenix can't resist coming to the aid of the hapless animal.  The fact that Wile is incompetent at making non-exploding food ends up irrelevant.

Also, is this the first event Wile has had to compete solo in?  Seems likely...

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle
{Lakitu (SMW)/Graendael (Wheel of Time)} vs. {Palutena (KI:U)/Spider-Man (Spider Man)}
I'm not sure mind control is something that'd really work vs. a goddess (can't mind control the Dark One or the like I'd presume).  Spider-Man, *maybe*...  but...  while mind controlled superheroes are pretty common, it never actually works long-term, if you know what I mean.  Some villain uses mind control, everyone acts all puzzled as to why Spider-Man is suddenly robbing banks, then Palutena appears & knocks him on the head or he suddenly reveals he was faking it a key moment and backstabs the controller.

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
{Mirror B (Pokemon)/Queen Zeal (CT)/Millenia (Grandia 2)/Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)} vs. {Scrooge McDuck (Disney)/Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Anna (FE Series)/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)}
I'm thinking something like a 3-way "Confrontation" from Les Miserables.  Scrooge & Anna sing about how having tons of money and going on adventures is awesome, and how their money bin is impregnable.  Gaston rallies the mob of townfolk that the money should be rightfully theirs, and by theirs I mean his, because he's just that awesome.  Mr. Rogers sings against Gaston about how money doesn't really matter; compassion and love do, and the mob should just go home to be with their families.  Keep Scrooge & Anna's parts short and easy, then focus on the Gaston vs. Mr. Rogers smackdown - baritone vs. a tenor, always a classic.  That sounds totally awesome.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2014, 11:07:31 PM »
Quick Vote Form

Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)- Excellen would probably be a brony, but colbert would convert the world to Celestia's banner without them ever being the wiser.

Event 64: Iron Chef
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations)- I dunno about you, but the Coyote's plating and side composition have always looked quite excellent, probably the only thing he's shown as competent at besides sheer cussed determination.  Dahlia probably has some skill in the area, but I suspect that it's really her sister's domain overall.

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle
{Lakitu (SMW)/Graendael (Wheel of Time)} vs. {Palutena (KI:U)/Spider-Man (Spider Man)}- Isn't Palutena like, mind controlled in KIU?  Beyond that I suspect that she's not immune to Balefire, although retroactively removing a goddess from existence might have... consequences.

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
{Mirror B (Pokemon)/Queen Zeal (CT)/Millenia (Grandia 2)/Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)} vs. {Scrooge McDuck (Disney)/Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Anna (FE Series)/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)}-  Nooooooo OOOOOOOOONNEEEEE getsinexplicablyamazingmatchdraw like Gaston!  that he also gets Fred Rogers to play off of just seals the deal; it's not like he's incapable of being civil when it suits his purpose (or at least putting on the appearance of civility), so there shouldn't be any issues there.
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Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2014, 04:59:50 PM »
Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG): This feels right.

Event 64: Iron Chef
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations): Mage's argument works for me.

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle
{Lakitu (SMW)/Graendael (Wheel of Time)} vs. {Palutena (KI:U)/Spider-Man (Spider Man)}: Well Palutena's certainly not immune to mind control, although the one creature which pulled it off was something she had no idea existed, so she might do better if prepared for Graendal. Certainly Spider-Man is waaaay better than Lakitu which makes me kinda want to kneejerk for the second team. And yeah, I think Snowfire's probably right, goodness and virtue always seems to triumph over mind control at a critical moment.

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
{Mirror B (Pokemon)/Queen Zeal (CT)/Millenia (Grandia 2)/Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)} vs. {Scrooge McDuck (Disney)/Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Anna (FE Series)/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)}: Holy crap this team is stacked at this.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2014, 04:56:21 AM »
Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)
Both  Was leaning Colbert though that was when I thought the goal was to plot against the cabal.

Event 64: Iron Chef
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations)
Phoenix Wright taking pity on the downtrodden coyote amuses me.

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle
{Lakitu (SMW)/Graendael (Wheel of Time)} vs. {Palutena (KI:U)/Spider-Man (Spider Man)}

kneejerk.  Anyone ever looked inside the contents of Spider Man's head?  Let's just say that it utterly backfires on Graendael as what she discovers sends her reeling.  Assuming Palutena has contractual immunity to mind control (different biological makeup) but if one sees her as susceptible, that tilts things the other way

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
{Mirror B (Pokemon)/Queen Zeal (CT)/Millenia (Grandia 2)/Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)} vs. {Scrooge McDuck (Disney)/Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Anna (FE Series)/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)}
Disney characters in a musical contest, geez.  Zeal and Millenia sing self absorbed dirges (about the glories of Lavos and how Millenia is better for Ryudo than Elena, respectively) which summon Lavos and Valmar to nuke the other team, thus losing by disqualification.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2014, 06:17:48 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle
{Lakitu (SMW)/Graendael (Wheel of Time)} vs. {Palutena (KI:U)/Spider-Man (Spider Man)}- Holding onto the True Source prevents Compulsion from working, which makes me inclined to call a Goddess/magic type immune to it. I think the bigger issue is that Spidey is completely worthless here (complusion+stab stab).  Could go the other way but I kneejerk Grendael as super dangerous in this match.

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
{Mirror B (Pokemon)/Queen Zeal (CT)/Millenia (Grandia 2)/Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)} vs. {Scrooge McDuck (Disney)/Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Anna (FE Series)/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)}- Yeesh.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2014, 03:28:54 AM »

Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)

Event 64: Iron Chef
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations)

Turns out knowing 1001 Ways to Cook Roadrunner pays off when you don't have to catch it beforehand.

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle
{Lakitu (SMW)/Graendael (Wheel of Time)} vs. {Palutena (KI:U)/Spider-Man (Spider Man)}

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
{Mirror B (Pokemon)/Queen Zeal (CT)/Millenia (Grandia 2)/Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)} vs. {Scrooge McDuck (Disney)/Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Anna (FE Series)/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)}

Millenia wins it singlehandedly for her team when her rendition of Let It Go totally brings down the house and makes perfect sense.