...The best part was him reinforcing that they're not a harassment campaign because it's only harassment if you actually drive anyone out of the game's industry. And in the same breath tells them to stop bashing people in threads and harassing people because that's "being used against [GG] as proof that [GG] are a bunch of harassers." Like, seriously?
What a massive tit.
Just like when TB said Sarkeesian's harassment isn't to be taken seriously because she's "still breathing." Also, at least two prominent writers left because of this shit (Frank and Brice).
At this point, TB has engaged in so much intellectual dishonesty that it's hard to take him seriously. The weird paranoia (he does engage in what amounts to SJW conspiracy bullshit even though he doesn't use those terms), the nonstop No True Scotsman claims, the constant self aggrandizing (check how many followers I have!), and his thoughts on privilege are repulsive and myopic. I don't know that a sub that named itself after TumblrinAction is going to take very kindly to not using "SJW" since that is basically the entire point of TiA's existence as far as I can tell.
And you know what, if GG did this then I wouldn't have a ton of objections, but at this point, this an exhortation to moderates who no longer exist. The content of the sub is all propagandistic outrage, so his "Be patient" point will dry up all activity on the sub since, I don't know if you know, the ethics witch-hunt is and has always been bullshit.
Why Brianna Wu is being targeted is also incredibly puzzling to me, but that's another issue.