Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2015?  (Read 217648 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1825 on: July 04, 2015, 07:23:34 PM »
FF 13-2.  Beaten, bad ending get.  For a game that never really caught me emotionally with the story during the course of gameplay, they hit you hard at the end.  Now I recognize CT's sigs from long ago.  "A Yeul who loved flowers."

I still have over half the fragments to go, so much mucking around in the timeline ensues.

Just FYI, FF13-2 doesn't have a good ending, just an extended one.   It's not really worth grabbing as a result (though it wouldn't be so bad if not for the 4XX Academia Fragments.)
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1826 on: July 04, 2015, 08:41:09 PM »
So Djinn, have you seen the Soleil support in FE:Fates? Is it as bad as it seems because it sounds fucking gross.

Not sure what you read about it, apparently some places have made it out to be even worse than it is, but it is still pretty bad. Good chance it gets changed in localisation, too; I know this happened to one or two of the more objectionable Awakening supports.

From what I've read people aren't too happy with the supports in this game on average but tbh supports in the series have never been a strong point of its writing and they've gotten worse since the 3DS games pushed for a massively overbloated support list to pander to players but letting them pair up almost anyone of the opposite gender.

For those who don't mind spoilers and want to read the discussion on this support, here is the place to go. Includes a link to a fan-translated version of the support, though the usual caveat of translations being imperfect applies.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I saw but some places are sensationalizing it a bit, especially with the drugs (which is still pretty terrible but this isn't on the level they are claiming).

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1827 on: July 05, 2015, 12:40:15 AM »
Just FYI, FF13-2 doesn't have a good ending, just an extended one.

If that's the case, I'm actually impressed they were ballsy enough to go that route.  I'll finish it anyway, it's entertaining me for the time being.

FFRK:  Got Balthier's 5-star weapon, so he gets to replace Tidus in my lineup (Garnet, Balthier, Vivi, Cloud, Sephiroth).  Was planning on breaking his level cap anyway for the record materia, so double incentive now.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1828 on: July 05, 2015, 12:57:26 AM »
Final Fantasy The Autobattle's Litany - Just finished the Dreadnought Leviathan event and this has to be the easiest Challenge Event I've ever finished. As long as you have decent amounts of MT and resources, you're very unlikely to lose to Judge Ghis, especially if you land Blind on him, since that completely shuts down his offense. His support goes down to a few Quakes, so it's not really a big deal. I expect the boss rush to be a pain in the ass, though, it's very MT-centered and that makes resource management obnoxious. I'll probably level-cap and cap-break Balthier tomorrow, he's already at L49. That record materia looks pretty tasty and hell, he's a good PC anyway. Certainly didn't regret benching Tidus.

FF7 - So the skinner box made me want to play something FF-y that I haven't played in a long time and felt FF7 was way overdue for a replay. The SD character models are quite hilarious in hi-res and wow, is the earlygame hilariously bad at threatening you. Some enemies have -100HKO- damage at this point in the game, this is seriously low-hanging your fruit. That said, I do like, translation aside, how the game paces its beginning. In media res high-tension wires going off. The dialogue is often awkward ("THE PLANET'S DYING CLOUD!" "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" is particularly weird in terms of logical flow), but the ideas are pretty solid in terms of starting things with a bang. Midgar is also a pretty interesting city setup.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 01:02:31 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1829 on: July 05, 2015, 02:39:04 AM »
Re: FE if and Soleil
Haven't gotten her yet.

FF Autobattle: Agreed that the Balthier event is really easy. I've literally Mastered all of the fights except the last two with a Level 18 party of FF3 characters and Generics + level 40 Fran. Switched to a party of around level 40s for the 2nd-last fight but wasn't able to Master it. I can throw in Tidus (seriously Spiral Cut is resource-free MT 9999 dmg, best 5* drop I've ever gotten) and Garnet and probably handle that while still levelling my sub-50 PCs. Ghis doesn't look particularly tough either. I'll throw Vivi's Quake at him as suggested.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1830 on: July 05, 2015, 04:37:31 AM »
Picked up VP2 again. Failed to one-round Freya by about 0.5% of her HP. Must twink harder.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1831 on: July 05, 2015, 05:00:43 AM »
Wow Balthier's soul break is nice-looking, pulls up a nautical map over the battlefield and a giant wave washes over it.  Seems to be about 75% as powerful as Sephiroth's, which is also multitarget.  But hey, water element for obscure enemy weaknesses.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1832 on: July 05, 2015, 07:44:28 PM »
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - Beaten. The end of the game was better than the rest, certainly. Aside from Victory Road itself (already commented on), the Wally fight was better than I remembered it being in Emerald, and the final boss sequence was fine; I had one reset on Drake (due to missing two consecutive 90% accuracy Dragon Chops mostly) and one on Steven (lost Latias to Toxic and various other pokemon due to errors against Cradily leaving Armaldo to finish off the team). Delta Episode kinda tries to have an actual plot, it's cute. Actually less terrible at it than I was assuming? Anyway the overall level of fight competence here was high enough too, nothing too amazing. I liked that they threw in a fight against a re-imagining of Emerald!Wallace who was certainly better than the gym leaders in the game but still not that great for various reasons (worse movesets than Em, lower levels, bad AI). Final Zinnia was pretty nasty because I refused to use Rayquaza but still won on the first try, Deoxys ate a Master Ball to end the playthrough.

Sceptile - Leaf Blade, Dual Chop, X-Scissor, Mega Drain/Earthquake - Well it could use better physical durability and it would be nice if it had more movepool to run off its higher SA but who cares, that speed + grass is amazing in this game + a mega evo for even more stats made for ridiculousness. Even though I pretty much only used him against things that Grass (or occasionally Bug/Dragon) was effective against he still ended up 3-4 levels higher than the rest of my team at most times because water water everywhere. Really wish I'd gotten Giga Drain, but oh well.

Latias - Psychic/Psystrike/Double Team, Shadow Ball, Recover, Calm Mind/Thunderwave - Only real objection to Latias is that it doesn't learn a special dragon move stronger than 60 power. Aside from that she's tanky, fast, has a ridiculously deep movepool (in addition to the stuff listed I made plenty of use of Surf), and can sweep with the ol' Gardevoir strategy only does it better. I actually had really terrible luck trying to sweep Steven with this (ate multiple crits through Double Team and had terrible luck with evade in general, eventually running out of Recover) but it still killed half his team.

Crobat - Fly, Cross Poison/Sludge Bomb/Dark Pulse, Confuse Ray, Roost - Be faster than everything, confuse + healing is always good, have no really bad stats. Serviceable against most things. Dark Pulse got used against Steven because with steel losing dark resist it's an oddly good element in that fight, now. Also, it evolved into Crobat after one level as Golbat as usual, even though it's obtained later in this game than some. Good times as always.

Aggron - Iron Head, Stone Edge/Rock Tomb/Rock Slide, Earthquake, Thunderwave - Well once it reached its final stage and could learn Thunderwave that was certainly nice. Otherwise it has a typing which walls some things very well and dies to things badly. Slow but could at least outspeed a few things, but more to the point Thunderwave was great for making up for this. Decent enough damage, though you can't call it an offensive pokemon. I hardly ever used its mega form because Sceptile and Latias were so much more important for anchoring the team.

Wailord - Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Strength/Waterfall - Man its movepool gets shallow after the first few moves. Anyway its stats aren't too great but the water/ice niche isn't a bad one to fill, and its stats aren't that bad either. Overall a bland filler but it joined at a pretty high level unlike most things I caught in the second half of the game that weren't legendaries.

Camerupt - Overheat, Fireblast/Flamethrower, Earth Power, Will-o-Wisp/Yawn - So on multiple occasions I went over an hour without fighting a pokemon that isn't a Water type (yes, I counted). Camerupt is total junk for any such sections. Toss in the fact that I was fighting Team Aqua and that he's also weak to Ground and it didn't feel like there were many places he could be used safely, especially since his speed is "always goes last" territory. I want to like Camerupt, his design is cool, but his stats + typing would be horrible in any Pokemon game and are even worse in this one. Oh well. Only pluses is that he was good for nulling electrics (on the very rare occasions those show up, and of course you get him after Wattson) and that his raw damage was pretty good, especially with Overheat.

Anyway I don't think this game was nearly as good as it should be by Pokemon standards. It's a combination of my two favourite games in the series, but generally didn't manage to capture what I liked about either. The thing I liked most about X/Y were the excellent array of options, the fact that random trainers and random enemies were up-to-speed level-wise and presented a constant moderate level of challenge (at least without Exp Share. This is not present in Alpha Sapphire, regular trainers are jokes and randoms are underlevelled, and pokemon availability could be better. It also did away with Fashion~ which is a shame because Default Male Trainer looks really stupid; instead we get secret bases which I can't give a shit about.

The thing I liked most about Emerald is that it has the best boss fights in the series, lots of well-designed teams which led to an epic feel in many boss fights. In this game the gym leaders are Diamond/Pearl level bad with much worse setups (going back to Ruby/Sapphire was a big mistake) and often felt a bit underlevelled (again, I didn't use Exp Share and ran six pokemon, so no excuses!), and had derpy AI in many cases. Like Diamond/Pearl the game steps up a bit at the end but that's not really enough.

So it's okay. I mean it's still Pokemon, still reasonably polished, infinite-use TMs are still cool, and it doesn't have any egregious mechanical errors like D/P's sluggish animations and surfing or RBY's bugs and documentation errors. And while the enemy design isn't where I want it to be it doesn't have anything as egregious as the Mahogany arc. And the game's villains don't make me facepalm as much as Cyrus or Lysander, that's something I guess. So it's better than RBY, GSC, DP, and HGSS at the very least. A decent game but a bit disappointing. 6/10 or so? Sates my Pokemon itch for the next year or two most likely, though I would like to play BW and/or BW2 at some point since that does feel like a definite hole in my experience with the series.

Final Fantasy Dimensions - Just beat the Memorist chapter. Game remains fun; I have more to say on it but will wait until it's not packaged in an already large post.

Final Fantasy 5 - Fiesta time! So I'm doing Chaos this year, the first job I drew was Berserker and the second is Samurai, which means until the earth crystal I have to do a Berseker SCC.

... this is... not a thing I'm willing to do. See, the Berserker SCC walls hard on Sandworm and Soul Cannon. It's generally agreed you need to overlevel like mad to stand a chance against them. (And I don't mean agreed by the type of bad FAQ-writer who claims you need to be Level 80 to beat Zeromus, I mean by people who are super-knowledgeable about FF5.) Oh well, just meant I used the Job Fair to re-randomise my Berserker job and got Summoner instead. Much better!

Anyway the first part (until the water crystal) is Freelancer only. Freelancers are definitely somewhat weaker than Knights early due to lower HP which means you need to pack a fair number of Potions (I used like 15 getting through canal + ship graveyard) and Siren was moderately scary. Magissa was nasty, had a reset here. Drain OHKOed me (I was slightly underlevelled to be fair) and she used it four times in a row when able, which didn't help, and her husband hit really hard as well. I won by lowering her just above her limit threshold, blitzing her, then finishing her off after the summon. Afterwards I switched everyone to the back row (otherwise Forza does ~135 damage with Tackles) and slowly chipped away.

After that you get access to Tycoon Castle and lots of cool stuff (Ashura katana, Whip, Heal Staff) which makes Garula a complete joke.

Getting Summoners was a relief. I've never used Chocobo/Sylph much before but they're actually pretty worthwhile ST damage at this point, certainly beating out physicals at no real cost and even adding some healing! I decided to take a run at Shiva; I lost once because I didn't realise having everyone in the back row would make her cast Blizzara ST and that one-shotted people, but I was more careful the second time and also got a lucky Fat Chocobo in to wreck the Ice Commanders. Sylph could keep up with her MT Blizzaras, the ST ones were just met with a Phoenix Down and plugging on. Not too bad.

Then Shiva proceeds to wreck absolutely every random until the Library, as well as Iron Claw who gets 2HKOed. The only thing worth noting is Liquid Flame who was certainly tough; he only transformed to Hand once but OHKOed when he did and had enough MDef to mock Sylph during it. I did win first try but at one point everyone was down to 0-3 HP after a Blaze! I've also beaten the Library, Ifrit gets one-rounded by Shiva and Byblos would have been one-rounded by Ifrit had I thought to buy four Fire Rods in advance. No biggie, it was still super-easy. Ran away a few times to make sure I didn't hit Level 15.

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Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1833 on: July 05, 2015, 08:58:18 PM »
Final Fantasy The Autobattle Of The Highway Strip - Mastered the last two hanging Elite maingame dungeons (Bottomswell and Jenova BIRTH) and now, all I have left until the next event is grinding for XP and orbs until the end of time. Cap-broke Balthier, levelling up White Mage and whatnot. Cloud broke level 60 and Vivi/Garnet are very close to doing it. Heck, Vivi's past 3k HP, this is absolutely jarring.

Speaking of jarring, I raised that Waterja from Balthier's event to rank 2. That deals 8k damage, no weakness necessary, to the likes of Jenova BIRTH Elite. What the fuck.

FF7 - Currently on Wall Market. The levels of mood whiplash present here are insane. You get into a tearful split from Barret and Tifa into Aerith plot into We Were Witchy Witchy White Women with a tinge of Gay Bar.

EDIT: hahahahahaha i'm twelve and they threaten Don Corneo's DICK on that scene
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 11:38:00 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1834 on: July 05, 2015, 09:10:26 PM »
FFT: I'm starting to grow fond of Dark Knight's big terrifying eyes now. She's pretty good.
She has Gaffy Gaff's skills, plus one reasonably powerful skill that can only be described as "dark shotgun" and that's very fun to use at point blank range on enemies.

Of course Chapter 4 is a big joke anyway. FFT pretty much just keeps getting easier and easier as it goes on. Chapter 1 is the hardest, then 2, then 3, then 4. (Though 2/3 have a few notable difficulty spikes)

The new War of the Lions Beowulf/Reis sidequest is terrible.
Here is how it goes:

Reis gets kidnapped by some loser duke whos plan is: Kidnap Reis -> Keep her locked up -> Maybe she will love me some day
Beowulf's honorable bro bishie templar works for that duke so we have to fight.

The 1st fight of the sidequest is against the bishie bro. Beowulf joins as a guest. You can't control him during the battle, or select him before the battle. The goal of the battle is: Kill Bro bishie. Okay.

So my OP as fuck army acts first and walks all over the first enemies we see, because FFT Chapter 4 balance.
Then Bro Bishie, with master teleport, teleports behind Beowulf and kills him in one hit. Game over. I hadn't equipped Beowulf because nothing tells you that if Beowulf dies = gameover.
Second try, my army once again walks all over the regular enemies, and I make sure to dispatch one of the enemy archers so Beowulf is safe. Bishie teleports behind Beowulf, attacks him (60% accuracy), CRITICAL HIT, then an archer gets a turn and hits him with a 40% chance. Beo dies.

During the second battle, we get this exchange between the duke and Beowulf about how the duke is wrong about love, and doesn't understand how love works, and how Reis and Beowulf have really special love, and that's how things should be. I'd grade Beowulf's dialogue as definitely sub-Huey Lewis and the News.
It would be trite in a regular game, but it's especially jarring in FFT, which has actual good writing and in which arranged marriages should be the norm.

After dying the duke, uses the dark Lucavi-ish powers to turn into... a palette swapped regular ice dragon. Epic. Of course its stats are super jacked up and he has like 4000 HPs and OHKO damage always. This is Chapter 4, so it's really easy, BUT if Beowulf dies I assume we still get a game over since he's still a guest. Brilliant design guys 10/10.
I'm really lucky that the game's auto-equip function gave Beowulf an ice shield, without it he'd have been OHKOed and I'd have had to redo the fight again.

So I'm going to get a 3DS pretty much only for Mario 3D Land, SMT games. I'll probably get Bravely Default and Kid Icarus too.
Any cool little worthwhile downloadable games on that thing, aside from Crimson Shroud?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1835 on: July 05, 2015, 09:17:22 PM »
In FFT WotL we also got a very nice cutscene in which Agrias meets Olivia at the end of the game.

Agrias tells Olivia that she can't protect her, because Lucavi demons are a bigger deal. She gives Olivia a dagger for her protection (...) and she entrusts her to Delita, while saying to Delita that if anything bad should happen to Olivia, she (Agrias) will come back to get her revenge on him.

In the end, she couldn't, either because she failed, or because everybody died under Orbonne anyway.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1836 on: July 05, 2015, 09:33:24 PM »
About 3DS stuff: there's also Shovel Knight, Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. and more Fire Emblem, Fenrir. Etrian Odyssey also sounds like something that you'd be into.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1837 on: July 05, 2015, 09:38:41 PM »
Most of the cool indie stuff on the 3DS I'm aware of is also available for other platforms (e.g. Shovel Knight, VVVVVV, I've heard good things about Shantae), which makes sense since the 3DS is the most annoying system to develop for and the main reason to do it is to reach a huge audience that only wants to play these types of things on portables. i.e. I suspect Fenrir' has played most of it already.

But yeah seconding Snow's recommendations that the IntSys games are at least worth checking out. Smash and Mario Kart are cool as well if they're your thing, you have the main other things I'd recommend covered already. Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies? But IIRC you've played that.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1838 on: July 05, 2015, 11:55:39 PM »
FFRK:  Auto-haste materia is pretty legit.  Sephiroth usually has around 2 bars of soul break by the time you get to bosses just from autobattling, and the haste lasts a few turns into the boss.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1839 on: July 06, 2015, 12:22:24 AM »
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones: Fin.  (As was probably obvious from the stat topic I posted.)  Not too much to say really.  On Hard mode, the monsters hit reasonably hard but can still be manipulated into having horrible Hit, which actually cost me a reset on Darkling Woods after a 20 Hit Axe & 33 Hit Shadowshot somehow both hit Neimi and barely 2HKOed her.  Shoulda let the Assassins in the trees handle 'em, lol 0 Hit rate & all.  I think I'd have preferred more accurate enemies who hit slightly less hard, although the magic of subtractive defense would then make Myrrh / tanks OP, so eh.

Final chapter was mostly a turkey shoot, only the Dracozombies or triggering the reinforcements without being ready are really a threat here.  Okay and maybe horrible luck on Shadowshot as well or on the Arch Mogalls actually hitting (again, good damage that 2HKOs the likes of Ross / Tana!  ....  and 20 listed Hit, so actually more like 6% hit rate.).  Tana also got a Pierce proc on Lyon which was funny if unneeded.  Fomortiis died on turn 1 from Eph double + Eirika double + Tana double, and I could have Tethys Danced up either Myrrh or Neimi for more weakness-hitting fun.  Designing FE end bosses is tough!  Awakening is still the closest to doing it right, if it wasn't for the damn ninjas that spawn right next to the boss.  I'd have been fine with either nearby reinforcements that don't ninja, or ninja reinforcements that stream in from the other side of the map, but bah.  Anyway Nidhogg went strangely unfired the entire game, Neimi could usually clobber just fine with a Killer Bow.

Kill chart:

Ross: 130
Amelia: 98
Neimi: 98
Lute: 94
Tana: 93
Eirika: 82
Ephraim: 74
Marisa: 71
Gerik: 62
Colm: 56
Seth: 33
Myrrh: 23
Forde: 18
L'Arachel: 15
Saleh: 14
Joshua: 13
Tethys: 0

And endgame levels at the *start* of the final chapter for lulz:

Seth - L5
L'Arachel, Lute, Saleh - L6 (this is with MASSIVE FAVORITISM toward L'Arachel too...  for all that dancing your healer would be good anyway usually)
Gerik - L8
Eirika, Ephraim, Tana, Neimi, Amelia - L9-10
Ross, Colm - L11
Marisa - L14
Myrrh - L17 (This is with basically only feeding her kills in Last Hope & Darkling Woods.  Yes.)
Tethys - L20

Gerik sadly got benched for the final mission denying Marisa her A-Support, but oh well.  (Not enough Sacred Twins to go around, I'll take a meh Lute with Excalibur over a good Gerik sadly, and Myrrh is kinda broken on Monster maps.)  (And Seth / Saleh / Duessel / etc. were only hole-fillers in the big-deploy count maps.)

If I'd known that my Lute would turn out crappy, I might have considered bothering trying to grind up Ewan, but eh, whatevs, less effort this way anyway.

Anyway, good game, wasn't just nostalgia.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1840 on: July 06, 2015, 12:34:24 AM »
FFRK:  Auto-haste materia is pretty legit.  Sephiroth usually has around 2 bars of soul break by the time you get to bosses just from autobattling, and the haste lasts a few turns into the boss.

Indeed. The materia alone may not justify raising Balthier all the way to L50, but it makes a pretty good argument. Balthy himself being a good PC just makes raising him a borderline no-brainer.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1841 on: July 06, 2015, 01:48:00 AM »
VP2: Lezard mk.1 got two turns. Both of them were Dampen Magic. Oh no! I tossed on Toughness for the finale because I hate the last battle sequence and remembered AE Lezard dealing too much damage. Enough to overkill Rufus if I hadn't done that, as it turns out. I guess he might have been wearing shitty armor? I'd point to the 150% ATK/50% RDM sealstone, but everything Lezard has looks magic to me, so I dunno.

Game stood up pretty well for me. I'm a little surprised at how good it still looks, especially the last couple dungeons. Credit Tri-Ace for having a good eye for distinctive character and set designs. Story of course remains totally silly after the point where the villain makes it clear he's just another one of those internet creepers who swears the girl of his dreams who keeps blowing him off is really just secretly tsundere for him and only needs constant pursuit to wear through her prickly facade. I realize it's mostly in keeping with his VP1 personality, but man is it awkward how quickly he pervs out once you actually confront him. (This is hardly the only reason the last chapter's ridiculous, of course--fusion valk as well as Brahms randomly dropping dead because reasons? also stand out.) But at least the game hits some satisfying character beats before that. I still like the combat engine a lot too but wow does the game get stupid easy in the second half. Fortunately, we have optional dungeon to remedy that.

Speaking of, feel the power of dogness is next.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 01:51:17 AM by El Cideon »

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1842 on: July 06, 2015, 04:15:57 AM »
Pokémon X

Doing a theme playthrough for this one. A while ago Andy ran a Pokémon RP, and we ended up giving teams to all our old characters. So I ended up picking one to run. This is a Keith playthrough, which took some finagling and opting in for the PokeBank to get the necessary pokemon. Currently beat the 4th Gym, but hitting a pause to get the trade evo's for the proper team. I'll go by the concept, then explain the reasoning behind its inclusion, and where it's currently at.

First Slot- Magmortar. As a crossbow user, Keith had a penchant for using heavy explosive bolts. Nothing like simulating that with a fire pokemon with giant artillery hands. Currently though, this is a Magmar being babied up a bit after transferring from PokeBank. Curious to see how this will work out in practice. I used Electabuzz in HGSS, but never used Magmar before.

Second Slot- Blastoise. Keeping with the artillery theming, also covers type very well, is surf-able, and luckily you're handed one early so it was actually my first theme-compliant pokemon! Yay. Occupies the second slot since it's very tanky (Keith had the most HP in the party as a Ranger until an actual tank joined... and still was near their HP due to almost always getting max rolls on HP rolls).

Jolteon- Super fast, Keith had the best init by far (+10, next closest was +4). Also electric fits, since one of his crossbows added electric damage to each shot at will. Also was really easy to get in-game with no transferring. This was in the first slot, which fits since he used that crossbow until it upgraded from the electric pea-shooter to the giant fireshots of doom.

Gengar- Keith pissed off a lich early in the game by killing its host body and it took its revenge in many ways. The most ever-present was that it would often show up in the party's dreams and mess with them. Gengar totally fills that role. Helps that it's one of my favorite pokemon too. Currently a Haunter though until I can trade it.

Milotic- Keith was always fishing when on a ship, or near water (A hunter by trade but an outdoorsman in general). Also tended to get really, really lucky on die rolls, which I think Feebas hunting qualifies as. Managed to get a bunch in my Sapphire playthrough, and picked the best one I got to evolve into Milotic after transferring to HGSS. Still only level 23 after sending it over from there though, so it's another project. Still somewhat solid. Liking it so far. Plus it's in a Premier Ball.

Ursaring- Last slot is currently being filled by Tyrantrum, since I'm gonna wait to just catch an Ursaring in-game later on. May keep Tyrantrum though, as both sort of fit. Ursaring fits more generally for hunting, but he hunted more rare and specialized stuff rather than the mundane, so a T-Rex totally qualifies. Plus it fills the Gen 6 slot, since the entire team was thought of during Gen 5.

The only annoying thing is there's no Fly pokemon in party, so I have to keep going to box. Mrf. Still a fun playthrough. Exp share should help since Magmar, Milotic, and Haunter are half the level the other ones are.

Played up to the 3rd Gym before I got the PokeBank and transferred stuff. Started off with Fennekin, which I liked. Gogoat was great, almost kept it but theming takes precedence. Mothim rounded out the earlygame team. (Tyrantrum, Blastoise, and Jolteon were the other 3). Played around with Pancham and Pikachu, but opted for other stuff.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1843 on: July 06, 2015, 04:16:24 AM »
I don't have a copy of Devil May Cry 4 SE, but I do have the HD collection of the first three that I never dug into, so I figured this weekend was as good a time as any to do that. DMC3, of course. Beat Agni and Rudra before I called it a night. Haven't played the game in ages so I'm not doing anything special with the playthrough, just getting reacquainted with the controls (I'm too used to Bayonetta...I miss the dodge button) and enjoying the cheese.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1844 on: July 06, 2015, 04:35:26 AM »
Final Fantasy 3: Just got off the Floating Continent!

-The first Guzco/Gutsco Dungeon is pretty much the most forgettable dungeon early game.  The only thing worth noting is Manticores in the DS version can hit you with MT Blizzard and do something resembling damage, I guess, but if you have enough Potions or Cure spells, you won't care; it's not damaging enough to kill a character, just enough to slowly wear you down.  Guzco himself is not really stand out unless he hax's you with status in the DS version.  Speaking of which, amusingly, he hit both Refia and Luneth (my 2 physical characters) with Mini...then died to Arc's next spell anyway.

-Black Magic has taken a spike in damage in the DS version.  Add in how Black Mage's can item cast Staves giving them limitless Level 1/2 spells (Thunder = level 2, remember), you pretty much leave them in back row spamming spells.  The NES version doesn't have as much damage, but Level 1/2's remain still solid throughout this point, with level 3/4's being good nukes (except for bosses who regularly have stupid good magic defense...), but more importantly, NES Status doesn't suck.  Sleep is accurate when ST, sometimes worthwhile MT, being the big one right now because it's a level 1 spell.

-Lava is not a hazard in the NES version, but is in the DS version.

-Resisting Fire is much easier in the DS version, because Warrior, Thief and Red Mage can use Ice equips.  NES version, only Fighter (and Onion Knight!) can equip it.  Shockingly, this really doesn't mean like anything outside of the fight with Salamander since the Volcano dungeon has very little in the way of Fire enemies.

-Salamander's a good fight in both games, pretty faithful.  FF3DS' has to deal with higher Fire resistance and mages with higher magic defense, but he double acts and does more damage to compensate.  Either way, it's a decent fight in both games that's well balanced around the PCs they're up against.

-Hein's Castle is clearly better in the NES version.  The enemies in this dungeon are just not good in the DS version; NES version has Pharaohs that can put you to sleep and Lamia's that can confuse you, and you often fight 4 or 5 monsters at a time.  Never fight more than 2 enemies in this dungeon in the DS version and they're individually easier. 

-Hein himself?  NES version the game explicitly tells you how to beat him.  Use a Scholar, exploit weakness, which obviously screams "HAVE A BLACK MAGE TOO!"  If you aren't using a Black Mage, you can get by with Zeus' Rages and such, but you get the idea.  Scholar is vital if you want to beat him without headaches.  No, Knight is a go to win here; Hein's defenses, particularly Evasion, is so good that Knight can regularly whiff all hits.  He can overcome defense if he hits thanks to King Sword, but you get the idea.
DS version is...a lot less interesting.  He's very RNG based since he has too many commands and the double acting and what not.   First off, you don't need a Scholar here; a big reason why is because Hein starts off with no weaknesses (FF3NES, he starts with a weakness, unsure if it's randomized or he always is weak to Ice), and when he barrier changes, he doesn't get resistances.  FF3o Hein had the usual Barrier change of "Weak to one element, immunes the rest"; FF3DS, is just a boring "gets a random weakness!"  Next off, Fighters can hurt him, so Warrior's still good here.  Hein is fine offensively, and even has status that can get in the way, but I feel the nature of the fight is completely lost.  The gimmick actually hurts him more than helps since a turn of him using Barrier Change is a turn of him doing less damage to your team.  One thing that did make my life harder is using Red Mage instead of White Mage; the MP difference is notable here because Cure is starting to not be good enough, and Red Mage has only 2 Curas, and Hi Potions are too expensive this early.

Beat him in both without a reset, though DS version I'm finding someone often dies on a boss.  I also had the mistake of using a Ranger in the DS version and missed the Rune Bow, so Refia was kind of completely useless here outside of throwing spell casting Items (which are better done by Arc and Ingus, who are Black mage and Red Mage respectively.

-Speaking of Mages, Red Mage is useless in the NES version now.  White Mage is still damage anemic, but with status and large healing pools, it's worth having one anyway.  Red Mage is extremely good in the DS version, albeit not necessarily a full replacement of anything yet; a key thing is he can Heal, item cast Staves for legit free damage back row damage, and dual equip shields to remain durable.  Again, though, MP is a bit of an issue which is why he's not necessarily a full replacement.

-I swapped Refia to Monk during Guzco's Cave and Salamander because Thief is awful now.  She's doing 2 digit damage pretty regularly, and even with no JLevels and Job Sickness, Monk was STILL outdamaging her.  Granted, in one dungeon from now, we reach Amur, where Thief gets a huge upgrade in...well...everything, and is pretty damn good from here on in.  Why use Thief this long?  Because long term JLevels; using Thief this long, Refia's at JLevel 14, and that'll come in handy when Thief is actually good.

-The last thing I'll note is what I think is unironically the aspect FF3DS did best as a remake over the original, and that's the segment right when you get off the Floating Continent.  Boundless Ocean is kind of a generic, forgettable piece in the NES version, but the DS version is probably one of the best remixes of a song they have, since it sounds utterly fantastic and fits the mood perfectly.  The visuals are great too, making the world look legitimately shrouded in darkness, as opposed to the NES version where it's just a lot of water.  Also the map means you aren't flying around blindly casting Sight like in the NES version, a very welcome addition, since that's fake difficulty (there's no random encounters or any danger; you're just flying around aimlessly til a landmark appears.)  This is not me trying to be ironic or anything, it's something I just feel they truly nailed on every level, and did straight up better than the NES version in every sense, and it deserves that much praise.  I was completely wowed by it when I first saw the sequence and going back to it, I am reminded why.

NEXT UP: The only FF1 Fiend to graduate into being an FF3 Fiend...except technically FF3 doesn't have real fiends but shut up.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1845 on: July 06, 2015, 12:13:05 PM »
Final Fantasy I Wanna Be Autobattled - Championed the Dreadnought Leviathan boss rush. There's only one truly rough fight there: the Ba'Gamnan swarm. The rest is pretty trivially simple, even Ghis, who fails -very- hardcore with Berserk and Blind handy. It's actually kinda hilarious: once I landed Berserk on Ghis, he started casting Grand Barrier on MY PARTY. You can autobattle Air Cutter Remora and Daguza, Gwitch and Galeedo if you want, even - just toss a Quake and a -ga/ja/Comet and a defense buster first to speed things up.

EDIT: Since I also play non-FTP evil bullshit nowadays.

Final Fantasy 7 - I like the first hours of the game a lot more this time around in almost every respect. In spite of the terrible translation, it shows that the writing, both in plotting and dialogue, tries a few pretty gutsy ideas right off the bat and they pay off nicely. They'd benefit from a little bit of decompression, but the pacing itself is pretty refreshing and I like what they do in terms of personality with both Aerith and Tifa. Cloud could stand to be less Cecil-ish in that STAY BACK AND MAKE ME A SAMMICH WOMAN way, but Tifa and particularly Aerith have actual backbones and won't have any of that shit, and that's good.

The one real problem is that the gameplay is honestly uninteresting at this point. This stems principally from the egregious battle design - bosses have some ideas and even gimmick randoms like the ghosts in the train graveyard show glimmers there. But everything -hopelessly sucks-. Seriously, when enemies started averaging 6-7HKO ST damage, it was a monumental -leap- in competence, because they spend the first two or three dungeons impressing everybody with damage that ranged anywhere from 20 to -100HKO-. And in a game that practically drops on your lap cheap as hell, efficient and decently potent MT healing from more or less the get-go. And they get at worst 2HKOed by cheap magic. You end up just autobattling most of it just for the sake of simplicity - and I'm not even getting into what using items can do to them (seriously, there are enemies dropping BIO 2 ITEMS as commons right now. And Grenades, which are storebought for cheap, deal limit-level damage at this point, which is completely insane). It's pretty obvious they didn't want to overemphasize limits, which start getting egregiously spammed against strong offense the way they're envisioned, but the measures taken to rein them back lead to a huge problem here, they pretty much tossed the baby along with the water from the basin. Oh well.

About to walk back to Aerith's house for Cetra plot and then tackling the Shinra building. We'll see how this goes.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 01:20:06 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1846 on: July 06, 2015, 01:46:44 PM »
RNG ducks

Two 50 relic pulls. Poop

One 3x relic draw. More poop.

Even tried the 99 cent draw for shots and giggles. Got a 5 star attack on it, so I doubt it gets used.

Poop, poop, poop.

Ah well. Time to beat these bosses and get my suiko-esque rise brooch.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1847 on: July 06, 2015, 08:36:23 PM »
Oh yeah, Shantae and EO4 are really good picks. I haven't played or am not really interested in the others (at least yet) for various reasons. I'm not very thrilled by IntSys nowadays.

I got a new 3DS and I didn't know about the SD card situation.
1) You have to use a screwdriver to change it
2) The standard SD card can not have both Soul Hackers and SMT4 on it at once

Also this is the worst game related online shop I've seen , I thought the PS3 one was bad already but damn this is something else.

Anyway all this doesn't matter because 3D Land and Soul Hackers! Yay!!!

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1848 on: July 06, 2015, 08:38:11 PM »
Final Fantasy Sweet Autobattles (Are Made Of This) - Grinding Fire and Earth orbs for no real reason. Well, no, there's -one- reason. Upgrading Firaga and Fira Strike to R4 will be expensive, so uh yeah.

On a tangent, though, I just found out that you can abuse Mana Spring/Concentration by running from battles and entering them again. This is very expensive stamina-wise, but is pretty likely to completely wipe out -any- resource issues I ever might have if I can spare the stamina - and certainly beats spending Mythril for a single fight. Interesting. This means I -really- need to get White Mage up to L50, though.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 08:55:02 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1849 on: July 06, 2015, 09:10:22 PM »
Also this is the worst game related online shop I've seen , I thought the PS3 one was bad already but damn this is something else.

At least it works consistently, which is more than I can say for the XBox 360's.

Final Fantasy 5 - Beat World 1. Team is Summoner/Samurai/Dancer/Dancer, which is pretty bleh outside having Summoner. Anyway, W1 Summoner SCC notes...

Sandworm gets wrecked with Ramuh, Crayclaw gets 2HKOed by Ramuh, Adamantoise takes a few more shots (due to Auto-Shell and Shiva being weaker than Ramuh) and does enough damage to be kinda scary but still easy, Ramuh spam takes out the Ronka guns and Soul Cannon doesn't get a shot off. All randoms get completely wrecked by Ramuh or whatever else.

Archeoaevis is nastier, he gets off Frost and that 2HKOs my entire team, coupled with my offence dropping and my hideously bad healing I take a reset. I imagine I could have won by buring all my Hi-Potions/Elixirs but I'm not willing to do that. I set things up again, careful to complete the 3HKO on the first form when my other three PCs will get turns to start phase 2, and I kill phase 2 before it can get off Frost. His durability gets steadily better as the fight goes on, I need to switch to Ramuh and then CHOCOBO against the final phase which nulls all relevant elements. Fortunately the final phase has a lot of shitty moves so isn't too much of an issue, Chocobo also is surprisingly legit, about equivalent to a decent, ITE, long-range untwinked physical at this point.

At this point I gain access to my other jobs, I only use one Dancer for the end of W1 as you might expect. Titan's death counter OHKOs both my Level 18 Summoner and Dancer, but Ramuh spam means he doesn't exactly get many turns before said death counter, so whatever. The bombs whose names I won't attempt to spell get 2HKOed by Titan, it's cute how they think their Cura counters will save them. Manticore's another matter, he spams Aqua Breath so I have to dig into my Hi-Potion supply, using all but one of them, before I can Titan him away.

Abductor has a bad day, Galuf solo section is simple. The Big Bridge mostly features formations which can be one-shotted with untwinked Ramuh, with Neo Garula requiring a bit more but uh I have Titan if need be. Against Gilgamesh I spam Titan like crazy; Jump is scary because it's a high 2HKO to the low-HP types, I use Hi-Potion in response but those being highly limited means I'm concerned I might have to use Phoenix Downs. Yeah, not much of a concern I suppose.

Gloceana eats Titan/Ramuh spam as I just try to get through with hardly using any money. And now I can buy Gaia Gear! Everyone but Samurai can use it. Prepare to get wrecked, W2.

EDIT: Oh yeah I have one reset against a Jackanapes grabbing the Elven Mantle in Walse because seriously running fails for 12 consecutive rounds, FF5 run is stupid. Every other time it works within the first two rounds.

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