OK, good to know. Yeah, I'm starting to see that at least as far as what skills I want to be able to use in battle, two white mages is going to be way more important than two BMs. Shellga, status, Faith, Healing... need it all. Terra makes a competent Red Wizard for now at least.
I'm assuming Diaga is the 4* version of the spell? The Japanese system for White Magic is perplexingly different than Black Magic (IE, Cure series is: Kearu 1*, Kearura 2*, KearuDA 3*, Kearuga 4*), so there's Dia 2*, Adia 3*, and Dadia 4*. And lucky for me, I am 2 4* Wind Orbs away from getting that. Pretty sure I saw those as a reward somewhere around there. EDIT: Oh, Wednesday is Windnesday. Yippie.