
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2015?  (Read 217040 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3575 on: October 12, 2015, 11:58:36 PM »
Icewind Dale EE:

Like 10 years ago I told Grefter I could easily SCC this game with 6 slingshot using paladins.

Well here we go.
Hardest difficulty.
3 regular paladins. 1 inquisitor paladin. 1 dark paladin. 1 skelepaladin. All with 18 strength and dex. All wearing slingshots and shooting in glorious unison. Destroying the hell out of these rats.

Well technically, one pally doesn't have a slingshot yet since the shopkeeper only sells 5. Yeah, cool balancing game, you knew that giving 6 slingshots was way too fucking OP so you only allowed us to have 5. Great job.
I don't know how to do stats (This is D&D Taco edition) so I just gave a lot of paladins charisma and wisdom, with a vague disregard for intelligence and constitution. I have too much respect for my paladins so I still couldn't bear to have them have <8 INT which means not even being able to speak.
Except for one female paladin called Gnu with 3 INT.
Neglecting constitution is probably terrible but I at least have 2 or 3 paladins with maxed con IIRC.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 12:00:07 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3576 on: October 13, 2015, 04:19:34 AM »
Tales of Xillia 2: Started the game, have a stupid debt because Ludger's female friend is a total ditz who goes from serious to all "PAY UP ^_^" in a manner of 20 seconds (at least the game is fully self aware of this), and grah, I hate her already.

I knew of a number of quirks the game had thanks to DLCon 8, like the aforementioned debt nonsense, as well as a silent protagonist and Elle the little girl...and "Risky Encount" but they removed that :(

Ludger is actually not as bad as I was expecting.  Make no mistake, a silent protagonist doesn't really help Tales at all, but at least they seem to be making a legitimate attempt to establish him as a character, just someone whose life you're controlling as opposed to "you're watching these characters do things!"  It's appreciated that your decisions actually adjust how he interacts with cutscenes (even if the end result is the same), as opposed to just flavor text nonsense that sounds like it's more unique than it is.  Also, he's not a Mary Sue at all, at least early game.  NPCs aren't all "OMG YOU'RE THE GREATEST!" and they don't go for the other extreme of disrespecting you.  In particular, Julius being firm and practical when you two are on the job because business relationship, and then being the supportive, friendly older brother when you're back at home?  That's ok!  So far they've avoided the situation of you being prompted to say something, you go with the "You suck" option and their response is "Hey! That's mean...but you're right, I do suck."  So props to that much.  Also, I do appreciate Ludger having occasional 1-2 word lines here and there, and not having to rely entirely on dialog prompts and body language.  You don't really compromise a silent protagonist too much having him say an occasional "Yes" or "Ok"; it helps make the scene look more natural when he can actually respond, even in the most basic of ways!

...still would prefer he was an actual character.  Also would prefer if he had a more interesting design, since he's basically a stock-anime teen.  Most Tales protagonists at least have something that makes them stand out, be it their outfit (like Jude), a unique hair-style, what have you.  The most unique thing about Ludger is he has some pale black hair in the front mixed in with his white hair...making him basically an inverse Reiji, except Reiji's Black/White hair was very obvious, this is just kind of like "oops, my ink smeered a bit...meh, I'll just make his hair always like that." 
IN ANY EVENT, so far Ludger hasn't really done much GOOD for the game, but he's not as bad as I expected considering silent protagonist, so I suppose I can tolerate him.

Elle on the other-hand already is pissing me off.  I was originally going "little girl can't be that bad; it's overblown how bad that is"...took all of like 2 scenes for Elle to prove me wrong.  Her initial scene is an introduction that says nothing about the character.  Then she randomly tags on with Ludger without him noticing and then frames him for something and OF COURSE everyone believes her immediately since little kids NEVER lie. 

The sad part is, my sarcasm is suppose to sound more cynical than it does in text, because this is how reality works too.  Being a teacher, if a kid says anything seriously bad about you, you're in deep shit even if the kid is blatantly lying.  I've heard legitimate Real Life stories of teachers getting their lives ruined because some kids had it in for them and said teachers didn't even do anything wrong, because kids are apparently super trustworthy.  Just proof how MORONIC higher ups can be, they don't care, they just want to abuse power.  (yeah, I'm bitter about this since I was once almost fucked over by something I didn't do but some kids embellished some details a lot and grah.  Luckily, things worked out, and it was just an inconvenience but still an example of just how bad this is.)

...ok, tangents aside, Elle is just bad.  They can't decide if she should act like a completely naive 5 year old who knows nothing, or a 12 year old, which is that age when you're capable of holding conversations with adults and knowledge-able enough that you can give some information, but still clearly young.  She's done nothing but be all "Canaan!"  and "Give me back my watch you meanie!" and...if this keeps up, she may be my most hated Tales female, and that's saying a lot seeing as this is a franchise that contains such wonderful females like Anise.

Was surprised to see Jude appear as quickly as he did and join up.  Also shocked the game did legitimately address Mega Man Syndrome with simply noting Lillium Orbs are gone, there's a new thing which is still developing, so ok, Jude and co. have an excuse for being weaker than their endgame selves.  Yeah, video game sequel logic, and I don't mind this for gameplay, but it's kind of jarring in plot when you have the heroes be bad ass and save the world, but then the sequel comes along and suddenly they struggle with these new guys who are clearly significantly weaker than what they fought previously.  Addressing why characters can't deal with new, lesser threats is a plus in my book, so doing the whole Lillium -> Allium Orb thing, while cheap, gets the job done. 

Bravely Default: Beat Land Turtle!

So I took on Artemia and Mephilia.  The latter first because that's just how I did things.  Not much to say about either, it's the same fight more or less.  Put the lancer to sleep, in Artemia's case, kill the Archer because chaos, this prevents her from summoning more support, and then use Default every 3rd turn to avoid Girantbulu.   This took me a few tries because the trickiest thing?  She calls support on turn 5, aka one turn before her next summon, so you're going to have to Default there or risk getting exploded, which means her support gets a turn.
Artemia didn't stand out really at all, just healer and beat down; toughest part really is her multi-hit move because characters will randomly die based on how it focuses and there's little you can do to stop it other than maybe casting protect and equipping everyone with shields.  Nonetheless, beat her first attempt.

Ringabel gets summoner, Tiz gets Ranger.  Summoner isn't really a big deal, but Ranger kind of is.  Tiz was relying on Thief as a crutch, because Bows are great, and Quong Wave and Hidden Dragon from Monk did help some, but honestly, getting an S in Bows, and access to Hunting skillset is big.  Targetting is like Quong Wave (I'm probably spelling that wrong but shut up), and more to the point, the slayer skills.  8 MP to deal 50% damage to various enemies is big, and it compliments the Bow special.  Tiz is now outdamaging Edea when Edea isn't hitting a weakness via Spellblade pretty regularly.  While I submit Ranger isn't the greatest Job, considering Tiz was relying on Thief as his best job until this point and Ranger is basically a better combat class in all ways save for speed, I'll take the upgrade.  Also, further establishes that Bows are well balanced.

Land Turtle was...uneventful.  Amusingly, I did throw 4 summons at him because Reflect, did 1700 damage; Blizzara did 1100 damage for much lower MP granted.  This was not a fight I was caring about other than Tiz got killed, revived, tried to steal and failed and yeah, when a fight isn't hard, you don't take it seriously.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3577 on: October 13, 2015, 06:53:06 AM »
Elle is 8 I believe?

Also did you mean Encounter Link?, I could have sworn the game still had that~
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3578 on: October 13, 2015, 07:14:40 AM »
KotOR2 - Finished Nar Shadaa.  Some good story beats there, but lots of annoying gameplay bits where you consistently get cut off from your ship and then get railroaded into the main plot when all I wanted to do was hand in some side quests.  I like the concept of just turning up and making a difference driving the plot forward but goddamn even when it was me driving things forwards the density of "and now you fight Visas" and "okay now the ship is full of drug runners" and then "now we need to go back to the ship because the main plot is happening" all being out of my control really stripped the feelings of agency.

Yeah, they do a lot of interesting thematic work with the idea of interconnectedness in Nar Shaddaa but god damn if the game doesn't show its seams pretty badly there.  Also, the Atton solo fight is fucking impossible if he's not a Jedi so they probably needed to tune that a little better.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3579 on: October 13, 2015, 08:40:46 AM »
Cats are sweethearts, if you raise them from kittens/young cats and give them attention. It is absolutely easier to summon a cat by calling it than it is, say, the average Pekingese.

My sister's cat will absolutely play fetch with you. And will nip you if you stop before she's done.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3580 on: October 13, 2015, 09:23:48 AM »

Yeah, they do a lot of interesting thematic work with the idea of interconnectedness in Nar Shaddaa but god damn if the game doesn't show its seams pretty badly there.  Also, the Atton solo fight is fucking impossible if he's not a Jedi so they probably needed to tune that a little better.

I think the lack of agency is probably even intended, just feels frustrating.  Also for Atton solo, if you walk him behind the bar the AI just sits there and eats blaster shots to the face.  That and the Mira stuff is some real shit though.  Mira is manageable with levels, but fuck doing that if you were level squatting her for Jedi levels. Edit -also Immunity belt helps, reducing slashing by 10 with that and her starter armour.  Definitely both needed some balance work.

Also glad I took Shock earlier than last time I played as light side.  Even first rank Shock does like several times the damage what you can do as a consular Light Side.  There is of course no reason not to max it out.  Sure it costs 50% more than base spell costs, but Jekk'Jekk'Tar was literally run around a room scooping up as many enemies as possible then running to a doorway and killing 20 dudes at once with 2 Rank 2 Lightning spells.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3581 on: October 13, 2015, 12:41:16 PM »
Oh good, someone actually posting about Xillia 2.  I never got to hate-rant at anybody here!  Endless plot holes.  ENDLESS!

Elle is eight for sure.

Encounter Links are still in, they're just disable for a long period of time early-game for no reason.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3582 on: October 13, 2015, 04:20:26 PM »
Icewind Dale EE: wait doesn't this game have super difficult enemies immune to anything but magic weapons? If so I'm fucked because the game must have like 1 super sling tops

And how are these things one handed?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3583 on: October 13, 2015, 06:18:17 PM »
Elle is 8 I believe?

Also did you mean Encounter Link?, I could have sworn the game still had that~

No, I meant a Risky Encount.  In ToX2j, whenever you get into a battle, they called them "Encounts."  There was a "Risky Encount" and one other that I can't remember ("Encount Link" maybe?)  This clearly is NOT in ToX2e, since I got into this fights and did not see the life changing word "Encount" appear, thus the game is officially ruined.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3584 on: October 13, 2015, 06:59:43 PM »
Oh.  Risky Encount = back attack encounters.

Encount Link = Linked Encounter.

Both of these are disabled in ToX2 for a while.  They'll pop back up once you get access to Aldahi Seahaven.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3585 on: October 13, 2015, 09:35:50 PM »
Yes it does Fen.  There is a boss that needs +2 weapons now that you remind me.  You are in luck, it is the ammo that needs to be magical, not the launcher.

You are still boned though...
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3586 on: October 14, 2015, 12:01:55 AM »
Icewind Dale EE: wait doesn't this game have super difficult enemies immune to anything but magic weapons? If so I'm fucked because the game must have like 1 super sling tops

And how are these things one handed?
dude you're fucked

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3587 on: October 14, 2015, 02:42:13 AM »
Yeah basically, I don't think you can get +2 sling ammo before Chapter 3 (could be wrong on that) and even after that you need +3 weapons to hit the final and I'm not sure you can even get that in sling ammo flavor.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3588 on: October 14, 2015, 04:04:13 AM »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3589 on: October 14, 2015, 09:00:48 AM »
A sad day.

At least I have now learned that D&D has david vs goliath slings, not Bart Simpsons slingshots, which is considerably less stupid and thus less funny. Yes i assumed that slings were an abbreviation of slingshots. Dunno man. It was 10 years ago


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3590 on: October 14, 2015, 07:03:45 PM »
Tox2 let's you play with a very strong cast. The extra members that join are great.

Also, rolo. Dudes a freaking stud.

Disgaea 5. I can fully costomize all my units, color wise. So, not only am.I forever lost in the item world trying to collect every piece of every rarity of gear in the game, but now I can aimlessly seek the perfect color for all my units.

Also, the dlc did not have gig. Super lame.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3591 on: October 14, 2015, 11:36:57 PM »
Dragon Quest Heroes - It is DQ Musou, and pretty fun. The two mains are sadly samey, they have some different properties on attacks(the girl's are better, straight up) but the same attack patterns. Kyril is bizarrely competent on offense, Alena is exactly as good at boss wrecking as you'd expect, and Terry is a douche(also has the same general attacks as the two mains). For the other two OCs, the King is the largest ham ever, and the scientist/mage lady is going for the femme fatale flirt angle but kinda falls a bit flat with it. Oh and the mains are not silent. The guy talks too much but is the rational strategist sort, while the girl is the one who always goes "you talk too much" and charges into battle without a plan. This has yet to backfire on her. Naturally the cautious guy dressed in blue uses fire and the hotheaded woman dressed in red uses ice. :V

The VA for all the chars so far is great. Isla, the scientist/mage lady, is the only one who seems like her accent slips a bit here and there. The King's ever utterance has so much ham it could feed a family of four, and Alena and Kyril are delightfully russian. The story so far is DQ.jpg but the character interactions are pretty great. 

My only real complaint with the game so far is the lack of local multiplayer. Dunno if there's any online multiplayer yet, not far enough in the game to have network features be a thing.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3592 on: October 15, 2015, 12:08:10 AM »
Fire Emblem Awakening

Getting the kid characters I have never gotten before: Owain, Brady, Inigo, Nah, and Gerome. Building supports for healers and dancers is annoying (although at least Lissa joins early). Owain's actually an adequate PC despite this, he joins early enough. Most of the rest are locked behind maps which are too difficult to do before mid Valm, and thus don't seem terribly practical, but we'll see. So far I have Owain and Brady (along with Tiki), will get the others soon. Special shoutout for Brady being extra terrible, D in staves + healer-kid problems = not sure what exactly he offers besides being another Demoiselle carrier. Worst PC in the game? Probably.

Star Ocean 3

Did the optional part of the Mosel Ruins, now onto Firewall. Have I mentioned that the number of PCs who start underlevelled in this game is annoying? Because it really is. Sophia, Peppita, Adray, Mirage, and/or the second optional Elicoorian you get all have severe levelling issues. Using Adray this time to build up some Captain K cred but he is not very good.

Rayman Legends

Randomly started this. Not much to say, it is zany and fun in that Rayman way. Murfy feels a bit overused so far? It's not so much that his sections are bad, but they're not what I'm playing the game for.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3593 on: October 15, 2015, 01:23:51 AM »
Star Ocean 3
Using Adray this time to build up some Captain K cred but he is not very good.

Even I admit he's worst in cast, but that's not a big deal in SO3.  Everyone is usable.

If you're playing on North America version you can chain Aerials for massive damage and hilarity.  Put Aerial on X and O.  Start by holding O, quickly release and press X briefly, then press and hold O again, repeat.  The X part should be done very quickly, you spend like a half second on that button.  I think we figured out this doesn't work on EU version.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3594 on: October 15, 2015, 06:52:20 PM »
On the other hand, having a game where the entire context is "sleep with girls" is sexist in its own right.

I kinda wonder about this.  So what if the goal of a game is to have sexytimes with women?  Where, exactly, is the problem with that?  Is it that sex is an unworthy goal, even for a videogame?  If so, isn't that just a product of the general shame and stigma surrounding admitting to sexual desire?  And isn't THAT a conservative more that has the effect of nudging women into subservience?

If the genders were swapped, would it be equally problematic?  Or is this a one-way problem because male privilege makes it so?

More broadly, is it always sexist to objectify women?  Is it always sexist to objectify anyone?

p.s. I do not think Huniepop is a great example of how to do a sexytimes game right, because the tenor of the game seems to betray a worldview on the part of the creators that is steeped in chauvanism and casual racism.  But that's a separate issue.  Or is it?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 06:54:26 PM by NotMiki »
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3595 on: October 15, 2015, 08:25:43 PM »
Don't mind Jim. He's being a SJMRA. Or a MJW. Or something. I can't tell anymore.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3596 on: October 15, 2015, 08:33:31 PM »
On the other hand, having a game where the entire context is "sleep with girls" is sexist in its own right.

I kinda wonder about this.  So what if the goal of a game is to have sexytimes with women?  Where, exactly, is the problem with that?  Is it that sex is an unworthy goal, even for a videogame?  If so, isn't that just a product of the general shame and stigma surrounding admitting to sexual desire?  And isn't THAT a conservative more that has the effect of nudging women into subservience?

If the genders were swapped, would it be equally problematic?  Or is this a one-way problem because male privilege makes it so?

More broadly, is it always sexist to objectify women?  Is it always sexist to objectify anyone?

p.s. I do not think Huniepop is a great example of how to do a sexytimes game right, because the tenor of the game seems to betray a worldview on the part of the creators that is steeped in chauvanism and casual racism.  But that's a separate issue.  Or is it?

Your argument would be fair in a vacuum but not in the context of our society and all these games?
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3597 on: October 15, 2015, 08:54:56 PM »
So I guess you're saying that h-games are problematic specifically because of male privilege but wouldn't be inherently problematic otherwise?

Or are you just saying that more or less all the h-games out there are awful and sexist?
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3598 on: October 15, 2015, 09:18:35 PM »

More broadly, is it always sexist to objectify women?  Is it always sexist to objectify anyone?

Well, yeah.  It's right there in the word, treating living things as objects.  That's inherently bad.
I know, just being pedantic before getting to the meat.

More generally this gets into the clash between sex-positive and (if there's a better term for it PLEASE let me know it comes up) sex-negative feminism; is pornography and other sexualization inherently patriarchal.  There's no clear answer and you can debate the matter in circles; all sexualized imagery, regardless of intent, reinforces patriarchal gender roles, but developing healthier attitudes towards sex will diminish those roles, so we need to not shame people for embracing their sexuality, except this just gives patriarchal eyeballs more flesh to feast upon, ad infinitum.

I personally tend to be sex-positive (because look, people should be free to do what they want within reason) but in actual discussion it's a matter of no clear answer.

So let's apply that to the standard H-game.

I kinda wonder about this.  So what if the goal of a game is to have sexytimes with women?  Where, exactly, is the problem with that?  Is it that sex is an unworthy goal, even for a videogame?

I think H-games will tend to be inherently worse than pornography of equal sexual content because of the meta implications.  The actual mechanics of the genre straight up reward the protagonist for doing anything to get someone into bed, awarding literal points towards winning over the conquests.  Lying, cheating, and manipulating are inherently encouraged and rewarded, something that's almost always a red flag in the real world but that's inescapably tied to how the genre functions.

Which leads to...

If the genders were swapped, would it be equally problematic?  Or is this a one-way problem because male privilege makes it so?

Yes to both.  But because essentially the behavior of H-game protagonists is inescapably tied to toxic masculine behavior.  Even if you changed the actual genders, the gender ROLES are unmistakable and not really possible to alter without dramatically changing the mechanics (and thus the genre, invalidating the point) of the game.  It'd always be a super-masculine character conquering super-feminine characters regardless of the actual genders of the characters involved.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3599 on: October 15, 2015, 09:37:06 PM »
I think H-games will tend to be inherently worse than pornography of equal sexual content because of the meta implications.  The actual mechanics of the genre straight up reward the protagonist for doing anything to get someone into bed, awarding literal points towards winning over the conquests.  Lying, cheating, and manipulating are inherently encouraged and rewarded, something that's almost always a red flag in the real world but that's inescapably tied to how the genre functions.

In Persona 4 (may have been 3, not sure) when you max every social link, Victor marvels that in order to do that "you must have been many things to many people."  I always read that as a veiled insult, and a fascinating commentary coming from a game that DOES reward you for being all things to all people.  But you only get the message if you do all social links on a single save file.  Do them on branching saves, there's no effect.  I think the social manipulation you're getting at only explicitly exists when a game allows and encourages you to contradict yourself within a single save.  Otherwise, you're not lying about who your character is, you're role-playing a different character.  (Unless you're playing PS:T, then you get to actually lie.)

So I think your criticism is on point for the games it applies to, but I don't think it applies to sexytimes games as a whole.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!