Edge's Tale is next The prologues with the Eblan Four can no longer be failed - you'll get a gameover if you do.
Gekkou's mission comes first, on the Waxing Moon. This moon phase doesn't matter to him. Gekkou's 3D model is really strange looking, it reminds me of the fat ninjas in Samurai Warriors that do huge amounts of damage. Fitting, since he does that too. He no longer has the option to intervent in the monks suiciding on the Mysterious Girl (and thus suicide himself).
The next ninja is getting full moon (-attack), so I pick Tsukinowa since he's the least durable. Pretty uneventful, though I gameovered once because I went into a fight at low HP. Didn't matter much because lol PC autosave after every fight. (This is actually really nice.)
I do Izayoi third, giving her +attack. Since she's going to be sitting in the back row with a bow anyway, plus she faces the weakest enemies. Most of them don't even get to act this way.
This means Zangetsu gets the moon that boosts Human Kite. Yay. Zangetsu is badass looking in 3D, oddly. His part is similarly uneventful.
The Tower of Babil itself is uneventful as well, until Izayoi joins and immediately gets OHKOed by the flame dogs. Because of this, she ends up notably behind in levels and her bands don't get learned and leveled properly. Siiiiiigh
I missed the Adamantite here, so I had to reload after clear to go find it.
I actually need to do this for Palom also. So he gets a bit more EXP and time added, reflected below.
Ceodore's Tale: Clear time 3:33, levels - Hooded Man 24, Ceodore 25
Rydia's Tale: Clear time 4:09, levels - Luca 25, Rydia 26
Yang's Tale: Clear time 2:17, levels - Yang 21, Ursula 20
Porom's Tale: Clear time 2:44, levels - Porom 22
Palom's Tale: Clear time 3:49, levels - Palom 27, Leonora 25
Edge's Tale: Clear time 3:10, levels - Edge 27, Gekkou 20, Zangetsu 21, Izayoi 19, Tsukinowa 24
Edge's Tale in-game use:
Edge: 8/10. He OHKOs pretty much everything he faces (especially with Waning Moon), he can heal, he can hit weaknesses, he can do basically everything. He's pretty much one of the best characters in the game outright, and this chapter does a fine job of showing you why.
Gekkou: 5/10. Probably the best of the Eblan Four overall, but his strengths don't really manifest in this tale other than being generally tanky and decently hard-hitting. Nothing special.
Zangetsu: 5/10. Conversely, his weaknesses don't really manifest in this tale (he's basically a worse Kain - TAY Kain, that is, not vanilla Kain).
Izayoi: 4/10. Probably the worst of the Eblan Four overall, and her durability is a notable problem even here. While she can heal, so can Edge, so she's not too great.
Tsukinowa: 5/10. His durability would be more of a problem, but he gets more EXP than the other members of the Eblan Four relatively. He can also heal and he does decent backrow damage, so he's okay.