Guys. Guys. The answer is that basic physicals don't matter. That is rule 1 of getting anything done in FF6. On an actual FF6 mechanics question, did FF6a fix the MEvade glitch? Does Evade actually matter? Similarly, does Blind do what it's supposed to do and not just give you bitchin shades?
Yeah, it's fixed. On top of this, a few other quirks got fixed alongside it. For example, Beads on top of 20% Evasion also flat out halves accuracy of on-coming enemy physicals (so they're a lot better than they appear.) A few status have a 25% impact in the same vain, both positive and negative (like Haste and Slow with the expected results.) oddly, Seizure of all things BOOSTS Evasion, and Reraise Lowers it. Forget what happens if you have something like Haste + Reraise.
Another bug fixed was Vanish/Doom, which on top of fixing it, they also made just about every boss immune to Vanish as a precaution.
A new bug that shows up, though, is the Imp one. Any spell that toggles Imp status can be immuned by nulling Imp. This means Bad Breath becomes a glorified Imp spell and thus kind of completely worthless as a result.
There's also an item dupe bug but considering it's a pain in the ass to activates and only happens at the final boss...forget I even brought it up.