Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2015?  (Read 271241 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2425 on: August 05, 2015, 06:04:03 AM »
Hmm hmmm!

Giving black mages two R5 -ja spells doesn't reflect the current game either. Combat dudes also have this advantage over other classes that their break skills are pretty powerful and cheap to hone. Which is why no one cares about monk skills, jump, etc.

Lvl 50 for everybody just means less painful updating each time another character gets its crystal, rms would obviously be considered. 65 is probably better.

Disagree. If you pay money/can grind without limit, you can easily have R5 ja spells on your Black Mages. Also, at this point in the Japanese version, all characters get released alongside their Record Crystal to get them to 65. Just some of the old ones don't have it yet (like 3 out of 80 or so?). It just seems like the way to cut down on updating it.

Look I don't mean to be a dick, but you realize how useless a stat topic basing things off the version NOBODY WHO WOULD USE THE STAT TOPIC IS PLAYING would be, right?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2426 on: August 05, 2015, 07:28:09 AM »
Snowfire that sucks, how did you get your vita stolen

I was actually quite lucky, so don't want to make this a SF's blog whine!  Anyway, if you're curious...  I was waiting for a bus (streetside pickup, you see) at a nearby Starbucks from 5:30-6:30 AM with the bus departing at 7 AM.  I was a bit tired and wandered off from the Starbucks with just my suitcase and left my backpack unattended under my table.  No big deal, right?  This was for like 15 minutes?  Yeah it was gone, stolen, the staff confirmed nobody offered it up to the lost & found or anything.  This was literally right before boarding a bus to the United States.  Did I mention that my passport was in there too?  And 300 dollar noise cancelling headphones, and a fairly rare book, and my keys?

So yeah, that did suck, but actually I got insanely lucky.  The police told me to check nearby dumpsters since criminals often drop stolen backpacks there after they've taken anything obviously pawn shop salable, which I couldn't do because I foolishly took the bus anyway (before asking to voluntarily return to Canada at the border, despite the guard being willing to let me in).  But it didn't matter; I'd called up the Consulate General's office to arrange an emergency passport session the next day, and then got a call back an hour later that some kind soul had found my passport / work badge / keys near a dumpster near where the incident happened.  Heck, it might have been the thief himself for all I know.  Anyway, not complaining.  So I managed to get the world's fastest passport recovery, and just booked a new bus trip to Seattle on the same day - at a much cheaper rate than my first bus trip, no less.  Not bad.  (The backpack & everything else was lost, though, despite me checking the dumpsters myself later.)

Also, Vitas cost 200 USD and 200 CAD.  Since the US Dollar is worth like 1.35 Canadian, uh, time to pick up a new one right the hell now.  Amusingly enough, totally unprompted by me, the Best Buy clerk was complaining about thefts in Downtown Vancouver as well - someone else wanted to buy an XBox One, but apparently their whole stock was stolen.

I don't like the look of the new Vita though - I think it's smaller and lighter, and is much plasticyer and less metal.  I think the buttons are closer together, too.  At least it accepts a standard Micro-USB charger now, which is something.  It also comes with a 8 Gig memory card, which is way saner than Sony's old policy of screw you.

Just imagine trying to stat out WoW.

OK foolishly stat topic'd the StarCraft II multiplayer units (,5448.0.html ), despite them changing a bunch since.  Alas.  Reminds me that I should theoretically stat topic Heart of the Swarm campaign sometime...  for all that PC Kerrigan is a huge mess and she arguably wants her cheesy SC1 form with cloak anyway.

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Beaten.  Fun game!  Except for some of the platforming.  The difference between walk & dash means Pit spazes out sometimes, which isn't so bad in an open field, but is a problem on narrow ledges.  Goddamn wind room in the C19 tower, it can't even kill you (thankfully) but it wasted like 10 minutes of my life repeatedly falling in it.

As noted before, this is a game which basically repeatedly derails its own plot and makes cute references to old games in fun ways, and somehow does a good job with this humor.  Not bad.  Viridi's the weakest cast member who gets a bunch of lines and she isn't even that bad.  My only minor complaints:
* I think they should have had the loot drop only abilities, not stars for base weapon power.  And have the loot more evenly distributed between the intensities.  The game clearly wants you to play around with different weapon types, but once you get a single really good weapon, it can kind of obsolete everything else and make you feel as if you're handicapped and/or play on lower intensities (which makes it even harder to get competing loot for that item!).  I got a Lancer Staff with 4 stars Ranged & 2 stars melee and +3 to backward charged shot (and some other minor stuff) and never got anything too close to it ever again, making me feel like the game had picked my weapon for me.  I'd enjoyed it more earlier where I used a different weapon every stage.
* Magnus & Gaol seem a bit underused.  They just kinda randomly show up in C24 but don't really DO anything. 
* The very final arc turn back to Hades felt a bit uninspired.  You don't really discover much NEW about Hades being a jerk, it'd have been nice to up the stakes or else mix things up a little bit.  I was strongly hoping for Medusa to be the final boss, given her iconic status in the series, and she does show up, but doesn't really do much.
* Why wasn't there a stage based on Palutena's Revolting Dinner?!

Good times, but probably won't go through again trying on super-high intensities.  Oh well.  (I did do a few earlier stages on 5-7 intensity, but not doing 'em all again!).

Record Breaker - Figured I'd give it a try on the planes to NYC with all the hype about it around here, + inspired by Ciato saying she'd give the earlier game in the series a try.  Y'all are crazy.  This isn't a mobile game and autobattle isn't an option and seems to have nothing to do with Final Fantasy.  Fine by me though.

First time, I did the speedrun low% bad ending.  Gee I'm being offered to save my own life by summoning demons?  I know this plot, mister, and in America it usually ends badly and it's all the selfish person's fault.  That said, this is Japan, so after getting my game over screen for accepting death, I guess it's time to recklessly summon demons.  We're later told that conventional weaponry does nothing against them (despite ramming with trucks being quite effective...  and that being basically the same thing but worse as tank shells...  sigh), so how exactly do we beat them up?  Fists of fury?

Anyway, on Day 2, but somewhat alarmed at how extremely FAQ-baity the game appears to be, at least for people who want to go through only 1 time.  In most RPGs you can just do everything.  I have no problem with RPGs that don't let you do this or otherwise reward you for moving directly along, and the same with RPGs that reward you for being an adult and actually meeting your appointments Shenmue-style and punishing you if you fail 'em, but as it stands right now it feels a little arbitrary over how much stuff you'll get cut off from if you do the "wrong" events or do things in a not-the-most-optimal fashion.  Like I said, this is actually pretty cool if you plan on playing the game 3-4 times, but rather stressful on a first playthrough where your instincts to save everyone and get high fate rankings (= character affectiony type meters) might be high.

Flip side, I looked at a few screens from the original online, and the remake seems to have been for real.  They've cleaned up a bunch, everything looks sharper and there's more data on the screen, and they retranslated the whole script + added voice acting for everything.  Nice.  Including, oddly enough, each character voicing the name of the game on the title screen, just in case you forgot.

Anyway, the battle system is pretty cool so far.  Like Ciato said, letting me see weaknesses from the start without any bullshit is nice and lets me plan sanely how to approach a fight, and they even do some good work in "themeing" areas to have monsters with similar attacks / weaknesses.  Took a sudden surprise leap in difficulty recently, though.  Turns out busty hacker woman in a trance at an abandoned amusement park with some kind of portable computer hooked up to ???? and subconsciously summoning demons to kill me can be pretty badass.  I like how you can *theoretically* dive the leader immediately but this isn't usually a good plan thanks to lots of healing from the other enemy squads, although perhaps this will change later.  They're also good about having some reinfocements but not endless amounts.

We'll see how the continuing adventures of mute schoolboy JC Denton go and if he can autobattle his way into unlocking memory crystals or something.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 07:44:56 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2427 on: August 05, 2015, 07:50:04 AM »
But after two minutes Heart Kerrigan can summon fifty units!

Hell might as well stat Heroes of the Storm!  CRAZY PEOPLE!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2428 on: August 05, 2015, 07:54:40 AM »
Djinn, even assuming unlimited cash + a desire to fund Square through F2P games, even Snow would die of boredom grinding black power and elemental days to hone a single ja spell to R5

Snowfire, pretty terrible, and yeah I don't think I would have just left my bag sitting there.
The new Vitas also don't have the OLED screen everybody was talking about

I've only played Devil Survivor once but liked missing things. The game makes it pretty clear that you cannot get everything because you already don't have in game time to even talk to everybody and see every event. I remember one random npc who seemed interesting (dude in a suit) and I always priotized talking to him over every other event , because I wanted to see what would happen next to him? That was infinitely more rewarding than talking to any random noc in basically any other game.

The endings are so different too. It's probably way better to follow your instincts rather than aiming for the closest thing to a hypothetical 100% playthrough you can get on the time through. i think this applies to most games but especially this one, because you're preventing yourself from weighing the opportunity/cost of events and making your own playthrough special compared to everyone else's.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2429 on: August 05, 2015, 08:07:52 AM »
(Devil Survivor 2 for reference, btw.  Seemed more interesting than DS1.)

In theory I'd agree with you, but other SMTs usually seem to be cases where "true" endings are sort of okay, and other endings are lazy pieces of crap.  Usually at least.  Dunno if DS/DS2 avoid that trap.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2430 on: August 05, 2015, 08:29:04 AM »
I don't remember DS2 well enough to answer that.

Persona games are definitely like that yeah, and it's very annoying.
SMT1/2 are arguably; because in the neutral ending you get to fight everybody which is more fun, and the plots aren't developed enough that being on one side is a big deal.
Nocturne is not really like that... If you consider that the true ending was not in the original game and is essentially DLC.
Strange Journey completely avoided that pitfall, Neutral not being the best anymore.

Megami Tensei 1-2 / DDS / Devil Summoner don't have alternate endings IIRC, dunno about Soul Hackers, and nobody cares about Revelation: Demon Slayer

Devil Survivor... I don't think my path had all the boss fights but I really liked the ending I got. The endgame boss fights are fucking exhausting anyway and you don't want more of them. I think there's one path where you go Fuck it I Will Destroy All but it's probably not good for a first playthrough and doesn't make that much sense plotwise. I think I've heard the 3DS remake unfortunately did a Nocturne and added a super special ending if you meet certain requirements?

So yeah I can relate. Still I'd actually argue that the choices you make are a part of the gameplay and faqing makes you miss out.
Just like faqing Long Live the Queen to make no choices and get the best ending right away, sounds less satisfying and interesting than trying the game a bunch of time and not even getting a good ending before stopping playing.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 08:31:38 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2431 on: August 05, 2015, 09:15:30 AM »
Look I don't mean to be a dick, but you realize how useless a stat topic basing things off the version NOBODY WHO WOULD USE THE STAT TOPIC IS PLAYING would be, right?

Yeah, I can't see how knowing ahead of time what the updates to a constantly-updating game are could POSSIBLY be useful to anyone trying to make a stat topic. Thank you so much for your input, Zenny :)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2432 on: August 05, 2015, 09:16:45 AM »
Look I don't mean to be a dick, but you realize how useless a stat topic basing things off the version NOBODY WHO WOULD USE THE STAT TOPIC IS PLAYING would be, right?

Yeah, I can't see how knowing ahead of time what the updates to a constantly-updating game are could POSSIBLY be useful to anyone trying to make a stat topic. Thank you so much for your input, Zenny :)

Sure if you want to have one that's going to be useful in a month but is inaccurate and useless up until then. But wait, because you'd constantly be updating it to where the Japanese version is, and the Japanese version will always be ahead of the Global version in that regard, it'll be useless until DeNA stops updating the game altogether and everyone stops caring.

Unless you don't constantly update it, in which case it'll get outdated eventually, and the entire thing was an excercise in wiggling your dick around to see if you can make out what FF characters you can see in your piss dribbles.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 09:20:05 AM by Makkotah »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2433 on: August 05, 2015, 09:26:05 AM »
Mechanics information, general shape of the PCs/skillsets/equipment loadouts, universal skill information, etc. There are plenty of things about the game that -don't- change are useful to have written down as a base. From there, the minutiae can be quibbled over in individual conversations. It's not like stat topics are strangers to extrapolation, and using information from future updates of the game is basically a form of that. I don't think anyone is going to be confused by having the future information if they're already well-versed enough in the game to care about a stat topic of it at this point.

But I know you don't care about that, you just like picking on me, you tease ;)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2434 on: August 05, 2015, 09:29:23 AM »
But wait, because you'd constantly be updating it to where the Japanese version is, and the Japanese version will always be ahead of the Global version in that regard, it'll be useless until DeNA stops updating the game altogether and everyone stops caring.

Unless you don't constantly update it, in which case it'll get outdated eventually, and the entire thing was an excercise in wiggling your dick around to see if you can make out what FF characters you can see in your piss dribbles.

Well, first of all, this is the DL, where even Brigandine still has people who care about it... So even when DeNA gets to their final build, somehow people will still find ways to talk about it.

Second of all, it's an internet site about RPG math battles, it has -always- been an exercise in wiggling your dick around. Specifically your dick, cause we love you.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2435 on: August 05, 2015, 09:36:39 AM »
But I know you don't care about that, you just like picking on me, you tease ;)

You're like my 10th favorite verbal punching bag


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2436 on: August 05, 2015, 09:38:10 AM »
Only number 10? I'm insulted!

Wait.. who are 1-9?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 09:40:02 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2437 on: August 05, 2015, 10:21:26 AM »
Only number 10? I'm insulted!

Wait.. who are 1-9?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2438 on: August 05, 2015, 02:29:46 PM »
Final Fantasy Know Who You Autobattle At Every Age - Blazing through the Tifa event. Did everything but the boss rush on Knight's Path, am currently moving through Mage's path. Gi Nattak was -hilariously- perfunctory due to Carbuncle, which badly humiliates his Fira focusing gimmick and absolute lack of MT. He even has a physical, but that you can trivialize with Protectga/Power Breakdown and he very rarely uses it. Celes Runic RW also works well there. Meanwhile, Mage's path is basically broomvile: spam Ixion/Alexander against randoms with a Summoning Spring II Yuna all day, mop up leftovers with Vivi, cast Protectga with Selphie for good measure. I wonder if this is what mega meta feels like.

In the meantime, I also honed Mental Breakdown to R2 with those Greater NE Orbs, which puts me further away from the R3 Waterja dream, but R2 is such an important capstone for Breakdowns. Oh well, R2 Waterja + R2 Firaja +R3 Quake will have to do for the time being. Maybe R5ing Thundaga with the surplus Lightning Orbs + Lightning daily farming today is an acceptable substitute.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 02:35:21 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2439 on: August 05, 2015, 03:06:05 PM »
Well that was retarded. Let's talk about FF5 some more.

FF5 - Isomething Falls down. The ladies with the frogs is a cute gimmick and I had a little fun using maidens kisses on the frogs just as she was about to cast toad on them until I realized blitzing them down was faster. :( At some point, Lenna and Faris master their last classes (Lenna did last playthrough, forget if I mentioned it), and honestly this dungeon just isn't hard enough to put them in freelancer yet, so Lenna goes Samurai with Counter and Faris goes Dragoon with some other passive that didn't matter. I underestimated jump. With Hermes Sandals it's less than a turn of charging and then 2x damage that ignores row. Zeninage could be useful if I wasn't running a summoner but meh. Masamune and Holy Lance both definitely pull their weight, and Masamune seems to have a pretty high crit rate that synergized well with Counter.

Leviathan goes down EZ, Black is the legitimate better option over summon for this fight since the weakness is obvious. Tidal wave hits counter, and so Lenna and Krile basically take him down together. Bartz cast the best spell in the game (lemme make something clear. By W3 Blue Mage is a utility god. It could have JUST Mighty Guard and White Wind and its status game and still be in contention for Top 5 skillsets and I didn't mean to imply otherwise. Frankly, being a god late game is better than early game anyway) then kept everyone topped off with WW while Faris just kinda was up in the air a bit.

Picked up the other three jobs. I look up what they can do and... Oracle is a mage with a lackluster skillset, but the stat boosts could be nice. I'm tempted to put Bartz in it but ugh doing dungeons without Thief/Geo passives. I throw Krile in there I guess but am ready to abandon as the first sign of it sucking shit. Cannoneer seems like complete garbage unless I want to look up mix tables, and I don't. On the plus side, they look like pirates, so they've got Fashion Fantasy 5 going for them.  Gladiator... gives physical characters a MT skill if mastered, and that doubles up with Dual Wield. I throw Faris in that since Why not. I still have two more dungeons before the final, I'm getting showered in APB, and TBH Dragoon isn't going to get me anything but stats if I go to Mastery.

Onward to Bahamut and the Tower. They didn't change anything about North Mountain which is just fucking lazy but whatever.  Bahamut gets Blitzed down. Fortunately both Maelstrom and Megaflare missed Bartz so WhiteWind basically won the fight. Additionally, DAMN the Gladiator's damage output with Dual Wield is even better than Freelancer against enemies without elemental weaknesses. Good job, FF5A, you have new content that isn't completely worthless.

So I learn what Magic Pots do through the magic of FAQs and I'm gonna abuse the shit out of that. Lenna, I have master Berserker for Stats through this. Bartz, Chemist for the passive buff. Lenna Masters Berserker anyway but Bartz will sit in Chemist for the time being. (EDIT: If not obvious, I wrote this as I went through the game. I meant he'll stay there until the end of the dungeon. Gladiator is kinda good, so I throw Faris back in Dragoon, and I want Krile out of Oracle so she stays there. At this point, re-equipping Hermes Sandals is annoying and I wish I could turn the Optimize at Ability change deal off. >_< But, whatevs. Onward and upward...

What? Really? No boss? Man.

And that wraps up W3 apparently. Dragoon, Samurai, and Chemist are still not mastered. Chemist means no Bartz passives so fuck them, but I'll stick with Sam/Drag for the final dungeon until things require special tactics. Oracle does get mastered, however, so Krile is back in Mime doing the mime-y thing. Calling it a night, next up is the final dungeon. 

I may actually do the aftergame content for this, because unlike FF6 the game remains interesting gameplay-wise til the end. It may actually be a better game than 6. Definitely so if you disregard the quality of writing, which I don't. FF6 was so ballsy and straight up unprecedented with some of the things it did, and had great character work that while it doesn't stand the test of time because of SNES space limitations, I would be very interested in seeing how a proper remake would treat it (though, perhaps by someone not-the-current-FF-team because they haven't produced anything I've enjoyed since Tactics). FF5 fails completely and utterly in the writing department, but seems to hit everything just right in the combat arena. Job systems, man. They're good. I'm sorely tempted to pick up FFD after this.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 03:12:45 PM by Makkotah »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2440 on: August 05, 2015, 06:47:46 PM »
I haven't posted here in a while. Let's change that.

Krosmaster: Arena - Tabletop minis game based off Wakfu/Dofus or what not? Surprisingly fun. Wasn't expecting much when I demoed it at SDCC, but ended up absolutely loving it. It plays very much like a tabletop SRPG (grid based, etc) and the characters all have a reasonable amount of shenanigans going on. Just the 8 core characters are pretty variable in playstyle (drain tank, heavy hitting summoner, mobile summoner, healer, ranged attacker, area controller, tanky unit manipulator, and burst mage) and allow for a lot of clever interactions and outplay. The win condition not being directly related to wiping out the opposition (though it helps) as well as the ability to buy gear midgame further makes things interesting.

Has an online implementation at if anyone ever wants to try it out with me. The tutorial is pretty damn thorough.

League of Legends - Still playing this. Things have been weird lately. Riot's been taking a hammer to a lot of things, so changes have been coming fast and furious.

Been getting progressively better at the game since I changed up the lanes I played (focusing on Top and Support now) and narrowed my champ pool. Made it to gold promos, but don't think I'll make it since I need to win 2 in a row at this point. Annoying. Still, I enjoy the game a lot, even with occasional frustration stuck in there.

Terra Mystica - This goddamn game remains so brain burning. I don't play many perfect information board games, so the few I do are pretty intense. Just so much planning involved.

Under Night In-Birth re: EXE.late - Holy shit, this game plays well. Had a blast rocking it with Niu.

Guilty Gear Xrd - Also fun!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2441 on: August 05, 2015, 10:17:36 PM »
Bravely Default: Started a replay, Hard Mode because there are no other modes, etc.  This is a challenge run of sorts, which is forcing characters to only use Jobs that fall under a specific guideline.  First off, just beat Khamer/Khint, to give a frame of reference of where I am so you can understand my decisions; the actual playthrough stuff later in post!

First off, the rules!  Naturally, can only use jobs that fall under their role.  Each job falls under one role and one role only, so no sharing jobs.  Likewise, abilities can only be used based on that role.  This is notable because getting the Job means you have access to the most basic of skills, meaning Knight = Stomp, White Mage = L1 White Magic, etc.  No cheap nonsense of "Oh, they technically have it!"  Prior getting it, everyone uses Freelancer until their first job, and Miscellany until their 2nd job.   Here's the split up I've done!

Also trying to keep the split up relatively equal; won't be perfect and there are some obvious ambiguous jobs (like Freelancer or Conjurer), and I'll have to figure those out eventually.  Additionally, everyone needs to show some level of even job usage, so I can't just neglect a job entirely.  This aspect may be pulled once characters hit Job Level 9 given the JP Req spikes, so I might just change it to "everyone needs to get their Job to level 9 at very least."

Tiz: Light Fighters.  Tiz is a country boy so naturally he's built strong, but he's got no formal training.  Yes, I'm using Plot Logic behind this...also his stats fit but quiet!  Anyway, Light Fighters are determined by being a clearly Physical Job that doesn't use Heavy Armor, defined by "gets an A/S in Shields, Helmets and Armor."  Has to be All 3 mind you.

Agnes: Staff Mages.  Because she's a Vestal which is a religious figure meaning White Mage meaning shut up this logic is flawless.  I specify "Staff Mage" because "Support/Healer" Mage has more arguments behind it, leading to less objectivity.

Ringabell: Rod Mage.  Mostly "by default" reasons because the other 3 feel more fitting in their primary roles.  Anyway, see Agnes, make appropriate adjustments, obviously the primary offensive spell caster.

Edea: Heavy Fighter.  She's got formal training and actually uses swords, so damn it, she gets the swords!  Basically "everything Tiz doesn't get" is best way to sum it up.  And yes, I suspect she will be my best character outside of possibly Agnes who gets White Mage.

Fighters are pretty straight forward, really, given the guidelines I made, and nicely enough, they both have exactly 6 of each, so that feels pretty much set.  The others are a little harder to decide.

This first came up is Merchant vs. Time Mage.  Both are Staves > Rods, so I decided why not look at INt vs. Mind...and both are Int > Mind Jobs.  So there's an argument for both.  Ultimately, Ringabel is the "default" Merchant character, so I went with that as a tiebreak.  Time Mage...has Tiz of all characters being the default, which is completely random, but whatever, so this logic works as a tiebreak.  Also, and more importantly, Merchant is a 100% Awesome Swag Job, Time Mage is the Anti-Swag Job that looks completely dumb.  Ringabel, as we all know, has an S Rank in Swag, while Agnes has Not!Ringabel rank in Swag, so of course that Job goes to Ringabel!

As is stands, there's 4 jobs left, and each Ringabel and Agnes have 4 jobs each, so 2 per each.  Performer and Red Mage are both meaningful, Freelancer...less so, but at least it exists and Conjurer is BWAHAHAHAHAHAHH!  I'm thinking Ringabel gets Conjurer simply because it's stats are closer to what he'd be using (S in Int, B in Mind), plus Conjurer is clearly meant to compliment Summoner in the same way Arcanist compliments Black Mage and Spirit Master for White Mage.  Given this, that would put Freelancer on Agnes, which would sort of address an issue I am bringing up next.  If you've forgotten, Conjurer has an A in every Weapon Rank, E in All Armor Ranks, S in Int/MP, B in Mnd, C in everything else, so it does actually fit Ringabel's in the sense of "uses Rods, Int > Mind" job albeit in a technical sense in the former aspect!   Freelancer is a B in all weapon/armors, C in all stats, so it can pretty much go everywhere.  Also worth noting?  Agnes will be stuck with Miscellany longer than Ringabel due to the Merchant thing I mentioned, so it fits there.

Additionally, giving Agnes Freelancer also makes me feel less guilty about the few times I used Treat to maintain resources while she was a White Mage (Ringabel did use Examine once or twice but if he's using Examine on a turn, then that suggests he'd have been using Default on the turn otherwise, so I don't think that's really meaningful), so it's more legit or something!

Logically Performer should go to Agnes which would put Red Mage on Ringabel.  The one thing I don't like about this is how it means Ringabel gets 2 jobs from the Water Crystal Arc, and Agnes gets nothing until the Fire Crystal arc (where she will get two.) I do want to keep things even, but wondering if I should just treat that as "dems the breaks" for a challenge, and really, whoever gets Conjurer is going to have to wait a damn long time for it anyway.  Considering the rant above, Agnes' lack of a Florem Job won't be as big a deal given she'll have access to Freelancer anyway, lessening the gap.

"But Meeple! Red Mage is a Swag Job!  That totally kills the discussion there and then!"

You're right...except that Performer is ALSO a Swag Job, so the Swag Tie-break unfortunately doesn't work here.  As a reminder, Red Mage has a B in all weapon ranks save Swords (A), Bows (C), and Knuckles (D), B in Armor rankings, B in all stats save Str, Dex, and Vit which are C, so yes, it's legitimately tough to figure out where it goes based on gameplay.

So considering all of the above, I have concluded the job sets will look something like this:

Tiz: Monk, Thief, Hunter, Pirate, Ninja, Vampire
Agnes: Freelancer, White Mage, Time Mage, Performer, Salvemaker, Spirit Master
Ringabel: Black Mage, Merchant, Summoner, Red Mage, Arcanist, Conjurer
Edea: Knight, Spell Fencer, Valkyrie, Sword Master, Templar, Dark Knight


The prologue is mostly unchanged.  Yeah, some technicalities like no one else can use White Magic, Ringabel and Edea stuck as Freelancers when they otherwise wouldn't be, but there's not much to talk about so ONTO ANCHEIM!

First off, Jackal's Dungeon.  Tiz equips an Oak Staff because it's barely weaker than the Iron Knuckle, but one handed, which in BD is always a good thing, as unlike FF5/T/Etc., Shields are universal, just some are way better with it than others, so Tiz appreciates the defense boost.  Tiz is unfortunately kind of shitty at this point.  Edea has Two Handed Stomp w/ Issun No Kami, much higher defense, and has Cover.  Tiz has an unreliable boost move, way lesser damage, higher HP at the cost of much lower defense, and his big damage attack misses 50% of the time.  Oh joy.  Ringabel is a cannon with limited resources, and Agnes is my lifeline.  I get a little overzealous with Ringabel, and end up fighting Jackal/Khint with him being useless.

Jackal/Khint (2 resets):  I enter the fight the way I showed above. things are going fine!  Then Jackal uses 500 HP Healing Potions because he cheats, which ends up being a big deal because I can't reliably break that.  Edea's Stompx4 can break that, but that only happens once in a while, where as he can throw Potions whenever after stealing.  Tiz, unfortunately, isn't very good here; he does 40 damage per physical, and Strong Strike does like 120, but misses half the time.  I reset, take off the Oak Staff, see Tiz's attack raise notably thanks to Barefisted (making the Iron Knuckles useless now), attempt again, no dice.  I leave dungeon entirely, heal Ringabel of all MP, rush back in there now with a real MP score, and win.  Note to self: Always go into boss fights with Ringabel having actual MP!

Tiz now gets Thief.  This makes him so much better I cannot stress it enough.  The big thing from this is Thief's A in Bows, giving Tiz access to the Iron Bow.  Bows, unlike Fists, are actually strong enough to be almost as good as a 2 Handed Sword from Edea.  He's still clearly worse than Edea, but at least now he reliably goes first, and does damage that registers.  Also Life Thief can be handy to easy up Agnes' role a bit.

Profiteur/Khint: Pretty straight forward.  I do go in without someone having the magical 601+ HP (which I could have easily gotten by making Tiz a Monk) but ultimately didn't matter since he never focused on the same character. 

Ringabel now gets Merchant!  He can now Swag like he's suppose to at the cost of effectiveness.

Wind Temple is uneventful; a lot of Tiz shoots things with Bows, Edea stomping on enemies, Agnes either defending or healing because she can't do anything else, and Ringabel sometimes hurling big damage, other times poking things with the Oak Staff to do damage equal to about 1/3rd of what the fighters are capable of.  Hey, it's a major improvement over what a Black Mage does with the Mace ok!?

The Thread Cave gets a scare moment where my ENTIRE TEAM gets confused.  Lucky for me, Ringabel uses Run and we get out of it.  Tiz is actually my best character here because there are so many flying enemies, so the Iron Bow seems a lot of use.  Also, thanks to DLCon, Norende is developing really fast, which while for shops isn't a big deal (the good stuff is way too expensive at this point.)  Due to money reasons, didn't buy much from Yulyanna's Pet, which makes this dungeon a bit more annoying than it needed to be but ultimately, that one scare moment aside, everything was straight forward.

Dragon: Hey look, a Boss I don't remember at all! Goes down pretty easy, though one thing worth noting is due to how the boss works, after his initial onslaught to use the Bow special, Tiz actually equips a Dagger + Shield combo since his damage isn't big anyway and his speed makes him a prime Item Boy user.  On top of that, Daggers activate Specials based on items used, so if Tiz is attacking, he might as well make it a big hit that boosts Edea's damage.  The other thing to note?  Bully is a pain in the ass.  No, not hard to deal with other than I was low on Phoenix Downs (though not TOO low), but rather, the lowest HP character kept being Agnes so she kept dying, and was dead at the end of the fight so missed all EXP and JP from the fight.  BAH I say to you!

Buy some Mithril Stuff, a few Norende equips (Lambent Hat for the mages, Rainbow Dress for Agnes).  Mithril Sword vs. Axe was a tough choice; on one hand, Mithril Axe is cleanly better on damage and Stomp makes it's accuracy meaningless.  On the otherhand, the Sword has a Special that can activate far easier (Use Brave vs. Kill Enemies), especially vs. Bosses, so I opt for that.  Think it was the wise decision because I can equip Beast Slaying properties on the specials which will be handy for Othros.  Also turned Tiz back into Monk because he gets a Beast Slaying weapon, which will be handy for the boss.

Othros: For a fight I remember giving me a lot of trouble, was able to beat him in one attempt.  First time I fought him, kept resetting and then finally went in with *2* Staff Specials Ready.  This time, having Agnes simply alternate between Default and Cure x2 seemed to work, while Tiz, Edea and Ringabel focus on killing one of the heads.  Also got lucky in that he only used Blazzard twice in the fight.  Once the Ice Head died, the fight was pretty simply and easy.   Things that may have helped include giving Edea a Shield and using Shield Bash on turns instead of Ironclad, knowing that the breath damage is physical now. 

The Clock Tower of Ancheim was uneventful other than enemies randomly would OHKO characters with Eye Gouge and such and because of low Phoenix Downs, I do leave the dungeon to restock.  Turns out it wasn't necessary but better safe than sorry.  I actually pay attention to some damage value related stuff for Tiz.  First off, Mithril Bow on Thief is 86 attack vs. Edea w/ 2H Mithril Sword at 106 attack.  Tiz is doing about 350-420 damage, depending on how many hits he gets, RNG, etc.  Edea does about 450-520 damage w/ Stomp.  So while Tiz's damage is clearly worse than Edea, he's still keeping up to some degree, which is a hell of a lot better than what he was doing as a Monk, where he downright needed Strong Strike to compete.  I also look at equip differences too:

Mithril Sword is 18 power, so 36 w/ Two Handed.  Mithril Bow is 34 power (albeit used by an A in the weapon vs. an S, so slightly weaker in practice).  The Basest Claw is 23 Power, best weapon Monk can use (w/out Two Handed).  Why am I posting this?  Mostly to demonstrate why Thief is a huge upgrade vs. Monk.  It's still cleanly worse than Knight, make no mistake, but worth noting that without Stomp, Tiz actually outdamages Edea thanks to increased hits, as well as further demonstrates that Bows do feel properly scaled against weapons w/ Two Handed while Claws do not, as we can see the Mithril Bow is only marginally weaker than a 2H Sword at the same time, while Claws are significantly weaker.  In conclusion?  Thief Tiz is competent, albeit nothing special.  Monk Tiz is just kind of blech unless his claws can squeeze out damage.  Oh yeah, Mithril Dagger is better than Oaken Staff too, so Thief Tiz even does better with a 1H Weapon should he require a shield.


Khamer/Khint: really easy.  The only thing worth noting is that Khamer loved to cast Stop on Tiz, which pisses me off because Tiz was trying to steal from him.  Go figure, the successful steal was Ringabel using a Thief Knife item cast after many failed attempts by Tiz, despite Tiz being a Thief thus getting the Steal Up Bonus.  Not much else to say, other than I open with the Level 2 Sword Special (again, thank you DLCon!) and Poison both since I shoved Poison on the special as a "why not" kind of thing.  No, I don't think that was meaningful, because the two really aren't threatening.

Now Agnes has a stupid outfit, and Edea is now dressed in a 100% Approved By Ringabel Manner.  She's immediately regretting this Heavy Armor decision.

This playthrough will probably be on hold until I finish FF3 Dual Playthrough.  Mostly started it because of DLCon purposes, and the game I was playing was FF3DS and kind of want to keep the DS and NES version on equal footing.   One last thing I'll note is I have MP Recovery Lv2 ready for Rejuvenation, which means Ringabel is probably a lot better because Agnes can every once in a while cast a bit healing spell that restores 30-40~ MP.  Might actually equip her with 2 Staves just to allow more castings.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2442 on: August 05, 2015, 11:38:45 PM »
I'm gone ten minutes and Zenny is on a long rant about a Record Keeper stat topic?
What the fuck, DL?

The Swindler: Fun game but this is not the Spelunky killer or anything.
This is some sort of stealth 2D platforming roguelike. You infiltrate one randomly generated house per in game day, to get $$$ that you spend on upgrades. You have 100 days to get to the end. You die in one hit and if you die you lost your day and reappear as another swindler the next day.

The premise is awesome but the execution is a bit off. I blame : Weird as hell controls and momentum that lead to very cheap deaths + a lack of meaningful choices in the skill progression (you just end up buying everything so each playthrough stay the same) + waiting around because this is a stealth game.  (Fuck stealth games)

Evaluating risk / reward during a level is delicious. You can leave at any time, but there might be some more money inside... If you want to be punished for being a greedy bastard this is the best game.

Art / atmosphere is Tim Burton / Steampunk. Extremely generic but at least a little less than swordfantasy.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 11:41:09 PM by Fenrir »

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2443 on: August 05, 2015, 11:47:15 PM »
Job systems, man. They're good. I'm sorely tempted to pick up FFD after this.

The thing that makes job systems good and interesting is that they provide a developmental framework for a character but let you pick what the framework is.  They allow you to customize a character while also getting invested in them.  When you compare it to a system where the character is basically just a coatrack, like FF7 or 8, this means that you have the freedom to build a character how you want, but them being unavailable actually means something.  When you can't put Tifa in your party you can use the option on the menu that lifts all the materia from her and gives it to someone else and you don't have to give any fucks.  On the other side, in something like FF4, characters are pretty much set in stone and might as well just come out of the box with all their abilities and just have Fire scale with level, which really isn't that fun unless you're doing something like WA4 where the boss battles are basically puzzles.

I think FF9 has an interesting flirtation with this idea, where character skills and active abilities are preset, but you can customize passives with relative freedom.  Too bad every fucking battle animation is way too damn long for me to play that again.  FF6 is also kind of this way in the stretch from Zozo to the Sealed Gate, where you probably haven't learned a lot of spells with any one character and they probably have specific niches.  Too bad you can't mod it to use the D&D magic system, I guess.

Anyway I picked up Way of the Samurai 4 on Steam because a friend told me it was a pretty responsive narrative and I'm a sucker for historical narratives.  What I was told was true but god damn if other parts of this game aren't weird as fuck.  Apparently the way you romance ladies is to ask them out on a date and instead of going to a romantic seafood dinner you sneak into their house and yank them out of their bed?

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2444 on: August 06, 2015, 01:41:41 AM »
Final Fantasy The Autobattle You Can't Remember, The Autobattle I Can't Forget - Did Tifa event's Mage Path Heavyweight match, in which Motor Ball got two-rounded. Afterwards, I plunged into Lightning Orb farming and emerged from it with a R5 Thundaga. This is my second R5 Black Magic and it doesn't feel bad at all. The boss rush will be good.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2445 on: August 06, 2015, 04:11:03 AM »
FFRK:  Did full physical side of Tifa event.  Came one star short of mastering boss rush, but got my skill so whatevs.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2446 on: August 06, 2015, 11:24:47 AM »
Final Fantasy Souvlaki Autobattle Station - Just finished the Mage path of Tifa's Battle Arena. The bos rush is hilarious: three out of four bosses are weak to Lightning, two out of four are vulnerable to sleep and Bottomswell is vulnerable to poison in addition to the sleep vulnerability. I didn't even bring damage mitigation besides Protectga and it was entirely unnecessary, I could've pulled it off without healing (and mastered the rush losing only one medal in damage taken total because Bottomswell landed a Big Wave in one of the two turns it got). Of course, landing Sleep Buster first turn on Motor Ball and Bottomswell helped, but that's really all you need. Proccing poison off Vivi's 1% Dualcast Venom status odds was just insult added to injury. Funnily, you can beat Bottomswell entirely off Poizn + Sleep (and with Motor Ball being sleepable as well, it's worth bringing the status, especially when it synergizes as well as it does with magical offense), so you may want to try the rush even if your mage gear ain't so hot. Shellga is totally worth it.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2447 on: August 06, 2015, 05:52:20 PM »
RK: Missed the mastery medal on the physical boss rush. I'm blaming a lack of FF7 weapons / enemy weaknesses / no black mage in my team. (maybe Vivi could kick ass with Aeris' rod, though even here)
So anyway now I'm grinding white power hard to get Retaliate past R1 for this.

I'm bringing a full core team: Warrior, Red Mage, Hunter, Ninja, Gladiator. Wow.
 I also noticed that I had a 4* bow (Killer Bow) that gave an unique limit break to Ranger (!!) It actually looks nice and is pretty powerful too, it did 7x5000 damage. To be fair, that was against the low defense enemies in the dailies, and if you want to use it you still have to deal with Hunter's appaling defensive stats, but still!

I'm joking, it only does 900 damage

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2448 on: August 06, 2015, 06:14:40 PM »
Final Fantasy Decadent Sound Of Autobattle - Missed the mastery on the physical boss rush as well. The main problems were forgetting to score the Holy weakness on Gi Nattak and performing poorly on Rapps, who -refused- to be blinded, in stark contrast with the sleep spamming back in the mage path boss rush. If I need mastery to unlock the Schizo fight, I may try again, but a single Greater Non-Elemental Orb and six Greater Power Orbs aren't among my top priorities for item gathering. Maybe if it were 3x GNEOs. In the meanwhile, I'll just finish the remaining core elite dungeons in my turf.

[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #2449 on: August 06, 2015, 06:19:33 PM »
Lost Dimension - So I picked this up on a whim a couple days ago. The basic premise is...well, mafia-ish, honestly. Some wanker calling himself The End is threatening to destroy the world and you have 13 days(doesn't seem to be an actual time limit in game?) to stop him. Normal military measures fail to breach his magic psychic tower thing, so they assemble a team of Gifted people(read: have psychic powers) from "all over the world"(read: Japan + one non-Japanese guy. He's the one that uses the katana) to get into the tower and defeat The End before he nukes every major city in the world at once somehow. The kicker? Once people get into the tower, The End somehow fucks with their memories so nobody remembers who they were with on the outside/how they got in/etc, and he reveals that someone in the group is a traitor. At the end of each stratum there's the Room Of Judgement, where you have to vote to kill one member of the party before you can go to the next level. Hope you get the traitor!

Except, uh, there's a new traitor each floor as "memories return the further up the tower you progress, which may cause someone to remember their true allegiance". Okay. Basically what's going on here is that the group will get whittled down from You+10 dudes, to You+5 dudes at the end of the game. Half your dudes are traitors, but only one at a time. Your main dude has a way to narrow down who the traitor is between fights, and other party members will ask your input on it which can influence their votes depending on how much they trust you. Oh, and who the traitors are is randomized. And every character is mentally fucked up in some way, so it's pretty much believable from anyone. :V

I won't spoil anything else plotwise for those interested in the game, so on to gameplay.

Gameplay has been described as "Like Valkyria Chronicles without the 1st person bits" honestly about right. You have phases, you can move your dudes in any order during your phase, everyone has their own range of movement/range of attacking/etc. Enemies won't shoot at you while you move, but will counter if you attack from within their attack range. Also any allies who have that enemy within attack range will attack the enemy after the active person's attack as a support attack. Each character has a pretty wide skillset based on their particular psychic gift, you get Gift Exp every couple levels(and every story map for the participants in that map) to level up skills/buy new skills/etc. Some skillsets can look a bit samey, but even the two that resemble eachother the most(the Telekinetic and the Pyrokinetic) a) have different supporting skills to back up the damage options, and b) have waaaaay different stats and a different focus on ST vs MT damage. I'm really impressed by the skillsets overall.

Now this does raise the question of what happens to the skillsets of the people that you eliminate in the Room of Judgement. The answer is that you get an item which contains their skillset(or a part of it) that you can equip on one of the surviving people to give them access to the dead person's skills. So you never really lose anything that you've spent points on...but you can't continue spending points on the skillsets of the dead people. For me, the healer wound up as a traitor on floor 2. So I got 2 Fate Materia from his death: Rejuvenation(containing all his healing skills) and Side Effects(containing his one attack skill), letting me give access to those to someone else...but I can't progress them any further. This means no non-item based revival for me(was too far down his Rejuvenation line) or any of his Adaptation skills(couldn't get any of them that early. If I had, I'd have gotten a 3rd Fate Materia from him for Adaptation). It's an interesting system.

So far, I'm enjoying the game even though I just hit a spot that's kicking my ass hard enough that my response is "welp, time to grind". That or there's a strat to this map that I'm not seeing(probably the latter). Also my favorite character so far has turned out to be the traitor on floor 3. ;_;
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist