
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2015?  (Read 274670 times)

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3525 on: October 05, 2015, 07:44:49 AM »
I also quite like Sphere Grid but find it gets quite same-y late in the game.

KotOR2 - I really want to go light side pretty dedicated.  On the other hand doing some drug dealing on the side unlocks a really good shop.

Grey morality at its finest!

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3526 on: October 05, 2015, 10:26:50 AM »
Undertale - Started Genocide run up through Waterfall. Find replace all instances of Neutral/Genocide in previous posts and replace with Neutral, because they are very different.

Reading up more on the game, and getting this little taste of the genocide path, I have the feeling that the most continued enjoyment I could get from the game would be going after the neutral endings (there's like 7 of them). As it is right now I don't have the patience to farm out every area of random encounters, so I'll probably be shelving the Genocide run and maybe youtube through the changes. If and when I revisit the game I'll definitely be doing some sort of Neutral run.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3527 on: October 05, 2015, 09:00:14 PM »
Undertale - Just started this last night.  Up to Waterfall - Quiet Area.  Going for a Pacifist's run, and enjoying the atmosphere so far.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3528 on: October 05, 2015, 09:51:36 PM »
The Last Story - Lost to the final boss. The game is weird and the plot meanders in the last 20% of the game. I feel liske they really should have taken the final boss (an actually decent character) and run with his story instead of all this crap with the Gurak who are universally boring and bland. (Or they could have not made the antagonist country filled with caricatures of evil demihumans...)
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3529 on: October 05, 2015, 09:53:51 PM »
Alvin's voiced by Matt Mercer actually.

Really? Well color me shocked because he sounds exactly like a large number of Troy Baker roles, hence the claim, but that'll show me for jumping to conclusions.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3530 on: October 05, 2015, 11:34:30 PM »
Helldivers: Looking like a pretty cool couch co-op games. A bit complicated at first but you soon get the hang of it.
Summoning mechs is OP but I'm sure they're just jeigans.
Difficulty 1/10 is easy but we died a few times to friendly fire and launching helpful things on top of allies. Difficulty 2/10 is easy if we don't screw up too much, but still can be really tense. Difficulty 5+ is so going to kick our ass.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3531 on: October 06, 2015, 02:07:18 PM »
Undertale -

1. I beat hard mode!!! Was so hard.

2. I am a dirty lair. After finding out that there's not a video series of the Genocide run without some jerkoff let's player talking over the entire thing, I decided to play it myself. Up to Undyne. Got walled like William Wallace. The increased difficulty makes itself known here. Had to give up using my controller and use the keyboard to stand a chance. Still haven't beaten it, but it's just a matter of time. Weird to think there's actual difficulty in this game somewhere.

EDIT: To admit when I'm wrong, yeah this game very much gives up on RPG pretensions when it gets hard. Fine, wrong again, what's new.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2015, 02:28:40 PM by Makkotah »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3532 on: October 06, 2015, 03:02:28 PM »
D5 2nd chapter.

Fun so far, haven't gotten too deep in story or game mechanics, but it looks like a game I can dive in for one of those 200+ hr affairs.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3533 on: October 06, 2015, 04:38:29 PM »
So did you know there was a 100% complete Brigandine Grand Edition patch? I didn't.

Don't install the voice over patch unless you want a laffo.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3534 on: October 06, 2015, 09:08:06 PM »
Back to the Future: The Game- About 90% of the time this game is pretty bog standard for Telltale.  The way the puzzles logic, the sorts of dialog branches you get, the adventure game bits are all extremely similar to the Sam and Max seasons (themselves showing obvious descent from the SCUMM engine).  Which isn't a bad thing really, but it's not really exceptional in that capacity and it's good to know that before saying much more.

Most of the remainder of the game (let's call it 9%) is the action set pieces.  You're stuck in once place (a moving vehicle, surrounded by goons, so on) and have to dialog box choice what way you move to get things done.  It's one of those cases where you know why it's there (BttF had action scenes, they can't have their Adventure game be entirely wandering around solving puzzles), but these miss way more than they hit.  The moving vehicle ones are just tedious, the surrounded ones usually involve a lot of trial and error before the logic of it clicks.  Conceptually most of them are cool but yeah.

The writers certainly did their research, and there's definitely a lot of the character of the movies in the dialog and scenarios.  It manages to also be a sort of counterpart to the movies, being Doc's story where the films are very much Marty's, and giving us a scenario that logically could have come up in the films but never did, the characters being the ones to screw up the timeline by making certain figures too central to events rather than being a villainous plot.

So that last 1%...

So in the third episode you're stuck in basically the little brother of San Angeles from Demolition Man.  You've gotta run around playing with dogs and macking on Jennifer until they haul you into Citizen Brown's office.  They build him up as basically Big Brother, but he turns out to be more like big brother, he knows you just need guidance and a nudge to get back on the right path.  You turn the tables on him, telling him this timeline isn't right and you know how to fix everything, but first you have to convince him you're actually a time traveller.  So you wander around his office, looking at his various mementos, then launch into detailed descriptions of what they are and what they mean to him.  And something about the way the scene plays, followed up by you handing him the drawing of the flux capacitor (whereupon he looks at all the emblems of his regime and realizes he was trying to think of it all along) that's just like HOLY SHIT.  I dunno what it is, but it's amazing.

So... yeah.  Good stuff, occasionally fucking amazing, 8/10.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3535 on: October 06, 2015, 09:46:48 PM »
I enjoyed the BTTF game a lot too. I had just watched the trilogy for the first time before playing it, so the memory was fresh for me, and there are a lot of nice, subtle references in the scenery. I'm even OK accepting the game as a canon sequel. The actual gameplay was not too inspiring, but everything else was cool.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3536 on: October 07, 2015, 01:18:31 PM »
Undertale - Hahahahahahaha.


I had a bad time. Beat Sans, and when he spared me, I chose to spare him.

He killed me, and told me if I was really a good person I would not come back.

It got to me.

I did not go back. Nor will I, at least not on this run. I choose this ending. I am a dirty liar and should stop lying. I am glad I was lying though, because the fight got way harder. Still going through it. EDIT2 I am bad so this is still a thing. As someone who is not used to Danmaku, this is legitimately a difficult fight.

This is exactly what I wanted out of this game. This is a much better ending than the pacifist ending. I am so much more satisfied now than I was when I beat the game the right way.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 03:26:23 PM by Makkotah »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3537 on: October 07, 2015, 02:42:33 PM »
I just want to note.

Undertale - Hahahahahahaha.


I had a bad time.

...spoilertext about genocide run...

This is exactly what I wanted out of this game. This is a much better ending than the pacifist ending. I am so much more satisfied now than I was when I beat the game the right way.

You are off on your Zenny psychology there again, he (like myself) would play the game because he wants his own negative opinion of himself validated.  I am a bad person, see how even the games tell me that I am bad?
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3538 on: October 07, 2015, 03:16:59 PM »
yeah well you're not wrong


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3539 on: October 08, 2015, 11:26:31 AM »
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire: Nuzlocke Run. Doing the contests gets you a Contest Pikachu, and I need an electric-type, so this is the first time I've ever done a contest in a pokemon game. It was... different. Certainly a better minigame than most things (that are not named Voltorb Flip). But uh... is there any reward at all for doing them? I beat the Coolness Master Rank with the out-of-the-box Costume'chu, but I have no desire to keep doing them if all I get a decorative ribbon...

So far I've lost 3 'mon to random crits. RIP Zigzagoon and friends whose names I've already forgotten.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3540 on: October 08, 2015, 07:18:43 PM »
Shovel Plague Knight - Plague Knight is so janky, it's great. Where am I going? That platform? Nah bro I'll just explode myself right over it and onto the next one. Or maybe into the pit on the other side. Either one's fine. It's FINE. Explosions everywhere, accuracy is for lame nerds with shovels. Oh hey some collectible green coin things right next to conveniently located spikes. Lemme just caaaaarefully try to *boom* whoops I hit the spikes. Doesn't matter, got coin.

Basically I'm dying WAY more than I did as Shovel Knight but it's more fun anyway because boom. I can't wait to see the Plague Knight speed run.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3541 on: October 08, 2015, 08:02:56 PM »
Indivisible:  Beat the demo.  Final boss is stupidly hard until you realize the mage's R1 is aoe healing+revival.  Then the fight's just very hard.  Lab Zero obviously loves Valkyrie Profile like they love Marvel vs Capcom 2.  Would be nice to see them come up with some original ideas rather than just remaking other games for once though.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3542 on: October 09, 2015, 01:04:30 AM »
What else has Lab Zero remade?

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3543 on: October 09, 2015, 04:03:22 AM »
I was referring to Skullgirls.  It's for all intents and purposes Marvel vs Capcom 2 with different characters.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3544 on: October 09, 2015, 05:06:47 AM »
Shovel Plague Knight - Plague Knight is so janky, it's great. Where am I going? That platform? Nah bro I'll just explode myself right over it and onto the next one. Or maybe into the pit on the other side. Either one's fine. It's FINE. Explosions everywhere, accuracy is for lame nerds with shovels. Oh hey some collectible green coin things right next to conveniently located spikes. Lemme just caaaaarefully try to *boom* whoops I hit the spikes. Doesn't matter, got coin.

Basically I'm dying WAY more than I did as Shovel Knight but it's more fun anyway because boom. I can't wait to see the Plague Knight speed run.

Yeah, I'm in the middle of Plague of Shadows myself, just beat Plague Knight's stage, which has a pretty amazing boss fight.  Well played, Yacht Club. 

I can't say I'm dying more but the game just feels as a whole a lot more dangerous.  The big thing I notice immediately is that while Plague Knight can get through areas without relying on terrain the way Shovel Knight can, his methods are a lot more...well...explosive.  The biggest thing though is that I think even with double jump, Plague Knight still has a notably lower jump than Shovel Knight, and he feels a lot slower and clunkier, so his mobility is significantly worse despite the multi-jumping.  Obviously the explosion jump makes him go way higher, but that's also the one where you lose some control.  Very easy to overshoot your target (though the "slow fall" powder certainly alleviates this some) or some such just like Gate said. 

It's also fun experimenting with the various combinations of explosives.  I don't think I found anything that's downright worthless, just a case of finding the right combination that compliments it.  Like the Quick Fuse seems pretty blech but then you combine it with the "bombs can be thrown together to make explosion" and suddenly it's pretty good.  It reminds me of Vile Mode except you can change mid-combat, and are expected to micromanage to some degree since being stubborn and sticking with one combination can make some areas absolutely brutal, like those damn spirit-things in Plague Knight's stage; if you're not using the Throw In an Upward Arc, they're hell to kill.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3545 on: October 09, 2015, 07:53:44 AM »
Hell To Kill

Good band name.  'Throw in an upward arc' might work as a song name of it was on an album with 'Face towards enemy' and other instructive track titles.

Payday 2 - I am getting into this enough to start following the meta game of damage break points and different weapon builds between difficulty level. 

Fun fact, Overkill (second hardest difficulty and by far the most played and most fun) you want weapons that do 40 damage so you OHKO the strongest regular cops with headshots.  However weapon damage is done in fractions of /512 and stats round up, so lots of weapons in fact do 39.75 and reports as 40 damage, so the meta favors 42 damage weapons over "fake 40" weapons.

Death Wish (the super hard mode introduced after launch) however "fake 40" is the breakpoint for 2HKO on the same guards and similar improved performance for some special enemies.  So the harder difficulty actually favors these lower damage weapons.  This doesn't mean more guns are "viable" on DW than OK though.  You also fight more specials and just more enemies on DW.  So lower damage but really ammo efficient weapons at the go to for DW.

Video games are weird.
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Luther Lansfeld

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3546 on: October 10, 2015, 06:26:41 AM »
The Last Story – I finally finished this game off after playing it on and off for a few months. Overall it’s a pretty enjoyable game with a compact, nicely wound story with a cool cast and some good plot ideas. The game’s story isn’t epic, nor is it trying to be, but I think it mostly succeeds at what it is trying. Although, I think that the game is a little bit underdeveloped in a way because it feels like a few of the of the most prominent and most interesting characters, namely Calista, Dagran, and the Count, were not given adequate screentime to fully complete their arcs.

With Dagran in particular, I think the game would have been very well-served by spacing out a lot of his endgame plot over the last 25% of the game. Instead of getting the hour of whiplash between Dagran has disappeared mysteriously to Dagran shows up and reveals his evil plans to Dagran having this little redemption scene at the end, you could instead have the reveal about Asthar earlier, allowing the player to mull on that plot point a bit, and have the plot more naturally build up to Dagran as a villain rather than just dropping the big drama bomb on you really quickly after Zangurak dies.

Also, the Gurak suck and should feel bad. Such a boring, predictable race of people which is so insulting to the intelligence of those who play the game.

The game has a great secondary cast, particularly Syrenne, and they bounce of each other quite well.  Syrenne even has some pretty sad/serious stuff at the end of the game that I enjoyed quite a lot.

Gameplaywise, the game is a mess, although its gameplay is pretty interesting. I found myself largely floating through randoms without many problems and then generally being annoyed by the boring gimmicks of all of the bosses. The gimmick of “you have to hit the boss with a certain spell or ability” is not really a recipe for a very fun fight. The final boss is the major exception to the rule of the game’s bosses being really stupid and gimmicky though. If only the rest of the game’s boss fights were more like it, then Last Story would be a better game. Also, never have solo combat in a system that rewards having ally contribution, game. Mirania was probably the MVP just because she has the multitarget Revive and regain stock spell. Lowell on the other hand kind of sucks because being a fighter-mage is a bad niche in that game.

The game reminds me a lot of Dungeons and Dragons in the sene that you have these fixed encounters rather than random battles, and there feels like a lot of contrivance to have you fight as many battles as you do in the game. I felt like the game has a lot of filler fights that could have been used fleshing out the game’s story more.

The game is certainly pretty aesthetically appealing, with the music and graphics being very nice, and I love the trend toward letting you design the clothes that your PCs wear that both Xenoblade and TLS have.

I’d probably give the game a high 5 or low 6 depending on my mood. Good game, but has some pretty major flaws that prevent it from being great.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3547 on: October 10, 2015, 01:20:23 PM »
Undertale - Currently getting my ass kicked on my initial opening Pacifist run.

The True Lab is really unsettling.  The way this game is structured, whenever a mood whiplash into something like this happens, it actually feels more effective than normal?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3548 on: October 10, 2015, 06:49:35 PM »
Nitori bought me a porn game and forced me to play it.

And now...
...with Veryslightlymad

1)It is perfectly acceptable to ask a girl you just met what her cup size is. In fact, all of them will tell you and expect you to remember forever.
2)Girls like to randomly ask you questions about themselves, based on arbitrary things they told you. You big jerk.
3)It is perfectly acceptable and not at all creepy to give a girl you just met 6 gifts, and then, on your first date, give her 6 more gifts. She won't feel suffocated at all.
4)On that note, it's TOTALLY OK to give a girl the exact same gift every single date. I like to think girls collect Stuffed Whales. They're like beanie babies.
5)Stuffed animals OP
6)If you ask out a girl you just met, no matter how badly you bombed the initial conversation, she'll say yes.
7)Girls will just... give you infinite chances. Boy, that's a relief.
8)You know what gets girls in the mood? Cabbage
9)No one likes a nooner.
10)And finally, the best way to get chicks? Lie. Lie like crazy. Dating 12 girls simultaneously? "How do you feel about open relationships?" "Oh, that's not my thing." "YAY!" OR! "So like... what was your longest relationship....?" "I've never really dated anyone." "I thought I was the only one! <3"
Yep. Just fuckin' lie. I hate porn. I love porn. I fuck everyone. I'm a virgin. Coffee? BLEH. FUCK YEAH COFFEE TIME. Smoking is gross. SMOKE WEED ERRYDAY.
Whatever, bro, just get in 'dem panties. They won't care.

11/10 would trade cabbage for sex again

« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 07:05:00 PM by Veryslightlymad »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3549 on: October 10, 2015, 09:46:28 PM »
VSM: when it comes out, you should maybe play Ladykiller in a Bind, which is all about how just lying to every woman you meet about stuff based on what you think they want to hear so you can sleep with them is maybe a bad idea?  I am looking forward to it.
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!