I've played a good chunk of Downwell - made it up to world 4 - and it's great. Simple design, perfectly calibrated. If you like any of the follwing:
- shootin' dudes
- jumpin' on dudes
- combos
- things that blow up
- pixels
then you owe it to yourself to pony up the $3 and get playing.
I want to elaborate a bit on the combos. You get bonus rewards (money, ammo capacity, health) for executing combos. You get a combo counter for the number of enemies you kill in midair before landing. You can kill enemies two ways: by jumping on them (about 2/3 of the enemies can be safely jumped on) or by shooting them with your gunboots. Your gunboots recharge either when you land, or when you jump on an enemy. And they can be used to slow your descent, so you can use them to position yourself to jump on another enemy. Now, there are side rooms in the game with shops and powerups, and you might think that that would mean you have a choice to keep your combo going or use the side rooms, but there is a bubble at the entrance to each room, and if you get to the bubble, time stops for everything but you, and your combo is not broken by landing. So there's no tradeoff; all you need to do is have the ability and agility to get to the side room entrance. Maybe it doesn't come across from describing it, but this game is poetry in motion. Every design choice - every single one - has been carefully crafted to work in conjunction with the game as a whole. Anyway buy it.