
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2015?  (Read 274716 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3950 on: December 22, 2015, 04:53:43 PM »
Since I've played a weird amount of Metroidvania's lately

Me too, if by "a weird amount" you mean "Spent 30 hours playing Environmental Station Alpha, if Steam Clock is to be Believed" (it wasn't actually that long, but I accidentally erased my save file most of the way through the game.)

So, Environmental Station Alpha. Is not so much "Metroidvania" as "Game that wants to be Super Metroid in particular." And it mostly does a damn good job of that. It features a number of "oh I don't have the right upgrade to get to X, oh wait can I really do it with just the stuff I have? holy shit I can/nope, I can't" moments. Mostly courtesy of a grappling hook that you can use on any surface that operates quite differently from the Super Metroid one. Really, really solid level design. Your weapon is pretty dinky and short-range, and that kinda seems like an issue, but all the bosses are really well-designed around just that, so in the end it works well. Also, there is a large amount of end/post-game content, some pretty interesting puzzles, and alternate endings. Anyway if you like Super Metroid, particularly the exploration and the way rooms are designed, there's a lot to like in this game. I'm sure it'd be fascinating to route for a speedrun. I noticed one pretty cool sequence break to get to a lategame boss with just grappling hook and horizontal dash (and one carefully-timed instance of intentionally getting hit to get a little extra distance on a jump) and looking at the Steam forums, which the developer is very active on, it looks like a few more have been uncovored as well.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2015, 04:57:10 PM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3951 on: December 22, 2015, 05:51:25 PM »
Guacamelee is definitely the best Metroidvania I've played since OOE. Shantae lasted 30 minutes before I got bored.

I found out that Kingdom Hearts, the series with the most ridiculous game titles, has outdone itself: "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue" is coming out.
"Final Chapter Prologue" is just beautiful. "2.8" is nice, for all that I'd have liked a "5.6/2" more.

I remember when people laughed at the re-release of the first X-Men movie with a bunch of cut footage that had the bad guy from the second movie in it or something.  They called it "X-Men 1.5" and everyone I knew was like "hahahaha motherfucker WHAT????"

It seems so quaint now.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3952 on: December 24, 2015, 01:10:28 AM »
Well taking a bit of a break from Tales of Grace f to test out the other game I'm going to be playing in the new year: Xenoblade Chronicles X.

First impressions:
I died twice because I'm still getting used to the controls. I spent the first hour just grinding my starting class (Drifter) rank to 10, so I could pick one of the specialization classes. So I have a good amount of items atm, while also figuring out the buttons. I found out how to (flawlessly) engage enemies...yes, I'm that bad at games. I traveled to the final part of prologue and ended up pulling a level 60 while trying to fight the level 6-7 enemies. I only got out of that fight because cut scene + ran far enough.

I decided that I didn't hate my life enough, so I'm going to level into the Enforcer class tree. Given that I was able to handle the 3 mini boss monsters before entering the city proper, I think I'll be fine for the time being.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3953 on: December 24, 2015, 02:27:34 AM »
Since I've played a weird amount of Metroidvania's lately

Me too, if by "a weird amount" you mean "Spent 30 hours playing Environmental Station Alpha, if Steam Clock is to be Believed" (it wasn't actually that long, but I accidentally erased my save file most of the way through the game.)

So, Environmental Station Alpha. Is not so much "Metroidvania" as "Game that wants to be Super Metroid in particular." And it mostly does a damn good job of that. It features a number of "oh I don't have the right upgrade to get to X, oh wait can I really do it with just the stuff I have? holy shit I can/nope, I can't" moments. Mostly courtesy of a grappling hook that you can use on any surface that operates quite differently from the Super Metroid one. Really, really solid level design. Your weapon is pretty dinky and short-range, and that kinda seems like an issue, but all the bosses are really well-designed around just that, so in the end it works well. Also, there is a large amount of end/post-game content, some pretty interesting puzzles, and alternate endings. Anyway if you like Super Metroid, particularly the exploration and the way rooms are designed, there's a lot to like in this game. I'm sure it'd be fascinating to route for a speedrun. I noticed one pretty cool sequence break to get to a lategame boss with just grappling hook and horizontal dash (and one carefully-timed instance of intentionally getting hit to get a little extra distance on a jump) and looking at the Steam forums, which the developer is very active on, it looks like a few more have been uncovored as well.

Did the Super Secret Endings requirements get changed?  They were such obtuse absurd bullshit.  iloveit


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3954 on: December 24, 2015, 06:09:39 AM »
I'm not sure? They were preeeeetty obtuse, but I'm not clear on whether I've done everything (outside the new DLC research station, which I know I haven't finished.) and I believe some things were changed but I'm not sure those changes were intended to make things easier to figure out...
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3955 on: December 24, 2015, 11:42:14 PM »
Adventure bar story! : Jesus this has the most generic anime look
So. You have this bar/restaurant. The goal is to make $$$. You buy flour and shit from the guy next door, try to guess some recipes (there are hints) then sell food. You can also go to dungeons for other cool (and free) ingredients, and eat your own cooking to make your numbers go up.

I am all "shit how do you make tempura, what is tempura even" so I google it, memorize the recipe, use it in game and it works. This is cool.
In game, beef carpaccio is made with mayonnaise. What the fuck? I googled this and found out that the original recipe actually uses mayonnaise. Wow.

The early recipes are absolute garbage. "Salted cucumber: cucumber + salt + no ustensil" Wow. Try selling that in an actual restaurant guys, see how it goes.

I can't tell you about the story. The game just said right away: Do you want to skip it y/n and I said y. I can tell you that there is a huge douchebag with a much bigger restaurant not far from here and I hate him.

Nuclear Throne: is still the best.
10 hours in, I looped with Melting so I am the gun god. If you ignore that I still haven't even seen Mom.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 11:51:38 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3956 on: December 24, 2015, 11:49:13 PM »
This deserved a new post:

Melon juice is OP as hell.

That is all


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3957 on: December 25, 2015, 09:35:06 AM »
Exist Archive - It's real! This thing really plays like VP! They are not kidding in calling this VP's spiritual sequel! Also, making the order of the attack>timing of the attack is a good change. Chaining attack is much less stressful now. The start up and the lag between every three attack is the only thing that has to be worried about timing wise.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3958 on: December 25, 2015, 08:41:27 PM »
This was the game you were talking about at con, Niu?
...into the nightfall.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3959 on: December 26, 2015, 06:33:38 PM »
Bravely Default Monk/Spellfencer/Ranger/Swordmaster/Dark Knight, Chapter 6-8:

So I think after the last update I'd just beaten the dragons. This gave me access to Vampire Castle, which is cool. Vampire Castle notably includes a Blood Blade (itemcast Drain spellblade, which is great) in a hidden chest, and the Hadean Claws (at 80 power, my strongest available weapon) in a blue chest. And some other stuff which isn't too important. I don't bother fighting the boss here. The randoms can be scary if they get the drop on me (Melusines have charm, Cerberuses just hit hard, and have counters to ST), but blasting away at them with Dark Bane/Dark Nebula works well.

Chaugmar 3-5 - As mentioned previously, Minus Strike and Pressure Point let me heal even when his shield is up, Defang makes Energy Blast wussy, and in general he's the scrub now.

Orthros 3-5 (1 reset) - Still a bit tricky because Blazzard does hurt. Elemental spellblade Defang is a pretty great method of control. Otherwise, keep Iceflame Shields up most of the time, try to keep it so that exactly one head is active at all times (this can largely be accomplished by hitting them with alternating elemental attacks every two turns).

Rusalka 3-5 (1 reset) - Mostly need to maintain respect for charm fucking me up on the blitz turn. Besides that, I by now have multiple Black Bane users, so I use Gale Bow (or Slow and Steady) + Drain Spellblade on them while Seep/Dark Flow is being used (Iceflame Shields block it), then use the hasted attackers to bash away all the clones. My one non-DK is a Natural Talent user who goes all lightning spellblade and does nasty damage with Quigong Waves/Hidden Dragons. I'm able to kill her before the second Dark Flow.

Gigas Lich 3-5 (1 reset) - With Defang, he's far easier than before. Apply that every two rounds to keep his Atk at 85-95%, not too scary. Very different strategy than most other fights still due to no Drain Spellblade, but various methods of holy damage (Holy Spellblade, Divine Knuckles, especially with Luminous Robe to boost one of these) hurt him pretty bad, and the weakened Slam largely can be made up for by X-Potions. Abate Earth sees use on everyone in these fights which is also nice. It's funny, this fight makes me use Monk/Ranger skills on everyone which is the opposite of like, every other fight.

Anyway through these sets of fights my level rises from about 60 to 70-71 at the end. It's actually a pretty good design on BD's part, optional fights in Chapters 5-8 don't give Exp at all in the case of bosses, and not all that much in randoms, while the crystal guardians give a fuckton, so while your job situation may vary considerably (other fights do give plenty of JP), your level is somewhat predictable.

So now I've reached Endgame and have currently walled on the first form of the first boss there, who has MT stop and I can't do anything about it. I probably should have done the bad ending first, and gained some of the equipment there (a Ribbon would be the main nice thing), but it's too late for that now. We'll see how this goes...

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3960 on: December 26, 2015, 08:29:38 PM »
FF7 - Chasing down Ultimate Weapon repeatedly was really damn annoying. Also managing the camera in the region around Cosmo Canyon gave me more trouble than any of plot bosses in the game through disc 2.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3961 on: December 27, 2015, 05:17:33 AM »
This was the game you were talking about at con, Niu?


Exist Archive - Finally enter ch.3 and pass the stupidly draggy beginning, where I can finally access the Purify Wicked... errr I mean Demon's Greed.
But unlike VP, the bar can be charged up to 400%
So instead of recharging between each PWS like VP, Exist Archive makes you do all the charging before hand and unleash as many Demon's Greed as possible at once.

Though, the game is pretty boring until hitting lv.13, which is the earliest possible to increase the job class level, which equates to more attack moves.

The gem drop is also different. Ground combo now drops EXP gems, while air combo drops gems that increase item drop rate.
No more flame jewels that reduce waiting time.
Though, magics waiting time is now different between each spells. Weaker spell has only one turn wait time, thus can be used every turn.

Right now, the team of Kanata/Mitsuhide/Kiriya/Koharu or Mayura are so stable that I don't feel like changing party anymore.
But Namero has one very good skill that I want, so I am kinda forced to use him.
Characters can learn also skills from one another after ch.6, but that requires a certain amount of affinity value between them. Theoretically, everyone can become carbon copy of each other if enough time is invested to make them all like each other.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3962 on: December 27, 2015, 06:42:32 AM »
How did the setting turn out?
...into the nightfall.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3963 on: December 27, 2015, 08:07:09 AM »
How did the setting turn out?

The basic setting is this:

Certain alien invaders are attacking a planet that's in charging of cycling the soul of the entire universe.
It became a three way conflict between Amatsume, the goddess who oversee the planet, Yamatoga, the goddess' partner who betrayed her and sided with Xenobia for his own agenda, and Xenobia, the boss of the alien invader.

Amatsume eventually defeated Yamatoga, but because Yamatoga is immortal, she divided him into 12 pieces and exile him into space.
But unfortunately, those 12 pieces eventually fell on to earth and merge with 12 different people.
Which Amatsume finds troublesome so she summon those 12 to her planet. And the game starts from here.

And then this happens:

Amatsume: I can't let you people leave while you are still merged with Yamatoga.
Amatsume: I am super weak right now after overusing my power to summon you here thus can fend off Xenobia no longer, so help me recover my powers.

So the story is pretty much fulfilling Amatsume's demand so they can go home.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3964 on: December 27, 2015, 09:50:44 PM »
Tragically, the process of getting superpowers have left them all terminally creepy looking.  Alas.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3965 on: December 27, 2015, 11:55:14 PM »
Kuwabara, kuawabara

MGS3 control takes a bit of getting used to after a decade or whatever. After a couple years of playing mostly Souls games/FFXIV? Yeah, tank controls require some readjustment. Anyway, played through tutorial mission, got arm broke by mentor. Does Snake ever get through a cutscene encounter with The Boss without compound fractures? I want to say he doesn't. Nice preview of her actual boss fight there. Random stuff I mostly forgot:

-Ocelot is the best frenemy. Everything he does is so theatrical. Raowr!

-Someone stuck a Japanese pinup poster on the ceiling of Snake's infiltration drone because of course they did.

-I still don't understand how Russia has a jungle.

-I am really really bad at these games. But that's okay because I got a trophy for dropping bees on dudes.

Gonna try tranqing down all the bosses to get the unique suits, but dunno how long my patience will hold out for that (I was never able to get The End's because you actually have to hold him at gunpoint for it or something and I can never remember the basics of CQC). I'm amused that you start the game with all sorts of national flag facepaint, did not remember that being a thing. So you could play the whole game being Mr. Americaface or Mr. Swedenface(!!!) if you really wanted to (although I won't because lack of camo optimization means even more fights for me to flail ineffectually at after inevitably failing stealth again). Also I'm making sure to call Paramedic every time I eat something new because there's actually a lot of radio chatter I've never heard and it's all totally goony.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 12:01:58 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3966 on: December 28, 2015, 01:03:08 AM »
They don't have 'jungle', exactly, but they do have temperate rainforest. Russia is really, really big and has a lot of different biomes in it.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3967 on: December 28, 2015, 01:15:17 PM »
I am always up for some MGS until I remember I have to deal with those controls.

Nuclear Throne: 20 hours in. I'm trying  to loop with every character, the ones left are: Fish, Eyes, Rebel, Horror, Rogue.
They were in early access for 1 year and half but the vita port is some kind of mess. 2 FPS during Big Dog's explosion(s), crashes all the time (but only upon death so that's manageable), you can't select crowns, alternate weapons or alternate skins, etc. Fish and Rogue are stuck with bad golden weapons and I can't switch back to their default ones.
Apparently there's already a patch but Sony takes ages to approve, so we're stuck. I still don't want to play anything else so.
I wonder if the weapons with too many particle effects (Nuke Launcher, Super Flak Cannon) will stay forever unusable or not.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3968 on: December 30, 2015, 12:37:52 AM »
Bravely Default: Poor Life Decisions Edition

So I got to the end of chapter 8. I didn't do the B ending, which in hindsight was a bit of a mistake. Once you've reached this point, you're stuck on the airship and you must beat the next boss before doing anything else. Fortunately the airship includes shops and a dungeon if you need to level, though going elsewhere to get specific enemy steals/drops, stuff only found in specific shops, etc., isn't possible any more. Let's talk boss fights.

Piercer of Boundaries - Larval stage (9 resets before the first victory, 13 resets in total)

She has 70 speed (faster than anyone in my party unless I use Hermes Shoes) and 100 defence (enough to make Dark Nebula not really that great, I tend to use Black Bane instead just because it triggers Adversity more). The relevant skillset I have to deal with:

-Attack: Low-mid 2HKO at base, evadable, generally not an issue.
-Tight Bind: MT stop. The stat topic calls it 50%, but it LIES. Closer to 80% I think. This is hell. There's no way to block Stop with the class set I have, it prevents me from gaining BP or defaulting or doing things that aren't dying. Stop wears off randomly at the end of each turn (1-4 turns, I want to say), and if it wears off immediately you still gain BP that turn, so that's something, but yeah, this can destroy me very, very easily.
-Slaughter: Hugeass 10-random-hit physical which poisons. It's borderline capable of wiping out my entire party if I don't have her attack debuffed and nobody is defaulting, although it really depends where the hits go. Usually if the party is healthy it won't kill me outright, but a beat-up party can easily be taken out by it. The one mercy is it costs an extra BP, so the followup turn is a free one for anyone who survived.
-Poison Punisher: OHKO damage to anyone poisoned. Magical. Defaulting or Before Swine half it to a mid 2HKO.
-Spike Guard: Really bad for my party, she will henceforth counter anything physical with an ITE physical attack which solidly 2HKOs at base (3HKOs if debuffed). Literally everything my party can do is physical, including Minus Strike, so this makes both healing and debuffing her more difficult. After around 5-6 turns after she initiates this she'll lose a turn when it ends.

Her usual AI is to use Tight Bind zero to two times, then Slaughter once or twice, with physical attacks randomly mixed in. Then, Spike Guard, then do the same (although I see Slaughter three times in a row once). Then release, repeat, etc.

Poison Punisher is her "weakness". Why? Because if someone is poisoned, she uses it a lot. As in, it replaces 80% of her turns (except Spike Guard/Release Guard, which happen at the same intervals roughly). This can be abused. Although the attack can't be countered, it can be nulled with Absorb Magic. Thus, my strategy is to leave one (and only one) PC poisoned, who spams Absorb Magic (dark knight ability, initiative magic immuntiy for the round). This fres up the other PCs to do whatever, which includes using an X-Potion every three turns or so to heal the poisoned PC. Other focuses are Defang every three turns when possible, and healing anything from counters and attacks which do slip through. However, this strategy greatly, greatly reduces the chance of seeing Tight Bind more than once in a blue moon, which is huge. It's not foolproof because other attacks do get used sometime, and an Absorb Magic-spamming PC isn't defaulting so bad luck with Slaughter can take them down, and stop means they can't absorb magic and will get poison punished into oblivion next turn.

I end up running two PCs with poison immuinity (including my Monk, my only PC without Dark Arts) and two vulnerable, which increases the chance one gets poisoned. (If two get poisoned, I cure one.) The other two accessories are Hermes Shoes (+20 speed) to have one PC faster than the boss (a second PC runs Slow and Steady so she'll be faster if she defaulted last turn. She defaults a lot, just in case) and a charm-blocker for reasons. I also use the Gale Bow periodically because it's important for injured PCs to go before the boss right after her guard drops to heal up safely, and also for damage-dealing PCs to get the drop on her before she puts her guard back up - a brave-blitz into spike guard ends poorly.

Piercer of Boundaries - Pupal stage (3 resets, so 16 total over both fights)

When the boss is lowered below 15% of her 202,5k HP in the first stage, the fight ends and there's a fresh fight. HP/MP and poison carries over, nothing else does, as per usual for two separate fights. New skillset:

-Flare, various -aga spells, Dark: All of these are MT magic attacks. Flare does borderline 2HKO damage if I'm defaulting, so Iceflame Shields on everyone! They also block Blizzaga. The other attacks are a bit weaker, 3HKO if I'm defaulting and 2HKO otherwise. Still scary!
-Acedia: Literally the worst. Dispel, even gets rid of spellblade (this is bad), makes me weak to all elements. Now the spells do 2HKO if I'm defaulting, OHKO if I don't.
-Luxuria: MT charm, 50% or so. I have two PCs blocking this (one via accessory, one via the Lamia's Tiara from Vampire Castle), so hopefully it only hits at most one other. Can be healed with a faster PC punching them for 1 damage, but still creates problems.
-Irritate: 100% berserk. ST at least. There's no way to get a Berserk blocker, not even a Ribbon works. Remedy it next turn, though like charm this creates problems. Berserked attacks are less dangerous than charmed ones, of course, though they're pretty ineffective because this boss has ridiculous evade.

There's also a basic physical, which I see once in four fights. It's the same as the one from the last fight. Needless to say I don't bother with Defang in this stage.

Anyway, at first I'm a bit despairing of what to do here, since the weakness-boosted offence is just so brutal. MT OHKO every turn! The first three turns aren't TOO bad although not trivial by any means, but on turn 4 and then every 5 (or so. Sometimes it's 6 I think?) turns later we see Acedia followed by three turns of extreme pain.

But... hey, it's all magic! Absorb Magic can null it. Keeps me alive, but not really good enough. And... Before Swine halves it, making it survivable. And mercifully, unlike Poison Punisher, it IS counterable.

So yeah. Three PCs have Bushido for this fight (recall: three have Dark Arts as well; the other two skillsets are a Spellblade and a Martial Arts... but of course, everyone can access Drain spellblade via the Blood Blade). With Drain spellblade and an appropriate setup (Counter Amp, Spellblade Amp, knuckles/bow S rank) they do 7-9k damage on Before Swine counters, fully healing them. Meanwhile anyone not set up to counter can use Absorb Magic. Great!

There are a few problems. The first are the charm and berserk. They mess this defensive strategy up. The statues are sadly not magical and can't be stopped, and if a PC is charmed or berserked while still weak to everything, they're probably dying next turn (not even worth curing). Of course, if the status has worn off, then they can be healed. But yeah, this can punch through my defences.

Secondly, there's BP generation. Spamming stances like this means I have no extra BP for applying drain spellblade, healing if necessary, reviving, etc. The way around this is to default as much as possible when Acedia isn't in effect, especially on the first three turns of the battle. With Iceflame Shields, the status moves, and Acedia itself, it's possible to not suffer much during these turns, although spells which I'm not nulling will need to be healed at some point, using up some of this BP. If everything goes well I maintain BP, rather than lose it, so that's nice at least, and means if I survive an Acedia phase in good shape I can afford to keep using counters/etc. if necessary, though I don't do this if I expect Acedia (i.e. on the fifth turn from the last time it was used).

The final problem is that Acedia removes Drain spellblade. And that she's, generally, faster than I am (in fact, my one faster PC is the one without Bushido). So it's not a simple matter of braving and using Nothing Ventured + Drain spellblade the turn after Acedia: she may attack before I set drain, and while I'll still counter, I lose a lot of health and will need to massively heal next turn. One way around this is to use Absorb Magic + Drain spellblade instead, on the PCs who can; I take no damage while getting things set up. That's okay. But even better is to anticipate Acedia, and use Drain spellblade on that turn; since I'm slower, it'll come right after dispel, and I'll be healthy and ready to go for the turns which come.

Drain + Minus Strike is the best way to heal, but not always practical (if I have the BP, Absorb Magic along with this is very safe indeed). X-Potions can also be used, and I do use them, though they by now restore less than 30% of my HP. Just have to use enough to make halved weakness-hits survivable.

It's rough, and takes several tries as I get the specifics down, but watching a MT magic trigger three nasty counters for 25k+ HP (i.e. 1/8 of her health or so, she also has 202.5k) is pretty great.

Beaten at Level 70-71, used about 30 X-Potions. I also had a Megalixir which I used on many losing runs as a bailout option, but managed to hold it on the winning run. Hardest fight so far? Of course. Might not have been if I'd done the B ending / Dark Aurora already, as I'd have more PCs who would block charm. But the core strategies that let me win (particularly poison abuse) I'd still have had to discover the hard way.

Final dungeon and Dimension's Hasp for more shinies are next.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3969 on: December 30, 2015, 06:58:34 AM »
Final Fantasy Type-0: Ok, I think I figured out how the gameplay works.  You're not expected to survive anything that hits you and you're suppose to dodge like mad since most attacks seem to borderline OHKO me.  That's fine, because it seems enemies run off a similar philosophy, so this game is basically "Rocket Tag: The ARPG."

In the middle of chapter 4.  So...yeah, I was thinking "hey, a legitimate ensemble cast" until...well...the last two chapters when suddenly all plot is basically "Machina and Rem!"  Half the dialog among Type-0 is stuff relating to those two or just those two speaking.  The rest is "Oh yeah, I'm a character in this game, time to say something to remind you I'm here!"  This isn't factoring in the optional dialog between scenes of course; those are fine!

Honestly, I wouldn't mind it that much if the game just came out and said "ok, Machina and Rem are the main characters and this is about them being newbees into a team full of bad asses" and went from there.  Giving us this subplot about Machina and Rem and trying to pretend this is a full-on ensemble hurts, especially when Machina is just an unlike-able whiny dick.

Heck, this sequence made me want to bash my head in:
"So your brother was sent on a mission that somehow involved Class a way, Class Zero killed your brother, YOU DON'T TRUST THOSE THAT KILLED YOUR BROTHER DO YOU!?"
"You're right, Class Zero is a bunch of murderers, I'D LEAVE NOW...except Rem :("

That logic makes no sense.  Look, if you want to be angry at Class Zero for not being there to help him and save him, that's fair, because the whole "he trusted you,you weren't there for him, how can I trust you guys!?" thing.  The "THEY KILLED YOUR BROTHER BECAUSE OF SOME TANGENTIAL RELATIONSHIP TO WHAT ACTUALLY KILLED HIM!" logic is just dumb.

Type-0's writing really suffers from it's cast size.  They gave each class member a single personality trait basically putting them on par with a 90s Kids Cartoon, and that's about the extent of their character so far; no time to really develop anyone (save Machina and Rem) because the most we get is some simple fluff conversations to help get the point across "yes, Nine is a brutish idiot" "yes, Queen is an intellectual" and all that.  Maybe more happens later, but frankly most plot-related cutscenes happen with characters NOT in Class Zero, and when they do, it's "oh look, more Machina and Rem!", and as I said, Machina is just annoying. 

...oh, I should probably talk about Rem too, right?  Meh, she's just kind of there, hasn't really done much other than be the ear for Machina, and is all "I'm sick and dying, so I will show this by occasionally seeming weak!" 

On a more positive note, the game's lore and setting are pretty cool.  It feels like what FF8 was trying to be but failing.  The School setting actually works way better here than it did in FF8 (because they actually feel like a class), and feels more like a legit Military Academy than it does a college campus with a hunting range filled with dinosaurs attached.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3970 on: December 30, 2015, 06:45:22 PM »
Chibirythem 2.  Trying to complete the roster of characters, but the game seems deadset on handing me Turquoise shards.  Almost as if it's trying to hold the rest of the dregs of the cast hostage to me picking up Kain.  This shall not work! >_>


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3971 on: December 30, 2015, 08:27:54 PM »
Amusingly, just last week I got the last character in Chibirhythm 2, though for me it was some FF11 Chick I don't know anything about since I hadn't watched anything beyond Chains of Promathia.

...FF11 could have used ONE male character in Chibirhythm on that note <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3972 on: December 30, 2015, 10:08:14 PM »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3973 on: December 30, 2015, 10:08:47 PM »
Guys that was not sarcasm I am really super mad about this.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3974 on: December 30, 2015, 10:09:14 PM »
Super. Mad.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!