
In less fun news, I managed to injure myself. I have been so good at not injuring myself for most of my life, despite many stupid things that should have resulted in
at least a good maiming. I broke my collar bone when I was 14. I've done soccer, ultimate frisbee, and fencing. I used to be able to run 5Ks. I am strong, even now.
But that's the thing, see. "Even now." I weigh the most I ever have and I haven't been doing exercise-like things since last year.
So I joined a gym. It's very close to my place, like a 3 minute walk, so it seems like a really good deal and an excellent way for me to overcome my aversion to wasting 30 minutes getting to and returning from the gym. To sweeten the deal they even threw in 1 hour of personal training! I went to that personal training yesterday. It was half evaluation, half exercise. So after the evaluation and expected chiding for the state of my life, we headed up to the weight room.
"25 jumping jacks to warm up!"
Okay, jumping jacks are easy. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eigh -
Doc today said I most likely just strained a ligament and it should be fine with the good old RICE method for the next 1-2 weeks. "Avoid stairs," he says. Hahahah. You cannot even enter or leave my apartment without a flight of stairs. I can't get to the bedroom or bathroom without going upstairs. So it looks like I'm going to be on the 2 weeks side of the equation.
So yeah. I injured myself doing jumping jacks. Let this be a lesson not to become a fatass, or that if you do you just become comfortable with it because exercise will kill you.
Also, I cut my hair short, bleached it, and dyed it bright purple. That was before the injury so I can also conclude dyeing hair causes knee failure.