
Author Topic: Diplomacy: Fall 1903 (Ends: Feb 4th 12:00AM EST)  (Read 7570 times)


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Diplomacy: Fall 1903 (Ends: Feb 4th 12:00AM EST)
« on: January 07, 2015, 09:07:34 AM »
Alright folks, it is started.  First post will always be updated to have the current information for you.

Conversation amongst the players can be done in any manner.  However, for orders, they are to be sent to the unbiased moderator, Luther Lansfield.  We will have three days (72h) for talking, one day (24h) for sending in orders, and then the orders will all be made public and the board updated.  Then we will start again.

EDIT: There will be separate negotiation and orders phases.  Orders do not need to be in before negotiations end.  And there is to be no talking about game plans between players when it is not negotiation phase.

Orders must be done semi-formally, so identify unit by type and location, specify what action that unit is taking, and then specify where it is going, or which unit it is supporting/convoying.  The one order which does not require specifics is a land unit that is being convoyed.  So long as there is a valid string of ships with valid convoy orders, it's move command will be accepted.

1. Excal - Austria-Hungary
2. Snowfire - France
3. Sir Alex - Russia
4. Andrew - Turkey
5. Carthrat - England
6. Mage  - Germany

Negotiations Ends February 4th, 12:00AM EST

State of the Board.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 06:31:02 AM by Luther Lansfeld »


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Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1901-Negotiations
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2015, 09:40:49 PM »
For the record, can you clarify the rules you're using for Italy?  (I'd also be fine with continuing to wait for a 7th, FWIW.)  Will Italy spam Hold orders?  Spam defensive support orders?  Get make-up moves submitted by a 3rd party?


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Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1901-Negotiations
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2015, 09:58:09 PM »
As per Excal in IRC, Italy will always submit hold orders, and when one of their units is forced out, it is instantly disbanded instead of retreating (and never rebuilt).


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Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1901-Negotiations
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2015, 01:36:51 AM »
Yeah, what Alex said.  It is what is recommended in the rule book for a six player game.


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Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1901-Negotiations
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2015, 07:58:56 AM »


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Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1901-Orders (Ends: Jan 10th 11:59PM PST)
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2015, 08:04:15 AM »
Alright folks, it is now orders time.

Please give a big thanks to Ciato for being willing to be our neutral order taker.

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Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1901-Orders (Ends: Jan 10th 11:59PM PST)
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2015, 10:23:44 PM »
Believe I have received orders from everyone. I can post now if you want?
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Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1901-Orders (Ends: Jan 10th 11:59PM PST)
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2015, 10:34:44 PM »
By all means!  I brought this up on IRC a couple of times, but I don't see much of a need for a separate orders phase for internet games (as well as "don't negotiate then!" being impossible to enforce).  Might be more clear to just have an orders deadline for each season?  (and say the latest set of valid orders received pre-deadline will be followed, in case of changes)  That's how the other internet games I've read have done things.

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Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1901-Orders (Ends: Jan 10th 11:59PM PST)
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2015, 10:39:11 PM »
Sir Alex – Russia
St. Petersburg Fleet moves to Gulf of Bothnia
Warsaw army moves to Galicia
Moscow army moves to Ukraine
Sevastopol fleet moves to Rumania

Carthrat – England
Army Liverpool - Move - Yorkshire
Fleet Edinburgh - Move - Norwegian Sea
Fleet London - Move - North Sea

AndrewRogue - Turkey
A Constantinople-Bulgaria
F Ankara-Constantinople
A Smyrna Holds

Excal - Austria-Hungary
Army Vienna - Hold
Army Budapest - Move to Serbia
Navy Trieste - Move to Albania

Snowfire - France
A Par-Bur
A Mar-Spa

Magetastic - Germany
F Kiel-Holland
A Berlin-Kiel
A Munich-Ruhr
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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1901 (Ends: Jan 13th 6:30PM PST)
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2015, 02:29:46 AM »
Alright folks, Fall starts.  Remember, you need to be holding your new supply centres at the end of this round in order to take them.  And, we're going to try Alex's suggestion of just having the orders be in by the end of the three days.


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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1901 (Ends: Jan 13th 6:30PM PST)
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2015, 04:10:01 AM »
From page 5 of the same newspaper:

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1901 (Ends: Jan 13th 6:30PM PST)
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2015, 02:28:49 AM »
Fall 1901

Sir Alex - Russia
F Bothnia->Sweden
F Rumania->Black Sea
A Ukraine->Rumania
A Galicia->Budapest

Magetastica - Germany
A: Kiel to Denmark
F: Supporting A from Yorkshire into Belgium
A: Ruhr to Munich

Snowfire - France
F MAO-Spa(sc)
A Spa-Por
A Bur-Bel

AndrewRogue - Turkey
F Constantinople - Black Sea
A Smyrna - Armenia
A Bulgaria - Greece

Carthrat - England
Fleet Norwegian Sea - Move - Norway
Fleet North Sea - Convoy - Belgium
Army Yorkshire - Move - Belgium

Excal - Austria-Hungary
Army Vienna - Move to Budapest
Navy Albania - Move to Greece
Army Serbia - Support (Navy - Albania -> Greece)
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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1901 (Ends: Jan 13th 6:30PM PST)
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2015, 02:38:26 AM »
Carthrat - England
Fleet Norwegian Sea - Move - Norway
Fleet North Sea - Convoy - Belgium
Army Yorkshire - Move - Belgium

Just to point out for everyone's future reference, convoy orders to fleets need to specify the exact army and convoy path being used.  No harm done here though since there's only one obviously valid option.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Diplomacy: Winter 1901 (Ends: Jan 14th 6:30PM PST)
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2015, 04:15:28 PM »
Excal - Austria-Hungary
New Army in Budapest
New Navy in Triest

Magetastica - Germany
Berlin: A
Kiel: A

Snowfire - France
F Bre
A Par

AndrewRogue - Turkey
Fleet Ankara

Carthrat - England
Build Army Edinburgh
Build Fleet London

Sir Alex - Russia
Army Sevastopol
Army Warsaw
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Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1902 (Ends: Jan 17th 5:30PM PST)
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2015, 05:18:52 AM »
Magetastica - Germany
A: Munich supporting A Bel to Bur
A: Ber to Silesia
A: Kiel to Ber

Carthrat - England
Fleet North Sea - Support - Fleet London Move English Channel
Fleet London - Move - English Channel
Fleet Norway - Move - Sweden
Army Belgium - Move - Burgundy
Army Edinburgh - Move - Yorkshire

Excal - Austria-Hungary
Army Vienna Move to Galicia
Army Budapest Hold
Army Serbia Support (Navy Rumania -> Bulgaria)
Navy Greece Move to Aegean Sea
Navy Trieste Move to Albania

AndrewRogue - Turkey
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Smyrna
F Ankara - Constantinople
A Armenia - Ankara

Snowfire - France
F Spa (sc) - MAO
A Por - Spa
F Bre - Eng
A Bur - Ruh
A Par - Pic

SirAlex - Russia
F Rumania -> Black Sea
F Sweden -> Norway
A Sevastopol -> Rumania
A Galicia -> Bohemia
A Ukraine -> Galicia
A Warsaw Support A Ukraine -> Galicia
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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1902 (Ends: Jan 20th 9:30PM PST)
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2015, 07:45:22 AM »
Nitpicky whiny comment per chat & Sopko desires: Can the state of the board be posted after every moveset, rather than replacing the old one?  Arrows would be even better, but simply comparing two maps works too.  We'll just have a lot of maps.

Also, no need for Luther Lansfeld to do this in her first post, but an annotated moves should probably be added eventually.

Magetastica - Germany
A: Munich supporting A Bel to Bur
A: Ber to Silesia
A: Kiel to Ber
A Den: No move received
F Hol: No move received

Carthrat - England
Fleet North Sea - Support - Fleet London Move English Channel
Fleet London - Move - English Channel
Fleet Norway - Move - Sweden (*bounce* 1:1)
Army Belgium - Move - Burgundy
Army Edinburgh - Move - Yorkshire

Excal - Austria-Hungary
Army Vienna Move to Galicia (*bounce* 1:2)
Army Budapest Hold
Army Serbia Support (Navy Rumania -> Bulgaria) (invalid)
Navy Greece Move to Aegean Sea
Navy Trieste Move to Albania

AndrewRogue - Turkey
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Smyrna
F Ankara - Constantinople
A Armenia - Ankara

Snowfire - France
F Spain (south coast) - Middle Atlantic Ocean
A Portugal - Spain
F Brest - English Channel (*bounce* 1:2)
A Burgundy - Ruhr
A Paris - Picardy

SirAlex - Russia
F Rumania -> Black Sea
F Sweden -> Norway (*bounce* 1:1)
A Sevastopol -> Rumania
A Galicia -> Bohemia
A Ukraine -> Galicia
A Warsaw Support A Ukraine -> Galicia


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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1902 (Ends: Jan 20th 9:30PM PST)
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2015, 02:34:31 AM »

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1902 (Ends: Jan 20th 9:30PM PST)
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2015, 06:45:51 AM »
Snowfire - France
F Brest - English Channel
F Middle Atlantic Ocean S F Brest - English Channel
A Spain - Gascony
A Ruhr - Belgium
A Picardy S A Ruhr - Belgium

Sir Alex - Russia
F Sweden -> Norway
A Warsaw SUPPORT A Galicia Hold
A Bohemia -> Vienna
A Galicia SUPPORT A Bohemia -> Vienna
A Rumania -> Budapest
F Black Sea SUPPORT A Rumania Hold

Carthrat - England
Fleet Norway Move St. Petersburg
Fleet North Sea Move Norway
Army Burgundy Move Belgium
Fleet Eng. Channel Hold
Army Yorkshire Hold

AndrewRogue - Turkey
F Smyrna-Aegean Sea
F Constantinople Support (F Smyrna-Aegean Sea)
A Bulgaria-Greece
A Ankara Hold

Excal - Austria-Hungary
Army Vienna Support Army Budapest
Army Budapest Support Army Vienna
Army Serbia Move Rumania
Navy Albania Move Triest
Navy Aegean Move Bulgaria

Magetastica - Germany
F supports A Bur->Bel
A Ber->Kiel
A Mun->Tyr
A Sil->Mun
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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1902 (Ends: Jan 20th 9:30PM PST)
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2015, 07:15:22 AM »
I'm going to assume that's supposed to be F Holland S English A Bur - Bel?  There isn't any other German fleet.  Not to be a hardass, but again, for future reference, not specifying exactly or specifying wrong = illegal move, hold order assigned.  There are situations where illegal orders are intentionally submitted, especially when supporting allies, so it's not always clear.  And the nature of the game makes "fixing" orders after they're seen impossible (if someone really WANTED the move to fail but wants to claim to their ally it was a mistake, what are they supposed to say when given an opportunity to 'fix' it?)

While we're nitpicking, this is a lot more minor, but F Aegean - Bulgaria should TECHNICALLY specify Bulgaria (south coast).  It's the only legal option though, so no big deal.  It'd only really matter with Spain.  (Coasts are also shenanigans.)

Also, there's a retreats phase which happens immediately, so retreats are needed from England & Austria for F Eng & A Vie.  You can't retreat to spaces that were just attacked from, have another army there, or there was a bounce in this turn.  EDIT: So actually I think Vienna is annihilated?  Don't see any valid retreats for it.

Anyway, w/ annotations assuming the German order is processed as F Hol:

Snowfire - France
F Brest - English Channel
F Middle Atlantic Ocean S F Brest - English Channel
A Spain - Gascony
A Ruhr - Belgium (*bounce* 2:2)
A Picardy S A Ruhr - Belgium

Sir Alex - Russia
F Sweden -> Norway (*bounce* 1:1)
A Warsaw SUPPORT A Galicia Hold
A Bohemia -> Vienna
A Galicia SUPPORT A Bohemia -> Vienna
A Rumania -> Budapest (*bounce*, 1:1)
F Black Sea SUPPORT A Rumania Hold (*invalid*)

Carthrat - England
Fleet Norway Move St. Petersburg [assumed nc]
Fleet North Sea Move Norway (*bounce* 1:1)
Army Burgundy Move Belgium (*bounce* 2:2)
Fleet Eng. Channel Hold (*dislodged*)
Army Yorkshire Hold

AndrewRogue - Turkey
F Smyrna-Aegean Sea
F Constantinople Support (F Smyrna-Aegean Sea)
A Bulgaria-Greece
A Ankara Hold

Excal - Austria-Hungary
Army Vienna Support Army Budapest (*dislodged*, 1:2, annihilated)
Army Budapest Support Army Vienna (*support cut*)
Army Serbia Move Rumania (*bounce* 1:1)
Navy Albania Move Triest
Navy Aegean Move Bulgaria [Assumed sc]

Magetastica - Germany
F supports A Bur->Bel [Assumed F Hol S A Bur->Bel]
A Ber->Kiel
A Mun->Tyr
A Sil->Mun
A Den (H, no orders received)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 08:01:16 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1902 (Ends: Jan 20th 9:30PM PST)
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2015, 09:24:47 AM »
Sir Alex - Russia
F Black Sea SUPPORT A Rumania Hold (*invalid*)

This, however, should be a valid order?  As long as Rumania didn't move successfully for some reason, which it didn't, the support hold should be active and Rumania would not be dislodged if it was attacked by 2 strength.  At least by my understanding of the rules?


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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1902 (Ends: Jan 20th 9:30PM PST)
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2015, 06:27:16 PM »
Well, per above, it's valid to give an invalid order, but nope.  Supports to hold an army that tries to move don't do anything.

On the bright side, A Ser - Rum also doesn't stop A Rum - Bud from cutting the support, so there's that.  (But A Bud - Rum, A Ser S A Bud - Rum would have taken Rumania, yes.)

Also, on second thought, I don't think Excal has any retreats after all?  Both Trieste & Tyrolia got cut-off so I think A Vienna just gets annihilated.  That'd mean only Rat has retreats / Winter builds.


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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1902 (Ends: Jan 20th 9:30PM PST)
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2015, 02:22:13 AM »
Hmm. It's clearly not an issue in this retreat/build phase, but how is it resolved if two units retreat into the same province, given that it is a legal action for both?

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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1902 (Ends: Jan 20th 9:30PM PST)
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2015, 04:01:35 AM »
Carthrat - England
Fleet channel retreat Wales
Build fleet London
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Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1902 (Ends: Jan 20th 9:30PM PST)
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2015, 04:58:08 AM »
Hmm. It's clearly not an issue in this retreat/build phase, but how is it resolved if two units retreat into the same province, given that it is a legal action for both?

Both are annihilated. 

In Internet Diplomacy I've played before, it's usually etiquette to just post your retreat in a public place like the thread since it rarely matters what others do, but when there are multiple retreats in the same area such that this is a possibility, that's a rare time where people will send retreats to the GM, then the GM will post them simultaneously.

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Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1903 (Ends: Jan 25th 2:00PM PST)
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2015, 07:54:03 AM »
I have still not received all of the orders! Please send them!
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