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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2015, 01:19:15 AM »
Ooh, these are fun reads, and I wanna chime in that it'd be cool to see some thoughts on Adventure Time, as well as the other 'big' cartoons at the moment, Gravity Falls and Steven Universe. The currently-airing Marvel cartoons are also a favorite of mine. They've come a long way since the hanna barbera days.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2015, 07:12:05 AM »
I've heard mostly negative about Ultimate Spider-Man and Avengers Assemble myself.  Gravity Falls I'll probably be looking into, caught a few episodes the otehr day and it was definitely promising, although I'm not sure there's a full season of the show to look at yet?  I'll have to research there.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2015, 09:22:51 AM »
2 full seasons, but the first season has not been completely released on DVD from what I can gather.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2015, 05:56:38 AM »
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Season 1)

So the show has been billed as basically the Silver Age with modern VA work.  Far as I know they more or less deliver on that. 

There are moments of just plain joyousness in this series.  They do a good job of establishing them early and frequently.  I mean in episode 1, in the teaser, literally the first thing of the show you can see, by the two or so minute mark Bats had more or less turned his utility belt into a lightsaber.  That's fantastic.

The trouble I have is that the series suffers from occasionally trying to be a little too deadpan, such that is starts to be outright serious.  And while you do need a certain level of seriousness for the other stuff to contrast with, it tends to feel stilted or forced most of the time.  Not always.  Two moments stand out; that little moment riiiiight before it clicks who the Red Hood is in Deep Cover for Batman!, and the tail end of Hail the Tornado Tyrant!.  Or maybe I'm a sucker for those sorts of stories in the latter case.  I remember kinda wishing the episode cut off at the second commercial break, but the actual ending was good too so hey what do I know I guess.

Anyway, the "just a liiiittle too serious" problem is moreso in the first half of the season, but even later I will say that in most episodes, though certainly not all, the teaser is actually better than the main episode.  On the flip side!  This means otherwise lame episodes have a good part at least.

More or less by nature of the show, the season on the whole doesn't leave a strong impression, but little moments or gags from individual episodes do.  Paul Dini is the sort of bastard I can accept.  Come back when you know your goddamned history whippersnappers!  Paul Dini for President.

I'm not sure if i want to invest in the rest of the series or not.  It's good, but mostly doesn't have huge staying power for me.  Although I've read they have an adaptation of Emperor Joker and I really wanna see that. 

Best Episode- Well, I'm of two minds here.  I didn't mention above because it made more sense to talk about here, but another small issue with the series is that Batman himself is the straight man, with a very subtle and deeply sarcastic sense of humor.  But a lot of times, there's not a foil for him in that regard.  And "The World at Large" doesn't fit that bill.  Probably one reason people really like Aquaman in this series (beyond, of course, John DiMaggio); his bombast gives Bats someone to straightman against.  But my first major contender for best episode is The Color of Revenge!, and the main reason for that is because the correct foil for Batman is Robin.  This must be the Dick Grayson people actually like, because even in his teenage weenie years where he talks like he's straight out of the Adam West show he's great.  Batman is good at being sarcastic at villains, but Dick is outright mocking them and it works.  This Batman makes sense when Robin is in the room.  Buuuuuuuut... it doesn't really matter.  We are all just slaves to this hypnotic patter.  We have no choice except to

He's the Music Meister and WE MUST BEWARE HIS WRATH

Weakest Episode- Mystery in Space!  I find myself tempted to nod The Eyes of Despero! because I find Despero and his whole gimmick lame and then randomly having a thirty second Sinestro/Guy Gardener sideshow was really dumb.  But oh my god Mystery in Space! is tedious.  I don't care about this dude, or his planet, or the chucklefucks he is fighting, and to underscore all of that Aquaman is here specifically to BE really lame for contrast to himself and blah blah blah next episode please.

Grade- 7/10.  Even the weakest episodes have something going for them, but aside from the two standouts there's not quite enough to hang your hat on so to speak and the ratio of eh to good is pretty shaky in the first half.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 04:43:34 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2015, 08:31:26 AM »
Whenever I hear about this show, I just laser-focus in on this one scene:


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #30 on: May 05, 2015, 07:31:41 PM »
Adventure Time (Season 1)

So Season 1 doesn't really have much rhyme or reason to the way it's arranged (it's there, but ignorable, I should say), and is focused on basically establishing the identities of the main cast.  So instead we're going to talk about the question presented: why do people like this show.

I mean, there's an easy, easy answer to that, but it hasn't happened yet.

So here's the impressions season 1 will send you away with, in roughly descending order of how present they are in the show and thus how likely they are to keep someone watching.

The animation is amazingly kinetic.  There is ALWAYS a lot of motion going on at any given time, and the show's ability to project energy and draw the eye to something important going on is nearly unparalleled.  There's relatedly also a lot of emotion from any character in a given scene, and a high willingness to bend or alter the characters and their models if that's what's needed in a given scene.

The show is constantly putting more into the show.  More characters, new places, new genres, new things that don't quite make sense.  But more importantly those things are very distinct, with a lot of personality.  By way of comparison, let's take Tree Trunks and Spitfire, from FiM.  I could actually tell you as much about Tree Trunks after her one feature episode as I could after, if memory serves, three from Spitfire.  Which isn't a dig at the latter, she's a reasonably nuanced character given her actual story roles and probably has plenty of fans.  Meanwhile I've definitely met some Adventure Time fans who really, really don't like Tree Trunks.  But it's a difference in style, because the point of her episode is a character with all these foibles and quirks and how she impacts the heroes in about three different contexts within her one episode.  The oddity with the show is that it has so many characters like this that over time the "main cast" ends up expanding from four (Finn, Jake, Bubblegum, Ice King) to what TV Tropes has listed as ten, of which I'd only quibble on one entry. 

The show is unrepentantly geeky of course (most cartoons are if you scratch the surface, it's almost as though animators and artists are a core geekdom constituency) , but it's very specifically all about Dungeons and Dragons.  Even setting aside the dungeon crawl episodes, there's  a very d20 vibe about how our heroes operate.  I'm not going to dwell on this, being only peripherally aware of the subject matter, but it's really noticeable.

Something is off about the world of Ooo.  It's openly post-apocalyptic while also having a neo-medieval vibe, but that's obvious from the opening credits.  Even without that, the surface normality of Finn and how it contrasts not just with the existence but with the sheer VARIETY of perils and mutants and monsters in the world suggest something very wrong has happened, but it's so normalized for the characters you can only see it along the edges.

Other thoughts... I remember the first time I watched this season thinking that it was some sort of sociological experiment.  It's structurally laid out like a kid's show (11 minute format aside), and has applicable life lessons as often as not, but the path from A to B is so bizarre that it's like they're trying to stealth teach the aesops.  This aspect is still there, but with the benefit of watching later I'm starting to think the series bible had to include elements of season 4, but their ability to reuse earlier elements means that it's easy to mix up with stuff they just watched the fans and brought back later because they were liked.

Best Episode: Henchman.  The last five episodes of the season are all worthy in their own way, so I'm just tiebreaking for the one with Marceline.  I know, boring, sorry.

Weakest Episode: Prisoners of Love.  This episode is trying to just be this generalized introduction for the Ice King, but it also means most of the episode is just princesses whining at Finn.  About as dry and long as an 11 minute cartoon can be I think.

Rating: 6/10.  I don't really get into the season flow much in this writeup, but most of the first half of the season is pretty eh.  Probably the show's biggest strength is showing established elements in new contexts and well, there wasn't anything established for most of this season.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #31 on: May 06, 2015, 12:44:27 AM »
Have you seen Bravest Warriors, CK?


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #32 on: May 06, 2015, 01:22:07 AM »
Since I've pretty much only watched season 1 of Adventure Time, and I enjoyed it, I should be pretty well equipped to answer this question.  It is a toughie.  I think...Adventure Time is the first post-sarcasm cartoon I've seen.  Its directness is really refreshing, actually.  Unlike practically everything that came before it, it doesn't seem to owe much of anything to The Simpsons.  To the extent it owes anything to earlier Adult Swim shows, it owes an absurdist sensibility but not much else.  So that's what it's not.  Now what is it, for me to like it so much?  Well, it's direct, but not simple.  It feels like an emotionally honest appeal that what is valuable in life is human decency, understanding differences, and having good fun.  Also the color scheme and animation are aces.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2015, 05:41:11 AM »
Have you seen Bravest Warriors, CK?

Never heard-a it!
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2015, 05:42:15 AM »
ctrl-F Daria

0 results. 

Least CK thread ever.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2015, 05:54:00 AM »
ctrl-F Daria

0 results. 

Least CK thread ever.

I do have Daria.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #36 on: May 06, 2015, 05:56:49 AM »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
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Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #37 on: May 11, 2015, 07:04:42 AM »
Daria (Season 1)

Hurray for clear season markers on the full series set of like 60 episodes.

The first thing I find myself thinking about season 1 on the whole (aside from "wow Brittany sounds weird without her full squeak in the first episode or three") is just how much the seeds for everyone's final character development are present from the very beginning.  But let's not dwell on that too much, seeing as these aren't strictly retrospectives.

One thing that actually stands out in these early episodes though is just how much focus Quinn actually has.  And the Morgandorfers in general, but especially Quinn.  The show gives off the impression of "Daria and Jane basically greek comment/snark and the absurdity of life through small town misadventures" but actually watching the show, at least in this season, how Daria relates to her family and the compare/contrast with Quinn in particular are far and away the most dominant aspect of the show.  One of the things that stood out, and part of why I wonder just how much of the characters were planned from the outset, is that even in the first episode you can see that Quinn is amazingly savvy, and is actually putting conscious effort into being perceived as airheaded to be liked/nonthreatening/to manipulate.  Her skill at getting people to do what she wants isn't just impressive, you can actually see the effort she's putting into it.

Daria similarly is doing the same thing, except instead of trying to get people to act a particular way, she's putting a lot of thought into controlling people's perception of her.  And while obviously the show spells this out by the end, it's really noticeable from the start.  More interesting in this season though is how we can actually see the cracks in Daria's shell of indifference already.  She very noticeably doesn't react to everyone the same way despite her first and usually only response to anything being snark; with classmates there's a certain resignation to the stupidity of it all.  But with adults?  It's more of a seething anger.  These people are letting all the injustice and stupidity run rampant even though they, unlike Daria, can supposedly do something about it.  It's sorta surprising going back to the series, but it's pretty consistent.

I love watching Helen and Daria spar.  Realest relationship in a pretty danged grounded show.

Best Episode: Pinch Sitter.  Sort of a microcosm of everything listed above, with the added bonus of a fairly upbeat ending: Daria actually gets to make a difference!

Weakest Episode: The Lab Brat.  One of Daria's strengths as a show, or at least in Season 1, is how grounded it is; sure, one high school student probably wouldn't have all these plots in one semester, but as someone that was indeed in high school for most of the years between 1997 and 2002, yeah, those are all definitely things that could happen in a high school of the time.  So while this episode has some decent humor, the absolutely cartoonish level of misandry Barch has here kinda takes me out of the show.  You could dial it down a notch without blunting the intent of the character.  As well, Quinn being so effortlessly stymied by Kevin without retaliating at all feels off.

Rating: 7/10.  Lowish end of 7, but feels too strong (and too consistent) for a 6.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #38 on: May 11, 2015, 10:19:39 PM »
Bravest Warriors is basically Adventure Time in the future.  It seems like just random humor at first, but as the seasons go on you realize that there's an overarching story going on and that *everything* is connected.  One of those things you have to watch more than once to catch the massive amount of foreshadowing.

Also it has Catbug.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #39 on: May 13, 2015, 01:46:02 PM »
Thank you for that Youtube link, that was the best hour of my life in a long time.

Fuckin' Catbug man.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #40 on: May 14, 2015, 07:22:28 AM »
Daria (Season 2)

Mmm.  So the thrust of season 2 is setting the stage for the deconstruction of Daria's worldview.  The previous set was largely establishing who she and her family were, while her we're slowly fleshing out the closest supporting cast members (Brittany, Kevin, Jodie, the Fashion Club, the teachers).  Which in turn slowly puts to lie the cynicism that makes up Daria's headspace, because these disparate people are on the whole decent folk who consider he a friend, despite Daria's unwillingness to give them any credit.  Most of the focus episodes for her crush on Trent are in this season as well, showing the first major chink in her armor (along with The New Kid, which is basically that whole subplot condensed into an episode).  Add to that Gifted, where Daria sees the far extreme of herself and how it's no better than anything else, and a shocking number of pieces are in play for big shifts in the show.

I had an oddly hard time picking the highlight episodes this time around because honestly each episode in season 2 is good about bringing something new to the table.  Well, that and watching lots of Daria in a row has an odd way of bleeding together, where you remember the significant bits but I need an episode guide to properly sort out which ones happened in what episode.  Nothing else I've done so far has really had that effect, but hopefully it's just a product of Daria's quirks as a show.  I'd hate to think I'm getting worse at this as I go.

Best Episode: Ill.  Honestly mostly because Brittany cracked me up in this one.  It's functional as the peak of the Trent subplot, and as noted it's the moment you realize that yeah, Daria really isn't giving her classmates enough credit.  But mostly it's the episode that got some actual laughs out of me which stands out among the other "have a significant moment or two but nothing super huge" episodes in this season.

Weakest Episode: That was Then, This is Dumb.  It's meant to be a spotlight for Helen and Jake, but I don't think it quite hits the mark.  Not a bad episode, just the one that brings the least to the table.

Rating: 7/10.  Bit better than Season 1, but not a full point difference better.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2015, 07:47:52 AM »
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Book 1: Water)

Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...

It's been rather a long time since I revisted Season 1, so a good portion of the season was being a bit surprised at some things that changed as the show progressed.  Some standouts.

- Boy in the Iceberg/The Avatar Returns look... off.  I think it's the coloring, it feels washed out compared to the later parts of the show. 
- Katara is... kiiinda lame for most of the season.  A lot of her focus episodes boil down to her feeling inadequate or becoming jealous, and I was very happy in the finale when she replaced those with being really badass instead.  Sokka is also weaker in the first half or so of this season, being the designated "Is Wrong" guy, but I remembered that being the case and his moments of eating crow definitely decrease in frequency as he matures and he starts getting moments.
- But more generally I think of Avatar as an ensemble show but season 1 is considerably more about Aang himself than I remembered.  Which is fine, we'll get to it in more detail later, and later seasons continue to pay off storylines he has here in fact.  Just a little surprising.

In general season 1 has some weaker episodes scattered in, though notably I remembered liking at least two that I ended up thinking kinda sucked upon rewatch (Warriors of Kyoshi and Imprisoned).  Actually, let's mix things up a bit because it'll lead more naturally to the conclusion.

Weakest Episode: "It's the Great Divide, the largest canyon in the Earth Kingdom!"
"Ehhhh, let's keep flying."

Anyway a lot of season 1 was devoted to showing off the size and variety of the world, and the depths of the bending and what it could do.  It's almost as though Avatar was a show with tons of research and cultural allusions going on behind the scenes and they wanted to show off all their work.  Fancy that.  The Great Divide is the worst of the episodes devoted to this, but is typical of the problem most of them had; they didn't have anything for Our Heroes to DO in their backstory showcase so there's a lot of visible strain to have something, well, HAPPEN.  And by and large none of it comes to anything.  Great Divide stands out from its peers mostly for the sheer irritation of its core plot.  It's nice that you want to show Aang doing some mediation or whatever, but jesus fuck don't make the different sides both completely loathsome doing it.  Especially since, and the episode is dull so you have time to think about these things... even by the most generous interpretation short of "one side is straight making shit up" the Zhangs are pretty much inescapably in the right.  If their guy did straight up steal the Sacred Thing... he then proceeded to run in the one direction he could actually be caught, upon which he was imprisoned and his entire tribe declared enemies of the state for the actions of one dude.  Sorry dudes I think y'all just elitist fucks, get bent.
Anyway the real trouble with these episodes is, because they were strained to figure out how the heroes fit in, they were detracting from the core strength of the show.

Best Episode: "I always thought... Prince Zuko was in a training accident."
"It was no accident."

So yeah, obvious pick, The Storm.  I can't help but think of this as the moment where Avatar goes from a good show to a show that was seriously vying for best show ever.  They have the actual balls to say "We can have an episode that's all character and backstory", but more than that it's a split episode between the main character... and the main villain.  And basically you're hit with the realization that they're very similar people with similar problems, just raised in very different cultures which mean Aang's coping mechanisms were largely constructive while Zuko came inches from getting himself thrown overboard most days. It's no coincidence I'm sure that the immediate next episode is The Blue Spirit, in which Aang himself comes to basically the same conclusion.  It's also the first moment in the show where the actors really got to show off; Zuko pleading with his father is heartbreaking, and the emotional rollercoaster Aang is on reliving those memories is palpable in his speech.

Rating: 8/10.  There's some unevenness, both in the season as a whole and in most of the better episodes, The Storm aside, which keeps it from being really top tier, but still some excellent stuff even in season 1.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 08:03:42 AM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2015, 03:33:23 PM »
I think my favorite of the eight episodes I watched was the pilot, which is pretty weird and a little alarming. King of Omashu was the first episode I was really not a fan of, with its bizarre shoving my favorite characters off to the side so the Main Character could be totally cool!!! Imprisoned has George Takei but is otherwise a bit of a dud, and the Winter Solstice episodes are just awful (the treatment of Sokka is utterly appalling, and it definitely suffers from trying too hard to make the main character be totally awesome. Again.). I wanted to like the show but I just couldn't make myself watch it again after that.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2015, 09:06:35 PM »
Well, the show does tend to cycle through the main characters for making episodes about them.  King of Omashu is Aang's turn around, which is fine, but they do so at the expense of Katara and Sokka which wasn't really necessary, no.
I think the idea of The Spirit World/Avatar Roku is... well okay the actual point is "We DO have a main plot here, there's an endgame in motion".  Beyond that the idea is less for Aang to show off and more to establish what his duties were and how badly out of his depth he was in fulfilling them.  Just this also means that there's two Aang-focus episodes in a row where they again forget to let the rest of the cast contribute.

More broadly, as noted in the write-up,l Katara gets worse before she gets better on that front, which was surprising.  Sokka meanwhile gets better all the time, but his arc for most of season one is a long uphill battle to earn the actual respect of his companions.
The other main problem in the first half of the season is that Zuko is pretty much used as a straight villain, which he's really bad at.  Which is the point, but... annyyway.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2015, 10:02:11 PM »
I'm okay with the point of those two episodes in a vacuum, but the multiple times of Sokka doing something cool to basically be met with "oh ha ha you aren't the badass protagonist, why did you expect to be anything besides a waste of space" was a bit excessive. Sokka was essentially made into a damsel in distress three times in four episodes. WTF. Meanwhile, Aang comes up with a totally idiotic plan to bum rush the Fire Nation armies? Oh, it works fine because of his cool voodoo powers. I don't really feel like the episode did that great of a job of showing that he was out of his depth; he can consistently just do things to bail them out of whatever bad situation they get into.

Katara is boring and borderline useless (it feels like the show sometimes forgot that Kitara could Waterbend at all), but at least written with the awareness that having the female protagonist be a damsel all the time would be a bit much. Sokka instead got put into that most amazing role.

Zuko/Iroh stuff seemed to have potential that largely wasn't realized yet. There was some funny stuff with Iroh but overall I don't think it was clear to me the relevence of most of those scenes.

I've heard that the rest of the series is better than the first half of season 1 but I feel a bit apprehensive to continue because of those last two episodes. I think Aang is the problematic character of the story and he would need to get a lot better for me to really enjoy it. The show is humorous enough but not so humorous that I would actually watch it for that.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2015, 06:39:54 AM »
I was sorta guessing my way through which character would be your favorite, yeah.  Anyway, the next episode (The Waterbending Scroll) will address some of those issues, and the one after that most of the rest.  Aang doesn't really start his character arc until The Storm, which is four episodes down the line, and the larger issue of "exactly how often can bullshit Avatar powers Deus ex Machina the gang through danger?" has an approximate answer of "honestly until mid season 2".  So if that's the biggest issue then yeah, it takes a long time before it starts being addressed so you may not want to continue the show anyway.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2015, 08:14:51 AM »
Re CK: I dunno, I never thought "The Kyoshi Warriors" was all that great my first time!  They do some cool stuff with them in Season 2, but their open is pretty lame, mostly just a chance to show off that the Water Tribe is kinda patriarchal but Sokka's a good sort after all and can learn.  Eh.

Re Ciato: Among adult fans of the show, Aang is rarely the favorite of the cast.  He's by far the most kid-power-fantasy of the characters and probably more aimed at 10-13 year old viewers.  He gets to goof off and be comic relief, he gets to win by virtue of being the Avatar sometimes, etc. 

That said, to be clear I *like* Aang and think he's plenty interesting, and does fine work for the group's chemistry, so outright disliking him is definitely a warning sign.  (Sokka is in fact the best, of course, but ATLB characters are very good at having real development arcs such that they aren't the same character by the end of the journey.  He needs some initial foibles to work past, same as Katara.)


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2015, 08:28:49 AM »
Re CK: I dunno, I never thought "The Kyoshi Warriors" was all that great my first time!  They do some cool stuff with them in Season 2, but their open is pretty lame, mostly just a chance to show off that the Water Tribe is kinda patriarchal but Sokka's a good sort after all and can learn.  Eh.

Aye.  I just remembered liking it and am not entirely sure why now.  I think it's a combination of the opening act not being as funny/interesting on rewatch and thinking the warriors themselves got to do more in this episode than they ACTUALLY did.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #48 on: May 20, 2015, 12:35:29 PM »
To this day I still haven't watched Season 1 of Avatar the Last Airbender. It remains the best cartoon I have ever watched. Seriously, I just came upon a group of friends watching it one day and they were about a quarter through Season 2. I started watching and then just never stopped.

My point is that you don't need to watch the first season to get to the good stuff. In fact, you might want to avoid it so at least you can see why people actually like it, even if it ends up not being to your taste.

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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #49 on: May 20, 2015, 04:24:51 PM »
Re CK: I dunno, I never thought "The Kyoshi Warriors" was all that great my first time!  They do some cool stuff with them in Season 2, but their open is pretty lame, mostly just a chance to show off that the Water Tribe is kinda patriarchal but Sokka's a good sort after all and can learn.  Eh.

Mmm. The episode is okay but it definitely beats you over the head with its message. "Hello, you are watching a kid's show!" I don't feel like Sokka seems to be all that patriarchal in any other episode so it just feels odd.

Re Ciato: Among adult fans of the show, Aang is rarely the favorite of the cast.  He's by far the most kid-power-fantasy of the characters and probably more aimed at 10-13 year old viewers.  He gets to goof off and be comic relief, he gets to win by virtue of being the Avatar sometimes, etc.

That said, to be clear I *like* Aang and think he's plenty interesting, and does fine work for the group's chemistry, so outright disliking him is definitely a warning sign.  (Sokka is in fact the best, of course, but ATLB characters are very good at having real development arcs such that they aren't the same character by the end of the journey.  He needs some initial foibles to work past, same as Katara.)

Male power fantasy characters are always have always been a personal hangup for me because they are so everpresent in media. Anyway, I compare the crew to, say, Harry, Hermoine, and Ron,(we'll say from Book 1) and the power dynamics between those characters is so much more explored and less "badass protagonist pretty much obsoletes all his friends". Ron, despite being kind of an idiot and not very special at anything, seems to contribute more than Sokka. Sokka in theory should have some advantages (is older, is more physically capable) but they never seem to manifest into anything.

(As for the Aang stuff, I have watched the first eight episodes, so obviously impressions are just from those.)

To this day I still haven't watched Season 1 of Avatar the Last Airbender. It remains the best cartoon I have ever watched. Seriously, I just came upon a group of friends watching it one day and they were about a quarter through Season 2. I started watching and then just never stopped.

My point is that you don't need to watch the first season to get to the good stuff. In fact, you might want to avoid it so at least you can see why people actually like it, even if it ends up not being to your taste.

That seems very possibly like a decent idea.

I was sorta guessing my way through which character would be your favorite, yeah.  Anyway, the next episode (The Waterbending Scroll) will address some of those issues, and the one after that most of the rest.  Aang doesn't really start his character arc until The Storm, which is four episodes down the line, and the larger issue of "exactly how often can bullshit Avatar powers Deus ex Machina the gang through danger?" has an approximate answer of "honestly until mid season 2".  So if that's the biggest issue then yeah, it takes a long time before it starts being addressed so you may not want to continue the show anyway.

My biggest problem with the show thus far is the utter obsolescence of the siblings really. <_< Aside from that, it is more than Aang in theory has these problems but they rarely seem to yield in meaningful challenges for the character. He in theory has character conflict but it hasn't really done anything in the plot at all. I appreciate the honesty beyond fanboyism, CK. :)
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