Author Topic: Proving Grounds Godlike: Dragons & flexicharacters vs. weird stuff.  (Read 972 times)


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Just some topics to pass the time in-between super's Shift variant & CK's Bluelike tournament for those crazy enough to enjoy voting a lot.

Never quite finished the FF5/BD flexicharacter PG topics, so time to mostly get 'em done.  There are a few old favorites in here, but mostly concentrated on off-beat weirdos or duelers too good for Godlike since Ryu's been in a lot of vanilla DL matches.

Ryu3 - Dragons.
Lenna - Meteors.
Tiz - Meteors or Fists.

Ryu (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Izanami (P4)
Ryu vs. Asgard (WAXF)
Ryu vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4)
Ryu vs. Bugzilla (BD)
Ryu vs. Crazed Eye (MK)
Ryu vs. Shinryuu (FF5)
Ryu vs. Zophar (Lunar 2)
Ryu vs. Jade (BoF1)
Ryu vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier)
Ryu vs. Xorn (G3)
Ryu vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH)
Ryu vs. Caius Ballad (FF13-2)
Ryu vs. Nene (Blue Dragon)

Lenna (FF5) vs. Izanami (P4)
Lenna vs. Asgard (WAXF)
Lenna vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4)
Lenna vs. Bugzilla (BD)
Lenna vs. Crazed Eye (MK)
Lenna vs. Shinryuu (FF5)
Lenna vs. Zophar (Lunar 2)
Lenna vs. Jade (BoF1)
Lenna vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier)
Lenna vs. Xorn (G3)
Lenna vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH)
Lenna vs. Caius Ballad (FF13-2)
Lenna vs. Nene (Blue Dragon)

Tiz (Bravely Default) vs. Izanami (P4)
Tiz vs. Asgard (WAXF)
Tiz vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4)
Tiz vs. Bugzilla (BD)
Tiz vs. Crazed Eye (MK)
Tiz vs. Shinryuu (FF5)
Tiz vs. Zophar (Lunar 2)
Tiz vs. Jade (BoF1)
Tiz vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier)
Tiz vs. Xorn (G3)
Tiz vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH)
Tiz vs. Caius Ballad (FF13-2)
Tiz vs. Nene (Blue Dragon)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 06:59:04 AM by SnowFire »

Dark Holy Elf

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Abstaining on Caius, no stat topic. He's good but it's really difficult to know how good.

Ryu vs. Asgard (WAXF): Ryu can just survive a Barrier Fist, so he can transform and do bad things... except that Asgard can spam Fortress of the Gods to turtle against Ryu's AP. He can only use it 20 times, to be fair, but I doubt it matters. Because if he opens with Barrier Fist (no reason not to), then he can KO Ryu on a double eventually and finish him, most likely. Ryu would totally take this if he had like double the AP, probably, a rare fight where his specifics like that matter!
Ryu vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4): Faster. "I know I ain't the coolest, but..."
Ryu vs. Bugzilla (BD): Standard Ryu win. Despite Bug's amazing offence she'll need minimum two turns to down Myrmidon, and Myrmidon's Flame Strikes 4HKO her at worst, and Ryu can afford to transform four times easily. Yep.
Ryu vs. Crazed Eye (MK): Oh hell Cursed Eye gives me a headache. Let's just say Ryu uses his Kaiser Bonebreak here to dodge pretty much all of his limit bullshit.
Ryu vs. Shinryuu (FF5): Even skipping his first turn, Shinryuu gets a turn before Ryu does. I don't think I need to say what happens.
Ryu vs. Zophar (Lunar 2): So Zophar has a bunch of nasty stuff here, mainly MP drains and status, so Ryu... really needs to block those. Unfortunately Protectors and Mind Shield compete over a slot, but let's assume he can scrounge up some Mind Shield + Life Talisman defences so that neither of Zophar's scary moves strike him turn 1. He transforms... and must adopt a status-immune form. Kaiser I suppose. Zophar will of course Fate Storm that. Ryu should get an extra turn in before that happens. Zophar then gets another turn after Ryu detransforms and... at this point successfully lands Status Ball. To avoid this, Ryu needs to pile on more status defence. In that case, we repeat this exercise except Zophar uses his now fully-effective MP draining instead, and after the second Ryu can't do anything. Even with Bonebreak on his Kaiser turn, Ryu falls short. And two MP drains do barely run him out (well, they would leave him with ~11 AP, but he'll use that much transforming).
Ryu vs. Jade (BoF1): Uhhh. God that's a lot of HP to cut through. Let's assume Ryu is faster. Lightning Shadow Warrior is probably the best bet... checking some numbers it has only 130% HP and only Myrmidon's defences, but it still reduces Jade to relying on Chill which is a 4HKO. And Ryu has Warrior speed which is pretty near my TB cap, should 3-2 Jade pretty constantly. So the loop is probably... Ryu transform, then gets in four attacks before Jade kills him, then we repeat. This costs Ryu 45 AP per cycle, and does about 2.85PCHP each time. And then he can get one final attack in, at the very least... yeah I do think that's enough. He HAS to be faster for this to work, though, or BoltX... but I think I'm willing to spot him that. Could be wrong if Lightning Shadow Warrior is impossible, so someone should probably confirm that it is. EDIT: Wait, forgot about Jade's defences. Don't think ~9PCHP is enough any more since it's physical and becomes more like 6PCHP.
Ryu vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier): Outside his one shot of guaranteed Tower GH is relatively fair; this package is what Ryu eats for breakfast.
Ryu vs. Xorn (G3): Xorn being mostly physical does him few favours. His only real hope is to blitz Ryu out at the start of the fight, and I'm not terribly inclined to buy that.
Ryu vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH): Yuri2 these days, which lets Ryu go first. Don't think Yuri can really do too much to Kaiser. Howling, of all things, is a real threat; if I'm reading right then Howling/Howling/Kaiserbreath x2 is a strategy Yuri can't do much about.
Ryu vs. Nene (Blue Dragon): Regular Nene goes first and one-rounds Ryu. Ultimate Nene if he is forced into that... well, Ryu can spoil much of what he does if he nulls both elements and MP damage, so Wildfire or Kaiser. Wildfire is out due to Marble Storm, leaving Kaiser. And... it's possible Kaiser takes this, certainly. The problem is Shadow Bind. I'm not quite sure what Shadow Bind should do as a general thing, but in-game it completely wrecks any PC by separating them from the entity which is the source of their power, and that's a bit too similar to Ryu's dragon genes to me. The fact that his first form wins so cleanly makes this easy.

Lenna vs. Asgard (WAXF): Barrier Fist probably just one-shots her. If she gets a turn, I guess her best bet is to use Slow+Protect to remove any Asgard doubleturns and win from there? But Asgard is accurate enough that I'm not really willing to buy a turn 1 dodge, here.
Lenna vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4): Yup.
Lenna vs. Bugzilla (BD): OHKOs with Exaflare and I don't think anything can stop her from getting a turn to do it?
Lenna vs. Crazed Eye (MK): Whatever.
Lenna vs. Shinryuu (FF5): As with Ryu, Shinryuu is faster. Bad things happen.
Lenna vs. Zophar (Lunar 2): Lenna mocks Status Ball (even if she drops the Ribbon, it only has a 40% chance to do something useful, 20% if Lenna uses a Rainbow Dress) but MP draining is a problem (2HKOs her MP). I think Lenna goes with the Mime setup which slows her down a bit but that's okay... Dualcast/Time/Summon. She takes a hit of MP damage and uses Quick/Meteor/Meteor/Meteor/Return or Mimic. Now, if Zophar finishes killing her MP, she can still Mimic, and at this point she's probably done enough damage to win. She may need to Return a few times to ensure this, but that's fine... if Zophar tries to exploit this by going for Status Ball instead, she essentially buys herself an extra turn which she can use to do whatever with, and all but guarantee that she'll win turn 2. If she sees Zophar going for Fate Storm she can use Carbuncle, which given that WDP works and Fate Storm is unspecial in-game I'm inclined to see working here, YMMV of course. Close fight.
Lenna vs. Jade (BoF1): Well, good news for Lenna is that with diamond equipment and Ribbon she isn't OHKOed by anything Jade does. Of course Ribbon means her resources aren't too great. But... Jade has 65535 MP (thanks Twil!), which means an Osmose Spellblade physical fully restores her MP forever. So... Time/Spellblade, use Regen/Quick to heal, Meteors to do damage, and physicals to restore MP periodically? Slow also hits Jade which really helps, so she'll be able to heal only every two turns.
Lenna vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier): Hm. Lenna needs Carbuncle to block Tower, but she also needs a Ribbon to block the ID/petrify, so she's stuck in Freelancer and can only use one more skillset. Time gives her healing via Regen/Quick, but she surely doesn't have the resources to win any more. Drain Spellblade instead? GH's slash defence always sucks so that should be full healing and... dear god that's embarrassing. GH has NO recourse against a status immune full healer save Tower. Lenna does, admittedly, need to keep up Carbuncle during the entire phase that can use it. Still, seven Carbuncles should be enough, GH durability per phase is not great, and besides that she just cruises.
Lenna vs. Xorn (G3): I think so. Xorn can be slowed and he's fairly physical so hates Protect.
Lenna vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH): Oh hey, status.
Lenna vs. Nene (Blue Dragon): Again, normal Nene just goes first and one-rounds. Ultimate Nene gives Lenna turns which is far more problematic, but again there's Shadow Bind... and again the BD/FF5 parallel is way too strong here, so Nene steals all of Lenna's crystal shards, nukes her MP, and overcomes even Drain Spellblade on a doubleturn if that's her opener. If she tries to open with raw, terrifying offence... that's a better bet, except that Nene does have decent MDef so a one-rounding seems impossible even with Return hype.

Tiz vs. Asgard (WAXF): Asgard can OHKO most Tiz builds, although Feel No Pain will buy him a turn of course... but yeah Asgard's too durable for that blitz especially giving up some Magic boosts for FNP. Alternatively, Tiz survives Barrier Fist with a tank build... but any form which is that much slower than Asgard is just screwed because even with BD's limited speed alteration it'll get doubled at some point.
Tiz vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4): Well, unlike the previous two Tiz can twink to go first! But he can't really stop Gawn from getting a turn... though there's Reraise. Actually, yeah, Reraise 6 times, Gawn runs out of bullets. Alternatively something might be possible with Feel No Pain + a blitz?
Tiz vs. Bugzilla (BD): Yeah, no, she kinda has an answer to most BD bullshit in-game and it shows here. Exaflare or Slaughter does its thing.
Tiz vs. Crazed Eye (MK): Another gut vote of BD being able to backend its damage + Crazed Eye giving me headaches + me not respecting him in-game.
Tiz vs. Shinryuu (FF5): Goes first with Chronothief... but uh not even defaulting will let him survive a turn. And one Godspeed Strike ain't enough. So, Feel No Pain Meteors instead? Those should kill. But... Shinryu also has stone, which Tiz can't block. So no, he does need to go first. But he can, I think, if he takes his Timelord build and uses Speed+30% instead of Feel No Pain.
Tiz vs. Zophar (Lunar 2): Status Ball is gonna wreck, but Tiz can block one thing and make it turn 2. Of course, he can't exactly take out Zophar super-fast, so it's hard to see how he could win this one.
Tiz vs. Jade (BoF1): BD against that kind of HP. No. To top things off I'm not sure how much Tiz can do about even a single BoltX, let alone an entire fight of them.
Tiz vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier): Don't think Tiz can do much about Tower, unlike Lenna or Ryu.
Tiz vs. Xorn (G3): Tiz needs to not get instant doubled and 2HKOed, first of all. Actually, not being 2HKOed is just plain necessary, so no TM build. And Xorn has other nonsense like quick hits. Still, Tiz can clearly get a turn, but... I don't think haste/healing is going to work here, the best he can do is one Slow which should get Xorn down to somewhere above 1.5x average which is still really dangerous. Veil stops the basic physicals but not Dark Hymn, so that's not good enough. Just... don't think Tiz can do enough early, and obviously can't blitz.
Tiz vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH): Timelord with Speed+ again. Honestly, why isn't that the default setup? 20% more speed is obviously worth dropping Meteor's damage from 9000 to 8400, if that's really all Magic does...
Tiz vs. Nene (Blue Dragon): Tiz fully twinked for speed can quickdraw against regular Nene and one-round him, I think? But Ultimate Nene shows up and Shadow Binds him into oblivion again. I'm really not sure how many things I see that working on, so it's funny how the three duellers in this PG all clearly meet the criteria. For all that Tiz has serious problems with Ultimate Nene at best of times, the speed + dispel means him getting faster at all is very difficult and he's badly heal-locked even before Marble bullshit makes things worse.

Lenna 6-5
Ryu 5-6
Tiz 4-7
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 01:52:37 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Ryu (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Izanami (P4) - Ryu's crappy dragon forms are just the thing to spoil Izanami's three turns of free wailing. Once those are past, just dig in with Kaiser Breath.
Ryu vs. Asgard (WAXF) - Weeeeeeeell.
Ryu vs. Gawn Brawdia (WA4) - lol ohkos.
Ryu vs. Oogie Boogie (BD) - Yep.
Ryu vs. Crazed Eye (MK) - Ryu 2HKOs Crazed Eye post-transformation and that's honestly pretty hard to outpace. Sheesh.
Ryu vs. Shinryuu (FF5) - So much smash.
Ryu vs. Zophar (Lunar 2) - So much smash.
Ryu vs. Jade (BoF1) - I'll bite.
Ryu vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier) - Absorb Lightning, go to town.
Ryu vs. Xorn (G3) - Not really.
Ryu vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH) - Both Yuris lose anyway.

7-4. Yeah, the works.

Lenna Charlotte Tycoon (FF5) vs. Izanami (P4) - Of all things, Lenna has no good answer to Mind Charge Megidolaon on form 1, which she can't stop from getting three turns. Well, shit.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon vs. Asgard (WAXF) - Iunno. I suppose Lenna has a shot if she dodges the first Barrier Fist (Slow => maybe Golem and hope to control the fight from there, I suppose), but I'm tempted to say it hits turn one.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon vs. Gawn Brawdia (WA4) - Oh god.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon vs. Oogie Boogie (BD) - Uh, THIS is one of those cases where, depending on what status immunities Oogie Boogie has, I'd see any status holes mattering. And uh, if Stone's even 1% accurate, that'd be game. THIS SAID, I can't access a BD FAQ from here, so I'm abstaining.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon vs. Crazed Eye (MK) - This is just a kneejerk. But yeah.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon vs. Shinryuu (FF5) - Try coming to Shinryuu without water absorption in-game.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon vs. Zophar (Lunar 2) - Sigh, EBO.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon vs. Jade (BoF1) - EDIT: Holy cow, Osmose! Yeah, that works.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier) - NEB notes FF5 Reflect as being pretty badass. This should be enough to stave off Tower.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon vs. Xorn (G3) - Typical kneejerk. If I see Xorn as vulnerable to Slow, this becomes completely trivial to boot. Can be swayed, of course.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH) - nope.jpg

6-5. She sorta suffers from Yuri syndrome in a sense: her stats are good, but not good enough to withstand all that much. Better mdur would let her handle Izanami, for instance, while truly awesome pdur could allow her to handle someone like Asgard. This said, it's awful hard to beat her once she gets a turn, it takes even more than Jade-level statpremacy to pull this off. Granted, this is what you usually get in high Godlike, but she worked it out better than I expected.

Tiz Arrior (Bravely Default) vs. Izanami (P4) - Tiz can't one-round Izanami 2 even if he can stall past form 1 (which... it actually has a decent case for, Chemist skillset is pretty good for this)... an idea could be Pirate/Chemist (the debuffs could take quite a bite out of Izanami's insane offense/debuffing mix and her most dangerous status is all below 50% HP), but this makes his damage kinda bad against her (phys resist is a total bummer, which also badly screws Monk Tiz) and no fast/offensively apt combination for Izanami can properly bust past her big guns. You need Lady-level blitzing -and- amazing stalling to pull off a win vs. Izanami if you're not a monstrous tank.
Tiz Arrior vs. Asgard (WAXF) - Nope.
Tiz Arrior vs. Gawn Brawdia (WA4) - That's more like it. Reraise spam works.
Tiz Arrior vs. Oogie Boogie (BD) - Oogie Boogie is pretty well built to deal with BD bullshit indeed.
Tiz Arrior vs. Crazed Eye (MK) - Why not disrespect Crazed Eye?
Tiz Arrior vs. Shinryuu (FF5) - Chronothief saves the day.
Tiz Arrior vs. Zophar (Lunar 2) - Urgh.
Tiz Arrior vs. Jade (BoF1) - Good lord, all the BoltX.
Tiz Arrior vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier) - Feel No Pain would be nice if GH didn't have all those HP buffers.
Tiz Arrior vs. Xorn (G3) - Yeah.
Tiz Arrior vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH) - Alas, poor Yorrick.

5-6. Well, yeah.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 06:55:43 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Ryu (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Izanami (P4): Cheap status immune dragon takes form 1, Form 2 bites it to Kaiser, I think.
Ryu vs. Asgard (WAXF): Actually pretty close. Ryu has 20 upkeeps worth of Force/Lightning, and Asgard has 20 Fortress of the Gods.
Ryu vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4): Wait why are we using Gawn ever?
Ryu vs. Bugzilla (BD): Oh right, Bugzilla didn't have any DEBILITATING statuses.
Ryu vs. Crazed Eye (MK):
Ryu vs. Shinryuu (FF5): Thanks his god in heaven that Hermes Sandals in the average  make this doable.
Ryu vs. Zophar (Lunar 2): Not sure if Ryu is faster than moves like Blue Pillar, which is what this would hinge on? If he is, then Ryu shrugs off an Asphexiate (Protectors/Life Sandals make Status Ball kinda moot) , goes Kaiser, kills the arms and then hurts Zophar before being untransformed by Fate Storm... but Fate Storm is super-slow, and at that point Ryu can lap him with things like Gross/Thorn Warrior and slaughter him. If Ryu3 is slower than Blue Pillar... Asphexiate/Blue Pillar will do him before he gets a turn. Let's assume his is faster than it? Also for those who care, Ryu's Force Armor gives a 7 in Psionics (i.e. absorbs MP damage) even without the Mind Shield.
Ryu vs. Jade (BoF1): Should have enough damage. If you don't see that happening... he could Eschew all equipment except the Demonbane, then go to town on Jade. I guess the Dragon of choice would be Force/Thunder/Shadow? (Which is needed because Jade would otherwise spam his ID move he uses 1/16th of the time? Well, he otherwise spams 1/8th BoltX, just never seen someone benefit so much from AI while still having the advantage of resource-depleting durability. Kinda silly really.)
Ryu vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier)
Ryu vs. Xorn (G3)
Ryu vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH): : Yuri2 Is pretty awesome... But I think KaiserBreath will KO.
Ryu vs. Caius Ballad (FF13-2)
Ryu vs. Nene (Blue Dragon): Blitz.

Lenna (FF5) vs. Izanami (P4): MC Megidoloan.
Lenna vs. Asgard (WAXF) Barrier Fist.
Lenna vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4): Gawn is a bit silly.
Lenna vs. Bugzilla (BD): Can Bug tank the damage? I want to say she can, oddly. Lenna goes Splat the second she gives Bugzilla a turn to Slaughter?
Lenna vs. Crazed Eye (MK): Meteor/Regen/timestop shenanigans work their magic.
Lenna vs. Shinryuu (FF5): Slightly faster even with Haste Shoes?
Lenna vs. Zophar (Lunar 2): Pillar + Asphexiate?
Lenna vs. Jade (BoF1):Edit: Halves lightning! Big deal here!
Lenna vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier)
Lenna vs. Xorn (G3):  Stops time and drops Meteors on him. I think I've seen this movie before!
Lenna vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH): I don't think there is anything Yuri can do turn 1 to stop this?
Lenna vs. Caius Ballad (FF13-2)
Lenna vs. Nene (Blue Dragon)

Tiz (Bravely Default) vs. Izanami (P4): Chemistry does the job.
Tiz vs. Asgard (WAXF): Barrier and so on and so forth.
Tiz vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4): Gets the drop.
Tiz vs. Bugzilla (BD) I don't think the Blitzing strategy works here.
Tiz vs. Crazed Eye (MK)
Tiz vs. Shinryuu (FF5)
Tiz vs. Zophar (Lunar 2): Status Ball?
Tiz vs. Jade (BoF1): Chemistry negates the lightning I think.
Tiz vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier)
Tiz vs. Xorn (G3)
Tiz vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH)
Tiz vs. Caius Ballad (FF13-2)
Tiz vs. Nene (Blue Dragon)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 04:41:36 AM by Pyro »


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Ryu (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Izanami (P4)
Ryu vs. Asgard (WAXF)
Ryu vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4)- Well, Ryu at least comes close to this. I'm assuming that Gawn still gets his first non fixed action at 133% speed. All Ryu would need to do is outpace him.
Ryu vs. Bugzilla (BD)
Ryu vs. Shinryuu (FF5)
Ryu vs. Zophar (Lunar 2)- Gut. Ryu can keep transforming, but Zophar+Parts are Putting him on pretty bad lockdown. First of all, without even dipping into Fate Storm, Zophar+parts can do about 2.6 PC HP a turn. The parts all trail Ryu, and the fast spells are obviously faster than Ryu. What this means is that when Ryu transforms into Kaiser (which he does have to really), he'll eat 2.6 PC HP turn badly neutering his breath damage. Ryu may have about 20% of his HP left, can't really knock out anything very quickly. And most importantly, no real way to ensure that this just won't keep happening.
Ryu vs. Jade (BoF1)- I don't let Jade spam Death, so that's out. (He gets either BoltX or Death. He is sane, picks BoltX). This gives Ryu room to play around in making his stats better.
Ryu vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier)
Ryu vs. Xorn (G3)
Ryu vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH)

Ryu 6-4
...into the nightfall.


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Lenna vs. Asgard (WAXF) - Punch'd out, sure.
Lenna vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4)
Lenna vs. Bugzilla (BD)
Lenna vs. Shinryuu (FF5)
Not sure why Coral Ring wouldn't be legal....  for all that this just gets Lenna owned by Snowstorm instead.  Suppose I might as well let the monster-in-a-box have some move choice.
Lenna vs. Zophar (Lunar 2)
Zophar's frail enough that blitzing him down should go far, and yeah, WDP is broken enough I'm willing to see Lenna's Carbuncle getting it if she sees Zophar going for that.
Lenna vs. Jade (BoF1)
I'll buy Elf hype.
Lenna vs. Xorn (G3)
Lenna vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH)

Elf: You might be right that Time Lord's default should be the Speed + rather than the Magic+ passives.  Was more thinking about maximizing damage there if he wasn't going for FNP, but switching over to speed passives does seem to be a good idea quite a lot of the time.

Tiz vs. Asgard (WAXF)
Feel No Pain buys Tiz some time, but Asgard will just start spamming Fortress of the Gods...  so...  maybe some Veil strat for perfect evade?  Except then Spread Barrier's an issue...  hmm.  If Tiz had both MP damage and a way to go perfectly evasive, he has this, but I don't think he does.
Tiz vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4)
Feel No Pain, maybe draw a counter, then start spamming Reraise on turn 2.
Tiz vs. Bugzilla (BD)
Yeah Bugzilla is too tanky for Tiz's FNP Meteor burst and also throws a Default into one of her combos.
Tiz vs. Shinryuu (FF5)
Feel No Pain.  EDIT: Stone, right.  I guess if Tiz goes all-out for Speed he can hustle out turn 1 and even if he tanks his damage, that's okay.
Tiz vs. Zophar (Lunar 2)
Meteor unfocusing is bad times, Tiz needs to rush the main body even if he dodges status on turn 1.
Tiz vs. Jade (BoF1)
Tiz can immune Lightning off Compounding & Instant Death via accessory, and checking the stat topic I'm not overly impressed with Jade's physical backup, especially if he's kept under Defang, so Tiz might have a very, very slow victory on his hands here.  His budget is going to be really strained here, but eh.
Tiz vs. Xorn (G3)
Yeah Tiz can't blitz out Xorn to me, and he sure isn't winning the long haul.
Tiz vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH)
This he can handle.

Tiz & Lenna both 4-4.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 11:30:53 PM by SnowFire »

Dark Holy Elf

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Since I'm not used to people having more respect for Jade than me... really don't see why Lenna would struggle with him. She halves lightning and immunes ID (so she can even afford to give up the first turn), and can drain MP from him as needed... or HP if you disrespect Jade's damage enough that you see Drain spellblade outpacing Bolt X. Hell, Jade can be slowed, even, so now that I think of it even with my higher respect for Jade's damage I buy that hype. She should have the easiest time with him of the three challengers, I would think; Ryu can run out of AP and Tiz can run out of items (assuming you even allow those), and Ryu also has to seriously worry about not going first.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Luther Lansfeld

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Ryu vs. Asgard (WAXF)
Ryu vs. Gawn Bradia (WA4)
Ryu vs. Bugzilla (BD)
Ryu vs. Crazed Eye (MK)
Ryu vs. Shinryuu (FF5)
Ryu vs. Zophar (Lunar 2)
Ryu vs. Jade (BoF1)
Ryu vs. GenocideHeart (Saga Frontier)
Ryu vs. Xorn (G3)
Ryu vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH)
Ryu vs. Caius Ballad (FF13-2)
Ryu vs. Nene (Blue Dragon)
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