Xornless Xorn (Xorn, cannot use attacks with XORN (ie voice clips) Elf and I are pretty sure this means just his basic physical, Grandia III)
Fall and Fire Don't Mix (Holly, may not use Fire spells, Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road)
Sharon the Astraphobe (Sharon, no use of Arrode, Legaia 2: Duel Saga)
Red-Eyed Dragoon (Dart, Red Dragoon only, Legend of Dragoon)
A Game of Aiels
"I Quit. -Whim" (Lilianne Valendorf, locked to a basic physical (we'll just pretend she tried REALLY HARD and learned how to make ice axes without whim okay I thought about doing something like restricting her to CSes only but we don't really have enough info for that to be remotely voteable), Mana Khemia II: Fall of Alchemy)
Eliwood, Pupil of Jagen (Eliwood, promoted at level 1, Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword) (The intent is that Eliwood stays level 1 and then promotes after Cog of Destiny and levels as normal after that, but if this ends up not being sufficiently Puny then 1/1 Eliwood it is or something.)
True Renaissance Man Serph (Serph, with even stat distribution and only the first tier mantras (ie Agi, Bufu, Zio, Zan, Tera, and Hell Thrust), Digital Devil Saga)
Eat, Pray, Sleep (Snorlax, only Metronome and Rest set, Pokémon)
Setzer the Unlucky (Setzer Gabbiani, locked Fixed Dice, rolls 1s, no gil, only Lagomorph, Final Fantasy VI)