If people would be less dumb, I wouldn't have to be here tearing things apart, would I. (I don't anyway, but I feel a calling.)
Chatot and Spiritomb both feel like cartoons more than any other Pokemon I can think of so far. Maybe it's because of the weird 2D angles that make them look best? And yes, I DO distinguish Pokemon from cartoons thank you very much.
I mean, Chatot's got some serious side eye going on a la
. But it also has a lot of highlighting? And a ridiculous ruff/head note thing that is too "this is an animal, only WaCkY" to live outside a cartoon.
And Spiritomb has irregular edges and neon colors and unclear facial features. He's just begging to be a completely non-corporeal mist beast. Apropos of nothing, this is what you get when you image search "ghost rock":