Alright, Corwin. I'll give you what you want from me. My opinions so far on everyone playing!
Sopko - just finished my post about him before I went to bed, and my opinions haven't changed. He's currently the one I am most suspicious of. I'm glad someone (Corwin) feels the same way. Many posts, far too little content.
Smodge: I can hear the thunderbolts dancing like sugarplums over his head. Without a post, I can't really say much. But what if he
were to post today? What would happen? I personally wouldn't want to see that lynch have to be changed back to him since we'd have so little to go off of, but you can't just ignore that they skipped majority of day 1.
OblivionKnight: He gave me advice. I don't see that as a scum sin. I'm pretty sure he was just trying to help me out. Rat, however, does present a good case towards him. He's suspicious... The Metagaming isn't always a good choice to go with on day one. And second chances aren't always the best choices of action. But I don't see the scum surfacing yet.
AndrewRogue: Low post count, but very low in fat and high in content. He's at least doing what he can. I don't call this a scum tactic, he did ask for a replacement before the game started and stated that he wouldn't be able to post much before roles were sent out. The only reasons given to vote for him are that he hasn't posted much. He's still posted more content than other people though, and that is fine by me. I don't feel that he should be seriously voted for as our lynchee.
SirAlex: I don't know what your timezone is... but you have
3 posts?! And I really don't see much in the way of content. A few comments towards OK and Excal/Shale, and how I'm "clueless or faking clueless". There's really nothing I can really read off of him. There's just far too little. As for Day 1 tactics go, I'm for voting on those not doing much for the town. I'm still much more suspicious of Sopko though, but that doesn't stop him from getting
FOS: SirAlex Seriously, what's up here?
Excal: Yes, the arguments that he made towards the beginning are flawed and weird, and I still can't make 100% sense out of them. But he did make a point that I agreed with. Three votes layed on me in the first hour is a little weird, I think. But others not noticing/ignoring it? I find that weirder. I wouldn't use it as my basis for a case against someone though. Also, you started the whole nameclaim scandal against me

It would be a very good way to redirect attention from yourself, though I don't think that was the case here. Other people's points about him though make some sense. He has been posting... strangely. The unfinished comment about Shale, I believe his story about it though. I've almost done the same before. I wouldn't be against a vote here... I just think its better off somewhere else for now, until we see more.
Shale: Another high post count, but only has recently produced a lot of content. However, he
has been producing content as of late, and that removed most of my suspicion of him. Could be a ploy, could just be him now actually having something to say. I don't have much else to say about him right now. I'm not worried about him.
Ryogo: Hey, that's me! I'm a good wholesome townie, and I'll swear by it to the death

You really think I'd put something else about myself?

EvilTom: Yeah, he has been posting some obvious things. But also has thrown good points out here. Carthrat has been very antagonizing, but I think its more for to get people talking, than anything else. I don't really have much to say about Tom right now, even after reading over his posts. I didn't notice anything major here with him. One of his posts
did lack content, but thats not to say his others did not. Currently not worried about him. I think others are much more suspicious, but his trying to get the x + y = scum logic going day 1 seems a dangerous and sneaky thing to try and do this fast.
Keeshi: My fellow newb here on RPGDL! Fewer posts, but raises good points. First of all, to address the problem of me getting called out as the only female composer being "suspicious", I was explicitly told that I would be the token female character in this game in my PM. I was scared to say it in those words, because I thought it might be counted as quoting the PM, but El-Cid said it was ok. Anyways, off of that topic, I'm wary of her for the same reasons you guys are wary of the both of us. I don't know her nearly as well as you guys. She seems to be very analytical in her posts, which is good. I think she's been benefiting the town a good deal, and don't have any bad feeling towards her. And hey, this discussion of who is a scum
could be happening at a tea party. We are all from 1000-1900 AD. If I recall, they liked their tea

Carthrat: Ahh! I see you have brought many points and conflicts to the table. Conflict can be good, but too much makes it look like you're trying to stir up attention away from yourself, which isn't a good thing here. You've brought many good scum arguments to the table, which has been a great asset. It's day 1, we need everything we can get. But the table is starting to overflow here, and people are becoming wary of what exactly you're trying to do by stirring things up. Me included. Currently has thrown way too much on the table to risk voting for; too big of an asset in my opinion.
Corwin: The one who asked for my opinions! And I agree! I needed them out there. I must say I'm getting happy that I'm nearing the end of my list though. Much of the same opinions on Carthrat apply here to Corwin. I don't think his arguments are coming off as "trying to stir stuff up" to me though. More of good town play. I'm not suspicious of him currently. I'm just way too suspicious of other people.
Finally! Otter: After being called out on low post content, has contributed much more! Good! I like that. Has pointed out a few things about me, but were valid points. I am a little worried about this though, as the post content/length only increased when called out. I'd say to keep an eye on this slippery Otter.
EDIT: Just when I finally think I'm done, I get ninja'd by not one, not two, but three posts! I'm starving after rereading the damn topic and posting about everyone, so I'm keeping this part short!
To Andrew: I agree with you. I don't think you should be getting the noose day 1. You've put much more content into you're posts than SirAlex and Sopko combined, I believe. And if he can start posting on a regular basis come Saturday, I'm all fine for leaving you alive.
To Keeshi: I agree with your logic, but I think other people are bigger threats here, even on day 1. Sopko and Alex, once again, are my picks. Way too little content. Andrew's away,
yet has still posted more than AlexTo Corwin: You're bringing up good points again! Like I had mentioned in my post before I was ninja'd, I have great suspicions about Alex, and others feel the same way now too. Good! I agree with your opinions on Excal too. He's strange, but it would require more observation on what he does for a vote from me. I'm not really sure what to feel about the whole Tom/Andrew thing you brought up.