
Author Topic: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH  (Read 5066 times)


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2015, 10:42:36 PM »
    What are some of your favorite songs of all time?
- Hard to say.  My preferred songs to listen to often change on a whim.

    Gimme a song lyric that has stuck with you.
<Translated>"Grinning as he tosses the dice, he rigs the game, cheating without any qualms.  And people worship that person as God.  Ahh, how comical is that?"

    Now how about a movie quote?
No real movie quotes come to mind.

    Video game quote?
"Furthermore, once a "god" has been observed, it can no longer continue to exist as a "god" and becomes nothing more than a "thing"."

    Screw pop culture for a second. Make me a drink
Have a Guinness.

    How about a dessert?
Ooh, ooh.  Okay, I can do this one.  Homemade New York style cheesecake.

    In general, what's the tastiest thing you can personally cook, bake, or otherwise prepare?
Aforementioned cheesecake.  Also chocolate chip peanut butter cookies, chorizo breakfast scramble, taco beef and cheese omelettes, would say lasagna but I didn't make the meat sauce for it, just the cheese mixture and handled the assembly.

    You are now a pro-wrestler. What is your ring-music?
That would assume I'd ever stop being a jobber long enough to earn ring music.

    Confess attraction to someone surprising.
I've been finding more people physically attractive now that I've gone back to school.  I'm not sure if it's just that more people there suit my preferences or my standards have slipped.  If it's the latter, I find it...worrying.  Thankfully, I can remind myself that the true purpose of relationships is to generate a proper subplot.  Appearance alone cannot cause narrative alterations.

    Hate on something universally loved that you just don't -get- man. Add details
American football.  Truthfully, I can say this for team sports in general, but american football is the one that stands out largely because it's the most hyped up.  Once you take the focus off of 1v1, the contest doesn't mean as much to me, and that's not getting into how annoying I find the very loud national obsession with it.  It's just a bunch of guys in padding and helmets constantly running into each other while a ball moves around the field.  I'll never see what's so exciting about it, nevermind what about it drives one of the most obnoxious fandoms I have seen (Only that unlike what is frequently put down, society legitimizes this one)
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 02:28:43 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2015, 11:39:33 AM »
What does the acronym MOBA even stand for?

10. Let's Plays. I can never make it more than 5 minutes into a video one.

I prefer screenshot myself, because I'm more of a reading than a watching person. Having spent probably too much time on LPs, generally I find the ones I enjoy are for one of two reasons: A) watching someone suffer through a bad game I'd rather not play myself (this is just the MST3K effect); B) seeing someone with an encyclopedic knowledge of a game I'm already familiar with take it apart to such an extent that I actually learn something I didn't already know about it mechanically (I feel this should require no justification in a DL context).

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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2015, 03:17:07 PM »
10. Let's Plays. I can never make it more than 5 minutes into a video one.

I prefer screenshot myself, because I'm more of a reading than a watching person. Having spent probably too much time on LPs, generally I find the ones I enjoy are for one of two reasons: A) watching someone suffer through a bad game I'd rather not play myself (this is just the MST3K effect); B) seeing someone with an encyclopedic knowledge of a game I'm already familiar with take it apart to such an extent that I actually learn something I didn't already know about it mechanically (I feel this should require no justification in a DL context).

No man-splaining when people don't like what you like! >:(


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2015, 04:47:56 PM »
Multiple Online Battle Arena.

I prefer to just call them Dota-likes.


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2015, 08:25:07 PM »
I always wondered why MOBAs were named after their chat feature instead of their gameplay.


I'll read a screen shot let's play for a game where the story fascinates me but I loathe the gameplay. (Or... can't play the game ever and want to see the story.)
I also used to read the succession games until they became too self-referential and fan-wanky. Every single succession game I've signed up for has ended before it got to me.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 08:29:29 PM by Veryslightlymad »


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #30 on: September 27, 2015, 01:25:38 AM »
  • What are some of your favorite songs of all time?
  • Gimme a song lyric that has stuck with you.
  • Now how about a movie quote?
  • Video game quote?
  • Screw pop culture for a second. Make me a drink
  • How about a dessert?
  • In general, what's the tastiest thing you can personally cook, bake, or otherwise prepare?
  • You are now a pro-wrestler. What is your ring-music?
  • Confess attraction to someone surprising.
  • Hate on something universally loved that you just don't -get- man. Add details

1-See, I have a bunch of songs I love but when asked for "my favorites" my mind just freezes and I can think of nothing.
2-"You've got to climb the statue of the demon to get closer to God"
3-"I'm a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. So hail Satan, and have a lovely day, madam."
4-"Pick a god and pray."
5-Iced coffee with Irish cream.
6-Blueberry cream pie.
7-I've learned how to make many things over the years, but my Portuguese Chicken is still probably my best. A spicy chicken stew with chorizo and tomato sauce.
8-Steel Beowulf
9-I can't remember who it was, but awhile back I remember thinking that some character from a game was pretty hot despite the fact that he had a beard. Facial hair of any sort is usually an instant turn off for me. Unfortunately I cannot remember who it was or what game. *shrugs*
10-Cars. Like, I appreciate their function, going from point A to point B in a short amount of time is pretty great. But people who get all into the aesthetics and excited over cars just leave me staring blankly. Especially since I grew up in rural NC and was thus expected to care about cars/trucks/etc or I wasn't "a man." I just didn't get it. Still don't. And people seem utterly baffled by my bafflement, as if not caring about cars is just as incomprehensible of an alien mindset to them as caring about them is to me.
10.2-Also, while I'm thinking about music, Nirvana and Metallica. Both big name bands that people tend to hold up as amazing...and I think they both just have a couple good songs and are otherwise pretty garbage.
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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2015, 02:10:51 PM »
  • What are some of your favorite songs of all time?
  • Gimme a song lyric that has stuck with you.
  • Now how about a movie quote?
  • Video game quote?
  • Screw pop culture for a second. Make me a drink
  • How about a dessert?
  • In general, what's the tastiest thing you can personally cook, bake, or otherwise prepare?
  • You are now a pro-wrestler. What is your ring-music?
  • Confess attraction to someone surprising.
  • Hate on something universally loved that you just don't -get- man. Add details

1.  John Williams stuff, Shostakovich symphonies, game and anime music way too embarrassing to list in the sea of other people's traditionally lyrical answers.
2.  "At the end of days, at the end of time, when the sun burns out, will any of this matter?  Who will be there to remember who we were?  Who will be there to know that any of this had meaning for us?"
3. Aliens, Ghostbusters, and The Fifth Element have way too many good quotable lines.  For personal impact, though... "Oota-goota, Solo?"  That line had subtitles!  In a movie!  For aliens!  People can be different, and speak different languages, and that's okay?!  That was a big mental takeaway for Young Me.
4. "'Blame yourself or God."  And a million others.
5. Some sickly sweet iced lemonade-based fruit concoction.
6. Some sickly sweet ice cream concoction.  Cupcakes may be involved.
7. Well, ice cream concoctions are just throwing a few things together so I doubt that counts... tastiest to me, or tastiest to other people?  Broiled chicken, pasta and vegetables?  BLTs? 
8.  Right now, Megalovania.  Next week, maybe something different?
9.  Would anyone be surprised...?
10.  I bet you folks know them all already.


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2015, 08:00:05 PM »
Unless I specifically ask for something, assume I leave it open to interpretation. All the non-alcoholic drinks were lovely. The blended strawberry one is a thing to try next year. And if I ask for something specific and you don't want to answer, well, that's my problem. I'll blame myself or God.

New October Questions are Sppoooooooky

  • What is your favorite horror film
  • Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!
  • What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of
  • How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.
  • Is there any music that legitimately kind of freaks you out? Post samples.
  • What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?
  • What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)
  • What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc
  • You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of
  • You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger

That keeps it at 10 again. A nice round number. Go nuts. Or don't.


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #33 on: October 01, 2015, 08:37:57 PM »

  • What is your favorite horror film
  • Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!
  • What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of
  • How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.
  • Is there any music that legitimately kind of freaks you out? Post samples.
  • What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?
  • What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)
  • What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc
  • You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of
  • You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger

1 - I straight up do not like the horror genre. No idea what of the movies I do like would be considered horror enough to count.

2 - I'm not sure what the difference is.

3 - That whenever Jenna goes somewhere without me she'll get into some horrible accident that I somehow could have prevented. Doubly so when she's going somewhere to pick something up for me(or going home after dropping me off somewhere) because it feels like she wouldn't have been there at ALL if it weren't for me. And triply so whenever she's late getting back from anything(especially somewhere she only went because of me). This makes days when she's late getting home from work...stressful. This is irrational because, well, there's jack all I could do to prevent things like car accidents from the passenger seat, and Jenna is a very safe driver.

4 - I don't really "know" people outside the DL anymore, other than Jenna and Kier and like a couple others. And irrational fears isn't something that comes up in conversation.

5 - Freaks me out? No. Annoys the shit out of me? Plenty.

6 - Probably the Cerberus. It's just doing it's freaking job making sure dead things don't go back to the land of the living. That's, like, a GOOD thing. So it shouldn't get a bad rep as a 'monster'. Close second goes to the minotaur. Sure it was a horrible monster, but it WAS kinda thrown into a labyrinth from birth and basically raised to be a monster. Seems more like the victim than a monster to me.

7 - Demons. If you're gonna go pure evil, go big. No redeeming qualities that aren't tricks or traps, these fuckers are basically Evil Elementals. Obv there are settings with demons that aren't pure evil(I've even run games in some!) but that goes for anything. Unseelie/Evil Fae get second place. Those fuckers are terrifying when done right.

8 - Not...quite sure what this is asking for? As a DnD nerd I'll just use creature type to answer. I randomly like Magical Beasts, since I can develop an ecology for them as a GM. Things like Outsiders/Fae/Abberations don't always need something like that, they can just kinda exist without needing to fit into anywhere, which as a GM bores me. Magical Beasts can be intelligent or not, have a broad range of  strengths, powers and weaknesses, and be as animal-like or civilized as I care to make them.

9 - Least worst? That the ghost is actually a bro and is "haunting" me to be a guardian of sorts. Possibly involving cool ghost themed superpowers at some point.

10 - If being bro-ghost who tries to help someone out and make their life better/safer/etc is an option, either my sister or Kier. If it has to be some kind of malicious or mischievous haunting, I'll just either head into the light or hang around some aspiring author to read over his shoulder or something. 
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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2015, 08:46:05 PM »
  • What is your favorite horror film
  • Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!
  • What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of
  • How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.
  • Is there any music that legitimately kind of freaks you out? Post samples.
  • What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?
  • What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)
  • What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc
  • You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of
  • You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger

1.  Alien
2.  Aliens.  This also instantly illustrates the difference.  Get dunked on.
3.  Babies.
4.  Heights.  Not high heights, but "freaks out if their foot is not touching the ground and they can't see ground directly below them even if it's just an inch or two more."
5.  No.  The music that I think would freak out most other people, I enjoy listening to.  Have some entry level fun.
6.  All of them.
7.  Real humans.
8.  I'm not sure I understand.  Weird Lovecraftian things? 
9.  Now I definitely don't understand.  I have a chill friend who knows stuff?  We, like, quietly win the James Randi challenge and get enough money for a cool comfortable life?
10.  This is not even a question.


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2015, 09:03:10 PM »
  • What is your favorite horror film
  • Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!
  • What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of
  • How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.
  • Is there any music that legitimately kind of freaks you out? Post samples.
  • What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?
  • What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)
  • What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc
  • You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of
  • You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger

1. Alien!

2. Memento!

3. Microwave radiation!  It doesn't leak from microwaves and it's not carcinogenic anyway but I won't pull the door open to interrupt the microwave while it's running, even though that automatically shuts it off.  I'll hit the button to stop it and open it then, even though this wastes a second and makes absolutely no difference.  Some part of me thinks it's safer.

4. I know a couple funny ones but they're private!  I am a good friend.

5. Can't think of any

6. The minotaur

7. Dracula's pretty good

8. Maybe ghosts, there's so many weird types of them

9-10. Whichever side of it I'm on, I'll be trying to recreate the plot to Ginban Kaleidoscope.


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2015, 09:05:31 PM »
2.  "At the end of days, at the end of time, when the sun burns out, will any of this matter?  Who will be there to remember who we were?  Who will be there to know that any of this had meaning for us?"

This is my favorite credits sequence in a game.

(I might answer the new questions later.)


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Re: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2015, 09:07:35 PM »
1. What are some of your favorite songs of all time?

The entire album of "Scenes From A Memory" by Dream Theater.  I'm a sucker for concept albums in general.  For an individual song though... I don't think I can really narrow it down.  Touhou music, and remixes thereof, in general would place very high here.  If it gives any insight, the music I've bothered to put on my phone are the soundtracks to every Touhou game except Ten Desires, Persona 3/4, FE: Awakening, Etrian Odyssey 4, the aforementioned Dream Theater album (plus one more of theirs, Octavarium), and then some other random shit like a couple Super Robot Wars OSTs.  See below.

2. Gimme a song lyric that has stuck with you.

Can't think of any really off the top of my head.

3. Now how about a movie quote?

I don't watch enough movies in general to really quote them, heh.

4. Video game quote?

That I can do.  "Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!"  "What is a man?  A miserable little pile of secrets.  But enough talk, have at you!"

5. Screw pop culture for a second. Make me a drink

Okay, have a screwdriver.

6. How about a dessert?

My cooking skill is minimal, but I think I could manage a batch of cookies.  Snickerdoodles, perhaps.

7. In general, what's the tastiest thing you can personally cook, bake, or otherwise prepare?


8. You are now a pro-wrestler. What is your ring-music?

9. Confess attraction to someone surprising.

I would consider going gay for Johnny Depp.  On the feminine side of things... I can't really think of anything "surprising" there.

10. Hate on something universally loved that you just don't -get- man. Add details

MOBAs in general.  I have tried a few and have never found one that is not completely and utterly ruined by how god-awful its community is.  Also, honorable mention to video LPs.  I enjoy screenshot/narrative LPs but can't stand video ones.

And for the second set...

1. What is your favorite horror film
2. Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!

As I mentioned, I don't watch many movies... and horror is my least favorite movie genre in general, so I'm really helpless here.  That said, adaptations of Stephen King books tend to be pretty good.

3. What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of

Lightning, and not the FF13 character :|

4. How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.


5. Is there any music that legitimately kind of freaks you out? Post samples.

Not really.  Death metal used to, like over 10 years ago.

6. What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?
7. What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)
8. What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc

I'm not sure how to answer these.

9. You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of

That the ghost is a harmless practical joker.

10. You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger

Uhhhhh I really don't know here.  It would depend on the effects of my haunting I guess?


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2015, 10:06:06 PM »
5.  No.  The music that I think would freak out most other people, I enjoy listening to.  Have some entry level fun.

I actually find that very relaxing, but I've also been known to go to sleep to audio loops of TNG engine noise.


1.    What is your favorite horror film

I don't typically enjoy horror films, but I should give credit to the John Carpenter version of The Thing for being one of the more impressive examples of the genre. I do not think I actually want to watch it again, but it's an outstanding representative of its type.

2.    Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!

Largely ditto the above, so this time I'll throw a nod to The Changeling. George C. Scott ghost movie circa 1980, nice slow burn that focuses very effectively on the psychological side of a haunting.

3.    What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of


4.    How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.

Answering this question would require me to like know anybody.

5.    Is there any music that legitimately kind of freaks you out? Post samples.

Christian rock.

6.    What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?


7.    What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)

If so inclined, #e could assuredly leverage as blackmail material the Cid's notorious appreciation for demon chicks.

8.    What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc


9.    You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of

I would guess a Sixth Sense setup where you can actually help send them?

10    You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger

I dunno, probably some world leader just to get a front row seat to international politics.


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2015, 11:03:25 PM »
This is my favorite credits sequence in a game.

Amen, brother.

3. Needles

This is certainly my worst phobia, but I can't consider it irrational.  Puncture wounds are mad dangerous!


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Re: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2015, 11:28:56 PM »
I meant specific people for the ghost questions.


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Re: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2015, 11:57:28 PM »


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Re: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH
« Reply #42 on: October 02, 2015, 12:36:07 AM »
What is your favorite horror film

Mr. VSM Out on the Town

Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!

Mr. VSM Reenacts Clue with Hand Puppets

What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of


How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.

That guy that looks like Mr. VSM, somewhere

What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?


What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)


What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc

Mr. VSM type

You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of

Mr. VSM haunts me but haunts my enemies by accident

You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger

« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 01:09:55 AM by Nitori »
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Re: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH
« Reply #43 on: October 02, 2015, 01:28:04 AM »
What is your favorite horror film
The Good Son

Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!

What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of
Getting robbed. I don't think it's irrational but other people think I worry about it too much

How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.
Dogs. For context, I communicate with a lot of Indian people, who are largely afraid of dogs

Is there any music that legitimately kind of freaks you out? Post samples.
The Shaggs. It's more like out of horror for how the kids' parents treated them, but still.

What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?
Gorgons. Love their design, which makes them threatening even if they aren't bloothirsty

What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)
Vengeful spirits like poltergeists or something I guess

What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc
Mimics. I love familiars/daemons but don't really consider them ridiculous

You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of
Being haunted by Louis CK I guess. At least I'd get some laughs out of the deal

You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger
I'm on it

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Re: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH
« Reply #44 on: October 02, 2015, 01:31:07 AM »
What is your favorite horror film?
I generally am not a big fan of horror, even the ones that I was supposed to like but don't (It Follows, Babadook). If I can stretch the definition I will say Amore or Away from Her.

Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!
Les Diabolique? Wages of Fear is also good.

What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of?
I was attacked by dogs at a fairly young age. I'm not afraid of them anymore, but I occasionally flinch when I see certain kinds, but I don't think that counts as irrational.

How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.
I had a girlfriend who was terrified of balloons popping.

Is there any music that legitimately kind of freaks you out? Post samples.
Nope. (damn Christian rock is a good answer)

What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?
I like bridgetrolls that ask riddles for some reason. They don't make much sense. They want money but are fine not getting paid if you know some dumb riddle? Why does the troll give a shit about what some dude knows?

What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)
san francisco tech libertarians

What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc
damn cid mimics is also a good answer.

You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of
One who brings me groceries and takeout when I'm feeling really lazy and also does my laundry and drives me to work. I basically want a drone or a butler ghost.

You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger
Rob Ford.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 01:33:44 AM by The Duck »


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Re: Random Questions take 11043 or whatever
« Reply #45 on: October 02, 2015, 01:48:35 AM »
New October Questions are Sppoooooooky

  • What is your favorite horror film
Cabin in the Woods. Could argue it's more of a deconstruction than a 'true' horror film, but fuck it, it is literally the only one with any kind of non-visual merit.

  • Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!
I like a lot of thrillers, but can't be bothered to remember which one is best and unequivocally fits into the "thriller" category.

  • What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of
Trypophobia-inducing images. Goddamn tiny holes, could be full of -anything-. And none of it good.

  • How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.
Non-biting/stinging insects. Yeah, I can understand creepy-crawlies being startling, but once an insect or arachnid has been identified as harmless, it always seems dumb to continue on being freaked out/screaming over a single bug.

  • Is there any music that legitimately kind of freaks you out? Post samples.
Calliope music. In any setting, in any song. I can even trace it back to being a kid having a night terror once while the radio was on and that one Gorillaz song just happened to be playing on the real-life radio as the backdrop to said night terror. I ended up actively shutting off any radio/music playing device for months after that whenever that song would play. Nowadays I kind of like the song, but precisely -because- it evokes a little bit of creepiness, and calliope music is still the fastest way to freak me out whenever horror movies are choosing their BGMs.

  • What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?
Werewolves. Like puppies, but contagious!

  • What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)
Saccharine-sweet stepford-wives style body snatchers

  • What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc
Space cats.

  • You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of
Doting grandmother ghost who can still bake you cookies. And really, what -else- is she going to do?

  • You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger
I can think of a few former bosses who could use endless torment and pranks and reminders to stop treating their employees like shit.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2015, 02:01:46 AM »
In a hurry, will fill in some later when less rushed.

HORROR:  Yuck, won't voluntarily watch or suggest anything horror.  Pass

 Thriller: ... can't remember the last one I've seen
Irrational fear: People will hate on me solely because I do network marketing.  (There are a very small number who do and I'm still kicking.)
Someone else's fear: Earthworms and non-venomous spiders

Freaky music: The Mega Man Rocks (fangame) soundtrack.  All of it.

"they're not so evil" monster?  ...
"that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)  Ultros
 ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc:  Rabites for the moment  Or Cactuars
 Haunted: Yuyuko Saigyouji

 Haunting: Just one?  Others have made some likeable suggestions.  Would be satisfying to haunt some religious extremists.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 04:07:15 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Re: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH
« Reply #47 on: October 02, 2015, 11:07:37 AM »
I meant specific people for the ghost questions.

But my interest in other people has always been more general than specific. You can see the bind I'm in?


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Re: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH
« Reply #48 on: October 02, 2015, 11:34:26 AM »
What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)




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Re: Random Questions: OCTOBER IS SCARY MONTH
« Reply #49 on: October 03, 2015, 02:51:37 AM »
    What is your favorite horror film
Not a big horror fan.

    Now For your favorite thriller. Cue endless arguments about the difference!
Given that I don't know horror very well, I wouldn't really be able to identify the difference.

    What is the most ridiculous or irrational thing you, personally, are afraid of
Social activity.  Largely since I keep fearing I'll once again get singled out for tormenting, despite rationally knowing this will not be the case.

    How about the most ridiculous thing someone else that you know is afraid of. No DL Callouts.

    Is there any music that legitimately kind of freaks you out? Post samples.
Going to have to agree with Cid here and say "Christian Rock".  Part of it's been being sent to an evangelical school and subject to their brand of music, and it's all...saran-wrapped versions of the original genre that then is also pretty much a transplant of their other musical choices.  Kind of disturbing that the evangelical community only finds music acceptable if it has a set of homogenized lyrics to it when I think about it.  Especially with the knowledge that in hindsight, I was subject to attempted brainwashing.

    What is your favorite "they're not so evil" monster?
Do dragons count?  If so, dragons.

    What is your favorite "that is definitely evil" monster. (No real humans)
REAL HUMANS--okay, okay.  I suppose the first I can identify from the top of my head have to be the Shadows from DMC1.

    What is your favorite ridiculous monster TYPE? Like myth, D&D, random encounters, etc
Kobolds in general.  I just imagine them as these yippy short-tempered, alternating between clever and derpy dog-lizard guys.  Kind of ridiculous, kind of amusing. somewhat endearing I guess.

    You are permanently "haunted" by someone's ghost. What is the least worst scenario you can think of
- A scenario that leads to wacky rom-com hijinks in some capacity.

    You have tragically died and get to permanently haunt anyone of your choosing. Go get 'em, tiger
- Election advertisement committees.  I will terrorize them all into never producing another election ad again.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.