Beat Rubicante. I got really close at one point...for him to Pixel Rage Inferno between mitigation, screwing me over. Saddest part? Squall trumped a Steal Power by Vaan with Blizzara STrike, meaning he healed 1600 instead of taking 5100, which would have made the difference in that fight. Ugh.
Winning run? He was near dead, but insured to get one more action before my entire team goes off (he just got his cape taken down, so definitely wasn't going to happen), and I need him to NOT use Blaze, which will completely screw me over and...
FFFFFFFFFFFF-...*Everyone lines* huh? Had more HP than I thought. Then Terra shouts "Sorrowful Waters", does 9999 and I get a nice Champion ranking. I feel like I shouldn't have won that run...but I aint arguing! Makes up for the screw up on a previous run.
Spent all of yesterday with my FF4 party grinding Black Power Day. Got a crap ton of Greater ORbs...but 90% of them were Black, when I need Power, bah. Ah well, Greater Black Orbs are still handy. Spent today doing some dungeon stuff, and since I already had an FF4 team, just went and focused on some FF4 Elites, which got me the GPOs I needed to get Steal Power R3 which is what I was aiming for. I have gained 6 minutes more of idle time too!