Yuffie's event completed here too.
-Had to fight Materia Keeper 4 times total INCLUDING the S/Ls. First fight, he thinks he's Sephiroth and murders Aerith with an ST Physical. S/L. Second fight, I win with little difficulty! ...only to see Sap is a requirement and I lost 2 medals on damage. Attempt #3, this time with Yuffie using Shadowsteel instead of Tempo Flurry...yeah, you can probably see what I did wrong THERE. Attempt #4, this time with Tempo Flurry on Zack and Shadowsteel on Yuffie, I win!
-The Big Four, I think "this won't be so bad Protectga, some Power Breakdowns and Steal Powers, I'm good!" 2 turns in, big MT Attack, I see half my team die...and I forgot to put on Power Breakdown too still using Magic Breakdown, oops! Ok, wasn't the attack alone but you get the idea. Out of stamina, go to bed, wake up, replace level 40 Aerith with Level 63 Yuna who has Hymn, give Power Breakdown to Red, victory! Used Rinoa for Slow because I couldn't be bothered to remember who Staniv is, so Dr. Mog's Teachings -> Angel Wing Quake -> All of them at Slow now! Also learned that Slow hits even if they immune Earth, which is weird because one of them is clearly immune via Flying but hey, good to now.
-Godo was...a joke, frankly. He got ONE good attack the entire fight, which was a Biora late in the fight when Shellga was down, dealing 1k to all, but honestly, and otherwise his only 4 digit damage was his opening physical on Yuffie. If you can get past turn 1, you get ANY of your mitigation up, you should be good to control the fight since it's really getting past that mitigationless first turn. Otherwise? Steal Power + Magic Breakdown, Full Break, Shell/Protectga, Shield Grimoire, Hymn of the Fayth for added insurance, easy win. Even had PP as my RW which I don't think I needed but it did speed the fight up.
A very simply and refreshing ultimate after the whore that was Bartandelus.