Did the first Orbfest run, getting all the mithril, huzzah!
Got rekt on the Garnet banner. Was considering pulling more but then the celebration banners dropped and oh look, Garnet's SSB reappears on Banner 5, aka the awesome one. Yeah, I'll try to get it there. My only reservation about Garnet as my Hastega user is how it'll mean I need to run 2 healers, and I don't quite have the resources to get Valduin up to justify running one as a pure Summoner. Maybe at Summon Orbfest phase, I'll blow some mithril to farm more of those, since seriously when the hell else will I have the opportunity?
My only reservation about Banner 5 is I already have Sentinel Grimoire and really don't have a use for a second. Thing is? Everything else on that banner is awesome for me. It says something that one of the worse items on there, for me, is Rinoa's Cardinal since I already have Terra's Maduin's Horn. Should I somehow get that, I think I'm obligated to attempt Mage Meta...why isn't Kefka's Cloak on one of these banners speaking of which
Speaking of FF9 things, beat Silver Dragon in one go, mastery, no resets.
Might as well post team set up...FROM MEMORY!!
Vivi: Storm Staff, Black Hood, Terra's Pendant, R5 Blizzaga, R3 Blizzaja, Devotion
-Pretty straight forward. Nukes with ice damage. Probably should have given him Evoker's Horn as his armor just so he could have a Soul Break to do damage with, as he did run out of ammo.
Tyro: Aevis Killer, Edin's Coat, Vossler's Gauntlet, R4 Lifesiphon, R2 Fullbreak, Dr. Mog's Teachings
-...not wasting my time on this, since by now you know the drill. Aevis Killer...I'll get to that later.
Yuna: Lullaby Rod, Minerva Bustier (I think? Who cares), Some +20 Mind Accessory, R4 Curaja, R2 Shellga, Mako's Might
-Like Tyro, Yuna's use is pretty much always the same, so no point repeating it.
Lightning: Ras Alghetti, Edin's Coat, Black Belt (FF9), R4 Blizzara Strike, R4 Aerora Strike, Dragoon's Determination
-Spellblade w/ Guns, basically. Could have used Balthier, but Blazefire Rush > Tides of Fate, and she's level cap broken twice so she's legitimately higher leveled at a point where no amount of egging will catch him up.
Freya: Drill, Genji Helm (FF6), Godo's Mask, R4 Wind Jump, R4 Magic Breakdown, Self Sacrifice
-Token Dragoon. With Realm Synergy, and Support 4, she seemed like an obvious pick.
RW: Lunatic High. Hastega + Protectga, two things I don't have covered yet, seemed like an obvious pick.
The set up idea is that I can knock Silver Dragon back to the ground if necessary, but should my timing be off, all of my (offensive) characters save Freya's Magic Breakdown can deal with it. Turns out that wasn't really necessary; timing was easier than I thought and hitting while flying is detrimental anyway, to the point where my resources starting running thin (Vivi in particular was the real issue) and was worried we'd have another Bahamut Sin of Win But No Mastery. Ultimately didn't matter as I won with little difficulty, and didn't need to S/L even once
Didn't really need Lightning with Spellblades to hit weakness for conditions, but let's face it, Spellblade was the highest damage I'm getting out of physicals anyway, so might as well use it. I could have probably used Squall instead of Lightning, but I won't deny the added insurance of "Lightning will always do SOME damage" thanks to Ras Alghetti was a nice bonus.