FFX-2 Three Stooges: lol
Okay, more seriously, they went down in flames, this is the first Ultimate I've ever full-medaled. The fight's design is a pretty fun puzzle, but they forgot to crib up actual Ultimate-level RES. The setup:
L80 Yuna (Valduin R5, Devotion RM)
L65 Quistis (Firaja R4, Ruinga R4, Dr. Mog's Teachings RM)
L65 Y'shtola (Curaja R5, Protectga R2, Mako Might RM)
L80 Rinoa (Meteor R3, Dispel R4)
L65 Zidane (Blind Shell R4, Lifesiphon R4)
Lulu Focus RW
So, basically, the idea was to make Ormi's Draw Fire as irrelevant as possible while Zidane plugs in mastery target holes (Angel Wing Quake covered Slow, though she only applied it when only a near-dead Ormi remained). Blinding Logos early makes his biggest threat (Russian Roulette) more or less a joke, since it doesn't ignore evade, while Dispel shreds any hope Leblanc might've had at survivability. She lasted about four turns, and by the time she bit it, Logos was nearly folding and Ormi wasn't in much better shape. Fun fact: Yuna's summons were dealing over 8k damage -before- Focus. After it, even Quistis of the 142 base MAG -after- the mastery bonus from Red Scorpion could ram the cap with Firaja. Congrats, guys.