It's just Reddit applying point-costs to characters for a team-drafting challenge.
Essentially, really top-tier Characters like Ramza and Gilgamesh cost about 6 points, while trash like Gau only cost 0.5 points. The goal is to make an effective team using only 12 points worth of PCs.
Based on current global meta and some vague voting, Reddit decided on this for costs:
6 Points: Gilgamesh, Ramza, Agrias, Terra
5 Points: Tyro, Bartz, P. Cecil, Yuna, Lightning, Y'shtola, Rinoa
4 Points: Celes, Cloud, Beatrix, Garnet, Locke, Balthier, Auron, Faris, Lenna, Sephiroth, Aerith, Vaan, Basch, Squall, Rydia, Vivi, Zack
3 Points: Eiko, Zidane, Steiner, Selphie, Yuffie, Vanille, Red XIII, Tidus, lulu, Exdeath, Fran, Kefka, Vincent, Hope, Mog, Leon, Quistis, Ashe, Edgar, Penelo, Krile, Relm, Rikku, Sazh, Edea, Deschº, Kujaº, Cait Sithº, Serahº
ºDesch, Kuja, Cait Sith and Serah are not in the tier list, so they are defaulted to 3 points.
2 Points: Luneth, Tifa, Shadow, Jecht, Golbez, Wakka, Rosa, Seifer, Laguna, Minwu, Thancred, Fang, Palom, Porom, Cid, Snow, Kain, Ingus, WoL, Firion, Galuf, Freya, Fusoya, Zell, Edge, Tellah, Reno, D.Cecil
1 Point: Sabin, Irvine, Maria, Setzer, Refia, Arc, Edward, Gordon, Amarant, Barret, Strago, Leila, Quina, Cyan
0.5 Points: Kimahri, Josef, Ricard, Gau
I agree that post-buff Summon 4 is better than Black 3, I dunno what I was thinking there. Still, Summons in general just are hard to hone and you don't even get enough uses out of them that you can run a single Summon (usually you have to run two Summons AND the double-cast Summon RM to make it worthwhile unless we're talking Bahamut R4).