Oh yeah, also did the U+ CM last week, but posting about it on the iPhone would've been really awkward.
Setup went roughly like:
L78 Ashe: Ultros R5, Maduin R5, Devotion
L80 Penelo: Curaja R5, Faith R4, Cetra's Destiny
L77 Basch: Banishing Strike R4, Draw Fire R4, Dr. Mog's Teachings
L80 Fran: Power Breakdown R4, Full Break R3, Secrets of the Qu
L68 Gabranth: Protectga R2, Lifesiphon R4, Object of Hatred
RW: Shout
Draw Fire + Gallantry helped a lot against the physicals, really. The real big thing in the fight was Ashe being the bonafide damage cannon (with a 7* Stoneblade, she was dropping 17k damage Ultros, which was simply gross). Guilt spamming got rather rough late in the fight, to the point where it nabbed Fran, but Penelo and Ashe managed to keep things somewhat honest with their healing SBs (Penelo ran a shared Medica, but that's good enough with Cetra's Destiny). Maelstrom's Bolt was also damned legit damage off that setup and, once he had the gauges for it, Gabranth really helped keeping the low HP phase short (Enrage runs off a whopping 9.1x mult post-Endark, it's seriously scary considering it's just your run off the mill SB).