Completed Girugamesh Hype event until ze bonus battles, mastered Krile's Sheepsong along the way and am nearly mastering Exdeath's Neo Almagest. Those two moves are a lot of fun, especially with a Lulu Focus RW, and I'm pretty sure I already have the tools to with Nightmare Kaiser Dragon once it drops (for starters, I now have enough mage SSBs to field a full party, and they even cover 3/4 of the endgame supremacy mandala). Also did some more DU clearing, only Draklow Labs Elite left to pillage.
Still not sure how to deal with U+ Bartz CM-style, though. In theory, I suppose I could attempt Sheepsong+hybrid Exdeath running healing+4* just so I can field SG as a roaming warrior, but it's probably not offensively optimal. GRANTED, I'm going to run Draw Fire Gilgamesh anyway, but urgh.