So what does the team you've actually decided on look like? You've swapped it so many times, I'm not sure which five you're using.
On the grinding front:
Maxed at 65: Tyro, Aerith, Sephiroth, Squall, Rinoa, Selphie, Garnet, Vivi, Eiko, Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Balthier, Lightning
Over 60 (aka Sweetspot between Useful and "Not Wasting EXP": Cloud*, WOL, DKCecil, PalCecil, Rydia, Tellah, Terra, Tifa, Zack, Auron, Vaan, Fran, Sazh, Thancred
Over 50 (aka "Got their RMs" or "Needs work to become Useful"): BM, RM, WM, SUM, RNG, BRD, GLD, Gordon, Ricard, Josef, Cyan, Irvine, Kimahri, ~ Luneth, Arc, Refia, Kain, Golbez, Sabin, Edgar, Quistis, Ashe, Snow, Y'shtola
50 or Within Egging distance of 50 for when their Crystal comes out: Dragoon, Ninja, Maria, Galuf, Lenna, Locke, Red XIII, Steiner, Vanille
Needs leveling before Orbfest ends: SAM, DRK, Spellblade, Firion, Leon, Edward, Mog, Strago, Barret, Zell
That's 21 possible characters to bother leveling during Orbfest. Not including Cloud, who once he level-breaks, I need to get as much EXP in him as possible. Level 80 is going to murder the next few Events. (Or it'll require it, either way I want it sooner rather than later...)