And finally mastered Necrophobe. My team:
Faris: R5 Magic Breakdown, Thief's Revenge R2, Ace Striker.
-Faris has both her MT Dual-breaks, which works wonders in this fight as they toggle 2 probes at once. Her inverse-wall is good for nerfing the damage of probes, and her Syldra one is nice because I found it hard to fit Mental Breakdown in the list (I have no mages), so if it opened with Green Nightmare Doom, she can use that as an emergency to undo it. Ace Striker is there because Faris' DPS isn't a big deal, so I aimed for faster Soul Break charges.
Beatrix: R3 Saint Cross, R5 Lifesiphon, Dragoon's Determination
-I have Seiken Shock, and Magic Blink is incredibly useful in this fight. I figure an extra DPSer who can Magic Blink is more valuable than a 3rd toggler, as I can get by with just two.
Fran: R4 Power Breakdown, R3 Armor Breakdown, +20% Spear Damage RM
-I have her SSB, so she can DPS at points, otherwise straight forward. I realized I should fire off her SSB earlier rather than later to help blast past Phase 2, since that's the trouble phase, Phase 3 being a combination of things getting off in time, and the longer I spend in Phase 2, the worse it is. I realized this in an ALMOST successful run, which failed msotly beacuse I didn't notice Beatrix's timer was near low, and well, you get the idea.
Ramza: R3 Full Break, R4 Lifesiphon, Dr. Mog's Teachings
-This is the first fight I used all 3 of his Soul Breaks. Shout is obvious, Tailwind may have well be called "Second Wind" here because between Protectga for Vacuum Wave and providing a healing, it was useful at the start of Phase 2 (in short, my 2nd soul berak of his was always on that.) In the succsesful run, I YOLO'd phase 2 near the end and used Hail of Stones...which triggered at the start of Phase 3, thereby nulling out one of his Flares. Full Break mostly there to lower amount of damage I take in phase 1.
Tyro: R4 Wrath, R3 Carbuncle, Mako's Might
-Sentinel Grimoire, and his BSB was another emans of Magic Blink for the last phase (couldn't afford to drop SG at anytime). I gave him Wrath since his DPS wasn't a big deal and Beatrix needs Lifesiphon to function in her role, and Carbuncle is there to shut down a lot of the ST Bullshit in Phase 2.
RW: Mighty Guard 8. Shellga is necessary, extending Hastega doesn't hurt, and Heavy Regen helped lower the necessity of healing.
Glad that fight is over with, just so much that can go wrong. Nowhere near as bad as the Curada one though.