I hate FF4 events so much. All battles in this set are absurdly annoying and unfun (WHY IN HELL IS BAIGAN AN ULTIMATE++?). Cagnazzo in particular I just decided to run Apoc+ solo because pug teams were brainfarting beyond all reason against him (I CAN'T PLUG ALL THE BASIC NEEDS WITH TWO CHARACTER SLOTS. IF I'M BRINGING HASTEGA, BREAKS AND WALL, SOMEBODY ELSE HAS TO BRING DISPEL, GODDAMMIT). Team went as follows:
L99 Loserface (Full Break R4, Magic Breakdown R4/Dr. Mog)
L99 Yuna (Curaja R5, Shellga R3/Battleforged)
L99 Onion Knight (Dispel R4, Wrath R5/Mako Might)
L99 Shantotto (Chain Blizzaga R4, Chain Thundaga R3/Bolt From Above)
L99 Ashe (Sudden Thunder R4, Sudden Freeze R4/Ace Striker)
RW: Raines BSB
Ugly little fight. Hitting weaknesses and Raines BSB kept offense minimally viable for most of the battle, but the damage could get seriously overwhelming at times. Fortunately, Song for Spira is seriously amazing and got me through at least three pretty hairy moments in the late stages. At the end, Yuna ran out of Curaja charges and I was at death's door with all my PCs, but Cagnazzo was nearly dead. So, I YOLO'd with Keeper's Tome to buy another turn (nobody had died, but all of them had spent their Last Stand and I had -no- healing left), Shantotto landed Ice Play after Caggy missed a Sleep and Ashe closed the deal with a Sudden Freeze. Last Stand is so freaking good, guys.
EDIT: Also managed U++ Baigan CM in the meanwhile.
L99 Kain (Lightning Dive R2, Lifesiphon R5/Whatever)
L99 Rosa (Dispel R4, Wrath R5/Battleforged)
L80 Porom (Curaja R5, Protectga R3/Dr. Mog)
L80 Palom (Chain Blizzaga R4, Meteor R3/Light of Hope)
L95 Edward (Spellbend Etude R2, Full Break R4/Mako Might)
RW: Sentinel's Grimoire
Funny little fight. Palom mostly sniped the arms, casting Magic Barrage whenever the gauge allowed. Rosa was there to Dispel and spam Wrath, which would prove crucial when she got silenced through a major Silence resist accessory. Once she recovered from Silence, she just started CHAINCASTING Holy Rain, which led to a nearly impenetrable defensive game. Chaincasting healer bursts is good stuff, yo. Kain was my offensive lynchpin in spite of Thunder being resisted (in hindsight, I should've brought P. Cecil instead, but hey, it worked). Porom healed and buffed my offensive peeps while Edward provided buffing and minor breaking. Lost two PCs to the exploding arms at the end, but I just wanted the Holy Orbs. Hilariously, ended up mastering anyway.
EDIT 2: Apropos of nothing, with the Wisdom motes gained from Cagnazzo, I full-dived Maria and Ashe, which was actually kind of a pleasant surprise. Within the next month, I should be able to finish up Papalymo's Record Dive and get started on a healer dive (I'm between Vanille, Y'shtola and Yuna, currently my top three healers. Amazing how -one- relic can bring you from the dump heap all the way to the stars).