What happens when a raid boss is weak to holy: I ran MO Soulcage in a pubby group with Cid Raines and Yuna and they ran two more Raines, Y'shtola, BSB2 Squall (for countering the self-flaming mechanics, y'see), OK and Loserface. The boss melted really fast, I didn't even get the time to land Cid's OSB, just spamming Metamorphose and Shining Moment did the trick. Having 7/8 of the party trigger a Last Stand when the boss was still at 80% HP proved it's never too early to pop Song for Spira, though.
Apo+ Ark met Alphinaud BSB and Cid Raines BSB (the MAG+DEF is really nifty even when the damage is resisted), Jump Start Ark met Cloud and Luneth OSB spam. The important part is that I got another MC3 lode, which went straight to Squall. I'm horrendously behind in my MC3 schedule, I still need to cap-break Reynn, Red XIII, Steiner because I managed to get his BSB, OSB AND Legend Materia on banner 1 and Nabaat at least. Possibly Gordon, Mateus, Mustadio and Tidus as well. Oh dear lord, that's at the very least -eight- weeks.