Jump Start Geosgano CM'd. Here's my set up (everyone at level 99 and all 3* Motes used at minimum):
Tidus: Sapphire Shot, Full Charge, Truthseeker RM, has his OSB and +40% Water through equips (Force Stealer + FF9 Golden Hairpin if you were wondering)
-Tidus is obviously just DPSing; Full Charge is filler early on, Sapphire Shot for raw damage later on, and the OSB Spam when he's weak to Water for some quick burning him down when my other Soul Breaks are running thin.
Jecht: Dark Bargain, Fires Within, Dark Fate RM, has his BSB, +20% Dark through equips
-Jecht is my other main source of damage, and the big thing here is he'll be making use of Cloud's USB, since I can set him up with so many buffs and his BSB when backed up by all the buffs can do up to 17k per hit if I'm lucky. He basically opens with Dark Bargain, then his BSB, then RW's Cloud, then goes damage crazy.
...if it's not obvious, Jecht is the Front-DPSer, while Tidus is the Back DPSer. This will make more sense when you look at...
Ramza: Full Break, Magic Breakdown, Argent Hero, has his USB, SSB, and SSB2
-Pretty straight forward, Ramza's a Breaker. He opens with Shout, then his Chant, and that allows Jecht to do absurd damage. I plan my 2nd Shout later in the fight because at that point, Jecht is starting to run out of steam, and Tidus needs the consistant damage bonus more than Jecht does since the OSB is too valuable. Chant has the added bonus of Stoneskin as well, allowing some breathing room for Yuna to hold off on her Soul Break charges as well.
Yuna: Ultra Cure (should have been Curaja), Protectga, some Mind Boosting RM, has her SSB2 and BSB
-Another straight forward character. Both Miracle Veil and Tenets of Fayth see use here, and which I decide to use depends on circumstance. I generally open with Tenets because the medica is handy, but sometimes I need that higher healing + HP Stock for added comfort.
Tyro: Hailstorm, Armor Breakdown, some +Damage RM based on his weapon, has his BSB, Sentinel Grimoire, and OSB (...ok, yeah I can't pretend that last one is useful <_<)
-Open with Sentinel Grimoire, then go with his BSB for both Shellga, and that Magic Blink, as well as some more debuffs briefly. Armor Breakdown mostly there snice Tyro's damage isn't meaningful, I might as well give the damage push to the team as a whole.
Also every character had Instant Death Resistance for protection against regurgitate; appaerntly "minor" isn't good though as Tyro and Yuna got hit every time, oh well.
Won the fight with Tyro dying but whatever. Amusingly, I accidentally fired off Miracle Veil late in the fight when I intended Tenets of Fayth, but looking at Geosgano's health, I figured this was basically a DPS race anyway, and by the time the difference would be meaningful, the fight would have been decided. More amusingly is that I used Sapphire Shot on the last Tidus turn instead of the OSB, going "CRAP!" because the OSB would DEFINITELY kill at that point...but Sapphire Shot did 20k, and Geosgano died...meaning that mistake may have saved me in the end if only because of the faster charge time.
Anyway, that was a lot better than the Bahamut Fight, because it didn't have a stupid COUNTER HEALING gimmick.
Also finished all the FF10 content save the Cid Mission, using Mage Meta. This includes the MP stuff. Seymour Natus kicked my ass once because I couldn't stop lock him and unmitigated Thundaga = OW. Turned around, went back in with a Dancer instead of a Breaker, and that turned out to make the difference.