Snow: Yeaaaaah OK. Sold on the FF6 banner. I'll probably drop 15 myth on the FFT one once more and keep farming mythril now to maybe do 2 11 pulls on the second 6 banner. All that FF6 gear sounds super fuckin' sexy and with synergy for a realm that has events really frequently too.
DJ: Yeah, Blue Magic is an neat idea, but purely from a gameplay perspective I don't know what niche it would fill that isn't already filled by another skillset or three, or wouldn't be pretty freakin broken if it wasn't an SSB (or be completely useless). Wind Damage skills? Black/Spellblade. Mighty Guard/White wind? OP as fuck. Status? Support/Engineer...
Though, you know...
Actually, you know what might be neat? Implementing Blue as a status skillset of purely L? Status that procs 100% if not immune, but the level check is based on YOUR OWN level instead of the enemy's level. Then, fill the cast up with a decent number of characters able to use Blue Magic. You'd basically have to have 3-4 active Blue Mages at different levels to get the full use of the skillset. Maybe even add in more powerful LPrime skills so you don't just have every character sitting at L75, L78, and L80. Or, just make sure only one or two Blue mages have MC2s. That would be really fuckin interesting, if difficult to balance. You'd have to make it weaker than Engineer/3* Support to make it worth using, but not so weak that it's just taking up skill slots better used for something else on the +++/Divine fights.
Wow I really like that idea. Someone send DeNA a twitter post with my brilliance.
EDIT: Spent 15 mythril, no luck. Oh well. In brighter news, Garnet's RM3 procced so I have dualcast Summon now. Yay. After Yuna's +++ battle, I also have enough materials to craft R2 Alexander, and in a few weeks would have enough to get R3. Seriously considering this as an option for Velius. Due to weakness that's a guaranteed 19998 damage on the Arch demons (vs. 17500 or so with 3 Valefors), and 29997 (vs. 23000) if one Dualcast procs. That having been said, that deducts 5800 from damage dealt to Velius, though I think that's still a winning trade off for killing the Arch demons in 4 turns vs. 5 (+3 turns of ST damage if unbuffed) and not having to spend an extra turn to get the Use Weak vs. Archdemon medal req. It's also almost certainly a better pick for my other use of Major Holy Orbs, which would be... R1 Holy. I want Holy eventually but R1 Holy may as well be useless compared to R3 Diaga.
That said is it enough to net me mastery with no other changes? Maybe! Blitzing down the Arch Demons quicker also helps me out in reducing medals lost to damage, though I am pretty sure I'm losing 2 medals on that either way. Also, putting both Alexander and Valefor on Yuna is a potentially valid option for the Leblanc fight. I'd have 7 charges of (I'm assuming) 6k or so MT damage unbuffed with no dualcasts proccing, more if buffed, helping me get past that draw fire nonsense. Mmm... yeah, I think I'm sold.