Beat up through the EX+++ battle. Hey look at that, a battle where SG/SRS ISN'T the RW of choice! Two of Lightning's SSBs almost wipe out the adds, then it's just whittling Mateus down and surviving the dualcast he uses at half HP. Standard A-Team party, and pretty easy once you get past the first phase of resetting (everyone ganging up on one party member can easily kill them without SG/SRS) you're basically home free. I mostly liked the battle because the answer was not SG/SRS.
Next battle is looking pretty tough for mastery. I have to use Confuse Shot AND Blind Shot, and my highest levelled Engineer is... Edgar. Honestly I may just pump Balthier full of eggs for the synergy bonus. For the record, Snow, this was actually the battle I was talking about--3 adds with 45k HP each, R2 Meteo would be an excellent asset here.
Gonna have to play around with this, I think. Really hate those reqs, Ramza + 4 mages seems ideal and I don't have a good weapon for Balthier, but the mastery reward is 4 Major Black Orbs so it's not like I'm not gonna try. In any case, I think I'm done with the game for today, so I'll blow the rest of my stamina farming and come back when I feel like it.
EDIT: Stopped being done. I tried a 15 mythril gacha to get Balthier's gun and got a Shellga common SB armor instead. OK, I think I can work with that.
Gilgamesh (R3 Banish Raid, Flaming Weeaboo), Start: Sap Damage Up
Ramza (R4Magic BD, R4Indoor Spell), Actions->Boosted SB gauge
Valfreya (R2Blind Gun, R1Confusey Pew-pew), Shellga SB
Mog (GOTTA FEVAH, Curaja), Mako Wish Foundation
Aeris (R3 Valefor, Curaga) Dualcast Summon
Zack's taking the bench because skill MT>SB MT in this fight, and I don't have the resources to get the one MT skill he has access to. I'm assuming about 5000-6000 damage per Flaming Weeaboo post Sun-bath, which is 30000-36000 damage to the adds, running just shy of their 45k HP mark, so Aeris running dualcast Valefor is there to pick up the slack. Banish raid is there to cancel out Shell/Protect if the judges decided to be dicks about it. Running a bit risky not having Shellga up at the start, but with SG, Magic BD, and Break Fever all up during the first phase I should be fine. Then, I suspect it should be a matter of keeping up mitigation and praying I slam through his doublecasting phase before I run out of SG. I'll probably run the risk of resetting during Beruga's weak phase so I make sure to have it during the very weak phase. By the time he's in Weak, Ramza should have built up a good number of Throw Stones so that shouldn't be too long, and the stun should keep Beruga from getting too many turns during that time anyway. Ideally, anyway.
I could only get him to 60 off of my egg supply, so Balthier is there solely to get Reqs. Fortunately his equipment selection ain't bad so he'll do OK damage, but the last half of the fight will probably see him just defending so he doesn't die.
RIP my Greater NE Orb supply. Saturday farming may see some mythrils being spent on stamina recovery.
EDIT2: Beaten, Mastered. Allllll right. Only one use of stamina. Had three S/Ls, one because I popped my second SG too early (his speed gets ridiculous in his weak state, so even though the skill is in fact doublecast Aeraga/Wateraga, in practice it's more like Quadcast... and so I lost with a sliver of health left on the boss. Bluh, bluh, huge judge), then two because the first phase of the fight is kinda RNG-y. Getting at least one Dualcast Valefor off helped immensely. Phase 2 was kinda easy even without SG, actually, he favored his weaker MT over his dualcasts. Phase 3, as I already indicated, is absolutely insane, and even with SG is kinda scary.
Anyway, yet another fight that reinforces how mandatory SG is and how they basically have to design every boss around it as an RW. I think I'm just gonna hoard mythril from now on until the next time Sentinel's Grimiore comes up for lottery, perhaps around New Year's. There's a White Mage lucky draw that I'm tempted by but even at half mythril price it just doesn't even compare. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they didn't put it up for grabs again, though. It's so stupidly overpowered even being forced to use Shitforbrats isn't enough to balance it.
EDIT3: Dr. Cid Notes
Gilgy (Banish Raid, Saint's Cross)
Ramza (Power, Armor BD)
Aeris (Protectga, Diaga), Weakness 1.2x
Mog (Break FEVAH, Curaga), Mako Wish foundation
Yuna (Alexander, Curaja), Dualcast Summon
SG. Obvi.
Banish Raid deal 9999 per hit, B.R. after Mog buff. 7600 with protect up. 7000 with no buff and no protect.
Diaga deals 8400 without buffs up. 6000 with shell up. Would that I had dualcast White. Actually I should look into getting that for this fight.
Saint's Cross deals 9999x2 if no buffs are up on Cid and Mog's buff is up.
Saint's Cross deals 6800x2 if no buffs are up on Cid and Mog's buff is down.
Alexander deals 5k if Shell is down.
Post Armor BD and buff, Ramza deals 4400 with either skill assuming no buffs are up.
Throw stone deals 1333x6=7998
With Regen up, Cid regenerates 9800 HP a tick. Curaga from the adds heals 3400.
Clearly, I need both Dispel and Banish raid. I got him to half health with no charges of Banish raid left and then he got regened and it was GG. Saint's Cross is good but at only two charges isn't a great option. I didn't put Zack in initially because I didn't want to mess with the adds, but their HP is high enough that having his SB is going to be better than not having his SB.
Gilgy (Come At Me Bro), Protectga SB
Ramza (Power BD, Banish Raid)
Zack (Indoor spell, Drain Strike)
Mog (Dispel, Curaja)
Aeris (Diaga, Curaga)
seems to be the next best step. Most attacks are physical, so this may get me over the hump.