Currently plowing through Vaan event's elite dungeons. Predictably, Danjuro and that 4++* Empyrean Rod make short work of everything (Vaan at L17 with Danjuro and Viking Coat is contributing about as much as L55 Auron, which admittedly says little on a team with two MT-centric mages and a priest). Cap-broke Ashe and I'm about halfway through the Elites.
Also, I'd like to ask you people to switch your RW to Seal Evil Aerith when the bonus battles land, since it'll spoil the hell out of the Ba'Gamnam ++ fight. All of them are vulnerable to Stop and inflicting the status on the head honcho's even a target score. I'll likely do the same.
EDIT: Holy shit, DeNa just added all the character balance changes up to the JP Fang/Lightning event. Huge buffs to Paladin Cecil (Bows, Support 3, WHITE MAGIC 4), Rydia (Mag up, BLACK MAGIC 5), Lightning (Celerity 4, spears, shields, helms), Snow (Def/Res up, helms, armor, shields, KNIGHT 5. About time, DeNa), some buffs to Kain (Celerity 3, swords, atk up) and DKC (Atk up). God, so glad I have the Blazefire Sabre now.