Farmed all day Friday and Saturday, got Power BD to R4 and Break Fever will potentially be R2 by next week or the week after (next week for sure if I can master Hojo). Got Zack up to 80 from 73 during Sundaily today, that should be enough of a boost to guarantee that I'll master Rufus in a bit. I'm also probably going to forgo Sundaily the rest of the day and clear out what's been released of the FF12 event. Almost every single farming day is now more important to me than levelling except Thursday, and I'm too busy that day this week to do anything but farm, so there you have it.
Tangentally related, someone did a long writeup of character rankings in JP on reddit recently, and came to the conclusion that Ramza and Gilgamesh were the best characters, and I am fine with that conclusion. It is nice having a support character that regularly hits the damage cap after de/buffs.
EDIT: Woo-hoo, Rufus mastered. Getting Zack to 80 made it a lot easier, since that boosted Air Strike from 4900 a hit to 5800 (2700 damage increase), and Rufus only got one Mako cannon off after SG wore off thanks to that. I think I could have won previously had I played riskier (Saved a Reraise SB for the middle of the fight, not refreshed SG until after it wore off), but meh that would have been a lot of S/Ls.
For Posterity:
Ramza (Power Break, Armor Break), damage RM
Zack (Indoor Spell, Drain Strike), damage RM
Terra (Dispel, Firaja), Dualcast
Mog (FEVAH, Curaja), Mako Powah
Aeris (Protectga, Curaga), SB gauge increases faster
Gonna do Hojo at some point tonight, not too concerned about beating him or trying for Mastery if it seems impossible though. Same basic setup as Rufus, except taking out Terra and putting in Gilgamesh for Come At Me Bro strats, almost solely for mitigation this time (The extra damage will be nice, but I'm not going to worry about putting on things like Double Hit for it).
EDIT3: Oooor he actually does have medal conditions, all of which require Terra in her same role as before. Mmm, not sure if having Tauntaliate or Zack's SB is more important, fortunately at 1 Stamina I can play around with both. I'll do the same setup as Rufus and see how that goes.
EDIT: Also, after reading up on some posts on Reddit, people are saying there's likely to be some sort of B/S/SB event around new year's, so I may even skip the FF12 banner altogether and just hoard mythril until that. We'll see, maybe it'll be worth doing a 3 pull.