I looked it up, I do have Devotion, in addition to Kefka's Lunatic Wizard RM. Devotion being a 37% Increase may in fact make it worth trying to take them down with Meteo instead of Thundaja. But in fact, I currently have a better use for it...!
Prepping to take down the 凶+ sand worm fuckers before the event ends in midnight. Did the beginner's draw for Bartz' Air Knife (incidentally, got an FF13 synergy Dagger with a Protectga SB, and a Fira SB FFIX synergy robe. Nice), slapped together this team:
Zack (Dual Delay, Indoor Spell), Dragoon Commitment
Bartz (R1Tornado Strike, R5Aera Strike) Attunement 2
Terra (R4Ruinga, Meteo), Devotion
Mog (Faith, Curaga), Power of Mako
Aeris (Shellga, Curaga), Actions -> Increase SB gauge
Lunatic High RW
can you tell i have the rm excel doc open
So with this setup, on the bright side my issue is no longer Sandstorm. Bartz with Wind attacks + Air Knife + Attunement wrecks shit, and Devotion brings Meteo from "I waited for THIS?" to "HOO-AH, I'M PEGGY HILL." Theorhetically, Dual Cast would be nice here, due to how the adds have a chance to damage the boss with each hit they take, but then I'm not guaranteed to kill everything before the first sandstorm and fuck that. However, my survivability is pretty bad, especially when he gets spammy with his MT towards the end. Sighhhh, I guess I'm just going to have to bring SG into this fight. One more S/L though, I got time.
... Aaaand y'done. Mastered. Haha, suck it, game I didn't know about until last week! Also, second 凶+ Mastery.
Devotion made all the difference there, though to be honest I still couldn't have done it without Bartz's Air Knife SB. Since Bartz looks like he's going to be my main Spellblade caster for a while, I am OK with doing that Gacha. I will be a little disappointed if a SG relic comes up for Gacha before I can build up another 50 mythril though.
Back to the Disciplinary Crew, not convinced that swapping Thundaja for Meteo and putting on Devotion is worth it, primarily because I'm so close to the damage cap when hitting weakness. Honestly, since I know I have until Friday before the event ends, I'm probably just going to go with my original plan: Hone Bioga to R3 (especially since I netted the Major Blacks from the collab event), retry. I honestly think taking Raijin down that much more quickly is going to be what does it. I do also now have an SB that hits his weakness, though honestly those bars should still probably be used for Protectga at that stage of the fight regardless. Mmph.
Also, from the looks of the excel doc, it says that Rinoa's RM2 is 1.15x Damage with Black Magic as opposed to 1.15xMAG, whereas Devotion and Obnoxious Brat are specifically MATK.