Yeah, I settled on Banner 1 and then looked at the FF5 event coming up and saw Faris had a BSSB. I really don't need more FF5 synergy but fuck it, FF5 is a better game than FF8. I'll probably do 3 pulls on each FF8 banner then save up Mythril for an 11 pull on the Faris BSSB banner.
Also, hey! Given the pattern of recent events having Missions where you have to beat the U/U+ bosses with an all-RS team, I may actually be able to do this one! Gilgy/Bartz/Faris are all L80, Lenna is L65 (and healers can get away with that), and I'd just have to pump up one of ExDeath, Krile, or Galuf to L70+ to make them usable. Galuf's higher level, but Krile would be more useful probably.
Speaking of, super in the future but y'all may wanna start making sure you have decent all-realm synergy parties if you wanna try for those. FFX's offered nothing special, but I think from FF7 onward they started offering Record Dive rewards.
Anyway, I proudly didn't play this morning then used up my stamina going through the FF8 event. L65 Squall/Selphie, L55 Seifer, and L35 Quistis/Irvine actually did better than I expected and beat the Elite+ Boss without much trouble. Couldn't get them past Ultima weapon, but oh well.