Algus taken down with the full FFT party, first use of stamina but like 6-7 SLs. I forgot to use a breakdown on the wizard adds before killing Algus but still got Mastery because I lost no other medals. Was actually tougher than I expected thanks to the adds. Really had to get lucky that Tempo Flurry procced Slow on them within the first 3 turns so I could just focus on Algus.
Team was
Ramza (Bard ATK buff, Full Break), actions->SB Gauge up RM
Mustadio (Dual Delay, Power Breakdown), actions->SB Gauge up RM
Delita (Indoor Spell R4, Saint's Cross R3), Dragoon's Determination
Agrias (Shellga, Indoor Spell R5), Rebel Ace
Ovelia (Protectga, Curaja), Dualcast White
A couple changes that would have made things smoother: Gau's Autohaste + Attack +10% RM on Agrias would have made her SSB come out sooner and made my life easier. Also, the magic is way more threatening, and Algus can dispel shell, so I should have switched Shellga and Protectga since Agrias really needed to be pumping her SB gauge.
Really surprised I didn't lose medals for damage taken, things got a little hairy after slow wore off on the Mages, but fortunately by that point I was almost done with the fight. Delita's SB and Mustadio's SSB are less amazing against multitarget teams. Delita's really might as well qualify as an SSB against a single target, but split between 3 targets he gets Malak syndrome. They both do, and bad. Musty's a little bit more OK with that since spreading out his attacks means more chances for status to proc, but in a boss fight, meh. Mustadio's is also a little... uh, underwhelming at the moment, especially against bosses that don't have status vulnerabilities. That said he and Delita are still only in their Mid 50s so it's not like it's bad, just not as good as the other SSB I got. Agrias' is pretty great, and it makes a good case for her to start switching in for Bartz or Ramza in my A-Team during some U/U+ fights. Proooooobably not Zack, just because Hastega is pretty well mandatory, but regardless.
Gonna hold off on Queklain until I can level up my newbies a bit more on Sunday, but I have the feeling I'm going to have to swap in my A-team for that battle. Looks kinda brutal.