Warning: Sperg ahead.
So I realized that probably by far and away the best thing I can be doing with my Record Dive materials is pumping Tyro up. He's kinda useless now minus his amazeballs BSSB and some minor utility, and because of that BSSB he's almost never not going to be on my A-team for some of the harder fights, so time to start pumping him up. But just how much full 100% mastery help his case?!? Currently at L80 and two classes mastered, his important stats are:
ATK 117, MAG 106, MND 106
I already had a couple classes mastered and calculated what his stats should be without those levels, discrepancies are due to maths errors. His DEF and MDEF aren't terribly off from his counterparts (though Zack's DEF is kinda shit 113 at L80 lol k son), and his HP is fine (beats Aeris' by a lot, and stands to beat some others after some pumping. So let's go through what each class gives him and see just how beefy your Shitbrat Can Be:
3* upgrade mats:
Warrior: ATK1, HP70, DEF1, ATK1, ATK 3 = HP 70, ATK 5, DEF1, 0 rest at mastery
Knight: DEF1, ATK1, HP100, DEF1, DEF2 = HP100, ATK1, DEF5, 0 rest
Hunter: MAG1, DEF1, ATK1, HP60, MND2 = HP60, ATK1, DEF1, MAG1, MIND2, 0 rest
Thief: MND1, DEF1, ATK1, HP55, MAG2 = HP55, ATK1, DEF1, MAG2, MND1, 0 rest
BM: MAG1, HP40, MDEF1, MAG2, Skl* = HP40, ATK0, DEF0, MAG3, MND0, MDEF1
WM: MND1, HP40, MDEF1, MND2, skl**= HP40, ATK0, DEF0, MAG0, MND3, MDEF1
*BMagic Damage 3% up
**WMagic Damage 3% up
3* Class Totals = HP365, ATK8, DEF8, MAG6, MND6, MDEF2
Which brings him... nowhere near good in any stat except HP! Yay. But wait, 3* skills are a dime a dozen now that DeNA got backlash from whales about how rare they were making them at the start. 4*s, that's where the good bits are at now, eh?
M Sword: ATK3, MDEF3, HP170, ATK6, Skil% = HP170, ATK9, DEF0, MAG0, MND 0, MDEF3
Paladin: DEF3, ATK3, Def4, HP250, DEF6 = HP250, ATK3, DEF13
Ninja: MDef3, Mag3, DEF5, HP160, ATK6 = HP160, ATK 6, DEF5, MAG3, MND0, MDEF3
Conjuror: MAG3, HP100, MDEF3, MAG6, skl^=HP100, ATK0, DEF0, MAG9, MND0, MDEF3
Shaman: MND3, HP100, MDEF3, MND6, skl&=HP100, ATK0, DEF0, MAG0, MND9, MDEF3
4* Class TOTAL: HP780, ATK18, DEF18, MAG12, MND9, MDEF12
% Spellblade Damage +6%
^ BM damage +6%
& WM damage +6%
Doin' better. For the record, here's the combined totals:
3* and 4* Totals = HP1155, ATK26, DEF26, MAG18, MND 15, MDEF14
So after all that (and it will be a long time, 4* upgrade mats have only shown up in the super-difficult Ifrit battle and the U+-grade FF13 battle we just got), Your Tyro can have, at base:
HP6699, ATK143, DEF132, MAG124, MND121, MDEF 120
Now let's be clear, they're still not spectacular (HP aside, that beats out everyone in my A-team by a lot), especially when you take into account that other characters can get Record Dive benefits and pouring all your mats into Tyro means they won't get better. BUT, with synergy I regularly scrape the ATK softcap and whatnot on those characters so they don't really need it as much. #welfare and all that. He still drags waaaaaay behind in MAG compared to, say, Terra and Krile, though the total+9% innate bonus to Magic helps him there. He also isn't anywhere near Bartz, Zack, Agrias, or Seph, but is only 20 points behind Gilgamesh and Faris at base, and 30 (ok 28) behind Ramza, which is honestly fine for the role he fills.
The nice thing, too, is that given the way upgrade mats work, pumping up both his physical and his magical classes aren't mutually exclusive. He won't ever be great, but he won't be nearly so garbage at everything once I get him up to snuff. Maybe I'll even change his name when that day happens.
Oh, and he has one more class. I didn't bring it up because I have the feeling it uses 5* materials. It gives him another 6 MAG and MIND (Totals: 130MAG, 127MND), sleep and silence resist, and another 9% damage mod when hitting a weakness. That gives him an innate 18% damage boost when hitting weakness off Black and White magic, and 15% off higher base ATK when hitting weakness against Spellblade. All this makes him a lot less useless stat wise.
He also can use neat combos like Dark Raid and Saint's Cross, so maybe I need to rethink his role in my party (esp. because his breakdown burst attacks are physical).
Sperg over.
Wrapped up some events, FF13 event bonus battles are done and unnoteworthy, except to note that I thoroughly dislike the Start: Doom conditions to most of the FF13 boss battles. Also beat the 4* Mat boss for FF13, actually quite reasonable. Good, that means I only have to put effort into Ifrit. Still waiting on trying that again until after Sundaily, since I want to get Jecht leveled up, though maybe I should try it beforehand in case plan: make Monk Useful fails. Eh, I have people to be social with and habits to form, plus also I just don't really want to do it. We'll see how that goes. Doing all this Tyro math did help me get pumped up for suckin' out them sweet, sweet Ifrit resources tho.
Ninja edit: Mog Party, Drama King Cecil Party (that nullifies mog party but stfu), plus a SSB? Shale you better be clearin' the ultimates from now on. You're now better equipped than I was at your age.
Actual EDIT: Though really you could do with a Hastega, or at least a Medica too.