Vaan's OSB mults finally announced. Sounds like it ranges from 11x to 14x based off stats broken, increasing by 50% for each one, and gets a 100% if all 5 are broken (probably because Mind Break is a lot more limited?) That seems alright, as I was worried they were going to be absurd from the outset with Powercreep or some such, but this? On average stronger than your standard OSBs (if you can't get at least 3 stats broken on meaningful content...), but it lacks any elemental quirks that others can take advantage of, so it has obvious limitations.
Squall's OSB is, as expected, an Ice elemental one. Rinoa seems to be getting one too which is Earth elemental and I imagine it's identical to Terra's otherwise (being Earth though makes it clearly worse.)
Also new MC3s, this one seems to logical pattern for who gets it! Garland, Leon, Kain, Krile, Sabin, Zack, Zell, Beatrix, Auron, Basch, Hope, Thancred and Delita. Yeah, an FF3 character got skipped but I'm sure that's related to how Onion Knight was released with his MC3, thus they already had 3 characters (...then again, doesn't FF2 have 4 now because Leila got hers in the last batch alongside Maria?)
LASTLY: Yodaru, the guy who does these weird RK challenges like Naked Mages and such, just posted a video of beating Fragment Ifrit where his ONLY source of damage was Terra's OSB. Its pretty impressive really.
EDIT: Weekly rewards are up. Black/Lightning/Dark for the Major Orbs...well, that's 31k Greens down the drain for me! Also another unexpected apology mythril.