Trying to decide what 6* skills to use, so for Futref:
Abyss/Nightmare 6* abilities and upmats
Ultima, Black/Non/Fire
Meltdown, Black/Fire/Earth
Curajaja, White/Earth/Holy
Reraise, White/Wind/Holy
Bahamut Neo, Summon/Non/Black
Viligarmandia, Summon/Ice/Thunder
Crushdown, Power/Fire/Earth
Omegadrive, Power/Fire/Dark
Penalty 4, Power/Non/Thunder
Penalty Break, Power/Non/Dark
N. Cross, Power/Ice/Wind
Speedster, Power/Thunder/Wind
Class Record Dive 6*s and consitutent upmats
Snowstorm Strike, Power/Ice/Wind
Aegis Strike, Ice/Earth/Holy
Allegro Con Moto, White/Earth/Holy
Penalty Snipe, Ice/Thunder/Dark
Sky High, Thunder/Earth/Wind
Thief, Fire/Wind/Dark
Samurai, Non/Ice/Dark
Ninja, Ice/Wind/Dark
Monk, Fire/Thunder/Earth
So, thinking Meltdown, Mug whatever, Viligarmanda, Speedster, and Penalty Break. There have been a few bosses recently with obnoxious status, so lowering the infliction rate is looking more and more appealing. But in any case, this gives me a pretty well rounded resource spread. That said, Holy and White crystals are entirely unused, and it looks like I'll have a bunch of earth orbs leftover too. I suppose I could hone Allegro Con Moto, too.