I suppose. It's just that I can't see all that much use for a non-elemental two-hit ITD physical on content where I can't RW Cloud USB. I mean, I'm not bringing Seph to sub-30 Magicite with that, and past that... there's not really much in the way of actually difficult content in the game? Were it at least his BSB2, I'd have another viable Dark physical option, and -that's- a niche where I'm objectively lacking (magical dark is pretty nuts due to LD'd Raines and Kuja/Nabaat BSBs, which etch me consistent sub-30 Mist Dragon runs, at least). Cyan's BSB, actually looking at it, would've been kinda neat like a year ago, the party-wide crit bonus+Retaliate combo is kinda cool. But that's just not where the metagame's at.
That and I still need non-Ice Chain Soul Breaks. Man, having Ingus' CSB would be nice. Or Zack's. Or Tidus'. You get the drill.
EDIT: It just hit me that I'm likely just a maintenance and a FFTA event away from picking up enough tools to sub-30 all current Magicites. I still have Earth, Lightning and Dark left, but they're all in the 33-38 seconds range and I can see where Shelke's LD and the ability buff would let me shave off those seconds. Fire and Wind sub-30s are slightly inconsistent, but Ice, Water and Holy I've got more or less down to a science. Dark in particular, just being able to fling Orlandeau OSBs earlier and faster would be a gamechanger, since Raines BSB/OSB does the rest of the work.