
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 122102 times)

Magic Fanatic

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1750 on: August 18, 2016, 03:58:37 AM »
A part of me wishes that was a typo...  But if it was, then it'd probably just mean me having even MORE Tellahs.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1751 on: August 18, 2016, 04:49:01 PM »
Xcom2: Less than halfway through? I'm pushing major/colonial on my main team now which is nice, but need to start clearing more plot missions. The avatar project goes up *fast* if you don't stay on top of it.

I like the game, but Alien rulers are a bad design choice. Getting to act every time you act+appearing out of the blue is a bad combo. I know better than to do that mission that activates them now till late, but whoof. They beg for some repeater/save scumming abuse in the worst way.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1752 on: August 18, 2016, 04:56:09 PM »
They are a DLC addition so I haven't got to them personally yet.  My older brother did a Legendary run with them though and he isn't a wizard at the game or anything.  They all pretty much just have tricks to them.  Kinda puzzle bosses you can brute force.  Doing massive damage as an alpha strike certainly is one of the options.

That is if you have the Sharpshooters to do it with.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1753 on: August 18, 2016, 04:59:43 PM »
Yeah, I'm glad there is DLC content but I just don't care for them as a design choice/fight. They're at least trying with the DLC, though Shen's is the best by miles.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1754 on: August 18, 2016, 07:36:50 PM »
Pokemon Blue: Finished in DLCon. 


Fun little nostalgia trip, but also a good demonstration at no, the older times were NOT better.  So many QoL changes have happened since the game came out, the raw number of interesting options increases in later generations not just because of new Pokemon, but also the general balance (case in point: Fighting types being usable.)  The AI in this game is worse than I remember too; I knew about the "Looks at typing above all else" factor hence the infamous TPP Venomth > Dragonite scenario but I had forgotten that it literally looks at ONLY typing, and doesn't care about effect.  Case in point, Rival's Alakazam used Recover on it's first turn despite going first...then used Reflect 4 turns in a row.  Why? Because all these moves are Psychic so totally worth using on whatever it was fighting! 

Still fun, but the series has definitely improved since the old games, so really the only thing it has is the historical value and nostalgia on the newer games...and well, ok, it's arguably better than GSC, I suppose.
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1755 on: August 18, 2016, 07:45:47 PM »
Put in a few hours of No Man's Sky now, so a few thoughts:

  • I enjoy the discovery sandbox core of the game. Who knows what weird randomly generated planets, plants, and animals I'll run across? Let's go raid another abandoned site!
  • Thanks to a few tips from Soppy, the exploration is a bit more bearable. I was getting very frustrated with the extremely limited inventory space and seeming inability to advance past this. Turns out there are some unusual but not unique sites that provide access to upgrades for that.
  • I have now died 3 times. Once because I had no idea what was going on. A second time in that same area wherein I discovered running to your ship is not enough protection. A third time when I ran into some hostile aliens while flying to a new planet and I am not so good at space battles.
  • This is going to get incredibly repetitive very fast. There is a storyline in the background but because of the nonlinear gameplay that, again, makes up the core of the experience, they can't push it too hard. The reveal is slow. Finding resources you need to advance that plot can also be really slow. The visuals change a lot, and your access to certain materials shift, but it's the same motions of collect-upgrade-continue that drive the whole game.
Between the lack of interactivity with other players and the very basic design of the experience, I don't know how long I'll be enjoying this. But for now, I am, and that's good enough for me.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 12:01:28 AM by Lady Door »
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1756 on: August 18, 2016, 11:14:54 PM »
I think there's an interesting gap between how No Man's Sky has been presented at large and what its best assets are.

The supposed appeal:
A universe of endless possibility
A procedural generation technique that you can wonk out about
Naming shit funny names
Aliens that may turn out to be shaped like dicks

The real appeal:
A unique, goddamn beautiful color palate and shading style
A really cool atmosphere-to-space transition
Can we talk some more about the color you guys because holy shit
Aliens that may turn out to be shaped like dicks

(seriously all the procedural generation talk seems to me to detract from what my natural impulse is: treating the game first and foremost as a visual artistic accomplishment)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 11:17:59 PM by NotMiki »
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Magic Fanatic

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1757 on: August 19, 2016, 04:26:52 AM »
Things I've learned about FFBE:

Unless I need the power RIGHT NOW, then do my LB Grinding BEFORE Awakening a character.  Otherwise, said grinding takes *even longer*.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1758 on: August 19, 2016, 04:45:31 AM »
Limit break leveling up is terribly unimportant so don't worry about it too much.

FFBE:  Got inspired by Magic's pulls and decided to do some of my own.

Clyne x2
Golbez (second pull)
Kefka (third pull, should have stopped here lol)
Maria x2
Shadow x2
Krile x2

So not bad overall but I really wanted Bartz.  Will probably grind out some Trust Masteries now since I'm done with Gravity Rod and have character dupes.


Fallen London:  Finished Shadowy-> 100 and almost done with Watchful.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1759 on: August 19, 2016, 03:34:35 PM »
I've started a replay of Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest. Hard Classic again. Only real goals for this playthrough are to get the kids I haven't yet (Ophelia, Soleil, Ignatius, Forrest, Ophelia) as well as use the first-gen characters I've not yet used much (Mozu, Odin, Laslow, Benny, Charlotte). Mozu and Odin in the early maps should make them more interesting. Anyway I just beat C8.

Also, Wild Arms XF fiesta continues:

2-1 (Kappa) [2 resets]: There isn't much to say about this one. I use Translate to warp over to the central island after killing the initial berserkers and try to start slowly engaging enemies. Just need to be careful when the reinforcements show up. Nothing too bad but I need to execute well; this is certainly the type of battle where going with only four PCs instead of six hurts.

2-2 (sentinel switches) [1 reset]: Actually, I do this fight without Sentinel for the first time. It's possible to get up the elevators using Replace, too, either from the first elevator, or from the switch. I can also fire elementalist spells up from either the switches or the platform around one one of them. Replace sees a fair bit of use here, too, for instance to pull elementalists into range of my other units (and since replace is range 6, I can get the drop on them with it). A lot of the enemies here don't move so I can abuse that, although I have to be careful because the strider damage can add up fast with their range and height advantage. Sharp is annoying to take out and I end up replacing her down to my lower team so they can gangbeat her. Oh yeah, and there are some reinforcements who come from the back but they basically suck because they come in separate waves (grapplers come first while Enigmancers use Protect, then the Enigmancers, and finally the Strider doesn't move until you're in range).

2-3 (meowsery) [2 resets]: Ugh, I have more trouble with this one than I should. The Secutors with axes hit really hard. I use combination arts to take out enemies, but the vertical range 1 on books hurts, since there are a lot of height-2 cliffs on this map, and the shuriekn CAs just don't hurt that much by comparison. Felius, when he shows up, is an elementalist to do some semblance of real damage, so that helps. Not too bad when I manage to go slow and take care of enemies one or two at a time and avoid getting wrecked by Secutors or Gadgeteers. I even make use of the rings' property of boosting your evade when you wait on the spot to bait in the low-hit secutor, that's a highlight.

My third job is Grappler, so that'll be cool for positioning things. Now for the hell map~

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Magic Fanatic

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1760 on: August 19, 2016, 08:33:25 PM »
FFBE - Yay, new event!...

...Wait, the new abilities require WHAT to create?

Stonra Blade - 1.4x Earth Hybrid Damage - 7 MP
24x Earth Megacryst
13x Elemental Tear
18x Broken Blade
18x Hard Pebble
1x Alcryst

So, let me get this straight - you want me to go through this event dungeon a minimum of 9 times to get 18 of this event-only material, plus 24 Megacrysts which are ridiculously rare...  For a move that's basically going to deal about .7x on base before weaknesses, and if you aren't hitting 100% Earth Weakness, it sucks.  Did they intend to insult our intelligence with this move, or was it just accidental?

Burst Shot - 1x Physical with 100% Critical, so effectively a flat 1.5x physical - 6 MP
10x Fire Cryst
10x Ice Cryst
10x Silver Ore
5x Hard Pebble
1x Alcryst

Okay, that's a little more sane on material requirements, on top of being a passable attack.  1.5x physical damage for 6 MP is actually fairly decent and consistant, so this might be worth getting a copy or two for your front-liners.

HP +15% - Right on the tin - Passive
27x Light Megacryst
16x Tough Scale
13x Dragon Scale
20x Pure Stone
1x Alcryst

Aaand we go right back into requirements of stupid.  5% more HP than a more easily farmable ability (just fuse a bunch of Rizers together) should not require 10 runs through this stupid killer event, plus 27 freaking Megacrysts.  Brave Exvius, why you do this?

EDIT - So I decided to have a look at the Brave Exvius Reddit...  And there's a bunch of people saying that the cost of Stonra Blade and HP+15% was increased by a lot.  Like 5 Pure Stones -> 20 Pure Stones increase.  My intelligence is insulted even further.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 08:48:51 PM by Magic Fanatic »

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1761 on: August 20, 2016, 05:56:43 PM »
Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE -

So we continue our journey to be an idol. We successfully vanquished the foul Gangrel and got a new party member, Eleanora/Ellie. Itsuki, the sensitive and caring guy that he is, meets her and immediately asks her if she’s biracial. ;) A real charmer.

So shenanigans occur, the enka artist Mamori goes to a singing event at the TV studio, and then demons crash the party. This has definitely not happened before and is totally surprising. So we go through the Chapter 3 dungeon. It is pretty tough at first, since I am playing on Hard mode, and lots of little puzzles but it’s okay. So I face Draug, the evil evil guy who makes Barry dress like an 80’s metal band guy with a skeleton shoulder pad instead of dressing like a creepy otaku pedophile. Wait, how is this a downgrade?

We save(?) Barry with the power of Mamori’s enka music, and fight Draug. Like most of the HM bosses, he is a huge pain in the ass. He defends his allies and revives them, and one of them has good healing. I pound my head against the wall vs. this boss for a while until I realized that trying to play at DLC was a bad idea. Finally beat him and moved on. We get the axe wielding little girl in our party, yay.

Barry is now obsessed with Mamori and you do this pathetic sidequest to fetch a Mamori special edition keychain. Can we just execute him now?

Class changing exists! I chose Conquerer first.

In Chapter 4, Tsubasa (the female lead) and Ellie take part in a production of a tv show called Sneeze Detective Maho. Tsubasa is a terrible actress but is only placed in the role due to her idol popularity. The director, Kuen Tarachino, then gets possessed by evil and makes you go through a series of trials to prove that you are good enough at acting to be part of his show.

I foguht a miniboss! It is really hard too! Although I didn’t have any resets, it was mostly due to good luck rather than anything else.

I actually have been enjoying the sidequests in the game. You help Tsubasa develop social skills, you see Touma develop empathy, you talk about Ellie’s feelings as an outsider/novelty which are pretty resonant, and Kiria’s compromising between her cute side and her tough girl side. Nothing too deep, but all of the quests have been pretty fun.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1762 on: August 20, 2016, 09:42:00 PM »
AM2R: 100% clear! Yay me.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1763 on: August 21, 2016, 12:57:50 AM »
Pokemon Y: At the Victory Road.  Selena gave me a brief scare when I thought her Chesnaght might sweep me (Fighting type when I'm packing 4 Darks?  uh oh), as he outsped Gardevoir and OHKO'd it before it could unleash nonsense, but luckily Florges saved the day.  Also Super Repels not working as well as I'd hope.  Maybe I'm too low level I guess?

Ice Gym was not a total pushover, since I don't have any Fire attacks to hit weakness with, but they were generally pretty bad at threatening me, too.  Umbreon could 3x Charm most threats at worst while laughing off their damage.

Visiting the Pokemon town felt really weird, since presumably this is where Pokemon go to not be around humans, but you can cheerfully be a slaver who visits their town and carries off innocents in your Pokeballs.  Alas.  Also, since Jigglypuffs were in the area...  I see there is no Tuffite for Mega-Wifflytuff and the like?!  What's up with that, Smash proves that Jigglypuff can mega-evolve into a giant form eons ago with the help of a Final Smash.  Checking the Interwebs, I see that most of the mega-evolutions for my party involve beating the game...  ugh.  (Absol & Gardevoir, specifically.)

Team Flare & their base was mostly just punching bags, as expected.  I guess if you refuse to use your new Legendary, Lysandre is potentially dangerous...?  A little?  But not really.  Also, while in general the story of XY is better than yon average Pokemon tale, they were a little TOO kid-friendly toward the end...  like, sucking up Pokemon power on route 10, not letting you go there, but having Team Flare members inform you that the screams of the Pokemon are in service to a higher cause, so it's best not to listen too closely, was pretty good on the kid horror scale.  Then the ultimate weapon fires anyway but at...  what?  Game doesn't really make clear.  Did Team Flare just blow up their own base?  Nobody says anything.  I'd say just not have it fire if you can't tell me what got blow'd up.

While going in reverse order, the Psychic gym can go jump into a pit and die.  Long boring corridors to nowhere that take a long time to walk through and make it easy to get turned around and go the wrong way.  It was for the most part extremely easy as well due to packing a bunch of Dark types...  only the Psychic - Fighting dual types like Mienfoo were really a threat.


Elf: Normally I'd say hahaha RIP at doing 2-4 in a fiesta environment, especially a 4-character restriction one, but...  Elementalist + Grappler are like the 2 most potent draws you can get for that map, so hey, might be doable without grind2winning after all!  Good luck...

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1764 on: August 21, 2016, 05:27:27 AM »
No Man's Sky: So I'm about 12 systems and 34 planets in. Dunno how many hours. I'm enjoying it because there's still moments where I just walk over a hill and the scenery is amazing, and I just love wandering about the world in games anyway, so this was made for me in many ways. A bit repetitious overall and needed more assets to place on planets, but it's good times. Also needs a compass. There's some modern gaming things I can understand not including, since doing a minimap is prolly way too hard for the setup, but a compass at least would be awesome.

Here's the current equipment:

I've decided to max out the suit (48 slots) before upgrading the ship any more. Vaguely more useful, since it's easier to find the non-stackable mats that sell for 25k a pop than Emeril/Gold grind. Plus you know, 30+ slot ships start at like 10 million (The 24 slot ship I bought was 1.6 million, for reference).

Other than that, I think some people have it right in that sometimes the game is a better photography sim than anything else. Some good shots to be had #Photojournal - Shots of what I affectionately refer to as one of the "Ballz Planets" since Gravitino Balls are one of those insanely profitable things you can grind for. Still one of my favorites. - I'm pretty sure the way the planets hang in the sky, they're waaaaaaaay too close for physics not to be a thing (those are other planets in the system, not moons). Pretty though, makes for good pictures. - Some of my favorite pics. The whole planet was covered in those arch things which made for amazing pics. Was also covered in lots of greenery. - And of course, the little critters I affectionately named "Grefter"s because they're little hopping dildo blobs.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1765 on: August 21, 2016, 05:37:57 AM »
Snowfire: Y'know I'm sure I saw all this X/Y plot but damned if I can remember any of it.

2-4 is doable with any fiesta team, I'd think! The strategy specifics aren't really tied to any one class, or set of classes. Just... yeah, it's difficult. Speaking of which...

Wild Arms XF

2-4 (gate of hell) [2 resets]: Geomancer can use Translate to warp past most of the enemies to the back of the map. Grappler can throw enemies away to make them less of a threat, while simultaneously doing damage (although the throw can't quite get them out of range of the grappler, unless they can be dropped to the bottom part of the map, but sadly that's where I warp to). Elementalist just has good sources of damage to easily get the required three enemies into critical. So... yeah this is a good party for this battle.

But at the end of the day this battle isn't about specific classes or skills, it's about knowing how it works. Which means you need to be careful of which enemies can attack which allies and keep everyone alive at all costs, while lowering enemies to critical... but not too fast! The third should not be lowered into critical until everyone is right up next to the gate. Once the gate opens, sentinels will spawn a few hexes in front of it and they'll be annoying to move past; also two Geomancers spawn with Shut Out. You don't want them to get turns. The trick is to trigger the gate opening with a fast PC so they'll go before the Geomancers, and so will everyone else. (Grappler can toss the Geos out of Shut Out range, at least, which is a nice perk though not one I use on the winning run.) Then just quickly have everyone make a dash for it.

By comparison, the other battles in Elensia are easier.

2-5 (sentinels in the streets): I have both Geomancer and Grappler now, ultimate control of enemy position is mine! My grapplers toss enemies towards my magical blasters so that they can destroy them, rinse and repeat. Not much to say here, the enemies don't have too coherent or sensible a plan.

2-6 (Asgard): Shut Out, wait for him to run out of MP. Once his invincibilty and Aoe OHKO damage are no longer on the table, he's simple enough to take down, mostly with Combination Arts triggered by my book-users.

2-7 (Rupert 2): This battle is kind of tricky but I win first try anyway. Shuirken and gems give me some ranged damage, Levin rushes through the map and takes out most of the generators himself. I try to ignore the enemies and they do kill several people as I do it but I'm able to get all the generators destroyed in about 53 out of 60 turns. Replace does help for repositioning some.

2-8 (plot fight): Still a plot fight.

2-9 (Elensia escape run): Replace is the hero again! I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do this job without Berserker or Excavator but hey. Anyway I unequip one of my Grapplers so that he can toss forward the slower PCs (Labby, who gets few turns, and my Elementalist who has poor move) forward periodically. I do a bunch of that. I take the time to kill off the first few enemies to cut down on turns they get, but I also use Replace to move myself forward a bunch. Then, at the final line of Sentinels, Replace is just the damn saviour. They don't move and try to annoy you with their ZOC, but Replacing them all away just ignores all that, and best of all they continue to not move so I can ignore them (which is good because they're durable). At that point I can just finish off the run. I use 90-some of the 99 turns but it's enough. I also learn that yes, you can throw allies into the escape zone and have them escape immediately that way.

Fire Emblem Fates

Beat Chapter 11. Odin has actually paid off, aside from requiring that 4000 gold investment into Nosferatu; him + Elise pairup actually dealt with the northwest area of C10 by themselves. Mozu is still coming along, though at least now that she has Quick Draw + D rank bows she does hit really hard. I beat chapter 10 on the first try which I'm fairly proud of.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1766 on: August 21, 2016, 12:41:35 PM »
The old-school PCRPG bug bit, so I'm playing Baldur's Gate again. Thief Bhaalspawn, definitely not a bad idea. Going to be stubborn and not multiclass ever (actually I don't think I can because I'm an elf?) At least it's something different.

Outstanding testaments to the hilarious fragility of low-level adventures:

Death 1: One-shotted by a wolf right out of Candlekeep.
Death 2: One-shotted by Silke's lightning bolt...which promptly ricocheted off a wall and killed Silke too (a fine illustration of why I never use this spell myself).

Silke's plan has got to be the dumbest scheme that I have ever seen any NPC try to perpetrate. "I don't want to pay these guys for I'll pay this other dude to pay some other dudes to kill the first dudes for me. But I can totally kill all eight of them at once if they do something unexpected like actually talk to each other."


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1767 on: August 21, 2016, 06:10:15 PM »
Gotta be human to Dual Class.   Multi class you have to do at character creation.

Did you just go base Thief or did you pick a Prestige Class

Also pretty sure Silke was paying you guys less than the first lot.

Fallen London - Having trouble deciding whether to side with the Magicians or the Mediums.   The Magicians work with creepy mirror body doubles who are associated with the Finger Kings in the Parabola and the Kinger Kings are bad news.  On the other hand I got my Destiny by dreaming about being their Huntsman.

I have no idea who the Mediums are associated with burns assume it is either one of the Masters or it is also the Finger Kings.

Edit - A google later says that the Shroud who are the Mediums and stuff are not involved in that.  They are just a bunch of liars and cats.

I will side with the cats.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2016, 06:14:53 PM by Grefter »
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1768 on: August 22, 2016, 04:09:23 AM »
Fallen London:  I am now a person of some importance.  Working on getting my own ship, so I can be an actual Captain K.  Also I need a wife.  Is Yattaf still playing?

FFBE:  Exploration event is boring.  Will do it enough to get a second Burst Shot (have 1 already) and one HP+15%.  Not going to bother with Stonra Blade.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1769 on: August 22, 2016, 05:09:58 AM »
Pokemon Black 2: Started a replay of this after transfiguring everything to Pokemon Bank.

Chose my starter by handing the game to my sister and letting her pick because I've used all Gen 5 starters and really didn't have any care this time, and probably going to stop using my starter this game to open up options.  She chose Tepig because reasons.

Not really sure what I want this playthrough, so I'll probably use things and play it by ear as I come across things I find interesting that I haven't used a lot of.  Just got to the town with the 2nd Gym.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1770 on: August 22, 2016, 10:58:28 AM »
FFBE: Finally got a Rod of Gravity cooking in the Crock Pot.  Just need...  About 200 more Farplane Souls for the second one.

Also, should break into Arena INT-S later today.  Full Break from Vaan is absolutely nuts.  This cannot be overstated.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1771 on: August 23, 2016, 03:11:30 AM »
Trails of Cold Steel

Finished. Total time clocked was about 74 hours. Quite long, but it was very enjoyable pretty much all the way through. At no point during the game did I really lose interest or wanted it to be over like say DQ8 earlier this year. This is a good sign. In terms of what kept my interest for that long, it's hard to say. I don't think there was any one thing - rather the combined parts packaged together made the experience. Pretty much everything I could think of was great, with the exception of  the Final Chapter (more on that later): The characters, the NPCs, the setting, the plot, the gameplay, the music were all excellent. That's not to say it doesn't have its flaws, but the problems that strike out at me are rather minute and may be more nitpicking more than anything.

If I had to label the strongest contributor for holding my interest for the entire game, it would definitely have to be the work done around the characters. Pretty much all of them were entertaining. The premise of the game starts you off in a military academy and the rigidity of social classes. But the class that you are assigned to doesn't have that barrier and is instead a mixture of aristocracy and commoners. This obviously leads to conflict between characters, and much like real life, you're not going to get along with everyone that you meet, which is exactly what you see. But the game does a damn good job at making them all grow in a believable enough fashion and doesn't rush any of the development. By the end, they all change a little and it grows on you nicely. Jusis for example, is still cynical and cold, but by the end, he comes to respect his classmates in Class VII. Special shout outs to all the work that Falcom placed around the NPCs. All the instructors were quite amusing in their own way as well as the important figures such as Prince Olivert or Rufus (Jusis' brother.) I loved all the 2nd years (sans Crowe), especially Towa. I think she's now my favourite NPC character alongside Luserina, which says quite a bit since she isn't even as centralizing as Luserina.

As for the setting, the game delivers pretty well on that too. There's no overworld map. Instead you travel to different parts of the world by train. Y'know like actual people. And the one time you get to visit a Nomadic settlement, they give you a horse and the field is *gigantic*. Honestly, the areas in this game are extremely well designed. The towns feel like actual towns, have quite a few people and the houses feel like actual buildings. The game gives you quick traveling to places in town, which is excellent given the amount of backtracking that you often have to do. My main gripe here is that the option should've been available in field areas/encounter areas as well. Sometimes you need to backtrack to certain locations in a field, and you have no choice but to walk all the way through, which can be quite tedious. Speaking of the train, it adds a nice little bit of symbolism to the game - how many of us can walk down the same path as guided by the tracks, but ultimately we make our own stops and choices. The music is top notch, as is expect for a Falcom game. I love all the battle tracks but pretty much every track played is excellent or fits the situation to a tee.

One of the other things I liked about the game is that it doesn't do pointless anime pandering for the sake of pandering. Thank god by the way. I remember playing Persona 4 earlier in the year and a lot of that pandering stuff that was added to Golden made me cringe so badly. Case in point is that during the summer months, the class does swimming training. Since everyone is still in class, you get the standard gym swimsuits, instead of something potentially worse. After the class, there is a hidden event where if you participate, it's actually the guys that get drilled on how to swim more efficiently. Sure there's another event following that involves the girls, but it's your instructor who grills you regarding the training and pretty much no pervy stuff going on. There's no hot springs scene (supposedly though there is a audio CD? whatever), and the school festival is like a million times more believable and not as cringe inducing. That doesn't mean it's completely free of the animez, but it's notably less silly and the game lampshades itself in situations where its appropriate (Rean being used as the butt monkey in group assignments).

As for the Gameplay, it's very solid. You have 9 party members for a large portion of the game and 11 later on, with every member of the cast specializing in doing something different. This is quite a task especially once you consider that the 9 characters you start with are all good in their own right! The balance between the PCs feels very solid. PCs that are worse at the start are significantly better at the end and vice versa in other cases. I played the game on Normal but I would recommend to any DL people planning to play the game to play on Hard unless you just want to relax. Normal is a little easy once past Chapter 2 with only maybe 1 or 2 fights afterwards that pose any challenge (and then it depends on how well prepared you are). It's definitely a complaint I have, but since you can adjust the difficulty, the only real nitpick is that you can't change the difficulty after starting. It's harder than SH2 mind, so its not like the game is completely free or unenjoyable. The battle system is CTB with positioning elements (like Grandia 3/Wild ARMS 4) to it as well as event reel that is randomized. Think Xenosaga, except the effects are more meaningful and play more of an impact a battle. Your characters can be set up with quartz which as my sister put it, is essentially materia for dummies, so it's very easy to get into.

Characters can also link with each other during fights, which allows them to assist the other character, and herein lies another area where the characters are all unique. You can perform linked attacks if you can unbalance or break an enemy's stance and each character has different proficiency in the 4 physical classes. For example, Rean has a S in Slashing, which means against enemies who are more vulnerable to Slash based physicals, he can get a linked attack easier, which increases the damage he deals (nearly double in some cases). Meanwhile, someone like Machias has a A in Pierce and B in Blunt, which means that while he hits two different categories, he's less likely to cause a stagger. This in terms makes him less physically proficient than Rean. These differences stretch to linked bonuses as well. At a Level 3 Link, Rean will occasionally Defend his linked partner. Meanwhile, at Level 3, Machias has Auto-Tear, which means he will occasional counter by healing his linked partner. This type of differentiation kept the cast pretty interesting and encouraged you to try everyone out. The game will even lend a hand by forcing certain party compositions on you during the story! But you are free to select your party anytime you are examining the schoolhouse dungeon so it's quite fun trying out different combinations of characters, especially since the effectiveness and roles change throughout.

Some other nitpicks that I didn't get to above. Outside of the difficulty and lack of quick travel in field areas, some plot related stuff - the entire bit of Crowe seriously bugs me. Many of his interactions felt forced and I never felt once any camaraderie with this character. Considering the twist they do, it doesn't sell me on what I guess Falcom wanted me to feel. He just feels more like a giant tool than anything else as a result. Also the explanation for the twist felt extremely poor and I still don't find myself buying it. Then the entire final chapter was just silly. I don't have any problems with the cliffhanger ending, but really? When did this game turn into Gundam Seed? It goes back to what I was joking about with some of my speedrunning friends, that every JRPG inevitably ends up with either demons or giant robots. At least Trails of Cold Steel doesn't disappoint in this regard.

In addition, there is no cutscene skip. Why? I mean, yes, there's a fast forward feature, but really? Cutscene skipping should be a staple in this era of games and that's not just me being a speedrunner. You have a synopsis and shit for people to read anyway so what are we afraid of by adding this in? The game (at least on the PS3) also has a few points where it tends to crash. The most frequent ones are when you play the card game, but I've also seen it  when it was transitioning to a story event before, which  made me have to redo *everything* before then. This is also why cutscene skipping would help! The Vita version doesn't have any of these problem as far as I am aware and is basically better because the text, numbers and some of the buffs are more legible. Finally, there's essentially no post game, which is a shame. Some of the good stuff that they give you comes in way too late to matter (some Master Quartz) and others are way too dependent on tiny little triggers, where if you miss it, you're locked out forever. An example of this is the book collection which is required to get an item necessary to make an ultimate weapon. I guess if you did all the optional quests as they come up, it's essentially bonus side content - just in the middle of the game instead of all in the end. Doesn't excuse the placement or distribution of rewards though.

Whew! And with that, that's about it. Overall, this game sits with me probably at about 9.5 to a 10. One of the very few games where I feel that the 10 is definitely possible since the entire package is just so well done. We will see though as time passes on. Highly recommended from me to anyone who has it or is like CK and thinks good JRPGs are dead. Cold Steel is proof that there are still excellent titles out there. Maybe not as much as the PS2/DC/Gamecube/XBox era, but they still exist.

Closing thoughts regarding characters (battle performance mostly) -

Rean - I like Rean. He's honest, dependable and isn't a total idiot. In fact, he's portrayed as being quite sharp, but having his own weaknesses in self confidence and moments of uncertainty, which makes him easy to relate to. Of course, since he's the lead male, he gets stuck with total obliviousness around women. Anime tropes man! In battle, Rean starts off more as a fighter, but as the game goes on becomes more of a fast striker. He has two fixed time slots on his ARCUS grid, and since his magic growth is pretty poor, it's best to stack him with passive/stats in those slots, which often boost speed or add delay. Speaking of Delay, its crazy strong against anything it works on since it just adds the numerical value as the number of extra 'ticks' needed before the opponent can act again. Considering that Rean has a couple of techs that add substantial delay, this excellent on anything that is vulnerable to its effects. He also has an ability called Motivate, which adds Atk Up in a wide area around himself and gives everyone it hits 10 CP at a net cost of 20. This move is quite effective in randoms as a result since its easy to boost other attackers before they act and let them strike with more powered up hits.

DL-wise, Rean's not very interesting. He hits things with a sword and has some minor buffing to give him more CP generation. If you're the type to give half CP or full CP (and half CP is easy to get by the way), then he can delay things for a few turns until he runs out of gas. The damage isn't overly impressive offhand, but pushing back another person's turn definitely adds up. He also has a couple of status to play with, but its only 50%. The real kicker is his limit though. If you knock him down to 20% HP or lower, he will instantly gain 200 CP along with receiving a strength boost, which means he can bust out a S-Craft at double base power, plus the 25% boost resulting in massive pain.

Alisa - She's the Tsundere. Obvious crush on Rean is obvious. Outside of that, she has a very turbulent relationship with her mother, which feels all too real in some IRL families. Matures up over the course of the story and its easy to see that when you compare Alisa at the start (from leaving her family unannounced) to at the end (expresses concern over what her mother is dealing with, speaking up against some of her mother's decisions). In fights, she's the long distance offense specialist, having excellent strength and magic attack power. This lets you set her up to be whatever you may need more at the time - a mage or an archer. Towards the end, she's specializes in being a battery for frontliners. She has 2 extremely useful crafts - one of which gives CP to all targets in a GT radius and another which adds CP Generation and Insight status to all targets in range. Insight is crazy powerful since it adds a flat 50% Evasion rate, so it pretty much lets everyone evade tank for her while she's in the back, picking things off.

DL-wise, whoo boy. She's a mage, and a *mean* one at that. Her starting Master Quartz has Shining, which allows her to put Insight on to herself, making her tough to hit. In addition, one of the passive abilities on her Master Quartz is 100% HP/EP/CP restoration on death. And it can activate twice in a fight, meaning she essentially has 3 life bars. In first two deaths, she will instantly regain all her CP, which means she can pull out her S-craft at that point. Oh, and she can buff her damage and there's an argument for her to take the Space Bell quartz since no one else specializes in Space magic by default. Unless the damage really sucks, I suspect she's a Heavy to High Heavy just from passives alone.

Elliot - One of the few people who befriends Rean from the start. Elliot strikes me as more a younger brother to Rean during their time at the academy. He's timid, and mentions that he doesn't feel like he fits in the military, but becomes much more confident as the game goes on. He's the primary healer of the game. Many of his crafts are defensive in nature or don't do much damage in general. However, with his high magic power, its easy just to fall back onto arts casting. Towards the end of the game, I found him more likely to be phased out just because I didn't really need a dedicated healer with all the things at my disposable. He's definitely a case of great early but falls off towards the end.

DL-wise, Elliot starts off with Regen and can refresh this effect several times. The Regen is quite potent, restoring 30% of his MHP a turn. This may be a bit too much for Lights to overcome. His damage doesn't strike me as being particularly great, but he does have a trump card: Silver Bells. Elliot is capable of inflicting Sleep and its super-version, Nightmare. If Nightmare hits, its pretty much GG since damage at that point doesn't the target and every hit becomes a critical. Until then, he has healing by the dozen and Regen to help buy him some time. The odds aren't great, but since its pretty much match ending on hit, it's something to watch out.

Gaius The other one of Rean's classmates who quickly befriends him. If Elliot is more of the younger brother, then Gaius is more of the older brother figure. He comes from a foreign area compared to the other characters, but this also provide him with insights that the other characters don't have. Gaius is probably one of the few characters who remains mostly static through the game, but this is okay considering of his role and that he's supposed to be the more mature of his classmates. Gaius' role in battle shifts quite notably. At first, he's an offensive character with devastating AoE and status effects to tie up randoms, but lacks a little something for bosses. Towards the end though, he's more of a raw tank, thanks to the evade from his weapon and his high HP. He's an odd case for sure where his role drastically changes, but he works well on front lining teams, even if he doesn't have an effective way to draw guarantee draw aggro from he enemies.

DL-wise, Gaius has a nasty evade game going. With his base evade and starting with Insight, he's a tough dude to hit. Just going off base, his evade is about 25% before Insight. Evade in Cold Steel covers Crafts as well so he's pretty much only vulnerable to magic. Then he can further BLIND you to make physicals pretty much miss forever with one of his crafts or hit you with Seal to essentially paralyze you from attacking him physically. He can't heal, but he does have a boat load of HP to help his evade tanking. Some form of High Middle most likely.

Laura - Token swordgirl? Token swordgirl. Laura one of the few nobles in the class and unlike Jusis, she actually tries to make friends with everyone else pretty early. She's reserved and elegant with a focus on self improvement. There's some distrust between her and Fie that gets wrapped up around the middle of the game and she's more accepting and easier to approach towards the end of the game compared to the start. In fights, she's basically Raquel. With her giant sword and starting Master Quartz, Laura takes randoms down with relative easy. She's also slower than Rean by default, so it's easy to get Laura with a full attack buff before her turn to unleash pain on enemies as she goes. In boss fights, she's one of the few consistent sources of good physical damage just due to how strong she is physically. You can even set her up to get decent evade rates, making her even *more* like Raquel. Oh, and there's a quartz that is basically Intrude as a spell. So yeah.

She's not Raquel DL-wise though. She can set up for a little bit of evade, but its not anything amazing (about 15%). However, she should still hit really hard, with some of her crafts adding potentially deadly status effects (Seal / Faint). The coolest thing in her arsenal is her Radiant Wings ability, which grants her Atk/Def+50% along with the Insight status at the cost of Magic Power and Defense. If she's just slugging it out with another fighter, the added defense/evasion will give her a notable edge. Rank would really depend on where the damage curve ends up. My guess is some form of Low Heavy. One dimensional, but good at what she does.

Emma - Emma's a little too mysterious to my liking. It's quite obvious that she's isn't an ordinary person, but the game never reveals much in part 1 as to who she really is. As such, throughout the game, she's probably the other character who ends up being relatively static and in a bad way this time. Just too much MYSTARY and not enough actual stuff happening. Of the two mages, Emma is the more offensively oriented one, with more offensive crafts and the highest magic in the game. Due to this, she becomes a better choice than Elliot at the end since she just hits harder and her crafts are a bit more useful than his.

DL-wise, this is hard. She's rather fragile (lowest HP in the game), but she has a good argument for the Silver Bell and has 75% magic evasion. As such, she's a fast caster and one that's hard to kill via magic. In fact, she's pretty much the anti-mage, since she also packs reflect and a craft that can drop magic attack power. She also has some healing in the form of her crafts as well as a Defense Up 50% buff for anything else. Physically, she's not very good, so that could come back and bite her. Probably Heavy?

Jusis - He's cold and cynical, but not without reason. As he is the second son of a ruling noble house, people try to suck up him for favors, which Jusis hates. He's also plagued by the fact that his dad pretty much doesn't give two shits about him, which explains a lot of his outlook. Him and Machias are perpetually at each other throats, but towards the end, they both have a grudging respect for one another despite their differences. It's the anime rivalry, bois. Except this one isn't in your face all the time. Jusis does display more emotion late, but keeps his cynicism ever evident as his primary trait. For fights, Jusis is as skilled with a blade as he is with magic. He's the Magic Fencer, meaning he's quite adept at both types of offense. Unlike Alisa though, because Jusis has to fight upclose, he has better overall durability and more HP than her. Comparatively across the cast, his stats are above average but never the best.

DL-wise, Jusis gets shafted. Mistral is one of the weaker Master Quartz and doesn't provide him with any devastating limit or synergistic play. However, his crafts does fit into his magic fencer role. He has an attack that lowers Magic Defense but 50% to further increase the potency of his spells as well as Noble Command. This ability has the same range as Motivate, but instead of giving 10 CP, it adds Magic Attack Up and Speed Up, making Jusis faster and stronger for duels. A better trade overall both in-game and in the DL. Finally, he has Treasure Sword, which can Freeze or Seal enemies it hits, both effects are quite useful but only proc 50% of the time. My guess is that he's likely going to end up as the weakest dueller since his stats are split right down the middle and he's saddled with a weak Master Quartz.

Machias - He starts off as being prejudiced against nobles and makes huge fuss off of Jusis being in the same class as well as being a little sexist. He improves on both of these things overtime (thank god) and is probably the most obviously developed compared to the other characters who many have changed less overall. For battles though, Machias' role is by far the weirdest. He wields a shotgun, but has high defense and solid HP. He starts off with a Master Quartz that encourages tanking, but his gun gives him good range which you should take advantage of. Early on, just like his character, Machias is a difficult fit into the party. He's a Gun Paladin more or less, with good attack power but bad magic, so he can't heal effectively even with the right arts. Late game though, he's the inverse of Alisa in that he's a magic battery. With his Energy Bullet to restore MP, HP to withstand assaults and Burst Drive which is effectively GT Turn Shift, he is capable of protecting back row mages and boosting their effectiveness. As a side note, Burst Drive is retarded and broken. If you give Machias the Chrono Burst spell, you can effectively get an infinite turn loop, but first casting Chrono Burst, then using Burst Drive to give everyone in the radius a turn. Swap Machias out on his second turn, then on the last acting character's turn, put him back into the party, repeat the above. With all 3 characters in range, you can keep restoring Machias EP and CP to keep the loop running forever. Note to all game developers: Turn Shift abilities are really good even when they are ST. Making them GT is just silly. 

DL-wise, also gets the short end of the stick like Jusis. Iron is a weak Master Quartz, but its a bit better than Mistral. Like Alisa, he has an auto life effect with it equipped, but it only restores 10% of HP/EP/CP and only once. What a jip. In addition, many of his support abilities that make him good late are DL useless. Machias' only saving grace is his Petrification shell, which adds Petrify at a 50% chance and is essentially match ending on hit. Without it, he's uh...bad.

Fie - The quiet, loner girl who much prefers sleeping than to socializing. Fie doesn't associate with anyone at the start, but gradually considers everyone more like family over time, while keeping her ever blunt demeanor. She's the fastest character in the game at the cost of pretty much no damage and poor HP. Bad combo at the start. Towards the end, she gets significantly better with better crafts and better Master Quartzes on end. Since her speed is so high, she's good as the traditional thief/rogue/ninja type role by adding status all over the place before things move and can front line through evade tanking. Fie has the highest Evade in the game as well, but nowhere near as much HP as Gaius so he's still the better overall tank, although she mocks physical attackers something fierce. Somewhat bad on bosses forever but excellent against randoms mid to late game.

DL-wise, she wants to status out opponents before they can hit her. She can't buff her evade as much as in-game (she tops out at a measly 35% and has no Insight!), which means her low HP is a serious issue. Thankfully, she does  have Chrono Burst, which means she can act a couple of turns before the other dueler gets to move and try to proc one of her status effects that way. If you don't give any starting CP though, she's going to be bad. Chrono Burst costs a ton of EP, which Fie doesn't really have, so she can't afford using it if she needs to be casting arts in hopes of procing status that way. Some form of Light/Middle most likely.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 04:53:36 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1772 on: August 23, 2016, 04:33:43 AM »
Pokemon OR: did a ground mono playthrough. Final team was Swampert/Sandslash/Flygon/Camerupt/Rhydon/Claydol. Worked out pretty well all things considered. Wallace was a bit of a pain but Flygon with Hidden Power(Electric) and Claydol with Grass Knot put in work, alongside Swampert just tossing out Rockslides and such. Good stuff. Glacia, the ice E4, was actually not that hard somehow, I think I just got lucky. Dragon e4 dude on the other hand wiped half my team. Still, I won and then took out Steven no problem.

And then I did some aftergame. Finished the Delta stuff with Rayquaza...which included a rematch with aftergame level Wallace.

That...was a problem. I won with only 1 poke(mega Swampert) left alive and Swampert didn't have much left. Definitely the most tense fight of the game.

For my team, Swampert was the clear MVP due to mega-bs, but Flygon running Earth Power/Draco Meteor/HP(Elec)/Fly gave it a run for the money. Rhydon was clear LVP but still useful at times. Just...too slow and stone edge has accuracy issues. Claydol did work when I needed abnormal amounts of bulk, and Camerupt was chufty enough that grass types couldn't OHKO but the reverse was nooooooot a problem(camerupt hits haaaaard). Sandslash was Sandslash, 2nd fastest member of my team(ground types!) and good off type damage options(Shadow Claw/X-Scissor) as well as being my Sandstorm setter.

Dunno if I'm gonna do any more aftergame stuff, if there's even any more to do. Was a good theme run(I hesitate to call it a challenge, even with ground types in gen Too Much Water), may do another of another gen sometime. Theme teams are cool. Considering a bug theme run of one of the gen5 games maybe? Who knows.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1773 on: August 23, 2016, 05:00:31 AM »
Pokemon Black 2: Just got to Pokenew York.  Starting to get a sense of what I want for a team, even if I have no one yet.

Offhand, I intend to use:

Volcarona: I've always liked this thing and BW2 is the only place you'll actually use one because you can nab one at level 30 instead of either raising a Larvesta to like level 52 or whatever, or aftergame in BW1.
Roserade: I've never used one of thsee and I feel like I should have, and Roselia is apparently available in the wild, so...
Some Eevee: THinking Jolteon because outside of Gen 1 (which really doesn't count), I've never used one.  Used Espeon in Pokemon XD, and Umbreon in my first Black 2 playthrough, was considering Glaceon or Leafeon except one is aftergame near as I can tell and the other is stupid late. 

That's Grass, Electric, Poison, Bug and Fire taken.  Still need a Water type, though there's probably a lot to choose from so I'm not really worried there, and I could possibly get away without a flying type since Volcarona can use Fly it seems, but I might use the Thursday Mandibuzz anyway, despite how Weak Armor ruins it's build.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1774 on: August 23, 2016, 04:19:50 PM »
Glad to hear Cold Steel holds up - bought it very much on spec and it seemed like the kind of game that could easily drag.

EDIT: not to say I regret the purchase - bought the special box and got to experience first hand their extremely hashtag swag method of announcing they were publishing the sequel by just leaving a placeholder in the box for it.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 04:21:34 PM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!