
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 122061 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2000 on: October 27, 2016, 02:56:40 AM »
DS3: DLC finished. Optional boss got me once. Plot something I have a great deal of trouble imagining beatable solo, at least for me. Could you fight Maria and O&S and I dunno Soul of Cinder on acid I guess all in a row without running out of healing? I sure as fuck can't. Too hardcore for me, From. Too hardcore.

But the level mostly wasn't difficult and had some interesting geometry. I enjoyed it. I brought Priscilla (knife + stealth build, subbed in scythes and Avelyn post-game) to the party because dramatically mandated. Figured she'd be crap here but it worked out pretty well. Rapport works on a lot of the meaner enemies and is as gamebreaking as ever. Also the boss weapon lets me dual-wield scythes while doing a menacing slow-mo action movie walk, and really what's most important is that I turned out to bring the build most suited to using this most stupidly stylish of armaments.

There's no sign of actual Crossbreed Priscilla anywhere. I don't even know.

Ohshit I should go back and talk to the teleports-you-to-DLC guy, surely there'll be some closure there haha who am I kidding


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2001 on: October 27, 2016, 05:18:23 AM »
Guacamelee: Got this game a while back on Humble Bundle, but thank to FF14, didn't get around to playing it.  Figured why not now?

Game is  It's ridiculous over the top silliness and at points tries too hard but KNOWS it's trying too hard, and so it tries even harder to try so hard that it somehow damage overflows into funny again.  You have to play the game to understand what I mean.

The concept of combining Metroidvania with a Beat 'em Up, such that combat is more about doing big combos than just "Shoot the guy a bunch" or "use your weapon/special ability to kill things" is a nice way to keep it fresh, though, there are times it's frustrating.  In particular, wasn't a fan of the Aura mechanic, because it'd be placed on annoying enemies.  Final Boss in particular I ultimately just tried to survive as long as possible until I went SUper mode, and then wailed on him because "You ignore auras now, have fun!"

Not sure if I'll ever try hard mode, but it was a fun 6 hours and 42 minutes, and that's really all I could ask for.
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2002 on: October 27, 2016, 08:05:02 PM »
I hate the twingun skillset though
And demon's greeds are weak as fuck so far, these things are no PWS. I barely care enough to activate them during boss fights, and they're 100% free when available

My secret plan is to make the main a wind mage, ditch the girl and go with naginata / whip / big gun for my three other mains

Ice mage has an annoying voice, I don't want to use him

That team sounds like a plan. Should pretty much cover most of things you need outside gauge building.
Demon's Greed is weak? You are only saying this because you have not upgrade the Demon's Greed into lv.2

The way best part about my plan is that when someone equips another character's class, they get their stance as well. As in, their animations in battle. And this is a very anime game that follows classic gendered tropes and all.

So now the shonen main, as a wind mage, has this absurdly over the top effeminate delicate stance in battle and he looks utterly ridiculous. This is the best part of this game by far


Oh my god brb I am going to make the badass gruff big gun user into a seductive whip user


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2003 on: October 28, 2016, 03:15:55 AM »
DS3: Re-ran DLC with pyro. Huge shock, almost everything in the Painted World is critically weak to fire.

So painting lady does actually have a little new dialogue later (I forgot to revisit her before). Kinda suggests what's actually happening: this isn't Ariamis with a name decayed from centuries of linguistic drift, like several DS3 locations are in fact renamed DS1 locations. I think the suggestion is that painting lady is making Ariamis, so either...there's some wonky shenanigans going on with the passage of time and Ariandel becomes Ariamis later, despite DS3 postdating DS1, or painting lady makes Ariamis using her Ariandel as sort of a base of inspiration. But the sentiment of "One day this will be a home for some lonely person" seems to make clear that this place precedes Ariamis and Priscilla, which would explain why there's no indication of her presence anywhere.

I seem to have no use for the new pyro hand. Has a STR requirement and the spell buff is inferior. Apparently has better scaling at lower mental stats, but if I had lower mental stats then I wouldn't be min-maxing my damage properly anyway. Still, greatly appreciate the arena where it's found (I overlooked this part first time through).


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2004 on: October 28, 2016, 07:34:12 AM »
If we don't flesh out the story it doesn't need to make sense.

I caught the "It is supposed to be that Ariamis is the future of it all" vibe as well.  Vasari seems to just peg it down to another cycle. 

Frankly I don't give a shit for either.  It is just one more disconnected thing that lacks cohesion with the rest of the "story" but fits an overarching theme.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2005 on: October 28, 2016, 08:53:43 AM »
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel- fin.

Y'know how late PS1 games (and certain early PS2 games) felt like they just took forever to do what should be simple because there was a lot of space in places?  Cold Steel has that sort of feel to it despite having plenty of modern shortcuts games started using to ease that.  Some of this is purely by comparison because I marathoned this game immediately after a similarly compressed rush to go from chapter 1 to the end of Sky SC, but some of it is just the daily management system feeling out of place with the subject matter of the game.  I constantly thought "oh okay I can finish up this chapter I only have the big dungeon left" and then it took 3 hours instead of 1.  that sort of thing.  Really glad I just loaded up an FAQ and didn't look back.

And the pandering is outright distracting.  Seriously I think every mentor figure for a female cast member is actively trying to hook Rean up with their charge.  Some keep it light enough to be not too distracting (I mean when Victor says to the effect of "you're an honorable kid, and have a clear interest in swordsmanship, you'd be a good match for Laura" that sorta works, when Sharon turns all of her lines into excuses to imply steamy sessions between Rean and Alisa it's a little much) but damn it's blatant.  Also stop that Alfin, Elise was like 3 when Rean was adopted as her brother.

Don't stop anything else you're doing, all that stuff is great.  Just the one thing really.

Our Glorious Leader is as amazing as ever.

But yeah the game is weird.  I feel like there's a better game here that was a bit hamstrung by having the framework of a Persona game jammed into it.  But when you get away from that stuff and the game gets to do it's Trails stuff it's pretty good.  The changes to the Quartz system generally give you a lot more fine tuned control over what you're doing at the expense of a little bit of clutter.  Although this raises the question of what even is the point of the lines anymore aside from making it ironically harder for mages to get more EP and slots for spells.  And on the whole the faster rate of CP gain makes everything feel more balanced, ALTHOUGH I kinda ended up relying quite a bit on base physicals anyway out of sheer habit.

The structural thing also makes it kinda obvious early on that this isn't a complete story and isn't attempting to be one, and while I guess at this point in the series everyone just assumes Trails games are at least duos anyway so Falcom just wrote it like one, it suffers a bit from just not feeling like an independent arc but a blatant introduction to a real story.  ANd the elements in play are good, and the game's fun enough to play, so it's still getting a high mark, but I waffled a bit to be sure.

I'll admit though, going back to just coming off of Sky SC, I was mostly looking for the larger worldbuilding stuff sometimes, and the fact I was out of the loop for a bunch of it because part of that whole incomplete plot isn't on the game's structure/pacing, it's because the game assumes you played the crossbell games and... well yeah.
Admittedly I also looked up some Crossbell spoilers and they sound AMAZING.  But that's a whole other tangent.

But yeah it has plenty of good setup, and fun worldbuildy bits, and is a decent play, and despite the pandering the cast is fairly good.  Especially outside the core Class VII, Sara and Towa remain basically the best top to bottom.  8/10, though on the lower end.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2006 on: October 30, 2016, 05:33:36 AM »
FFBE:  Got my fourth Spooky Aura for BC Lid.  Now the only thing I need from current event is the two Trust Moogles, which should take me about 4 days.  Then maybe I'll have time to do some regular content!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2007 on: October 30, 2016, 03:01:48 PM »
FFBE: Yeah, this Halloween event is kinda ludicrously profitable. Like, one run of the ADV dungeon nets 15 Giant Experiencetaurs, whereas the actual Cactuar dungeon gets you like 2 at most per run. There's also a bunch of Awakening mats, which is handy since the game has deigned to hand me 3 potential 6-star units in like a single week. Not to mention all the useful 5-star potentials from the FFT event I -still- haven't powered up yet.

I now have Halloween Lasswell, Lid, and just today got Fina. This means that my story characters are now actually better than my FF cameo characters. Strange situation to be in. Currently working on getting Cecil, Fina, Agrias, and Mustadio up to max level, which alongside Lasswell will completely update my A-team. Also, once I get these two Trust Moogles, I'll only have a couple more percentage points until I finally get the Barrage trust master reward (and can ditch Luna from my party forever). And then I can start putting all my Trust Moogles towards Zidane (he's sitting at ~25% TM) for the ever-amazing Dual Wield. I would have prioritized Zidane first for that much-better TMR, but unlike Luna I can actually find a use for Zidane in a variety of content, even daily grinding stuff he can steal so it's working on multiple fronts, so I don't mind having him in my party a bit longer.

I'm hoping that Trust Moogles get to be a bit more frequent in the coming weeks. Unlike the macro-grinders, it's basically the only way to get any of those ever-more-necessary TMRs.

Out of curiosity, CapK, did you take on the Greater Demon yet? That gauntlet looks like a hell of a challenge, even with my maxed-out HallowLasswell...

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2008 on: October 30, 2016, 03:13:20 PM »
I did a blind run when it first came out and couldn't beat the Gigantaur.  Decided I could wait until Halloween event is over.

Looking at the next couple of events, it looks like Trust Moogles become less common, not more.  I'll have six after this event, waiting to see if I pull Gilgamesh during FF5.  If not, I might burn them on Dualcast from Ludmille.  Having used Krile for a long time, I miss not having it on Lenna.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2009 on: October 30, 2016, 11:12:52 PM »
So I have about 14K Candy Corn, just from starting playing again about three days ago.  What's the one thing I should beeline for?

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2010 on: October 31, 2016, 12:19:31 AM »
I'd go for Creepy Mask first, that's the best mage hat in the game currently and probably for a long time.  If you haven't played for a while Candy Basket is probably better than what you have also.  Kitchen Knife is decent also, it gives you a 2.4x attack for your attackers that don't have Barrage.  Probably go Mask and then try for Basket, if you don't get it before event ends fall back on Knife.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2011 on: October 31, 2016, 01:46:52 AM »
Whew, it's been too long.

Lufia 2 - Just got the ship. Really don't see the character hype this game gets, they are all incredibly dull / bland. Gameplay is better than I remember.
Legend of Dragoon - Got Rose. Item casting pretty much breaks the game. Funny how the only character without the Addition gimmick is MVP so far.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2012 on: October 31, 2016, 02:15:57 AM »
It was pretty much that it was an RPG with cardboard cutouts that actually make jokes in 1995 from someone other than Square.

As a massive massive Lufia 2 fan I can happily say it is overhyped if you see any hype and the game is cardboard.

It is essentially a more polished version of the Dragon Quest formula in a period where Dragon Quest wasn't really coming out in English.

also lod sucks and is terrible
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2013 on: October 31, 2016, 03:34:05 AM »
Lufia 2 character hype is that two characters get in an actual relationship instead of just staring longingly at each other.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2014 on: October 31, 2016, 04:58:12 AM »
Yeah but Lufia 1 did that as well.  And then the woman turned into a god of death.

Nut yeah the actual wedding and having a married couple as the two leads is a nice change of pace for the era as well.
Edit - of course DQ5 exists!1!!1
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2015 on: October 31, 2016, 09:22:55 AM »
Phoenix Wright 6: Finished.  Awhile ago, actually, but there were so many nitpicks for the cases I could never finish this post.  Whatever, I'll just ship what I got.

I liked it!  But a lot of this is Case 4 saving PW6's ass by being ludicrously awesome.  Case 5 also helped too, but also hurt as well…  it's like a combination of 2-4 and 3-5 in simultaneously having some really cool plot twists, some bizarre good guy actions, and some miserably terrible messages/morals.

I also basically agree with Eph on the witnesses.  PW6 is weird in that it has some of the best witnesses in the series - they're animated with a ton of love & care, they have a lot of personality, and the game usually doesn't over-hint what you should do.  But… there's just not quite *enough* of them.  I get that dramatically, you don't want to waste time developing irrelevant characters, and budget-wise, more characters costs more money, but this is too far.  I'm not demanding every case be Rise from the Ashes, but there just aren't really any red herring characters who didn't commit the crime but aren't obviously innocent in almost every PW6 case.  Excluding case 1 and excluding Ema Skye who, as a returning character, is extremely unlikely to be evil …

Case 2 has, seemingly, two characters, one of whom has an ironclad alibi.  There's a third character introduced, granted.
Case 3 Day 1 has, generously speaking, three characters to suspect at first, although two don't testify, and you never even see 1 of them.  Day 2, you're down to literally one suspect, since the other two characters are sorta-cleared.
Case 4 has two characters & a returning cameo who is extraordinarily unlikely to be the culprit.  So you've got two possibilities.
Case 5 Day 1 has two witnesses and one cameo character who doesn't even testify.
Case 5 Day 2 is more chaotic, but could still use a few more characters.
DLC case has a cameo who clearly didn't do it + two named characters, and one of the named characters being the killer would be a huge downer.

Granted, all of the above have "it was an accident/suicide/etc." as a possibility as well, but still.

The good news is that some of these witnesses are GREAT.  Retinz, D3 "Maya", Uendo, Atishon, Sarge, & A***a are some A+ fantastic witnesses, and the seances are good too.  Just…  more, please!

I also think PW6 edged away a bit from classic-PW "serial perjurer who adjusts their story ever so slightly with each contradiction, which is then accepted by the judge until you point out how that doesn't work."  They keep that a bit in the Seances, but that's it.  While this is more "realistic" I guess, it is also less gameplay, so I think they could have edged the balance a little more towards having the witnesses be fighty & nitpicky rather than just conceding.

That said, unlike most of the people here, I thought Datz was fine?  And I didn't mind Nahyuta either, so long as you pretend that the "hold" the plot has on him is as strong as it thinks it is, not as strong as it rationally should be.  A proper PW antagonist should be somewhat frustratingly unconcerned with the actual truth, and his "Let it go and give up" attitude makes me want to tangle with him, which is good.  He's not "awesome" like a Simon or an Edgeworth could be, but that's okay.

Case 4.

I loved it, myself!  ...for all that holy hell it must have been interesting to localize, yes. 

Uendo was one of the best PW witnesses ever, and the story was the right combination of weird but vaguely plausible.  There were some totally great "wrong" presents in it as well - U3ND0 the robot complete with Widget joining in the blip bloop, Athena complaining that nobody could possibly be fooled by being asked the time and proceeding to screw up counting the people in the courtroom, and so on.

I dunno, not a lot to say.  Also, this is how to do a cameo right.  I think the AA series likes to put its established characters directly on trial a wee bit too much.  Yes it's super dramatic, but it becomes less so if it happens literally all the time.  Having a cameo witness, and one that would make a ton of sense as he's a total weeaboo, is way better.

Also, re someone who said this case felt like a random leftover from Dual Destinies… 
Eh, not really?  This case has Simon as a free man, which they couldn't do in DD.  Dual Destinies fanservice, perhaps, I'll grant.

Case 5

Per Elf, this reminds me a lot of 3-5, with some 2-4 dashed in.  Like 3-5, I overall like it and it hits some themes I really like, has some good witnesses, and has a solid twist.  It also features allegedly sympathetic characters acting crazy and a terrible ideology that cuts against the game itself, but it's clearly not really "meant", so I dunno.

Day 1:
* I loved the bit with Sarge going crazy and stealing all the shit, including the gavel & Widget.

* Unlike Elf, I was pretty okay with the adventure game prologue, but I thought it was weird that they kinda forgot to, you know, do an adventure game.  I figured I'd have to present tools to use on objects to navigate the cave or some such like normal adventure games.

* So you present the email of PAW-711 asking Buff to examine the artifact to prove he didn't steal it.  Fine.  However, it makes the case for Atishon to have *loaned* the Orb to Buff really strong!  Like, if it was Buff's, why does Atishon know about it and conversing with him?  If I put my car in for repairs and the mechanic dies in the middle, the mechanic can't have written a will that gives my car to someone else!  But everyone just ignores why exactly Atishon was asking and what he knew about it….

* I am glad that the Crystal of Ami Fey didn't turn out to be the same thing, or the REAL POWER behind the Orb, or some crap.  Was worried it would hit the "Japan is secretly better !Buddhists than the !Buddhist theocracy!" even harder than it already was what with the Feys being better channelers.

* Per Elf, I'm surprised that Atishon actually killed Buff…?  And randomly shoved Apollo into the cave and nobody cares about this attempted murder because ???.  That said, fine, Atishon killed Buff because he was that adamant about getting the Founders' Orb back right the hell now in service of his master, but…  why does he care about whether the secrets of the Orb can be unveiled?  Having the Queen of Khur'ain do it seems very reasonable if he thinks he's working for her husband!  Like, his devotion to figuring out the mystery is appreciated, but he already killed someone for rather weak reasons trying to help out, so I'm not sure I'm sold about his committment here, and Pearl Fey still seems a reasonable backup plan if we ignore the "but I kidnapped your cousin" part.

* I despise that Phoenix had to be "bribed" to work for the "wrong" side.  This reminds me of my least favorite part of 2-4.  The ideology that "bad" people don't deserve help is the ideology of the *antagonists* in Phoenix Wright.  The asshole prosecutors (and sometimes the audience gallery?) are always "your client is obviously guilty, why are you defending bad people you scumbag."  If Phoenix Wright refuses to work for seemingly guilty parties, that negates the whole point of a court system, because there are some innocent parties who appear to actually be guilty!  Hell, including confessions & all!

I would rather have all of Phoenix's clients be "good" than have "bad" clients whom Phoenix feels all sorry and conflicted about.  A legal system where only "good" clients get representation is basically Ku'rain's legal system where nobody gets a lawyer!  Sigh.

Day 2:

* This is a real nit, but they had a perfect excuse they could have mentioned for Apollo to be the lead in the final trial - he presumably speaks Khurainese, unlike Phoenix!

* So..  who exactly was Dhurke talking to at the end of the first case, and who was the hostage being referred to?  Considering they bothered to set up a plot point where Sarge was using a voice-masker 10 seconds ago, and we then get an unknown electronic message, I was fully expecting it to actually be someone else.  I guess since they never bothered to talk about it again, it really was Inga?  But then what was he actually offering, since both of them knew Maya wasn't a hostage anymore?  If it was Ga'ran and it was supposed to be some threat involving Amara / Nahyuta / Rayfa, then how is that different from normal, where Dhurke was on the run anyway?  Like, he hasn't been captured yet, if all it took to capture him was to repeat the same threat as always, then they coulda captured him ages ago.  If it was Inga, then WTF was going on?  If it was some complicated other deal, then the game never explains.

* This case treads perilously close on the banana republic vs. actual courtroom line.  To have an exciting case, you need a court system unfair enough to require you to jump through ludicrous hoops to win, but fair enough to not just execute you on the spot and ignore evidence to the contrary.

* Inga seems to be in sort of a heel to not-quite-as-heel turn in case 5, but…  it kinda fizzles out?  So did he ACTUALLY write the note-to-self coup plan and this was actually legit?  After he found Dhurke's body, why not triumphantly declare the evil rebel has been caught?  Puts a weird spin on Day 1, too, since presumably Inga was waiting to get the Founders Orb for Rayfa before actually overthrowing Ga'ran.  The plot doesn't really go into how Ga'ran knew and further how she was able to use the same inexplicably strong hold on Amara to get her help to *murder her husband / brother-in-law.*  You'd think that asking that might be a little much.

* No motive for Amara when Apollo is claiming she's the killer?  She's got a huge motive!  Inga killed her husband!  Sheesh.

* While obviously nothing about Amara makes sense, one thing in particular not only doesn't make sense but was also poorly explained.  Are we supposed to take seriously that Amara thinks Dhurke tried to kill her?  That might make sense at first, but not after living with him for 8 years and him not trying to murder her again, during which you'd think some opportunity would have arisen!  That's the best possible proof!

* And while we're on the Amara note, I'm willing to believe that after 8 years in exile, Ga'ran changed her mind and decided that Amara was more useful alive than dead.  I'm *not* willing to believe that she was intentionally not trying to kill her the original arson attempt, which someone seemed to claim at some point!  Fire is not a reliable way to, uh, not kill the target!  And if she wasn't gonna kill her, then what was the plan for deposing her?!  Ugh.

* WTF at Garan and Japan for the cross examination where Garan accuses Rayfa of not being, uh, "full figured" enough as the Plumed Punisher, and Rayfa vowing to double her milk consumption (what with the Japanese belief that drinking milk = huge boobs).

* Rayfa parentage plot: Okay, I've done this whine before, but pls people, especially Japan.  If you want to do some kind of alternate maternal-line monarchy, great, sure (for all that it's a little suspicious how few people are alive in the line…), but the rules change a little for weird parentage plot twists, even though I was able to see this one coming as soon as Amara's picture was introduced.  I'd liked at least some vague nod somewhere that, say, Ga'ran's daughter was "sick" or the like, and that she swapped her stillborn or died-young daughter with Rayfa.  Since they never mention that, I guess she just straight-up stole Rayfa, but legitimate royal babies are a big deal, and Ga'ran can maybe fake a pregnancy, but you better have a young baby ready to go RIGHT away, because you can definitely tell the difference between a 6-month old and an infant!)
(Side comment: Since I mentioned it in WGAYP a bit ago, The Royal Trap basically does this right, not a spoiler - early on in it, they bother to set up that some royal siblings fell sick with the plague, and oh look how convenient the only inheriting daughter survived, but we had to keep her REAL SECLUDED, even from her family.  And the mystery meant that peasants with a grudge against the local nobility assumed there was something shady and maybe there was some kind of baby swap here.  Not gonna say what actually happened of course.)

* I hate the final twist, concerning Ga'ran's powers.  Way to single-handedly make little sense, diminish the threat of the villain, and feed into convenient "oh people with special powers are automatically good clearly."  It also makes the fact that Amara made no effort to overthrow Ga'ran even odder. 

Not to mention, it starts a bunch of chain plot holes of things that are easy to normally overlook as a little odd if you think too hard about it, but now suddenly get worse.  For example, Rayfa is just 14.  What was happening in courts before in murder trials?  My presumption had I been asked would have been "Ga'ran was doing the seances, and Rayfa recently came of age to help out, and this is a ludicrously small country as to why they didn't spend all their time doing this."  But that can't be!  For that matter, who was training Rayfa in the seances?  Again, I'd have guessed Garan before, but now it'd be ???  .  (Nayna, sure, but she can only be so explicit without blowing her cover…) 

Also, nearly all the drama about getting the Founder's Orb had to do with using it to give someone spiritual powers.  That Inga was perhaps using it to amp up Rayfa's powers so that she could take the throne rather than Ga'ran.  Why undo it by having Apollo hand it over and just hope that it doesn't?!  WTF.  Sure, it worked out, but he shouldn't have known that.  I was fully expecting that he'd hand it to RAYFA and ask her to use it to gain Real Ultimate Power so she could have a showdown with her aunt or something, which would also be lame, but at least in keeping with what we know about the Founders' Orb.

And while we're at it…  fine, Ga'ran doesn't have powers.  There are two possibilities here: either rulers show off their powers with some regularity, or a ruler demonstrating their power is a rare and special thing.  If they do it with some regularity, then it makes 0 sense that nobody could have noticed this fact during the ~8 years where Amara was on the run and couldn't possibly be filling in for Ga'ran for whatever reason.  And hell, it doesn't make tons of sense when Amara was around either, there'd be too many awkward "uh not right now gimme a sec" switches, but it'd at least be possible.  If it's a rare and special thing…   uh, then she has a perfect excuse to not demonstrate it, especially since Apollo makes clear in case 2 that he's not a follower of Khurain'ism.  This is like an infidel demanding the Pope perform a miracle on the spot.  No.  And hell, even IF we grant that she'd be deposed for lacking spiritual power, nothing stops her from saying that she was just cursed by Dhurke and her powers are temporarily sealed, but they'll be back next week, and until then we're gonna execute you.

This is way too much ranting, but yeah, I hate this plot point!

* As a side note, and I get that this is more a politics nerd nitpick, but guys, the idea that Ga'ran being deposed would undo *everything* that happened in her reign is…  uh…   guys, you don't want that.  Trust me.  If nothing else, that means that absolutely anyone who benefited at all in the last 20 years will now hate you because they'll assume they're getting fired and replaced.  But even ignoring that, undoing 20 years of law & changes is a bumpy ride.

I will say I think I'll be happy if PW7 steers clear of politics.

Re being Apollo Justice 2: Eh, not quite.  I actually kinda liked what PW6 did here.  For whatever reason, Apollo Justice the character just wasn't a big hit in the fanbase and Phoenix himself remained iconic, but they wrote AJ & pals so deeply into the storyline in the fourth game they couldn't just vanish him without doing injury to the setting, and it's not like Apollo himself was Jar-Jar hated.  PW6 is, as best I can tell, a way to usher Apollo out of future games honorably (and Ema too, I guess?).  They give Apollo a bunch of backstory revelations and he gets to defeat both Phoenix himself and a ruling head of state, and then train a new generation of defense attorneys.  He's still available for any cameos they want by having him fly in, but they no longer have to concoct some nonsense excuse to write him out of any plotline (e.g. Dual Destinies' APOLLO ANGST).

DLC case:
I liked it, but not one of the greats.  I think this was what passes for a "classic characters" fanservice episode, complete with ribbing for Phoenix-Edgeworth shippers.  As far as the evil "press a bunch" testimonies go (BOO HISS DON'T DO THIS), this case does 'em right with "Nick is a Meanie" and "Right to Remain Silent" at least.  So yeah, solid cameos & I mostly liked the characters, but doesn't exactly hold together too closely, but I'll let it slide.

More spoilery thoughts:

* Yeah, Elf is right that if anything, the "villain transformation" is *less* dangerous than the original.  I guess they wanted to give the player the karmic satisfaction of seeing one of those confident, competent villain types crumble, but…  that's dangerous.  This is also YET ANOTHER case where our villain murders his accomplice rather than the intended target because ???.  It also makes his later actions more nonsensical - why was he doing the cover-up if he wanted revenge on Sorin (in a world where such cover-ups might actually work rather than instantly fall apart)?  They could have sold it as an *intentionally failed* cover-up, but don't really.  Anyway, Gloomsbury doesn't make tons of sense either - the injury against him was just Not That Bad, and if it WAS that bad, he had an easy out in just coming forward to deny the allegation.  It might have been different if they *framed* him against his will, and maybe that's what they were going for with how UNSTOPPABLE Sprocket Aviation is or something, but still!

* So PW6 now gets to use two exotic mental disorders!  I have to say, depressing as it is, I have a hard time seeing Sorin as inventing anything useful with a disorder like that, or running a company effectively.  (Also, the idea that the court would accept the diary as the accurate rendition of Sorin's memories is laughable.  He can only remember a day!  Nefarious people could literally swap him an entirely different diary overnight that claims he spent the last years on the beach and has fallen madly in love with Franziska and he wouldn't know the difference.  Sorry bro, your handwriting has changed over the years.)

* And yeah, Gloomsbury also makes no sense.

4 > 5 >> 2 = DLC > 1 > 3, probably.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 09:27:20 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2016 on: October 31, 2016, 10:26:49 AM »
Yeah but Lufia 1 did that as well.  And then the woman turned into a god of death.

Nut yeah the actual wedding and having a married couple as the two leads is a nice change of pace for the era as well.
Edit - of course DQ5 exists!1!!1

"For the era"? If anything, it's even LESS common now...


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2017 on: October 31, 2016, 11:05:21 AM »
Final Fantasy X: Playing Blitzball in order to receive Wakka's sigil, just got the Aurochs Reels. Although a lot of Blitzball is involved to get the sigil, it doesn't bother me that much as I'm one of the few that actually enjoys the minigame. I've never played FFVIII so I can't compare Blitzball to Triple Triad in terms of minigame quality, and I hate Tetra Master as much as everyone else.

Team: Tidus (LF), Wakka (RF), Brother (MF), Wedge (LD), Ropp (RD), Jumal (Goalie).

Xenoblade Chronicles X: Performing Normal Missions that are available now that Chapter 6 has been completed. Because I had just hit level 30, I decided to buy myself a second Skell (Lailah to b exact) which I immediately put onto my avatar. I dediced to give the Urban to either Alexa or Yelv depending on who gets Synchronicity first.

I'm also trying to raise my affinity with Hope and Lao in order to complete their Affinity Missions, progress with that has been pretty slow as my main source of affection between them is accepting missions and completing Basic Missions. I want to avoid using Hope and Lao too much as the former is rather lackluster in battle and the latter for reasons related to spoilers.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2018 on: October 31, 2016, 12:56:53 PM »
Lufia 2 character hype is that two characters get in an actual relationship instead of just staring longingly at each other.
I guess that makes sense. I guess they did try some buildup before the marriage scene too, but... eh. I got the feeling they tossed Tia out of the picture in a really weird way too.

Also, Maxim is really unimpressive as a JRPG main. Guy sucks even more though.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2019 on: October 31, 2016, 09:58:12 PM »
Yeah but Lufia 1 did that as well.  And then the woman turned into a god of death.

But Lufia 1 didn't have memorable gameplay to complement that.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2020 on: November 01, 2016, 01:26:38 AM »
Lufia 2 character hype is that two characters get in an actual relationship instead of just staring longingly at each other.
I guess that makes sense. I guess they did try some buildup before the marriage scene too, but... eh. I got the feeling they tossed Tia out of the picture in a really weird way too.

Also, Maxim is really unimpressive as a JRPG main. Guy sucks even more though.

Then what should we say about Bahamut Lagoon?
Where the lead heroine dumps the main character and married some one else?

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2021 on: November 01, 2016, 01:48:03 AM »
Oh, I would certainly say that Lufia 1's gameplay was substantially more memorable than 2's...

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2022 on: November 01, 2016, 03:34:17 AM »
Really?   I thought IP being limits before FF7 was more memorable that self petrifying being pro strays.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2023 on: November 01, 2016, 03:29:54 PM »
Trails to Zero - So after about 12 hours of troubleshooting, I finally got this to work...on my old ass Dell. There are two problems with this. The first is that the Dell is slow. Like so slow, it's mind boggling. I actually don't know why this is the case - it was certainly not this bad when I was using it back in '08. It did catch a virus and had to be reformatted but it seems weird that the overall performance is so awful now. That being said, since the PC version can only run on Windows 7/Vista/ME (and my ASUS got auto-upgraded to Windows 10 (Fuck)) I pretty much have no choice at the moment. I did ask my sister if I can use her computer for Azure, but we will see. You can use carry over data, but the hoops I had to go through just to get the game to work in the first place, I might not even bother.

Second, the Dell seems to overheat after awhile. It's pretty amazing actually. There's a lot of heat when touching the seat/table after playing through a session. I tried playing a session earlier and the Dell actually shut down on me.  Combination of these two factors means that I likely won't be streaming this even though I want to. It's barely playable as is and in Cantonese! I may do something for giggles, but yeah. RIP that idea forever.

Anyway, as for the actual game itself - well. I'm only about 90 minutes in I would wager, but my timer shows about 3 hours. I'm pretty sure the extra half the time is me trying to digest the text, of which I only have about a 50% understanding of. Still better than 0%! So where to begin? Spoiler warnings I guess for those of you that want to try playing this yourself (or waiting for god knows whenever it gets translated to English). I'm mostly reiterating what I can read so it's probably not accurate, but it should give those of you who are curious kind of a decent idea of what is going on:

Game begins with Lloyd having this dream of being inside a set of ruins. His group seems to be intent on rescuing a girl although we don't get too many details. He wakes up shortly after aboard a train and realizes he was having a dream. He notes what a weird dream it was because he's never met those people before and the situation seemed so tense. His thoughts are distracted when the old couple across from him start conversing with him and make small talk. We find out from this that a) Lloyd lived abroad for 3 years and b) he was originally born in Crossbell but he went to live abroad for a while to study in policing. After the conversation ends, he pulls out a photo which has a younger Lloyd and a man and a woman behind him. He tells the people in the photo that he's finally back and we find out that the man is actually his brother.

Cue animu opening. After the video, Lloyd escorts the old couple to the central square. They note that he needs to go in the opposite direction so he can't actually escort them the full way there. He asks for directions as he hasn't been back in 3 years and the city has changed structurally (even though he notes a lot remains the same). They tell him where to go and note that there are also buses around the city to make transportation easier. I'm sure this will probably become relevant again at some point. Lloyd eventually makes his way to the police station and introduces himself as the new hire. The receptionist (who is basically Tal) seems really confused because she can't find his name anywhere and none of her superiors told her that they were getting a new hire to come in that day. After a few minutes of confusion, a man called Sergei pulls him into a separate office, and introduces him into a new squad/division, the Special Services Support Division (SSS for sure). Lloyd makes the immediate realization that everyone in his squad is very young and wonders what's going on because it seems odd that none of his colleagues are his immediate seniors/supervisors. 

Sergei makes Lloyd introduce himself and the rest of the group are happy to exchange greetings except for the really young girl, who seems a little aloof. We find out that his squad members' names are Randy, Ellie and Tio. Sergei then receives a call before he can fully explain the squad's purpose and takes them to the entry into the city's underground (or Geofront as the game calls it). Lloyd is surprised and comments that it feels weird that they are doing their training in a sewer. Sergei comments that since they are 'Special Service' members, he shouldn't expect to be receive standard training. Lloyd concedes. Sergei tells them to reach the 'destination point' - I assume he means the lowest part of the sewer or something, then appoints Lloyd as the leader of the group before heading off. He moseys off - I ASSUME to attend to what the call earlier was about.

Lloyd then quickly asks them about their specialties, most likely thinking that one of them has more experience than him since this is LITERALLY his first day on the job. Ellie and Randy basically tell him that they are about the same age as him (18 and 21 respectively) and that they are in the dark just as much as he is. Lloyd asks them to drop the formalities (aka honorifics) since they will likely be working very closely with each other. When they get around to Tio, she tells them that she's 15, which really surprises Lloyd as he thinks she completed the Police Academy within that period. Tio corrects him and basically tells them that she's really here to test a new weapon from the Epstein foundation - the Orbal staff. Getting back to the original point, she notes for Lloyd that she's an Orbal specialist (aka Magic user) and pushes the question back to Lloyd. Lloyd informs the group that he was trained in the use of the tonfa, which Randy notes is a weapon used by people in the east. It doesn't have good killing power, but very solid for submission purposes. Ellie shows the group her pistol. Lloyd remarks that its very pretty and doesn't seem to be standard issue. She makes a comment about how it was specially given to her - probably more of story here later. Randy reveals his giant halberd. Lloyd is taken back but Ellie notes its a weapon that she's seen used by calvary riders. Having made note of their strengths, Tio then asks Lloyd if he needs the rundown on how to use quartz. Obvious tutorial is obvious. I decline her offer since I know what I'm doing. I think.

We begin the training exercise and start running down the sewers. At the very first level, there's some brief talk about the city's architecture. Tio comments on how deep these sewers run - which I suspect is why earlier the destination point refers to the lowest region of the sewers. There's a save point tutorial, which I skip as well. So finally, we move forward. A battle tutorial comes up - also skipped. Coming straight from Cold Steel, I know how to handle this situation! Since Ellie has a gun and can basically hit people from like halfway across the map, she takes the lead. I have no qualms of being cheap and taking triple encounter advantages as much as I can. This provides not only the 10 CP bonus and initiative that is CS, but it also provides every person at the start with a critical icon. So uh, RIP these monsters! Of particular note - even though Tio is the mage, right now, orbment slots are locked. So Tio only has access to Water, Ellie to Wind, and Randy to Fire. Lloyd doesn't have a specialty, but since everyone else does, it's pretty clear where the starting quartz pieces which we received from Sergei should go. This actually presents an immediate problem because one of the monsters in the sewers are these Jelly blobs which are hyper resistant to physicals. They are vulnerable to all magic, but take significantly more damage from Fire. That is unfortunately on Randy so Tio has issues really trying to do anything. She has poor move and rather low HP, so I really don't want to stick her anywhere near the front. Casting Water magic works somewhat, but still best to defer most of the work to the others. Which speaking of, Ellie does most of the heavy lifting. She has long range, a decent enough physical and passable enough magic stats to handle most of the enemies. Randy and Lloyd are mainly around to tank the damage, but having competent enough physicals/HP puts them in a better spot for battles.

Lloyd's group eventually runs into an area where they hear a child's cry. They make the decision to search for the kid and find the kid in a duct. Ellie steps forward and comforts the kid. He mentions that they went down to the sewers to have fun but he got scared when monsters showed up so he ran. Lloyd notes the usage of plural pronouns and realizes that another kid is down here. Since he's acting as the de facto leader, Ellie asks Lloyd for what he wants to do. I'm given two choice. The first is to escort the kid back to the surface first. The second is to protect the kid and go deeper into the sewer with him. Seeing as how I don't know where the second kid is and going back to the surface, then coming back down will take a while, I pick choice 2. Tio is surprised by this decision and Randy comments that lugging a kid around isn't safe for him. He suggests that they split into 2 groups. Lloyd concedes that Randy makes good points but he also notes that splitting up their team means a marked decrease in battle efficiency and that like I logic'd out before, it will be take too long to send this kid back to the surface first. He then asks Ellie to look after the kid in combat, which she agrees to. I then get text telling me that if the kid dies at any point in battle, the game is over. Less than 1 hour into this game and I already get an escort mission. Well fuck.

Luckily, since Ellie is the long range ordinance specialist of this game, she's usually within the back lines and the kid starts directly behind Ellie in battle. This makes it easy to cover him. I can also cast healing on him, which is a plus. We eventually reach another room where we find the second kid, and again, I get a choice. I have no idea what the first choice is, but the second choice reads to distract and try to get their attention. I pick that, and Ellie agrees with me. She shoots the blobs and they converge on my position. Cue mid-boss theme! It's actually just 5 blobs, but there are two problems. First, the blobs as I noted earlier are physically resilient. Since Tio doesn't have fire magic, it's actually quite difficult to take them out in one shot. In fact, I have to focus fire down with 3 characters just to take them out since Tio's damage right now isn't very good and Lloyd's magic is bad. Second, I have to protect a second kid, who is all the way across the map. He does have good evade, but the blobs do high 4HKO damage to him and 3 of them immediately converge on his position. I run Lloyd in like Leeroy Jenkins since I need someone to draw fire away, but the blobs are just so tanky that I eventually bust out some S-crafts to hopefully take them out a bit faster. Of humorous note is thinking that I should KO them at one point and S-break with Ellie on a critical symbol, then realize that her S-craft is just Wide AoE healing. Um...oops. The blobs also troll me by repeatedly freezing Randy so I lose my damage cannon for about 75% of the fight, but I get things under control in a while mainly thanks to Ellie and Tio's magic. I also run out of EP on both characters as a result.

After the battle, the kids think we are new members of the Bracer guild since we are dressed funny. Lloyd corrects them and mentions that they are members of the police force. The kids are disappointed. I'm guessing the Crossbell Police don't have exactly the most stellar of reputations. They also comment that we don't seem to be strong enough to be Bracers - I wonder if this is tied to how long I took in battle. Look you stupid kids. I can't be blamed for the RNG repeatedly taking out my damage cannon :|. Blame RNG or God for that. The small talk is cut short when an EVEN BIGGER LAGGY BLOB appears. Tio notes that it's blocked the exit, while Randy realizes that we likely don't have the resources to win. Lloyd is all ready to sacrifice himself and serve as bait. He then instructs Ellie and Randy to look after the kids and orders Tio to locate the next nearest exit. A voice then sounds and this swordsman appears to save us. The kids are super impressed, but the swordsman, Arios is not amused. He scolds them for being so reckless, but is glad they are safe. As he begins to leave, he wonders if the SSS has any more business down in the sewers as they should head back to the surface together. They agree but tell him to head up first. The team then has a short discussion about having reached the destination point.

The SSS are amazed by Arios' swordplay but more so Randy and Tio than Ellie and Lloyd. Seems like the latter two have at least heard of his skill. The two inform Randy and Tio that he's a member of the Crossbell Bracer guild and is ranked an A rank Bracer, known also as the Sword Saint of the Winds. Lloyd doesn't seem particularly happy talking about Arios. I'm sure we'll hear more about this later. For now, I think this is just due to the Bracers operating in a different way than traditional government divisions, if CS's background is any indication. As they return to the surface, they are stopped by a reporter who is happily taking pictures of Arios and basically fangirling herself over him. Arios is not amused. She then notices our party and starts taking pictures of us. Arios informs her that we were the ones who really found the kids first. The reporter sounds very happy - that the police and the Bracers worked together and says she will happily note this in her report. She then asks Arios something. I assume she wants an interview. His exasperated expression suggests to me he likely agreed just due to obligation and they head off. Lloyd decides that the group should head back to the station to report to Sergei, but the receptionist calls them and is one step ahead of them.

Back at the station, the Commissioner/Director chews out Lloyd for having worked with Arios I presume. At the very least, there are lot of exclamation marks and from what I can read, he's not very pleased with that guy. This kind of reaffirms my suspicion that the Crossbell Police isn't exactly known for their stellar reputation. He dismisses them shortly after, making a comment that he's going to make them do more menial work so people will have more faith in the police. As they leave, two senior detective enter the building and introduce themselves to Lloyd's group. They don't seem to be aware of the SSS or at least don't think very highly of them since they seem to be a group of teenagers and a kid (cue Tio's -_- expression). Just as that happens, one of the officers immediately hit on Ellie and asks her to dinner. It's been less than 2 minutes since they've met and he's already trying to put the moves on her. Smooth. His superior tells him to stop being an idiot and they leave. Finally, Lloyd gets a call from Sergei as they note he is suspiciously absent. He tells them to meet them in the SSS building, which is their new residence and he was away temporarily to pick up their luggage. I like how he didn't even call or leave a message for them, most likely assuming that Lloyd's group would be so incompetent that they wouldn't have finished his training assignment before he was done. Sergei for the best boss.

The group settles in, and Sergei finally answers the reason for why the SSS is established. He mentions that the group doesn't have a specific assignment and that they have more autonomy than the other divisions. Instead, he wants the group to be able to find ways to take on jobs that the regular police divisions might not be able to do and to help citizens around the city with what they can. Ellie remarks that sounds too similar to Bracer work, which Tio and Randy both agree. Sergei doesn't deny this and he tells them that while they were specifically chosen to take up this new division, he doesn't expect them to be obligated to stay. However, he does note that if they decide to stay, their heart must be into the cause or else the SSS won't succeed. He gives the group an evening to think about what they individually want to do. I then have time to speak to each of my party members. Lloyd is conflicted mainly because he went the Police Academy to become an officer and not a Bracer. From what I've read online anyway, he's more interested in solving the mystery surrounding his brother which this Bracer mumbo jumbo might not really get into, so it makes sense that he seems unsure. Speaking to Ellie, Randy and Tio shows us that all three have already made the decision to stay. Ellie stays because she wanted to help others and that was her reason for joining the force in the first place. Randy stays as he mentions to Lloyd that he was transferred here after getting into a fight with one his colleagues regarding a woman. So presumably at this point policing type work is really all Randy has done his life. Tio stays since she wishes that her knowledge of orbal technology is capable of helping out the group as well as previously mentioned reasons. I'm not 100% sure about all this actually since the text is difficult to read, but I presume its close. Lloyd then decides to take a breath of fresh air to gather his thoughts. As he steps out, the kids from earlier run down to see him. He's surprised by their appearance, but they mention that they wanted to thank the members of the SSS for saving them. And while they may not be as cool as Arios, they are still heroes in their books. Lloyd smiles and asks the kids if they can find their way home. They reassure him that they will be fine as they run off. Lloyd then seemingly realizes protecting the people of the city is what his brother would've done and regardless of being a policeman or a bracer, this is ultimately what he wants to do and goes to bed.

Sergei asks the group for their answer in the morning. Randy, Tio and Ellie all agree without much fuss, although Randy asks if his transfer to the SSS was a result of Sergei pulling some strings. Sergei doesn't directly confirm this, but it can probably be surmised he had something to do with it. He mentions that he was informed of Randy's combat skill when he made the suggestion. There is probably a little more to this than I'm being told. Finally, when we get to Lloyd, Sergei is almost certain that Lloyd will want to quit because "this isn't what I trained for" is probably what Lloyd is thinking. Instead, Lloyd rejects that notion and agrees to stay with the SSS. Sergei is taken back, but happily agrees to take care of him and the rest of the group. He gives them a day off before the group is officially slated to be part of the Crossbell Police. Lloyd then later gets a phone call from Cecily, who we finally find out is the woman in the picture. He calls her 'sis' even though it doesn't seem like they are actually siblings. A later cutscene at Lloyd's brother's grave confirms my suspicion and it seems like she was supposed to be wed to Lloyd's brother. So, the 'sis' is likely referring to her as a sister-in-law and that they were engaged. The phone call concludes with Lloyd promising to visit her as well once things die down. Lloyd is then seen standing by his brother's grave and telling him that he's back he will make him proud as being a part of the force.

Finally, we get to the first day of the SSS being officially a division of Crossbell Police. Sergei runs through basically the Quest system which exists in Trails games. He also mentions that the requests may also occasionally be from Bracers. The group is a little surprised, but Ellie surmises that this is likely done to establish better relations with the guild. Sergei confirms that was the intention. He then tells Lloyd that he should use his Detective notebook to record this information down so he can review it if needed. Nice tutorial link in. As that's done, he also recommends the group visit the Orbal factory and the armory as they will likely be facilities that they need to get used to as part of the job. The group agrees to visit those places before beginning their first assignment.

Aaaand that's about as far as I got. Not a whole lot of battles yet, though that will probably change. For now, it's nice and slow - mostly due to my inability to read and understand as quickly as I can in English. Playing such a text heavy game in my secondary language is pretty hard, but probably better than waiting for when Zero and Azure will get localized (which X-Seed might not even do). Anyway, this has been your first "Crossbell Game Summary from a Chinese Canadian". Stay tuned for episode 2!
« Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 03:39:39 PM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2024 on: November 02, 2016, 06:21:26 AM »
Interesting stuff, Tide.  As a random comment, why did they pick Randy reading a nudie mag for his personality trait we're gonna bother to surface in the OP?!  Sheesh, Japan, keepin' it classy.