
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 117255 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2016, 04:04:46 AM »
Final Attack is the reward from the special set of battles that requires Ultima Weapon, Omnislash, and W-Summon. I have the former two but W-Summon is twice as expensive as Omnislash, so only if I get really bored.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2016, 04:44:09 AM »
Battle Arena stuff matters at all for anything that isn't the weapons?  Take whatever you think will be most amusing IMHO...


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #27 on: January 04, 2016, 04:53:23 AM »
Speed Plus isn't worth it, no.  FF7 Speed is like FF6's speed in that it's Speed+Some Constant = Linear speed, with the constant being 50 (granted, FF7 speed is numerically much higher than FF6 speed, so +50 is appropriate relative to FF6's +20) and I think Speed Plus just boosts the actual stat, not the linear speed, so the boost isn't as high as it sounds (plus it starts at +10%.)

Forget if Dex played a role in accuracy, though that really only matters if you're using Deathblow, and frankly, at this point, there's little reason to unless you're using Tifa's Premium Heart and haven't gotten Mug yet.

So I really wouldn't bother with it.  W-Summon...yeah, only get that if you're bored, let alone Final Attack.  It helps a lot against the Weapons and...uhh...that's about it; nothing else in the game is remotely challenging enough.

Final Fantasy Type-0: Beat Chapter 6.

I'm not liking how this game handles gameplay deaths; very easy to get killed in a blind-siding.  That's fine, lots of support PCs right?  Thing is, in chapters where you're gimped (like chap 5 and Chap 6), that's not good enough.  They really should have let you use Phoenix Downs at Safe Points to restore characters; they seem to be scarce enough that this wouldn't be too bad and honestly I struggle to use a Phoenix Down fast enough in-battle because the character disappears before I can get one up.  Really need to fix that in a sequel if it ever comes out.

On a more neutral note, it'd have helped if I paid attention to Mog more often and didn't try to kill that giant dragon boss thing mid-Chapter 5, but listened to "That thing is too strong, BEELINE TO EXIT NOW!"  I was swearing at the game until I realized I wasn't suppose to fight it and then I was smacking myself in the face.

On the plus side, I do like Chapter 5 and 6 narratively in that they really did feel like war campaigns going on.   I think Type-0's greatest strength right now is it handles world building and setting well.  They do a good job of establishing how Concordia, Rubrum and Milites have completely different forces, best summed up as Monsters, Magic, and Technology respectively, and they did something that I feel FF13 didn't quite get across well enough that l'Cie are crazy strong relative to humans.  They establish that Class Zero are basically a class of total badasses, yet it's clear that all 13 of them combined can barely hold up to a l'Cie, and we see what kind of destructive power l'Cie clashing has.
The Alexander scene further demonstrated that with "THIS is why a l'Cie is needed to summon it and a normal person wouldn't work!" 

Unfortunately, the character work needs a lot of help; Type-0 is legitimately hurt by the ensemble cast here because it's too big of an ensemble, and unlike, say, FF6, every character is attempted to be treated equally ON TOP of having a large NPC cast (FF6 had a handful of "clearly lesser important characters that are there for funsies" like Mog and Umaro)...ok, more like everyone is equal NOW THAT MACHINA ISN'T THERE.  What's worse is the voice acting as I keep rambling about.  If they had a strong voice cast, you could supplement by simply giving characters their personality traits through their voice work, but nope!

The Voice work honestly hurts the game overall too, like the Graveyard scene at the end of Chapter 6.  This is clearly meant to be an emotional and powerful scene, and it may have worked too...if Rem would EMOTE at all.  Now, if Rem was suppose to be an emotionless character and that's the point, or alternatively, her inability to emote is related to the whole "people are forgotten when they die" plot point,  so the lack of emoting is because they can't remember?  Ok, both of those would be fine...
...except every single character of Class Zero, and most of the NPCs, talks this way in every single scene.  The exception is Nine, who at least consistently gives off the "Angry Doofus" aspect, and Kurasame was actually not half bad now that I think about it, but the point is, a scene that could been strong and powerful and the end result of what another scene foreshadowed is ruined by the utter lack of good voice work.

Saddest part?  It's not even mockably bad, just blandly so.  As in, it can't be mocked on the same level as "Die Monster! You don't belong in this world!" "Whatamifightingfor!?!?" "No! Don't. Go!" or...basically anything that is said in Star Ocean 2.  It's just plain bad.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #28 on: January 04, 2016, 07:04:03 AM »
Speed is linear+50, so Speed Plus... does have an effect, certainly, but it's not an incredible one (you can pretty much take its % effect on speed as half as what is listed). Not a terrible use of a materia slot but certainly less generally potent than Magic Plus or HP Plus, let alone plenty of other materia of course.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #29 on: January 04, 2016, 08:52:24 AM »
It is one of those "could do some crazy shot if you had three" support
Material that you get one of near the end of the game.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2016, 09:20:50 AM »
Exist Archive - Total time loss due to Tri-Ace bugs has reached 4 hours total. Sigh, it seems the game's net work function is playing the devil this time.

Though finally unlocked the learning function. Quickly have Suzaku and Kanata learns Endless Greed from Namero so I can kick him out of my team completely. Now, time to have Kiriya teach Bloody Cross to every infighter in the team.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #31 on: January 04, 2016, 09:45:37 AM »
Invisible Inc approved by Gourry. I knew it.

One of the best features of Invisible Inc, compared to other strategy games, is that it is (by default) pseudo-ironman: On one hand you cannot restart a mission if you fail, on the other hand you have a limited number of rewinds per battle in case you screw up. Use one of them and you get rewinded to the beginning of the last turn. This keeps stakes super high all the time while not forcing you to lose 20 minutes restarting a battle.
You can also disable them and allow level retries if you're crazy, or disable everything if you want frue ironman (good luck)

I enabled the DLC for this playthrough and it's rough so far. On day 3 you get two difficult missions in a row: one in which you need two dudes activating switches on the other side of the map at the same time, and one in which you need to stay 20 turns before escaping. I just had Derek act as bait running around while everybody else hid behind a trapped door. (If a guard tries to enter: drag his now unconscious body in the room, pin it down, close door, put another trap on it) This worked.
After those missions you get 48 more in game hours , but you need to meet one extra objective in every mission (else game over, unless I'm mistaken) and the guards are now very armored.

Stat maxed Banks is a thing. Draco could get a few permanent stat upgrade thanks to indirect killing (turret hacking) but he levelled only strength up (worst stat) and I still haven't found a single lethal weapon. Fuck Draco, man.
I kinda want to do a no subtelty Draco + Salem playthrough trying to kill a bunch of guards ? Probably not a good idea.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2016, 05:43:55 PM »
Okay, so we can actually play the fucking game again. I did the mission on Mars and met our old friend The Illusive Man. I enjoyed this section, it definitely drew me in plotwise. Gameplay is still ME gameplay, but what can you do.

It gets better when you advance your character somewhat and start to see a clearer class identity emerge.  Vanguard doesn't really hit it's stride as an exploding pinball until you've picked up a few upgrades, for instance.

e:  Unless you played Soldier, that shit gets real boring

It doesn't bro.  She is playing on X-Box.  I watched it and the controls are just so much less responsive than KB/Mouse.  I felt really bad.

Think it was Engineer last time I looked (Because if your shooting inputs are shit you may as well be a Tech Lord of the Sith and shoot Lightning and Fire from behind cover).

When do I get lightning anyway??? Desperate for Sith Lordness.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2016, 05:47:34 PM »
I like Mass Effect 3's gameplay even more than Vanquish's even without k+m. Charge -> Nova.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2016, 06:10:11 PM »
Overload.  Rank 4 lets you pick to make it chain on to other people.  Rank 6 lets it chain more but competes with a better power evo.  Overload has a bonus of making dudes stand up from cover so your AI team mates will actually hit them as well.
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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2016, 06:29:32 PM »
BD challenge playthrough: Finished!

So I did the Dimension's Hasp, which I made harder on myself than necessary because I forgot to stock up on items. Generally it was pretty easy, Dark Nebula kablooie takes out all but high-defence enemies and Pressure Point can deal with those, although Guzzlers near the bottom (great durability, nasty ST physicals which status, but often run away) were a problem certainly. Walking out isn't terribly exciting either. Oh well, I got all the ultimate weapons etc.

Final dungeon is easier, largely gets curbstomped, same strategy applies, yay a Ribbon. Let's talk about bosses.

Flying Fairy (9+2 resets)

First of all, the "+2" is because the game froze during this fight, twice. Apparently it's a known issue and can happen during long fights for some reason, and turning off the power between attempts can help, or something. So says the internet anyway. Oh well. I will note that one time it froze, it did during the animation of Slaughter with a 9999 clearly visible on the screen. I'm pretty doubtful I would have won that attempt anyway. (The other... maybe? It was one of my later attempts.)

This fight is extremely difficult because our dear fairy can pull out huge damage to either defence without too much warning. Skillset specifics:

-Acedia: As before. Removes Spellblade and all other buffs. It does NOT remove Absorb Magic, which is good because otherwise I dunno if I could win this at my level.
-Slaughter: Again, huge 10-hit physical to random targets, poisons, can kill three non-defaulting PCs from full HP in one go, can certainly wreck defaulting PCs too though not a party of them. 1 BP cost. If my party's in bad shape and this gets used it's GG, so keeping the party in good shape is important / if I'm not in good shape I just have to pray she doesn't use it while I patch things up.
-Zeta-Flare: Fire damage to everyone, blah blah blah see Flare from the previous fight. It's the only element she uses this time, so Iceflame Shields null it when Acedia isn't in effect.
-Dark Abyss: Dread to everyone. She doesn't use this often, but it's bad enough to justify fear blocking on most people, partially because of...
-Plague: Kills anyone with a negative status, MT, doesn't care about status immunity or Absorb Magic. Only used if someone is statused, and then not always by any means, so there's no real way to abuse this unlike Poison Punisher, at least that I could figure out.
-Default: Next turn is Acedia + Zeta-Flare, which does high 2HKO damage to anyone Defaulting and dispels/makes weak to any future Zeta-Flares. The good news is that Default is ALWAYS followed by this, so there's some predictability which can be abused.

So here, in principle, is what I try to do. First of all, healing is important. Drain + Minus Strike is the best way to do it, and as soon as I have at least 1 BP and I'm injured, that's the plan. Drain being frequently removed by Acedia is bad, but there's not too much I can do about it. I have Slow & Steady (Spd+50% for the turn after using Default) on three people so after defaulting I'm ensured to go first, and this helps with surviving attacks some... although it's not perfect. On a turn I can heal, Slaughter can be used, which does huge damage. Same with Zeta-Flare if I'm currently under Acedia. If I have spare BP I can use Absorb Magic to hopefully protect myself from that.

Secondly, keeping her attack as low as posisble is a big deal. I try very hard to use Defang at least every three turns. What Slaughter does is random and unpredictable, but it's less bad the lower her attack is, of course. (It's always bad.) Of course, a turn using Defang is a turn not Defaulting, so I try to do Defang on "safe" turns, that is, either when her BP is at 1 (so she's about to use Zeta-Flare for sure) or -1 (she just used Slaughter). But if the status is about to expire I'll do it again, more dangerously, if necessary. Unless I don't have the turns to do so and every turn is going to surviving (healing, reviving, removing statuses, using Absorb Magic, etc.)

Finally, when she Defaults, the three PCs who have it use Absorb Magic, since that will null Zeta-Flare. Since they're totally safe that turn (aside from Acedia's effects), then can also safely use those turns to heal, heal status, or use Defang as necessary.

After a bunch of my resets I grind for three extra fights to get Minus Strike on all four of my PCs, since trying to heal with other things just isn't good enough here. Also, the last PC to get Minus Strike is my Monk, who can then adopt a setup of HP+50%, Minus Strike and Phoenix Flight (deal damage equal to current HP, lose that HP... but drain spellblade restores it) to do pretty big damage, which is nice. This is my one PC without Absorb Magic still, so he has to Default when she has BP, and try to recover next turn.

Lastly, there's the issue of MT Dread. I have two PCs with Courage Rings blocking it, and one with a Ribbon. The last PC I have switch between an Aegis Shield to block it, and an Iceflame Shield to block Zeta-Flare. My strategy is generally to only use the Iceflame Shield both when I'm not suffering from Acedia (so that it actually does something) and the Aegis Shield otherwise, or when my BP is 2 or higher (and thus losing that BP would suck). I remove shields for some Rage attacks with the two PCs who have that, which is always a bit dicy but the damage is hard to argue with.

Healing poison/dread with a PC who defaulted the previous turn is also kinda handy, since it can cause her to use Plague and have it miss. Best not to count on her doing that, though.

That's about it! Very tough fight but ultimately manageable.


No resets here. While I wouldn't call this a trivial fight, it's much easier than the previous ones.

Main setup difference is ID immunity on everyone. (Ribbon user has Hermes Shoes.) I had more changes planned had I lost my first attempt, but this never became necessary.

The first form, with my jobs at least, can Minus Strike for a OHKO, or Quigong Wave for heavy default-piercing damage (borderline OHKO at first, until I start using Defang), or use Nothing Ventured and kill multiple people on counters. I learn never to attack with more than one. He also uses Death Spellblade but lol. Anyway once I learn about the counterstance I'm in no danger of dying thereafter since the worst he can do is kill one PC a turn, that never works for a solo BD boss.

Second form is a complete joke, ID and nothing else. Oh no some weakass physicals.

Third form is also a joke. It has an attack called Demonic Touch which lowers all BP by 1, MT. Basically, this trades one of his turns for one of all my PCs', which is largely neutral. The main thing is that if I just acted down to -1, this will make it -2 and I won't be able to Default or otherwise act next turn, which is potentially bad, so I start trying to go down no lower than 0. If I'd had to learn this during form 5, it could have been a problem.

Fourth form is now only mostly a joke; but he'll use Armageddon, a powerful (potentially OHKO) MT magic attack when his HP is lowered enough. It also fully heals him but the battle ends after he uses it a third time. Since he can only use it after he's beaten up a lot, I can anticipate it, and learn that yes, Absorb Magic nulls it, so there's that. There's also Celestial Touch which boosts his damage, so I can Defang a bunch to weaken his physical back down. Not much I can do about its effect on the magic, but it still doesn't OHKO through Default or anything (though it's a bit dangerously close to my lower-HP PCs).

The instant death continues throughout all the forms and is a wasted turn forever.

Okay let's talk about form 5 since it can actually win without relying on me being incompetent.

Form 5's big new trick is Disaster, which is pretty much a clone of Armageddon. That's bad.
But it no longer heals him at least! That's good.
But it's still a MT OHKO attack, and is now used without warning. That's bad.
But I can stop it with Absorb Magic. That's good!
But I can't spam Absorb Magic all day; I need to attack periodically and besides Demonic Touch would wreck me then. That's bad.
But I don't need to, because I can survive it under Default. That's good!
And if I'm injured, I can safely heal with Drain/Minus Strike, used with Absorb Magic on the same turn, so I won't die due to not defaulting. That's also good!
And he never dispels, so I don't even have to recast Drain often. Even better!

His other trick is Divergence, which basically forces me to Default for the next two turns (or summon friend, not that I do that. Challenges don't need friends!). That's really not too bad, if he uses Disaster on both those turns I can die but whatever, Absorb Magic Phoenix Down strats exist. In general I use Absorb Magic on most turns I'm not defaulting, at least with the three PCs who have it. The monk just accepts being beaten up and Minus Striking really hard to get it back.

And that's really about it! The rest of his skillset is pretty junky outside of explots I've already mentioned. Minus Strike/Phoenix Flight combos, and Dark Nebula using the dragon-slaying ultimate katana, Murakumo (either does 6-7k or criticals for 9999) provide my damage workhorse that isn't healing. I just keep Dark Shields on everyone because elements and status no longer matter. I do Defang him occasionally but it's not really a high priority, the physical isn't that bad anyway. He has notably less HP than the previous boss (a third less, to be precise) and in fact not all that much more than Gigas Lich 5, so that helps.

So many worthless scenes to skip in this fight.

So yeah, challenge complete. I was Level 75, roughly.

I may post some stuff about the five jobs I played with, but later. It was a lot of fun! Definitely recomend this challenge to others, for all that you shouldn't play on Hard Mode unless you are crazy.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 07:50:19 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2016, 07:58:28 PM »
Congrats for making it all the way through! It was very fun reading it.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #37 on: January 04, 2016, 09:50:45 PM »
Battle Arena stuff matters at all for anything that isn't the weapons?  Take whatever you think will be most amusing IMHO...

It's certainly not necessary, but I wanted to get Omnislash before beating the game because it's so iconic and Battle Square is at least far more entertaining than, say, Chocobo Breeding. Had a bit of BP leftover afterwards, so I put the PSP on standby and asked for opinions on Speed Plus. Sounds like I'm fine with just grabbing random cheap stuff instead and moving on.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #38 on: January 04, 2016, 10:46:17 PM »
Speed Plus has an impact but I wouldn't go out of my way. (I used it with Conformer Yuffie and a Cursed Ring myself)
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2016, 10:47:53 PM »
Kuwabara, kuwabara

MGS3: I defeated a boss by making him puke. I hate the controls in this game but I love this game. Anyway, I'm now in mountain country after climbing the ladder so huge that it shames even Fromsoft level designers.

At one point I called Paramedic to see what she had to say about this spider I caught, but she ignored it and instead went off on this tangent about human cloning. Snake's 100% "That's a terrible idea and no one should ever do it!"

It's a good thing no one ever did that, right?

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2016, 05:51:14 AM »
Glad you enjoyed reading it, Dhyer. :)

Oh yeah, and I don't think I've posted much about it, but I did another playthrough of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Decided rather randomly to try a female-only playthrough. I played it as purely as I could, but it's not always possible.

1-P: Grabbed the Dracoshield off Leonardo, which is a very minor bending of the rules but hey.
1-1: Yeah, no way to solo this with Micaiah in a 10-turn limit, so I used Nolan as well.
1-2: Micaiah/Laura start surrounded on two sides with no chokepointing possible, so I had to use Nolan, and Sothe starts off on his own surrounded by enemeies so I used him too. (Plus, I can't buy any Light tomes until 1-4)
1-3: Used Sothe here after a couple failed attempts; the map is too open and I had nobody who could take more than one hit.

From then on I always had enough female units to get by. In 1-9, the Black Knight got targetted; in 2-1, Brom got targetted, and in 2-3, Geoffrey got targetted, but as little as possible and none of them fought back. 3-1 was too nasty to do with just Mia/Titania/Mist so I used Ike as well, since whatever I have to use him later. Then Ike has to used in Endgame-2 (gave him a Speedwing to not be doubled and battle saved before every engagement with the BK so I could avoid any criticals or misses which would undo all my work at getting past his regen) and to do the final hit to the final boss (with 44 accuracy while being countered for a one-rounding, so I battle saved that too).

Anyway, aside from that it was normal Fire Emblem with restricted units. For much of the game my party was smaller, which has its ups (hey I get more levels) and downs (the 3-13 defence map was much scarier). Later in the game it got steadilly more normal, and whatever I lost out in endgame by not being able to take more than one laguz royal or a marksman etc. was made up for by the slightly higher-than-normal levels, plus still having lots of good people to choose from.

PC notes, kills in parentheses, starred units were taken to endgame. Ciato decided that the endgame team would be chosen by hotness (and would include Heather for reasons that are obvious). Fortunately there's some correlation between that and combat worth.

Vika: Died on her joining map; I wasn't using Sothe so I was planning to recruit her at the fight's end. Oh well. Aside from losing some Bonus Exp on 1-8, nothing of value was lost.
*Leanne: Her ability to refresh two people on opposite sides is pretty neat, and she's really fragile. Not much to say!
*Ena (8): Only dragon. Got her enough Exp so the final boss wouldn't double her. Atk boosting obviously has uses. The usual.
Laura (15): Unlike most playthroughs I actually put BExp into her. She never becomes a great combat unit, but she wouldn't die when glanced at any more and could heal well, so she worked.
Lyre (16): Her kill count underrates her slightly in that it's always better to focus on having laguz weaken other enemies to get strike level while humans get the exp. That said... is Lyre. Awful strength, her contributions weren't meaningful until she hit S strike on the bridge. Durable enough at least, and gained speed well.
Mist (20): After promotion her combat actually becomes non-embarrassing, though never good.
Lethe (26): A bit speed-screwed so missed some key doubles, sadly. Generally did okay enough, though, hit SS strike and thus could contribute on offence meaningfully, though range 2 enemies and the cat gauge were problems as always.
*Sanaki (33): The usual. Even with a robe, poor durability and doesn't double much. HOWEVER. I was able to steal the 3-E Bolting and blessed that, so Sanaki standing beside Ena for Str+5 could one-round red dragons from range 10. Traitors ate electricity.
Astrid (51): Got like 8 levels on her joining map, hooray! Still bad due to bad speed/def and mediocre strength, as usual. At least she had Canto.
*Tanith (52): Could have used more speed but solid stats otherwise, the game makes pegasus knights useful via circumstance (canto, bridge, desert, Wyrmslayers) even when their stats are only okay.
*Elincia (52): Pegasus who could smash with Amiti or heal. Elincia is always good, not much to say about her.
*Lucia (56): The endgame swordmaster. With +10 crit from Elincia she's actually the best at that, so that's something. She and Elincia were the only dedicated sword-users I brought to endgame so the 18-might range 2 swords saw good use, and she's actually unusually good against the final boss due to 40 speed and Parity, which let her almost 2HKO corner auras. Otherwise mediocre Str/Def were problems to overcome.
*Nailah (56): Is Nailah. If something needed smashing, she smashed it, from her third of the battlefield in her joining map to Ashera's auras. Did have to BExp her a bit to get her to 40 speed, though.
*Sigrun (64): So the RNG decided it loved Sigrun and kept giving her great levels; normally her speed is a problem but it certainly wasn't this time, she ended up capping it and everything else that wasn't Def. Glorious. The last three bosses involved plenty of triangle attacks led by her, 88% to Dheginsea and 100% to Sephiran, it's great.
Fiona (68): Well y'know. Awful at first but with a good forged lance she could at least get the Exp she needed to get off the ground, and by 3-12 was at least an effective mobile tank. Offence never really became great, though was passable once she finally got Str in late tier 2 via BExp.
*Heather (73): Pretty normal for her, had lots of evade and wasn't great at damage.
Meg (80): Speed-screwed Meg who refused to cap speed in tier 2, which is like the easiest cap in the game. That said the DB still needed more tanks badly, so she was still one of the better people on that path.
*Calill (89): Also had some trouble getting speed compared to her normal self, but got lots of Magic instead, and was still faster than Ilyana at all times, and eventually gained more speed so was great in Endgame as usual.
Marcia (107): Pegasus Knight. Is good.
Mia (112): Speed made her very useful as always. While Part 3 leaned more strongly on Titania than anyone, she was certainly a pretty notable #2.
Ilyana (115): Most availability in the game, most time to be pretty consistently mediocre. Some stat or other is almost always a problem: speed, luck, defence all took turns. Hooray!
*Nephenee (121): Was capable, though rarely dominant. She was sorta the #3 unit in the Greil Merc maps, and along with Heather was very much an Endgame unit just along for the ride, as far as lance-users go the pegasus knights were generally more useful due to Wyrmslayers, flight, and canto. But Nephenee could always do a bit of everything, all her stats were fine.
*Micaiah (131): Around a long time. With fewer combat units, Micaiah was preseed into direct offence considerably more after promotion. Before... well she Thanibombed as always and of course soloed 1-P and 1-9. Did pretty badly for speed growth but Resolve kept her from dying at least.

*Titania (151): But ultimately the playthrough was about the two axe-users. Titania was by far the MVP of part 3. With the early promotion (between 3-3 and 3-4), she just had way better stats than other people, had canto and 1-2 and could pretty much destroy everything as I needed. Can't reach the top of 3-4 but 'sokay. Endgame she was terrific against generals with a hammer, had a Wyrmslayer at least for dragons, and could at least Canto and hit decently hard against the final boss (plus killed thunder spirits).
*Jill (155): And of course, the extremely predictable MVP of the DB side of things. I relied on Jill to a ridiculous degree in every pre-endgame map she was available (she went the desert route), and in endgame she was Titania trading the Wyrmslayer for flight and 35 speed (plus even more durability), I'll take that trade.

Nolan (7), Ike (10), Sothe (15) for dudes, as well as various ones who get kills as yellow/green units (Zihark got 7 and was actually MVP of 1-5 because of it).
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 05:55:23 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2016, 05:54:15 AM »
The Wolf Among Us... So far is pretty good. Stylish, if nothing else. Still, it's annoying when you have four dialogue options and none of them say the blatantly obvious correct thing. That's a fault of these modern illusion of choice games in general, but especially pronounced when you are playing a character like this one who clearly has predetermined character traits that can't be deviated from at the expense of the narrative.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #42 on: January 05, 2016, 03:34:08 PM »
I finished Shadow Hearts: From the New World with a 4:24:34 sometime last week. This is an amazing game; even with a good time, I'm still itching to do more runs of it. Just a recap of some stuff from review:

Erick Theatre to Dark One - Some bad formations cost me a little bit of time but nothing major. Missed the 3 round on Dark One because I missed 1 strike. Still a respectable ~8:15. Sluggish and could use improvement. Needing all strikes for the 3 round is a little demanding even if the fight itself is easy.

Arkham University - The forced encounters went perfectly as planned. Ignorak fight was awful though and I lost like another 20 seconds on it. Frank's Ninja Star having the strike in a non-conventional place always screws me over. No big deal - just short 1000 in cash

Grand Canyon - I had to improvise on the shop because of missing out on the Schofield II drop, not to mention needing a couple more Talismans to replace the ones I used. Fought Tatanaka at between 30-59% Stock which is the one I practiced most for. Sadly, it is considered the worst situation and also the slowest, but managed to stay within status quo due to fast inputs

Chicago and Gangsters - More shop improvisation. Then the gangster fights I lost like another 20-30 seconds with nothing I could really do. This is mainly just due to positioning and the gangsters deciding to stay far away from each other. Finish this fight with a respectable ~42 on the timer. About 40-50 seconds slower than my best time.

Alcatraz - The prison guards died quickly, but the other forced encounter was so-so at best. Ronwei sucked and cost me about another 20-30 seconds, due to bad stock manipulation. Also, failing to hit the strike on Rage / Surge hurt my damage output there as well. About 90 seconds behind PB at this point

Roswell - I make it through and drop the Seal of Wisdom on Hilda in a good encounter, which is rare because the areas with encounters are quite short. Flub some menus, but the Procyon fight goes very well. Mao dies, but who cares. Strike Entrance + Thorn Whip and a combo'd Rock Bump into a Strike Entrance Strike Thorn Whip take it down in two hits. Gained about 2:30 at this point, making me ~ -1:30 going into the Caribbean

Pirate Fort - I proc'd Deadly poison on my best run, and that didn't happen, so this split was about 2 minutes behind that. Compared to PB, about 20 seconds behind. Just played a bit more cautiously then I probably should've.

Vegas - This was the god Vegas. I recover from all the time lost at the Pirate Fort and had basically perfect strike rates and excellent formations all around. The only fight that was a little slower was the one with the malice creatures after saving Ricardo. Everything else pretty much died without getting turns and Johnny was able to take the photos needed without significant delay. Then to top it off, the Malice Edna fight was godly. I was hitting strikes on the Entrances and the Red Bounce Doubles into Thorn Whip. To give you an idea of how good this split was, I basically am only a minute  behind the WR at this point, even though I was about 20 seconds slower than my PB from before.

Chichen Itza - Another good split. Johnny took the pictures of the Eliops without needing me to force an encounter. I also managed to drop the Seal of Speed without much issue. The fight against Jeb Nigas was average. I Gale'd Shania but it took like 7 turns from her before I landed Poison. This happened to the WR as well ironically and at this point, I was neck-in-neck with it being only a second behind.

Machu Picchu - Really good Kerufe fight as well. In the past couple of attempts, I tried getting greedy with Rock Bump/Thorn Whip Double to maximize Hilda's damage output. This is kind of risky since I don't know exactly how the ring looks like or where the strike is. So this time, I just did basic Entrance into Thorn Whips. Helped that my Stock was better so I didn't have to take that risk. I was about -8:14 to my PB at this point so everything was just excellent.

Vilacabamba - Then this happened. The dungeon portion was fine; and good thing Shania had stock from Machu PIcchu because this run would be dead otherwise. So Daoros has a 1/6 chance to cast Arc Barrier. Killer has a 1/2 chance to use the Special Attack down physical and a 1/4 chance to hit Hilda. These all lined up, which made Hilda do absolutely pathetic damage. I was forced to Entrance a second time which is VERY risky in this fight and Daoros used Arc Rage. Arc Rage basically kills you if you don't drop Killer quick and unfortunately, because he stat downed me, I couldn't do the damage I needed. He kills Hilda who was buffed with Entrance which erased the stat down but without Entrance, my Hail Dust could only do about 500 damage. I was able to Double Res Johnny/Hilda and had Hilda combo back to Shania who just managed to score the kill on Killer. Good thing too, cause otherwise he would've wrecked my shit most likely. I was betting on a chance that his Double combo could only kill 1 person, but that's pretty unlikely since he was Arc Raged. Took a 4 minute loss as a result of this fight, but hey, at least we didn't die.

Aito Cave - This also sucked. I apparently forgot to move Surge off the Aries Stellar so I wasted quite a bit of time looking for Surge to buff Hilda. I eventually had to fuse to Tatanaka just to get the buff off. Then he kills Hilda after all the buffs were set up. Awful awful slog. About another 4 minute loss here, erasing pretty much all the time I had gained.

Salt Mines - Less encounters overall. The Killer fight was shit though. This one's on me cause I dropped the strike on the second Hail Dust, which would've killed him. So he casts Gale and I am forced to bunker down until a good turn order and nearly ride out his Gale as a result. Still saved about 70 seconds, which says something about this fight in my PB.

Garland Residence - Lost about 90 seconds to BabyRage because I couldn't hit a single strike on the Evil Shades. This means it took 3 Evil Shades to win instead of 2. Acceptable, but not great.

Before the Gate - Pretty good in terms of structuring and where I want to go and what I want to purchase compared to PB. So I'm sure I saved time here despite no splits. I didn't forget anything either, which was good.

Malice Killer - Got FUBAR'd. Saved like 2.5 minutes here because of how clean it was. Hilda is better than Awaker for damage, so I buff her first since she wasn't stat downed. Then both Double Energy Charge Physical pretty much wrecked him. Awaker did like 500 damage, which was needed to get the KO, but that's all he did.

Malice Soakers - Overall, the tree fights were decent. The first fight was a little bit sluggish because I was playing much safer than normal due to the last run dying on these things. But in the end, it really does come down to RNG. If you're positioned such that you don't have all 4 characters caught by a single spell, you're usually ok. I also got off a Strike Arc Barrier which helps a ton for this fight. Subsequent fights could probably be faster by having Hilda Double Grand Slam into Physical. I will need to test this to see how much damage it does. Hilda 3HKOs right now, but that could push it to a 2 round, saving a lot of time potentially.

Malice Gilbert - Johnny -> Ricardo -> Gilbert was the opening turn order, so I Rage'd Hilda, Barrier'd Hilda and took his Double. He kills Shania, but who cares, she's pretty useless at this point anyway. Energy Charge Third Key + Bright Oracle from Awaker does the trick and kills him in record time. I'm up 3 minutes by this point.

Lady - I practiced this fight for about 8 hours in total now? Somewhere along there. Knowing more of Lady's behavior and situations, having good stock and a good opening turn order, I was confident that I could kill her much quicker. I missed the initial Gale Blast on Ricardo, but the rest of this fight was very good and carried out precisely as planned. Johnny to Hilda Fifth Key -> everyone dies -> Shania auto revives, revives Hilda -> Johnny auto revives, combos to Hilda Third Key, -? Ricardo auto revives, combos into a Double Grand Slam Physical. Hilda auto revives to win.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #43 on: January 05, 2016, 09:32:01 PM »
Congrats on sub-4.5 hours, Tide.

Anyway, Imma taking over this thread again.

Undertale - Well this is pretty easily the most important game from 2015 so I figured I should get around to it. Didn't want to talk about the game while I was in the middle of it, still putting thoughts together on the game even as I write this. Shit's complicated, man.

First of all, for those of you still on the fence about playing the game, as I myself was for a while, you absolutely should give it a try. I think Earthbound is crap because its weird humour did nothing for me and I don't think it has much else. This game has far, far more going for it. I think the game is probably worth paying even if none of the humour works for you (it's hit and miss for me, more on that later). A playthrough is around 6 hours, you'll know if it's just not for you less than halfway through that, and it's cheap.

I generally enjoyed this game. It's a difficult game to talk about without getting into its specific moments, but the game had grabbed me by Snowdin and didn't really want to let go. Characters are extremely memorable. The game wants you very badly to connect with the characters and their world emotionally, and on the whole I'd say it succeeds. Or did for me, anyway, and apparently most people.

As for humour, it... really varies. I mean, Papyrus is just great, as are Alphys and Mettaton. But then you get things like temmies and I'm just wondering if there's some reference I'm missing. Weird doesn't usually do it for me humour-wise, and sometimes it does start to feel like it's trying too hard in that awkward "comedian at a club and nobody is laughing" way. That said, I think the game hits more than it misses for humour, and when it's on its game it is pretty damn funny. But it's not near the top of my list of funniest RPGs of all time or anything.

I enjoyed the gameplay of this game a lot more than I was expecting! Everyone knows this game gives you the option to spare monsters by now, right? Well, taken alone, this system would be really boring. It's pretty much "try different options until you get the right one, or right combination". Sure there are some hints and flavour so it's not brainless, but you can't make a game out of this, and if enemies just hit you on each turn that'd be really boring. So instead we get bullet hell sections which are actually pretty fun in their own right, and thus make the whole battles actually enjoyable whether you're trying to fight or spare. Even better yet, though, is the fact that the "bullet hell" sequences are each a clear extension of the personality of the enemy you're fighting, and even reflect what is going on with their emotions and reflect your actions in the fight. It's actually pretty brilliant.

And the boss fights just rock. They are generally highlights of the game for sure. Even setting aside that some of them are emotionally resonant... see everything I just said about boss attack patterns reflecting their personality, but additionaly every one is completely unique gameplaywise and brings in some new mechanics. Though in most (not all!) cases you're ultimately just trying to time the fights out in one way or another (the specifics vary greatly and I obviously won't go into them), it's never boring to deal with these turns of attacks. You can pretty much ensure victory in most cases with a good item supply (or if you're hardcore you could play without using items, I guess), I generally had a more modest one which put fights in a pretty good zone for challenge. I had two resets against the boss of the Waterfall region and one for every boss thereafter, for those keeping score.

Actually in general I think the gameplay is a rare example of unifying your gameplay with your storytelling in a way that I find actually effective. Too often "telling your story through gameplay" seems to be code for eshewing narrative altogether and I find that completely falls flat. Undertale doesn't do this; instead, where the gameplay overlaps with the story in this way, it complements and fleshes out the existing narrative. I far prefer this.

Boss music is wonderful too, again that whole bringing out the personality thing. I don't think the game had too many standout non-battle tracks (though there are certainly some good ones, like the ruins), but yeah those boss themes. The game only has one boss who is light on narrative buildup, but the music sets the mood wonderfully for that one, too.

It's funny, when I started this post I hadn't expected to gush about the game this much. This is probably because I'm pretty meh on the ending, at least of the route I did first. I'll just go into spoiler territory from now on. For non-players, though: yeah, you can add my recommendation to the long list that RPGDL is building up. I can't guarantee that you'll like this game; it does some different things both in gameplay and writing and beyond, and everyone's reaction to them will be different and personal. It's the type of game I can see someone loathing and totally respect that (just as I can if someone calls it the game of the year/decade/ever/whatever). But it's certainly worth a look.

Flowey. Flowey just... didn't do it for me.

I get that he's supposed to be some metaphor for video game players (the loading of states in the final battle certainly points to that) and I have also read a bit of the spoilers after the fact and now know that he is in fact connected to the game's story as well. But when I fought him it's pretty much just "random flower WHO IS NOW A SUPERVILLAIN OH HO HO". Emotionally... well, he killed Asgore in cold blood, so yeah I wanted to get him. And I *certainly* didn't want him to succeed; I was motivated to survive and beat him just for that (whereas narratively I'm pretty cool with losing to Asgore, or indeed most other bosses in the game). And the battle seemed hard as heck (even though it wasn't) so I'll give it props for some of the presentation (and of course I liked the interface screw). But the character felt kinda out of nowhere and took away from the showdown with Asgore, which the whole game had built to rather effectively. The Flowey fight caused the game to end on a note which felt more stereotypical and less effective than I was expecting.

Becaues the fight is so obviously cheating both for and against you it isn't that satisfying gameplaywise either, even though it was, as mentioned, anintense one.

I give the game some props; after TRYING to spare everyone else in the game, though not always succeeding, when it came time to make the choice on him... the kill option just felt right. For a game which generally pushes mercy pretty hard there's something to be said for that.

Anyway, I figured out how to spare all but two enemies in the game. One was Tsunderplane, which after reading up on was kind of a "my bad" moment, I just forgot what green meant in that fight. The other was Toriel.

Oh man, did I feel like a jerk for that. I hadn't read that much about the game; I actually thought that the game had forced me to kill her, with the SUDDENLY CRIT BELOW HALF HP. I actually thought it was an effective way to show "no, you can't just beat someone up until they become your friend". I was surprised to learn you could spare her, though it makes sense, and as soon as I learned you could I felt extra-super-bad. I also felt extra-super-bad when I fought Asgore because of it. I seriously considered killing him not out of any malice (though hey, getting home to the human world is a nice benefit), but because of some symmetry; his son is dead, his wife is dead, it wasn't clear he'd want to go on living at this point anyway. But I chose to spare him and then had to wince when he talked about he and his wife and me all living together as a family. Then of course Flowey killed him and Flowey had to die like a bitch for my satisfaction.

Also, for the record, yeah, I've read most of the spoilers at this point, particularly about the meta-commentary on gamers that Fenrir/others have talked about in this thread. I think the game's meta-commentary is interesting but I... am not sure how I'll react to it because the route I did doesn't have very much. And it obviously depends what I even end up seeing. Will I even have the heart to do genocide? And if I do, what will I think about how the game reacts to me. I really don't know.

I haven't decided how I want to interact with the game further from here. I've now read up on what my options are, but I'm not sure what my decision is. Pretty sure I want to play more in some capacity though.

I'm also not sure what rating to give the game yet. That's going to be a tricky thing to figure out.


I have also just started Splatoon and am enjoying it, not much more to say yet! 2016 looking good for Elfgaming so far.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #44 on: January 05, 2016, 09:48:02 PM »
Elf, I would highly recommend doing the True Pacifist run next. It is essentially the true ending to the game ala how Bravely Default handled endings. You will probably also end up liking Flowey more as a character by the end of it. If you already didn't kill anything, this is a simple matter of starting the game back up and doing what phone calls tell you. If you killed something, you'll need to start the game over, but some events should go faster than they did before so it takes less time than you'd expect, and you'll also see some of the more interesting aspects of the story on replay.

I personally cannot bring myself to do the Genocide run, but I did watch it, and I'd recommend the same, but it's best saved for last in either case.

As far as ratings go, this game was a big factor in me entirely getting rid of traditional ratings in my records and adapting more of a "thumbs up" system. It's gotten to the point where comparing different types of games with different intentions is ludicrous, and I honestly don't find much of a meaningful difference between games I like anymore. Like, how can I honestly compare Ace Attorney to Dark Souls with mere numbers? I can't, even though I love both of those games, so I don't even try anymore. That's just me.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 09:51:08 PM by jsh357 »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #45 on: January 05, 2016, 10:22:03 PM »
Agreed.  The differences you see in a Pacifist play-through may significantly change your perspective on the game.  Relatedly, I wouldn't worry about rating the game before doing a Pacifist run.  It would be premature.

Also: I agree that comparing games across genres probably adds more confusion than it's worth.  That's why I did my 2015 year in review by genre.  Maybe within genres a 1 to 10 rating is appropriate, but I don't feel like I relate to, say, rhythm games and RPGs in the same way, such that I would think an 8/10 RPG is somehow comparable to an 8/10 rhythm game.  They're just a different thing.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 10:30:16 PM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #46 on: January 05, 2016, 10:30:19 PM »
Undertale hype


On a spoilery-note, I agree with JSH that you should do the Pacifist ending. It brings to light a lot of things that just don't get covered in Neutral. On a personal note, I found the Neutral Kill-all-bosses (No Mercy) run to have a lot going for it as well. Particularly Undyne's fight and the monologue before it. So good. Playing all the way through again may be kinda tedious though so you can just youtube the post-Flowey ending from there, but I highly highly recommend at least playing through a kill-all-bosses run through there.

Additionally, IF you do the Genocide ending, which I'm not sure you'd enjoy all that much, I would recommend playing No Mercy through Undyne even more. Undyne's Genocide fight really struck a chord with me largely because of the differences in her personality between Pacifist/Neutral, No Mercy, and Genocide runs.

That said, the one thing Genocide run has going for it that you would probably enjoy is that it has BY FAR the most difficult bosses in the game, and as you said the boss battles are easily the highlights of the game. Still, you have to grind until all the random encounters in the area are killed, and you can easily drop out of Genocide and return to neutral by progressing too far before grinding out all the enemies. It's really quite tedious, and the primary reason I don't think you'd enjoy it too much.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #47 on: January 05, 2016, 10:46:12 PM »
Cool, thanks for the replies guys.

Re the "rating games across genres" things, I do agree that it's pretty damn arbitrary. To some extent I think numbers only have value when comparing within a genre (though they're quite useful there. e.g. I think Super Mario 3D Land and Super Mario 3D World are both "thumbs up" games, but the latter is quite a lot better so having some sort of score system helps reflect this). But Undertale specifically is a difficult game to rate, at least for me personally.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #48 on: January 05, 2016, 10:50:08 PM »
Undertale hype


What is this, are Rob and Meeple going to have a hug next

I found the Frue Pacitist ending worse than the regular one but there's a lot more Alphys up until there so you might like it.

Genocide is meant to be terribly unenjoyable as a kind of meta commentary. Doing it is like saving the baby in Stanley Parable


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #49 on: January 05, 2016, 10:55:10 PM »
I had the opposite reaction; the True Ending made me misty-eyed. (though I don't want to spoil where) It's just going to depend on your own feelings.