Darkest Dungeon:
I upgraded a few buildings, got some nice weapons for my mainish characters. I felt pretty good.
A strange item in the dungeon invited me to use a torch on it... IF I DARED. Of course I did, and this summoned an eldtrich monstrosity. The fight didn't go too badly, but it kept summoning tentacles. In the end, the beast died, but one of my guys had succombed and the team was so distraught at that point that they couldn't even finish the tentacles. One of my guys lost all hope and had a heart attack. Seeing this, another had a heart attack too. Then another. Entire team wiped out.
Humiliated, I ran to town and sent my B team to the dungeon. My main knight, the strongest character I had, read apparently extremely disturbing books lying around at the very beginning, then spent the next battles in a fetal position until he, too, died of a heart attack. I ran away, and the entire team suffered heavy stress penalties and I didn't have any money to make them relieve stress by going to the tavern or church.
I welcomed newcomers and had them go to the dungeon. I mixed them with my stressed out, but stronger, characters.
Alas, more deaths, and more failure, and still no money. All is lost. All is lost.
I am so desperate that I am welcoming newcomers, sending them to dungeons with no resources, then dismissing them, because the entire dungeon trip has stressed them out so much and I just can't afford to spend money on them.
Because my stronger characters are also stressed out and also suffer from the rabies and I want to help those instead.
Yeah I like this game